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Cuba shall pay all costs and charges for the maintenance and return of any Chinese persons having the certificate prescribed by law as entitling such Chinese person to come into Cuba who may not have been permitted to land from any vessel by reason of any of the foregoing provisions.

SECTION VIII. The prohibition of importation of Chinese shall apply to all subjects of China and Chinese, but shall not apply to diplomatic officers of the Chinese Government or other Governments traveling upon the business of their Government, whose credentials shall be taken as an equivalent to a certificate which will be required of merchants or other persons traveling for pleasure or business, and setting forth such facts, as well as the character and estimated value of the business and a description of said merchant or person. The secretaries, the body and household servants of diplomatic officers of the Chinese Government or other Governments traveling upon the business of their Government, and Chinese laborers and merchants who were in Cuba on April 14, 1899, and have since then continued to be residents thereof, who may now reside therein or abroad and are able to establish their identity, are also exempted from the provisions applying to other Chinese persons.

Mr. Adee to Mr. Wu.

No. 239.]


Washington, September 12, 1902. SIR: Referring to your note No. 254, of the 20th ultimo, protesting against the order issued on May 15 last by the military governor of Cuba respecting the immigration of Chinese into China, I have the honor to say that the express terms of the order itself declared that the measure was for enforcement pending such action as the Cuban Congress might take thereon, and that relinquishment of occupancy by the United States and the assumption of full sovereign powers by the Government of Cuba remove the subject from the sphere of administrative action on the part of the Government of the United States and leave the Cuban Congress free to act in the matter.

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SIR: I have the honor to inclose herewith translation of a proclamation of his excellency Viceroy Yuan Shih-k'ai, published in the Chihli Gazette of the 19th instant, concerning the "Boxer heresy."

I have no doubt the viceroy is in earnest. If he shall be properly supported by the Throne there will be little further trouble with Boxers in this province.

We can not, however, forget that in 1900 Yuan Shih-k'ai started out in the same way, as governor of Shantung, but instead of being sustained by the Court he was instructed not to use such severe measI think we may hope for better things now. I have, etc., E. H. CONGER.


[Inclosure.-Translation from Chihli Gazette, dated 16th of seventh moon, August 19, 1902.]

Proclamation by His Excellency Yuan Shih-k'ai, viceroy of Chihli.

The heresy of Boxerdom has done great harm to the land. Some time ago I, the viceroy, issued a proclamation on the subject, with instructions for the suppression throughout the province. But now it is rumored that Boxers from other parts have come and hide themselves about the country, practicing boxing in secret together with incantations. They inflame the ignorant masses, raise doubts in their minds, and induce not a few of them to learn boxing in out of the way places. It is most abominable.

From ancient times to the present this heresy always meant ruin. The boxing and incantations they practice amount after all to not much more than a kind of jugglery-the swallowing of knives and fire without any skill.

Consider what became of those outlaws who the year before last joined the Boxers in the neighborhood of Peking and Tientsin, who under pretense of opposing the churches plundered whatever they had a mind to, but perished as soon as they were fought with, leaving their bones in heaps.

Again, thinking of Li Kang Chung and others who quite recently had the audacity to collect and drill a crowd at Tsi-yang and to oppose the Government troops, and how they were caught and executed, their heads being exposed on poles, if the charms which they carry on their persons are of any avail, how is it when they come in collision with good troops they are so easily taken and the charms have no efficacy at all?

These things have occurred before your very eyes; those who have a particle of sense will understand and turn over a new leaf. Those rebels harbor naught but evil in their hearts and plan to make trouble, which is a crime not to be condoned.

The pity is that you, who used to be loyal folk, should be deceived by such heretical talk and be taken in by the rebels with the idea that your families will be protected. Your heads are turned, thinking that by so doing you will save your life, when it is sure death and entire loss of property.

As to the propagation of this heresy, the Throne will positively not tolerate any such thing, so injurious to the country.

All civil and military officials under my jurisdiction are hereby instructed at all times to strictly prohibit all such doings and to arrest the offenders.

This proclamation is put out on the hope that all the gentry, merchants, and scholars under my jurisdiction may take note and understand that the propaganda and practice of the divine boxing (art), said to bring happiness, will bring only misfortune. By all means attend to your peaceful avocations. Do not listen to heretical words, nor lay yourself open to charges and serious crime.

I, the viceroy, will not rake up your past, but will grant you a fresh start. Whoever can apprehend a Boxer chief and give him up to the authorities, he will be liberally rewarded.

But those who persisted in disobeying and practice boxing in secret, going of their own will and accord with the Boxers, they will be brought to account and punished according to the utmost rigor of the law. No leniency will be shown.

