The THE TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE is a monthly magazine, published the fifteenth of each month, preceding date, devoted to the problems of the technical and industrial world, and a treatment of all matters of interest in Applied Science. PRICE: The subscription price is $1.50 per year, payable in advance; single copies, 15 cents. HOW TO REMIT: Subscriptions should be sent by draft on Chicago, express order, or PostOffice money order. THE EDITORS invite the submission of photographs and articles on subjects of modern en gineering, scientific, and popular interest. All contributions will be carefully considered, and prompt decision rendered. Payment will be made on acceptance. Unaccepted material will be returned if accompanied with stamps for return postage. While every effort will be made to exercise the utmost care, the editors disclaim all responsibility for manuscripts submitted. PUBLISHES BY THE TECHNICAL WORLD CO.. Entered at the Postoffice, Chicago, Ill., as second-class mail matter |