Grider, Roy N., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition_... Griffith, Walter A. Debarred from reentering the service_Cir 49 Grubbs, DeWitt, C. T., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. 111 30 4 1 Guldner, Walter A., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Guthrie, Sidney H., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned_ Hains, John P., capt. To report for duty at Fort Riley, Kans Hale, H. C., capt. Assistant to executive officer, Seagirt competitions_ Hall, William P., brig. gen. Report of, on Seagirt competitions. Hamilton, John T. Debarred from reentering the service Cir 49 Hamilton, William H., sergt. Distinguished pistol shot 173 47 Score at competition 173 37 Hamlin, Frank B., capt. Score at Seagirt competition. Hammond, Thomas W., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Hare, J. M., capt. On duty with Seagirt competitions. Harms, Pearl L., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition.. 195 35 Harper, Michael, pvt. Expert rifleman. 79 34 Harrington, Robert, corpl. Score at Seagirt competition Harrington, Walter E., capt. Score at Seagirt competition. 195 32 Harris, Clifford L., sergt. Score at Seagirt competition Hassing, O. H., capt. On duty at Seagirt competitions 195 4 Eastings, Stephen H., 2d lieut. Score at Seagirt competition Hawes, William H., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Hawthorne, Harry L., capt. To report for duty at Fort Sill, Okla___ 89 3 Hayes, Edward M., brig. gen. Decision in case of mileage of __Cir. 46_ 89 3 Hays, John O., pvt. Expert rifleman 126 14 Hazlehurst, Robert C., capt. Score at Seagirt competition Hazzard, Oliver P. M., 1st lieut. Expert rifleman Heard, Jack W., cadet 4th class. Scores at Seagirt competitions___ Heard, John W., capt. Score at competition. Heard, Roy W., corpl. Expert rifleman.. Heiberg, Elvin R., capt. Expert rifleman. Heidenreich, Frederick H., 1st lieut. Scores at Seagirt competitions. Hensel, Fred. Debarred from reentering the service Cir. 49 Hensley, William N., jr., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Herman, A. H., capt. On duty with Seagirt competitions... Heseltine Louis S., boatswain's mate, 1st class. Score at Seagirt competition 195 37 Hessian, John W., color sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions. Hildebrand, Elmer E., 1st sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions__ Hildeman, Romeo J., sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 19535,67 73 35,63 71 Hoaglin, Claude. Debarred from reentering the service Cir. 49_ Hof, Samuel, capt. Ordnance officer, Seagirt competitions 195 2 Holden, Frank, q. m. sergt. Expert rifleman.. 79 35 Holden, John C., 1st lieut. Score at Seagirt competition.. Holman, Harold W., 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition. Hopps, Edward S., Ist sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions Horowitz, Nathan, addl. 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Houck, George E., corpl. Scores at Seagirt competitions.. 195 41,65 79 33 Householder, C. L., 2d lieut. Score at Seagirt competition Howard, Charles A., 2d lieut. Score at Seagirt competition 195 43 173 45 173 29 Howard, Harold P., capt. Proceedings general court-martial of which, was judge advocate... 92 Howard, Ralph H., pvt. Expert rifleman.. Howe, Harrol M., Ist lieut. Score at Seagirt competition Howe, Walter, col. To command 2d Provisional Regiment Field Howel, John. Debarred from reentering the service Howell, William I. Debarred from reentering the service____Cir. 49 2 Howley, Peter, corpl. Expert rifleman. 79 31 Hudson, Claude S., pvt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 26,61 Hudson, Edgar L. Debarred from reentering the service Cir. 49. 