Adams Peabody, Jefferson City, Mo. LICENTIATES OF THE GENERAL CONVENTION. May 1, 1870 66 May 15, 1870 Oct. 16, 1870 66 Oct. 30, 1870 Jan. 15, 1871 Feb. 19, 1871 66 April 9, 1871 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES FOR 1871-72. PRESIDENT REV. THOMAS WORCESTER, Waltham, Mass. VICE-PRESIDENT, MR. J. YOUNG SCAMMON, Chicago, Ill. SECRETARIES S REV. WILLARD H. HINKLEY, Wilmington, Del. TREASURER. MR. THOMAS HITCHCOCK, New York. Executive Committee. The President, Vice-President, Secretaries, and Treasurer, ex officio; and Messrs. J. R. Hibbard, Chicago, Ill.; Oliver Gerrish, Portland, Me.; Sampson Reed and David L. Webster, Boston, Mass.; William H. Benade, Pittsburgh, and Benjamin F. Glenn, Philadelphia, Pa.; Milo G. Williams, Urbana, and Jacob L. Wayne, Cincinnati, O.; Chauncey Giles, New York, and Lyman S. Burnham, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Edward C. Mitchell, Detroit, Mich.; Willard G. Day, Baltimore, Md.; James P. Stuart, St. Louis, Mo.; Glendy Burke, New Orleans, La.; Herschel V. Johnson, Bartow, Ga.; John Hitz, Washington, D. C.; William R. Marshall, St. Paul, Minn.; Frederick W. Tuerk, Berlin, Canada; and John C. Ager, Brooklyn, N. Y. Committee on Ecclesiastical Affairs. Rev. Messrs. Thomas Worcester, Samuel F. Dike, J. R. Hibbard, Chauncey Giles, Joseph Pettee, Edward Craig Mitchell, William H. Benade, John C. Ager, Frank Sewall, Frederick W. Tuerk, James Reed, Jabez Fox, and John Goddard. Board of Publication. J. Young Scammon, Chicago, Ill., Chairman. Sampson Reed, Boston, Mass.; Milo G. Williams, Urbana, O.; Rev. William B. Hayden, Portland, Me.; Jacob L. Wayne, Cincinnati, O.; Rev. James Reed, Boston, Mass.; Rev. J. R. Hibbard, Chicago, Ill.; Rev. Chauncey Giles, New York; Rev. William H. Benade, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rev. John C. Ager, Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Rev. Willard H. Hinkley, Wilmington, Del. Sub-Committees of the Board of Publication. Sub-Committee in New York - Rev. C. Giles, Chairman; Rev. J. C. Ager, Secretary; Rev. J. Reed, Messrs. Scammon and Colton. Sub-Committee in Philadelphia - Rev. Messrs. Hinkley, Hibbard, Sewall, Messrs. Shoemaker and Glenn. Editorial Committee of the New Jerusalem Messenger - Rev. Messrs. Ager, Giles, Hayden, and Mr. Scammon. Editor of the Children's Magazine · Rev. Chauncey Giles. The New Church Tract Society. President, Rev. Chauncey Giles, New York; Secretary, Albert Smith, Brooklyn; Treasurer, Nathan Hobart, N. York; Vice-Presidents, James P. Baxter, Maine; Horace P. Chandler, Massachusetts; Isaiah T. Williams, New York; Julian Shoemaker, Pennsylvania; Charles Reese, Maryland, J. L. Wayne, Jr., Ohio; Eugene Laible, Michigan; Sanford E. Loring, Illinois; George W. Simpkins, Missouri; Glendy Burke, Louisiana; Oliver Eldridge, California; Arthur O. Brickman, Missionary. Executive Committee - Rev. Chauncey Giles, Melville Hayward, Nathan Hobart, Rev. Frank Sewall, Rev. Wm. B. Hayden, Albert Smith, G. Woolworth Colton, Oliver Dyer, Rev. J. C. Ager, David L. Hopkins, Rev. E. R. Keyes, Rev. C. H. Mann. Superintendent of Missions. Rev. J. R. Hibbard, of Chicago, Ill. Board in Charge of the Theological School. Rev. Messrs. Thomas Worcester, Chauncey Giles, James P. Stuart, and William B. Hayden; and Messrs. J. Young Scammon, Sampson Reed, and Milo G. Williams. Committee on Foreign Correspondence. J. Young Scammon, Chicago; the Rev. Arthur O. Brickman, Baltimore; and the Rev. Frank Sewall, Glendale, O. Committee on the Publication of Swedenborg's Manuscripts. The President; the Vice-President; the Rev. Samuel M. Warren, in England; the Rev. William H. Benade, Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Mr. Lyman S. Burnham, Brooklyn, N. Y. Committee on the Journal. Revs. W. H. Hinkley and J. C. Ager, and Mr. F. A. Dewson. Committee to Revise the List of Societies and Receivers for the Journal. Messrs. Milo G. Williams, the Rev. James Reed, and the Rev. Willard G. Day. Committee to prepare for the next Convention. Rev. James Reed, D. L. Webster, F. A. Dewson. Committee on Railroad and Steamboat Travel. Mr. Edward Wilder. Sub-Committees of the Executive Committee. Committee on the Distribution of the Rice Legacy - Messrs. S. Reed, Scammon, and Hitchcock. Committee to Audit the Treasurer's Accounts-Lyman S. Burnham. MATTERS REFERRED TO COMMITTEES. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1. Raising Publication Fund of $50,000.- Sub-Committee: Messrs. Scammon, Giles, and Webster. COMMITTEE ON ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS. 2. Is it expedient to require that candidates for Ordination shall first receive Baptism at the hands of a New Church Minister? Sub-Committee: Messrs. Benade, Ager, and Sewall. 3. The use of the terms "Diocese" and "Parish." Sub-Committee: Rev. Messrs. Giles and Pettee. 4. The propriety of making, in New Church organizations, a distinction as to privileges and duties between those persons who come to the Holy Supper and those who do not. Sub-Committee: Messrs. Giles, Pettee, and Hibbard. 5. The propriety of employing persons not Ministers, nor studying for the Ministry, to teach and lecture upon the Doctrines of the New Church. SubCommittee: Messrs. T. Worcester, Giles, and Pettee. 6. Mr. J. Lever's Resolution. [No. 163, Jour. 1870.] Sub-Committee: Messrs. J. Reed, and Mitchell. 7. What is the use and effect of the Laying on of Hands in Ordination? Sub-Committee: Messrs. Benade and Pettee. 8. Binding and Distributing the Journals. [No. 168, Jour. 1870.] Referred to the New York Sub-Committee. DIRECTORY. PLACES CONTAINING SOCIETIES ARE MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK. (*) [Corrections and additions to this list are desired, and may be sent to Rev. Willard G. Day, Baltimore, Md.] |