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Why is the Comptometer the best

of all adding machines?

Because it is the only machine on which a simple key touch does the work.

labor to pull that handle.

Because it can be advantageously applied to all your figuring, not to adding only. It extends bills and figures percentages as easily as it adds your ledger. No other machine is practical for all work.

We have thousands of pleased customers who doubted this at one time. They tried it and now see the results in reduced expenses. Suppose you try it?

For the mere asking, we send the Comptometer on trial, express paid, to responsible parties in the U. S. or Canada.

Write for pamphlet and special trial offer Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., 855 N. Paulina St., Chicago, Ill.

Mention Technical World Magazine

Sell Your Services

We want high class solicitors, salesmen and ambitious boys to represent the Technical World Magazine whole or part time. Good pay, agreeable work. Prize contests, pulling premiums, new and original schemes to get the business ..

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in most cases. For weak eyes they are crutches-not a cure. For
diseased eyes they are useless. Only a gentle medicated massage
can strengthen weak eyes and cure optical diseases. The


applies a soothing, strengthening treatment that is healing but
harmless: gently exercises the proper muscles and makes weak
eyes strong by proper massage. Brings eye-health by aiding na-
ture. Young or old treated at home and normal eye-sight secured
for the cost of a pair of glasses. Don't wear "specks," but write
today for our free illustrated book.

If we can't help you we will say so.
The Natural Sight Restorer Co., 106 Broadway, Detroit, Mich.

Mention Technical World Magazine

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