Rorvik, Elias, pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Ross, Ernest, pvt. Expert rifleman... Ross, Wirt L., sergt. Expert rifleman Rothermel, George, corpl. Expert rifleman.. Rowland, Arthur, maj. Scores at Seagirt competitions... Royle, Arthur J., battn. sergt. maj. Score at Seagirt competition Runner, Francis M., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Russell, Charles S., 1st sergt. Score at competition... Russell, Oscar A., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Rutherford, Allan, 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Ryan, Rolland C. Debarred from reentering the service Ryan, William, pvt. Expert rifleman. Ryley, Frank. Debarred from reentering the service.. Santschi, Eugene, jr., cadet corpl. Sentence commuted.. 17 2 Saunders, Samuel, 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition 195 53 Sawyer, Guy P., 1st sergt. Score at Seagirt competition Sayre, Reginald H., 1st lieut. Score at Seagirt competition 195 70 Scarsce, Henry, corpl. Score at competition 173 23 Schenck, Alexander D., lieut. col. Proceedings general court-martial Schlick, Reinhold L., color sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 38,60 Schneller, Jacob, corpl. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 38,65 Schoonmaker, Louis P., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Scott, Simon H., corpl. Scores at Seagirt competitions.. 195 24,60 Settle, Douglas, capt. Range officer, Seagirt competitions Sexton, William, corpl. Score at Seagirt competition. 195 57 Shaw, Harvey T. Debarred from reentering the service Shell, Charles H. Debarred from reentering the service_Cir. 49 2 Shelow, John L., corpl. Expert rifleman Sheppard, William B., 1st lieut. Scores at Seagirt competitions Shields, George B., capt. Scores at Seagirt competitions. Shields, George H., jr., 1st lieut. Proceedings general court-martial Sigerfoos, Edward, capt. Statistical officer, Seagirt competitions 195 2 Simon, Harry E., pvt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 23,65 Simonds, Frederic P., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition Simpson, Edward G., sergt. mus. Score at Seagirt competition..... Simpson, Ernest C., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition... Sims, William S., lieut. comdr. Member of board for promotion of rifle practice. 103 Sinclair, W. 8., 1st lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions Singleton, Asa L., 2d lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions.. 195 3 Score at Seagirt competition 195 72 Skees, John S., sergt. Score at competition Slauber, Edward. Debarred from reentering the service. Slopey, Elmer E., color sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions.. Smith, Brice B., boatswain's mate 2d class. Score at Seagirt com- Smith, Emery T., 2d lieut. Expert rifleman Smith, Fine W., capt. Expert rifleman__ Smith, Frederick McC., 1st lieut. Sentence approved Smith, George, sergt. Scores at competitions Smith, Herbert L., 1st lieut. Scores at Seagirt competitions Smith, James W., 2d lieut. Score at Seagirt competition.. Souter, Alexander C. Debarred from reentering the service__Cir. 49 2 26 G.O. Southern, Rufus H., corpl. Expert rifleman... South, Ben, 1st lieut. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 79 Sparrow, Alex., q. m. sergt. Score at competition. 173 Page. 30 18 Spaulding, Thomas M., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned_ Spaulding, George R. Debarred from reentering the service_Cir. 49 Spencer, William J., post q. m. sergt. Score at competition. Sperrin, Kincaid. Debarred from reentering the service. Cir. 49 2 20 Defenses Staples, Frank, corpl. Certificate of merit Stanton, John W., corpl. Score at competition. Sprout, Warren A., hosp. stwd. Score at Seagirt competition Starkey, John R., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Stedje, Jens E., Ist lieut. Scores at competitions. 195 63,70 Stedman, George, pvt. Steever, Edgar Z., col. Expert rifleman 79 31 was president Stephen, Antonius, corpl. Expert rifleman Stein, Louis. Debarred from reentering the service Stevens, R. R., capt. Range officer, Seagirt competitions. Stevenson, Walter S., sergt. Score at competition Cir. 49 Stewart, Fred G., sergt. Score at Seagirt competition Stewart, James M., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition Stickle, Horton W., 1st lieut. Proceedings general court-martial of which, was judge-advocate.... 17 Stiles, Moses P., q. m. sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions 195 37,60 Still, Revere N., trumpeter, Expert rifleman Stimpel, William, corpl. Expert rifleman Story, John P., brig. gen. Stolbrand, Carlos J., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Member of Board on Fortifications and 20 Defenses Stramberg, Charles M., corpl. Certificate of merit... Stott, C. A., 2d lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions.. Stratton, Benjamin E., sergt. Expert rifleman.. Straughn, Hugh, 1st sergt. Expert rifleman Straub, Oscar I., capt. To report for duty at Fort Riley, Kans_ Strauss, David B., pvt. Score at competition. Strom, Oscar, pvt. Score at Seagirt competition..... Stritzinger, Frederick G., jr., capt. Score at competition Study, John H., corpl. Expert rifleman Sturtevant, Girard, capt. Range officer, Seagirt competitions. Sturgis, Samuel D., capt. To report for duty at Fort Sill, Okla Sullivan, John, pvt. Expert rifleman. 