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Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay.

No. 224.]

Santiago, January 3, 1902.

SIR: I have the honor to inclose herewith copy and translation of an article published in El Mercurio (a daily paper of this city), giving an account of a testimonial to me as representative of the Government of the United States in Chile, upon New Year's eve.

I also inclose herewith copy and translation of an editorial published in La Ley (a daily paper of this city), upon January 2. I have thought that these publications might be of interest to the Department as indicating the very excellent footing upon which our relations with this country are at the present time.

I have, etc.,


[Inclosure 1.-Translation.]

From El Mercurio, Santiago, January 2, 1902.


At the traditional supper with which the Union Club every 31st of December celebrates the coming of the new year, an imposing demonstration of regard was made on Tuesday last, in honor of the worthy representative of the United States, Mr. Henry L. Wilson.

Two large halls of the club were fitted up for the New Year's supper, profusely illuminated with the electric light, and adorned with bamboos, palms, and beautiful flowers. At 12 o'clock precisely more than 400 people were seated around the tables, and the orchestra began its well-selected programme.

At that moment Mr. Wilson, who is a member of the club, arrived, in company with several of his friends, and took his seat at one of the tables. Everyone present at once stood up and cheered for Mr. Wilson, the President of the United States (Mr. Roosevelt), and the great North American Republic. The demonstration was spontaneous and a surprise. The American minister was greatly impressed as he listened to the speeches of several members, and responded in grateful language, expressing his thanks for the demonstration in his honor.

All then sat down again and the supper proceeded, while gaiety and harmony reigned supreme.

An hour afterwards, when the members of the club began to retire, it was suggested to accompany the American minister to his residence.

More than 400 people, walking two by two, followed Mr. Wilson to the legation, cheering him enthusiastically. There the minister briefly and courteously expressed his thanks for the demonstration, and the various groups then retired.

There were present at the New Year's supper, besides one of the directors of the club, Don Enrique Larrain Alcade, two members of the cabinet, numerous members of Congress, several officers of the army, and a large number of distinguished gentlemen.

The demonstration in honor of the American minister is a beautiful social note in proof of the regard in which the people hold the representative of a great friendly nation, both in his official as well as his private capacity.

The Union Club, on December 31, gave expression to a general sentiment, publicly manifesting the respect and social consideration accorded on all sides to the worthy representative of the United States of America, Mr. Henry L. Wilson.

[Inclosure 2.-Translation.]

From La Ley, Santiago, January 3, 1902.


"Public opinion in America is favorable to Chile, in view of the justice on her side in insisting upon the observance of an agreement already signed (the YañezPortela protocols)."

We have taken the lines above quoted from a telegraph dispatch from the Havas Agency, dated the 1st instant.

That news confirms the elevated and friendly spirit with which our country is judged in the Great Republic of the North.

We ought to feel proud of the fact that the most powerful and progressive of nations sends us this fraternal and just message, which we Chileans-sincere friends and admirers of the land of Washington and Franklin, Lincoln and Farragut, Grant and Edison, McKinley and Roosevelt-receive as the most valuable evidence of international confraternity, and as the most authorized opinion in favor of the irreproachable policy of our foreign office.

It was not enough for our country to be conscious of its right and might. In order to be tranquil in these stormy moments in which our enemies employ against us all kinds of unfair weapons, we required to hear the honored an impartial opinion of the great powers-England, France, and Germany-and also the opinion of the Latin-American republics, which do not follow the adventurous and dangerous policy of Peru, Bolivia, and the Argentine; and, above all, the opinion of the giant nation which, to-day and to-morrow, is destined to cultivate intimate relations with the most conscientious and laborious of South American peoples. We have mentioned the United States and Chile.

We already know the opinion, the learned and respected opinion, which all those countries have just expressed in the conflict originated by the Yañez-Portela protocols. The opinion of all of them is favorable to us, and reveals the fact that, notwithstanding the active anti-Chilean propaganda, the enormous distance is recognized which separates the false apostles of arbitration from those who have loyally practiced it both with the powerful and with the weak.

We required only this to be able to look confidently forward to the future.

The lying diplomacy of the brave dancing masters of this continent has been unmasked.

