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and we are left alone, without the feeling of a God above us, a spirit within us, or a heaven beyond.

What is the punishment for disobeying the voice of conscience?

It is that conscience dies, the sense of evil is lost, and the power of distinguishing evil from good is taken away.

What is the punishment for indulging in profane or impure words or thoughts?

It is that the heart becomes unclean, and loves unclean things. The impure in heart will be impure in life; and they who take the Holy Name in vain will be in danger of going without help from the Holy Spirit.

What is the punishment for neglecting to learn God's will as taught in the Scriptures, in all holy books, and in the lessons of Providence?

It is that God's will is not known; and, when God's will is not known, it cannot be loved or obeyed. Then self-will and passion rule us. The greatest of all duties is to study God's will wherever it may be found, but chiefly where it is written the most clearly, in the words of the New Testament.

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All healthy pleasure is reward. Happiness is reward, joy is reward, and goodness is the best reward.

Is all reward pleasure?

Yes it is. We do not always feel punishment; but we do always feel reward. God never lets us miss a feeling of joy.

Is goodness always rewarded?

Always; and the reward is great in proportion to the goodness. The best people have the most joy.

But we have often been unhappy because we were good, because we told the truth, or refused to play truant, or would not do mischief with our companions, or would not hide a fault.

Yes; but, if you were really good, you must have felt a joy in being good, much greater than any pleasure you might have had from not being good, the joy of a good conscience and a pure heart.

But will you tell us what rewards we may

expect for different kinds of goodness?


reward may we look for if we worship God, and trust him?

You will feel that God is your friend, near you always, caring for you, protecting you in trouble and in temptation.

What will be our reward if we cultivate a love of the beautiful?

You will see beauty wherever you are; you will love it more and more, and it will be a great delight to you.

What will be our reward if we make duty our first object?

You will respect yourselves, and you will be. respected by others; you will be strong and cheerful; you will be spared disappointment and reproach.

What will be our reward if we are clean and neat in our persons and clothes?

You will do much towards keeping well, and making yourselves attractive to those about you.

What will be our reward if we are temperate in eating and drinking?

You will be strong, active, cheerful. You will be likely to lead a longer, happier, and more useful life.

What will be our reward if we are hearty and kind in our manners?

You will receive kindness in return; you will make people happy about you; you will be like sunshine and fresh air at home and in society;

you will create good-will, and you will have a peaceful heart.

What will be our reward if we are thoughtful and gentle in our judgments of others; if we speak no ill, are not slanderers or fault-finders?

You will know that you have, or deserve to have, no enemies. You will be innocent of hatreds and quarrels. The good will love you; the bad will be grateful to you for seeing some thing in them that is good. You will correct a good deal of injustice, and will save many people from abuse and shame.

What will be our reward if we are true in word and deed?

If you are wisely and lovingly true, true in the spirit of charity, you will certainly be trusted, honored, beloved, by all people. Nothing is so much respected, and by so many, as truth. Truth makes amends for want of beauty, want of talent, want of personal charm; it gives interest to the uninteresting; it makes the simple delightful; and it fills the heart with an innocent gladness which no words will express.

What will be our reward if we give up every kind of pleasure that causes pain either to our fellow-creatures or to animals?

You will enjoy the great satisfaction of never causing pain. Your pleasures will bring no sting with them, and leave no sting behind. Your fellow-creatures will think of you sweetly, and you will be able to enjoy the greatest pleasures most.

What will be our reward, if for duty, for truth, for love, for kindness, we meet danger, endure pain, bear misunderstanding and slander?

You will have the reward that nobleness always brings; namely, nobleness,-the best reward there is or can be. You will be respected, loved, honored; but, more than this, you will respect yourself, and you will feel that all the noble, the highminded, the true-hearted, are your friends. By bearing pain for yourself, you become brave to bear more pain; by bearing pain for others, you fulfil the Golden Rule in the very best way.

What will be our reward if we are openminded, willing to receive new ready to accept new truths?

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You will receive new truths. become large, generous, sincere. be much happier for your trust in the Great Wisdom that never leaves the sincere heart alone in the dark.

What will be our reward if we stand up bravely for the equal rights of all people just because they are our fellow-creatures, — for the sake of justice?

You will have the respect of all who do the same; you will be a terror to those who are unjust; and you will get the gratitude of the little and the weak and the abused whom you try to help.

What will be our reward if we cultivate good habits while we are young?

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