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5. Give any other special experience you may have had which in your opinion especially fits you for the duties of chief clerk to the Board of Charities.

6. Give the names of your employers or instructors within the

last five years with their present addresses.

7. What is the highest salary you ever earned? In what position did you receive it and for how long?

8. Have you ever been discharged from any position while others were retained in employment? Have you ever been promoted over others who had an equal claim on such promotion? What were the reasons of such discharge or promotion?

Sheet S.- Office Devices and Management.

1. What plan would you adopt for preservation and arrangement of general office correspondence? Give the details of such plan as far as you are able.

2. Compare the advantages of record books and card systems for preserving records, and state for what classes of records each is in your opinion most desirable, and why. 3. State what duties in general you would expect to be performed by the following persons in an office having twelve or fifteen employes and the salaries you would expect to be paid for each grade: Messenger, stenographer, chief clerk, secretary, page.

4. State what you know of manifolding or duplicating devices and their adaptability to different classes of work. 5. What considerations would influence you in deciding whether to have a large number of copies of any documents printed or made by some other manifolding process?

6. What objections can you conceive to the requirement that all departmental public printing should be done under the same contract by the same printer?

Sheet 9.-Laws Relating to the State Board of Charities and Charitable Institutions.

1. Give the substance of the constitutional provision in regard What other boards are

to the State Board of Charities.

provided for in the Constitution which have similar jurisdiction of State institutions?

2. Give the provisions of the Constitution in regard to the regulation of payment of public funds to charitable and reformatory institutions under private control.

3. Over what classes of institutions does the State Board of Charities have supervision? What in general is the extent of such supervision and how is the authority of the Board enforced?

4. What institutions are known as the State charitable institutions?

5. Give the substance of the provisions of law in regard to the

regulation of the finances of such institutions.

6. Give the class of persons who may be admitted to each of such institutions.

7. For what classes of inmates of charitable institutions is legal commitment necessary? How is such commitment obtained?

EXAMINTION FOR STATION EDITOR AND LIBRARIAN, STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, GENEVA, N. Y. Held at Albany, Buffalo and New York city, Feb. 2, 1897. Sheet 1.- Experience and Personal Questions.

1. What is your age (in years)?...

2. Describe your general education, stating kind of schools attended, length of time, and grade attained.

3. Have you had any special or technical education in lines. that would aid you in the duties of the position applied for?..... If so, describe such education.

4. Have you learned any trade that would so aid you?..... If so, name such trade and give length of time served.

5. Give your principal occupations since the educational period, with length of time in each.

6. State any special experience or qualifications, not included above, for the position applied for.

7. Are you the author of any books or pamphlets?

If so, describe them, and at your earliest convenience transmit copies of the same to the New York Civil Service Commission.

Sheet 2.-French translation.

Analyse Chimique.

Epuration préalable des graisses alimentaires soumises à l'analyse. Les glycérides constituant les maitères grasses naturelles contiennent toujours des acides gras libres en proportion variable et des matières étrangères en suspension ou même dissoutes; il est donc rationnel, pour obtenir des résultats précis, de leur faire subir un traitement qui les débarrasse de l'excès d'acidité et de la plupart des impuretés.

La proportion et la nature des acides gras contenus dans les graisses peut varier sous l'influence de causes les plus diverses. Les graisses faites dans les meilleures conditions contiennent toujours quelques dixièmes d'acides gras libres; cette proportion augmente notablement avec le temps, quelles que soient les précautions prises pour empêcher toute altération.

L'oxydation des maitères grasses donne des produits variables avec les causes qui la provoquent, et leur intensité. Une oxydation très ménagée peut amener la production de glycérides oxydés, sans formation sensible d'acide gras.

Si l'oxydation est plus énergique, le glycéride se décompose en acide gras et en glycéride; cette dernière ne tarde pas à disparaître en se transformant en produits nouveaux, acide formique, etc., tandis que l'acide gras se dédouble généralement en deux termes inférieurs et également oxydés des acides de la série grasse, dont l'un est volatil, l'autre fixe, mais avec un point de fusion plus bas que celui de l'acide gras primitif, sauf pour les acides non saturés tel que l'acide oléique, qui en s'oxydant peut donner naissance à des acides concrets et à de l'acide acétique.

Une oxydation encore plus intense détruit l'acide gras avec formation de produits substitutés, et l'on désigne pratiquement cette transformation sous le nom de résinification des maitères grasses. On sait en effet qu'il existe d'étroites relations chimiques entre les acides gras oxydés et les résines.

Sheet 3.-German translation.

Man hat bald nach dem Ausbruch der Empörung der Sipoys und später verschiedene Ursachen angegeben, welche dieselbe hervorgerufen haben sollen; man hat russische Agenten und deren Einflüsterungen dafür verantwortlich gemacht, die Entthronung der Sultane von Audh els einen Hauptbeweggrund genannt, auch den Eifer der englischen Missionäre angeklagt. Möglich ist es, dass diese Ursachen als mitwirkend angesehen werden können, der Haupttadel wird doch immer auf die englischostindische Regierung fallen, welche von dem Aufsteigen des Weters rechtzeitig in Kenntniss gesetzt wurde, und doch jede Vorsichtsmassregel unterliess, durch welche seinem Ausbruch Schranken gesetzt werden könnte. Unzufriedenheit mit der englischen Herschaft in Indien musste bei den vielfachen, sich durchkreuzenden Interessen, die dabei verletzt oder bei Seite geschoben wurden, immer obwalten; es kam nur darauf an, diese Unzufriedenheit in Schranken zu halten, was bei dem schon erwähnten Mangel an Nationalgeist und mit nur geringer Beibehaltung althergebrachter Formel wohl mit verhältnissmässiger Leichtigkeit durchzuführen gewesen wäre.

Sheet 4.-Essay.

Write an essay of about 400 words on "How to make the results of experiment station work available and useful to the farmer."

Sheet 5.-Indexing and Cataloging.

1. Index pages 22 to 27 inclusive, of the accompanying pamphlet of "Rules for the Civil Service."

2. Describe the "decimal classification" system.

3. Describe any other system of library classification with which you are familiar.

4. Rule cards on your foolscap and make the entries proper for a subject catalogue card from the five pamphlets furnished you.

Sheet 6.-Agricultural science.

1. In what manner do plants take up their mineral food from the soil?

2. What chemical elements are usually considered as indispensable to a complete fertilizer? Name some of the substances generally used to furnish these elements, and state which one of these substances would furnish the element in the most quickly available form.

3. What constituents of plants are usually reported in an analysis of fodder and feeding stuffs? Tell what is meant by each.

4. What is meant by nutritive ratio? Who was the greatest exponent of the system founded on this idea? What is generally considered the correct ratio for milch cows?

5. What is meant by nitrification? Give the reason why leguminous plants "enrich the soil."

6. Name three prominent scientific journals published in each of the following countries, and which are likely to contain articles of most value to an experiment station worker: United States; Great Britain; France; Germany.

7. Mention a recent outbreak of noxious insects, and tell what has been done to overcome the attack.

8. What is the "alkali" in the dry regions of the western States? How can one form of " alkali" be somewhat mitigated? 9. Explain briefly the recent method for detecting the presence of tuberculosis in the dairy herd.

10. On what principle does the separator depend for its action? How much fat should remain in the skim-milk, when a good separator has been used?

11. Give the names of several preparations used for the treatment of fungus diseases of plants, and the method of their appli

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