It is a great victory, which fills us with legitimate satisfaction, and which will certainly make the drawers of the sword and the flatterers, Peru and Bolivia, meditate. Chileans would be ungrateful and rude if they did not reciprocate, as we really do reciprocate, with most affectionate regard, the attitude of the noble peoples of Europe and America who honor us with their esteem.

Believing that we interpret the opinion and feeling of Chile, we express our most hearty thanks to those who, far beyond our frontiers, have understood and done us ample justice.

But let it be left on record that we direct these expressions of friendly acknowledgment more especially to the land which nurtured George the Great-that Washington of epic figure who was the progenitor of all the democracies of America.

Yes, all gratitude to the United States of America; to their press-the messenger of the universal conscience; and to President Roosevelt who, perhaps because in his veins runs the same blood of heroes which is being shed to-day in the battlefields of South Africa, knows how to appreciate the rectitude and courage of the first republic of the Pacific which never trembled at the threats of its enemies.

Thanks also to the Hon. Henry L. Wilson, to the distinguished diplomat who, on account of his fair and well-founded opinion, can at any time demonstrate to his Government that our country earestly desires to second the policy of peace, labor, and progress of the Great Republic of the North.

Here a short parenthesis is proper.

It has been a piece of good fortune for our Government and for the Chilean people, in an hour of trial like the present, that the United States foreign office is represented here by such a man as the Hon. Mr. Wilson. This gentleman, who has so dis

creetly and ably interpreted the idea of Mr. Roosevelt, has maintained himself, with rare discretion and impartiality, in his proper position in diplomacy.

No one better than he can judge the acts of our foreign office in connection with Peru, Bolivia, and the Argentine. No one better than he is in a position to appreciate, even at a distance, the altitude of our plenipotentiaries in the Mexican conference, and to understand the affinities which, at the present moment, bind Chile to the United States with bonds of an entente cordiale which will be of great benefit to the nations of North, Central, and South America.

In conclusion, we hope that the Governments of the two Republics may appreciate the attitude of friends and allies de facto, as well as of convinced defenders of the cause of peace, which should be assumed, both now and in future, by the Yankees of the North, and their pupils and imitators, the Yankees of the South.

Mr. Hutchinson to Mr. Hay.

No. 270.]

Santiago, July 18, 1902.

SIR: I have the honor to state that I tendered the usual Fourth of July reception at this legation, and I beg to inclose a couple of paragraphs taken from El Ferrocarril of July 5, with translation, referring to the same.

On July 4 all the Santiago newspapers devoted one or two columns each in praise of the United States, and I was greatly impressed by their extremely friendly tone. Since my arrival no other foreign country has been so much lauded on its anniversary by the papers as the United States. NORMAN HUTCHINSON.

I have, etc.,


From El Ferrocarril, Santiago, Chile, July 5, 1902.


On account of yesterday being the one hundred and twenty-sixth anniversary of the independence of the great Republic of the north, the different legations accredited in Santiago had their flags raised.

The rooms of the legation were artistically adorned with choice flowers and plants, this part of the work having been intrusted to men from the Central Garden. The appearance of the rooms was most elegant and pleasing.

The chargé d'affaires, Mr. Norman Hutchinson, was visited yesterday by the diplomatic corps and the representative of Mexico, Señor José Maria Gamboa. The subsecretary of the department of foreign relations, Señor Manuel Foster Recabarren, and the aid of his excellency the President of the Republic, Sergt. Maj. Señor Pedro Morandé Vicuña, saluted him in the name of the Government.

Mr. Hutchinson received besides numerous congratulations from this city and the provinces, among which figure that of the alcalde of Santiago municipality, Señor Carlos Rogers P., and those of well-known members of the North American colony residing at Iquique, Valparaiso, Concepción, and other localities.

In the evening Mr. Hutchinson gave at the legation, the rooms of which were artistically decorated, a reception, which was attended by the minister of Great Britain, Mr. Gerard Lowther, and numerous ladies and gentlemen of the English and North American colonies.

An orchestra, directed by Prof. Señor Alberto Ulloa, enlivened the reception, and executed choice pieces of music during the evening, the guests remaining until after midnight.


No. 230.]

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Hay.

Santiago, February 11, 1902.

SIR: I have the honor to report the arrival of the U. S. battle ship Iowa, Captain Perry commanding, at Talcahuano January 4. Upon the same date Captain Perry communicated with me by telegram, informing me of the arrival of the ship under his command and requesting me to obtain the consent of the Chilean Government to place the Iowa in the Talcahuano dry dock for immediate repairs.