2 Hudson, James W., 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition Huff, George W., pvt Score at Seagirt competition...... Humber, Robert C., 1st lieut. Score at competition.... Humphrey, H. R., corpl. Scores at Seagirt competitions. Hunter, G. B., 2d lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions... 195 3 Hutchins, Oscar. Debarred from reentering the service Cir. 49 2 Hutton, Franklin S, maj. To command 6th Battalion Philippine Isbell, Ernest L., capt. Scores at Seagirt competitions Jackson, Commodore S., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Jackson, Edward C., pvt. Score at competition Jackson, Harry K., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Jackson, Peter, sergt. Expert rifleman Jacobs, Mark L., 1st sergt. Expert rifleman Jacobson, Frank. Debarred from reentering the service.. Jahnke, Frederick, sergt. Score at competition Janda, Joseph F., capt. Expert rifleman Jansen, August, q. m. sergt. Distinguisbed pistol shot 195 40,71 Johnson, Merle M., capt. Score at Seagırt competitions 195 51 Johnson, Perley F., Ist licut. Score at Seagirt competition Johnson, William T., capt. Proceedings general court-martial of which, was judge advocate 98 Johnston, Edward N., 1st lieut. Score at competition 173 19 Jones, A. S., 1st lieut. On duty at Seagirt competitions. Kaesmeyer, George W., sergt. Score at Seagirt competition... 195 36 Kemp, George E., maj. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 29,64 Keough, James H., q. m. sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions_ 195 27,61 Kessler, Rodney J., 2d lieut. Score at Seagirt competition Ketcham, John McP., 1st sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 24,60 Kethley, John, seaman. Score at Seagirt competition Kemp, George E., maj. Score at Seagirt competition Kenyon, Ross, mus. Score at Seagirt competition.. Kiehl, John R., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Detailed for course of instruction Kimbrough, James M., jr., 1st lieut. Proceedings general court- Kochersperger, Stephen M., capt. Expert rifleman____ To command 5th Battalion Philippine Scouts as major Lamphier, Edward A., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition.. Lang, Clarence D., 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition 195 33 Lank, William E., capt. Scores at Seagirt competitions Lanneau, J. B., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Lent, George W., ord. sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 21,61 Lentz, Bernard, 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned 111 4 Leonard, Charles L, sergt. 1st class. Certificate of merit Leuschner, William F., ord. sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions -- Lewis, Charles A., cadet 1st class. Score at Seagirt competition..... 195 73 Lewis, J. M., Ist lieut. On duty with Seagirt competitions.. 195 4 17370-2 Scores at competitions. Lipsey, Louis, corpl. Expert rifleman Lewis, Melvin D., corpl. Scores at Seagirt competitions... Liston, Wilbert, corpl. Score at Seagirt competition Logan, James E., corpl.. Distinguished marksman Distinguished pistol shot Scores at competitions Lovejoy, George R., 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition.. Lundeen, John A., lieut, col. Proceedings general court-martial of which, was president. 125 Lunderlin, Herman H., boatswain's mate 2d class. Score at Seagirt Lurchin, Clifton W. Debarred from reentering the service_Cir. 49 2 Lyman, Clarence K., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned_ MacArthur, Arthur, maj. gen. Maj. Gen. Sumner to command of Pacific Division during absence of 60 MacMillan, William T., cadet 1st class. Scores at Seagirt competitions. Mackenzie, Alexander, brig. gen. Member of Board on Fortifications and Defenses 20 Mackinney, Herbert P., hosp. stwd. Score at Seagirt competition. Maddox, George W., addl. 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned... Madison, Z. H., lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions... Maghee, Torrey B., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Magruder, Lloyd B., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Malone, Clover C., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition Marston, Charles A., 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition------- 195 37 Marston, William P., sergt. Score at Seagirt competition. Martin, William B., capt. Score at Seagirt competition. Mason, Edward. Debarred from reentering the service. Cir. 49 2 126 14 Massee, Edward rd K., 2d lieut. Relative rank ...Cir. 7. Mathers, D. T., maj. On duty with Seagirt competitions. Mathewson, David A., prin, mus. Score at Seagirt competition Matthies, John A., pvt. Expert rifleman Mayes, James J., 1st lieut. Expert rifleman MeAlpin, Benjamin B., capt. Scores at Seagirt competitions_ McAndrew, Joseph A., 2d lieut. Score at competition |