126 14 Sullivan, Michael, sergt. Expert rifleman Sulway, David, q. m. sergt. Expert rifleman... Sumner, Samuel S., maj. gen. Relieved temporarily from command of Southwestern Division 60 Summers, Alexander, capt. Scores at Seagirt competitions. To assume command of Pacific Division temporarily. Swan, Frank S., pvt. Certificate of merit 107 7 Swift, Eben, jr., lieut. Credit in accounts of Sykes, James, com, sergt. Score at Seagirt competition. Taft, William H., Sec. of War. President of Board on Fortifications was president...... Taylor, Henry M., col. Relieved as member of board for promotion of rifle practice 103 Taylor, James D., jr., capt. Honorable mention.. Taylor, Sydney W., lieut. col. To command 1st Provisional Regi- ment Field Artillery Taylor, William, 1st lieut. Proceedings general court-martial of which, was judge advocate 29,42 Taylor, Wyatt W., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition Tenney, Clarence A., sergt. Score at Seagirt competition. Score at Seagirt competition. Thomas, Robert S., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Score at competition Topham, Joseph L., jr., 2d lieut. Torbohon, Henry, corpl. Distinguished marksman Expert rifleman Score at competition Torney, Henry W., cadet ist class. Score at Seagirt competition Trusson, Leon, prin. mus. Score at competition Tubbs, George T., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition. Tupes, Herschel, capt. Expert rifleman 173 31 195 37 Upton, LaRoy S., capt. Range officer, Seagirt competitions.. 195 3 2 Van Way, C. W, Ist lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions Van Buskirk, George, color sergt. Scores at Seagirt competitions... Vantine, Robert H., pvt. Score at Seagirt competition... 195 53 Verleger, William F., chief q. m. Score at Seagirt competition.. 195 25 Vincent, William W., sergt. Score at competition. Vitton, Herbert W., 1st lieut. Score at Seagirt competition Vogel, Fred G., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition Vose, William E., Ist lieut. Expert rifleman.... Warde, James F., maj. gen. To assume temporary command of Dept. 72 of the Gulf Wade, J. P., capt. Range officer, Seagirt competitions - Wagner, Carl A., brig. gen. Member of board for promotion of rifle 103 practice Wallace, William B., 2d lieut. Expert rifleman 126 14 Relative rank Cir. 7. Walsh, Michael J., maj. Score at Seagirt competition Walsh, James P. Debarred from reentering the service Walling, J. M., 2d lieut. Range officer, Seagirt competitions. 195 3 Walter, William, Ist sergt. Expert rifleman. Ward, Bloxham, 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Ward, Harry, corpl. Expert rifleman Ward, Joseph M., pvt. Certificate of merit Warnecke, Angust, 1st sergt. Score at competition... Warner, William T., master at arms 1st class. Scores at Seagirt 195 competitions. 25,65 Warren, George C., corpl. 48 Warren, William H., capt. Warwick, Oliver B., late capt. Warwick Barracks, P. I., named in Score at Seagirt competition 195 40 honor of 202 Watley, James H. Debarred from reentering the service. Cir. 49_ 2 Watson, Moses, sergt. Expert rifleman. Watts, Clarence A., sergt. Score at competition 173 21 Waugh, George F., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned.. Webb, Albert C., mus. Expert rifleman Weed, Marvin, chief trumpeter. Distinguished pistol shot. Score at competition Weeks, William S., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned. Weik, Frank, pvt. Score at competition Welch, Raymond W., 1st sergt. Expert rifleman... Wenrich, Irven. Debarred from reentering the service Weldon, Earl G., corpl. Score at Seagirt competition. Wentworth, Daniel W., sergt. West, William W., jr., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned Scores at Seagirt competitions----- 195 37,64 Weston, John F., maj. gen. Relieved from duty at Washington, D. C.; to command Northern Division 168 Weusthoff, Hans F., 1st lieut. Sentence confirmed... Westover, Oscar, cadet Ist class. Score at Seagirt competition Whelan, John, corpl. Certificate of merit... Whelen, Townsend, 2d lieut. Distinguished marksman. Score at competition Whipple, Henry L., capt. Whipps, Samuel F., sergt. Score at Seagirt competition.. White, Charles, 2d licut. Score at Seagirt competition White, Hunter C., pvt. Certificate of merit... White, Isaac, q. m. sergt. Expert rifleman White, J. H., capt. Scores at Seagirt competitions White, John H., corpl. Expert rifleman.. White, Nice, sergt. Expert rifleman White, Ralph, sergt. Score at Seagirt competition.. Whitehead, Henry C., capt. Expert rifleman Whitehead, Orlando J., lieut. Score at Seagirt competition Whittier, James W., pvt. Expert rifleman Whitworth, Pegram, capt. Distinguished pistol shot Scores at competitions.. Wilby, Francis B., 2d lieut. Wilhoit, Marion B., Ist lieut. Sentence confirmed. Wiley, N. J., 2d lieut. On duty with battalion at Seagirt competitions_ Appointed and assigned Williams, Arthur, Ist lieut. Distinguished marksman Expert rifleman.... Scores at competitions......... Williams, Benjamin H. L., 2d lieut. Appointed and assigned |