This I did in an unofficial and informal way, and orders were at once communicated by the minister of marine to Admiral Perez, in command at Talcahuano, to admit the Iowa and furnish her with all facilities for the repairs necessary free of charge. I first learned of the character of the order which had been given through a note from Captain Perry, but as it seemed to me that the courtesy was one which the Government of the United States could not very well afford to accept, I requested the minister to send further instructions to the officer in command at Talcahuano to make the charges usual in such cases. This was finally done. While the Iowa remained at Talcahuano her officers were most hospitably and generously entertained, not only by the Government officials but by many people in private life.

Having all her repairs completed, and having been detached from the South Pacific Squadron by orders from Washington, the Iowa left Talcahuano on February 1 with sailing orders for Montevideo.

While it was not possible to accept the offer to grant dry-dock facilities free of charge, I have officially expressed my appreciation of the courtesy, and think it would not be unadvisable to advise the Navy Department of the action of the Chilean Government.

Úpon January 20 the U. S. battle ship Wisconsin, Captain Reiter commanding, and, as flagship of the South Pacific Squadron, having on board Rear-Admiral Casey, arrived in the port of Valparaiso. Upon the same date I received official notice of the arrival from Admiral Casey, and went a few days afterwards to Valparaiso, where the admiral and his staff paid me an official visit, which was returned upon the day following.

On Wednesday, the 29th, the admiral with his staff came with me to Santiago, and upon the afternoon of the same day we paid an official visit to the President of the Republic, being afterwards entertained by his excellency at luncheon.

We returned upon the same night to Valparaiso for the purpose of attending an official banquet to be given by the officers of the Chilean navy to Admiral Casey and the officers of the Wisconsin. More than 100 Chilean and American officials participated in this impressive and cordial reunion, which took place in the Naval Academy. Brief toasts and responses were made by Admiral Montt and Admiral Urribe, of the Chilean navy, and by Admiral Casey, Captain Reiter, and myself. The occasion was exceedingly interesting and enjoyable, and the hospitality evinced was most highly appreciated by the officers of the Wisconsin.

Upon the day following I made a second visit to the Wisconsin in company with the President of the Republic (who had been previously invited by Admiral Casey) and the minister of foreign relations, Señor Yañez. The President was received on board the Wisconsin with all the honors accorded to chief magistrates and sovereigns, and after making an inspection of the ship, in which he was greatly interested, we were entertained at an informal luncheon by Admiral Casey, the toast of "The Republic of Chile and its President" being offered by the undersigned and responded to by the Chilean minister of foreign relations.

On Monday, February 3, Admiral Casey and the officers of the Wisconsin, in acknowledgment of the official and private hospitalities and courtesies which had been extended to them, gave an informal matinee and ball on board the ship, which was attended by more than 500 official personages and representatives of the best Chilean families. The Wisconsin was decorated with the flags of all nations, and American music and American refreshments were offered to the Chilean guests.

On Tuesday, February 4, the admiral and the officers of the Wisconsin were entertained by the Valparaiso Club, the President of the Republic and many of the most important people in Chile attending.

On Thursday, the 6th instant, the Wisconsin sailed for the north, thus concluding a series of most interesting social and official events, which were the expression of the very cordial relations which now exist between the Government of Chile and the Government of the United States.

In conclusion, I have to report that the conduct of the officers and crew of the Wisconsin while in the port of Valparaiso was most exemplary and has left a most agreeable impression.

I have, etc.,


Mr. Hay to Mr. Wilson.

No. 204.]

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, February 28, 1902.

SIR: I inclose copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy requesting that you will convey the thanks of his Department to the Chilean Government and navy department for the courtesy and kindness extended to the U. S. S. Iowa during her recent docking at Talcahuano.

The Navy Department desires that expression may be given to its special appreciation of the courtesy shown to the Iowa and her officers by Rear-Admiral Perez.

You will comply with Mr. Long's wishes.

I am, etc.,



Mr. Long to Mr. Hay.

NAVY DEPARTMENT, Washington, February 26, 1902.

SIR: I have the honor to request that, if compatible with the views of the Department of State, the thanks of this Department be expressed to the Chilean Government

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