A special proclamation.


Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay

No. 1109.]

Peking, October 7, 1902.

SIR: I regret to report that His Excellency Liu K'un-yi, the distinguished viceroy at Nankin, died suddenly yesterday morning.

Viceroy Chang Chih-tung has been temporarily transferred from Wu-ch'ang, and Tuan-fang, the governor of Hupeh, appointed as acting viceroy at Wu-ch'ang.

It is, however, regarded as certain that Chang Chih-tung's appointment will be made permanent.

Several men are being prominently mentioned as likely to receive the Wu-ch'ang appointment; among them Grand Secretary Wang Wen-shao, and Chou-fu, the present governor of Shantung.

I inclose copies of two imperial edicts on the subject, with most interesting notes made by Mr. Williams, Chinese secretary of this legation.

I have, etc.,


[Inclosure 1-Translated from the Peking Gazette of October 7.]

Imperial edict.

Let Chang Chih-tung be appointed acting viceroy of the Liang Kiang and proceed at once to his post, and let Tuan-fang temporarily take the position of acting viceroy of the Hu-kuang in addition to his present duties. (He is governor of Hupeh.)

NOTE.-Tuan-fang is a Manchu, comparatively young, 44 years of age. He has risen very rapidly within the past four years. In 1898 he was a censor, and was regarded as favoring the reform party headed by K'ang Yu-wei, but when disaster overtook its supporters he turned suspicion from himself by a well-turned ode to Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Dowager, who at once rewarded him with the post of treasurer of Shensi. In 1900 he was acting governor of the same province and exhibited rare courage and tact. He received the fateful telegraphic edict commanding the extermination of foreigners, but had sufficient strength of character to disregard it; locked it up without showing it to any one, gave out that he was instructed to protect the foreign missionaries in his province, and threatened dire punishment for any antiforeign attack. He bade those who were inclined to side with the "Boxers" to prove their courage by going to the seaboard to attack the foreign armies and leave defenseless women and children alone. At the same time he sent for the missionaries and told them what his real instructions were, and arranged to send them under safe escort to the south. In this way they were all preserved from harm. Yet, when the court took to flight he made every preparation to receive them in his capital, Singanfu, and despite the famine which was decimating the population, succeeded in providing the necessary supplies. As a reward for the tact and executive ability shown he was made governor of Hupeh, and is now temporarily in charge of the viceroyalty. Whether he can retain the post permanently or not remains to be seen, but it is believed in the highest official circles here that he will be allowed a chance to demonstrate his fitness or unfitness for the post. His rapid promotion is generally regarded as phenomenal.

[Inclosure 2-Translated from the Peking Gazette of October 7, 1902.]
Imperial edict.

We have received with reverence the commands of Her Imperial Majesty, Tsu-Hsi, etc., Empress Dowager, as follows:

The viceroy of the Liang Kiang, Liu K'un-yi, kept a disposition honest and loyal; his talents were great and his plans far-reaching. From among the multitude of licentiates he raised himself by his military services, frequently achieving merit, and gradually attained to the position of a viceroy, where he was able to discharge the duties of his office with diligence. Later he received the appointment of viceroy of the Liang Kiang and superintendent of trade for the south, which he has held for more than ten years past, preserving peace in the regions under his jurisdiction. The populace, military and civil, have loved and respected him. In the conduct of international affairs he has carefully assisted in determining our policy. Year before last, when the capital was in confusion, the said viceroy protected the southeast and reconstructed the general situation, whereby he still further increased his merit. Being experienced and reliable, as a minister he was in truth a pillar of the State. Recently, owing to his illness, we several times granted him leave of absence from his post and sent him presents of ginseng. Relying upon this prescription we hoped

he would soon recover his health that we might long employ him and lean upon him; but we have suddenly heard of his death, and are deeply shocked with grief. Let Liu K'un-yi receive additional favors; let him be raised posthumously to the ranks of baron of the first grade and grand tutor. In compliance with the custom observed on the death of viceroy, we contribute as a mark of sympathy the sum of 3,000 taels to the funeral expenses, to be paid out of the treasury at Nankin. We bestow also an altar of offerings, and depute the Tartar general at Nankin, Ê-lê-ch'un, to go and make the offering. We also bestow the posthumous title of Chung Ch'êng (loyal and sincere).

Let him be entered for worship at the temple of worthies in the capital, and let temples be erected for his worship at Nankin, at his native place in Hunan, and in the provinces where he won distinction, and let the State historiographer prepare a record of his life, that his deeds may be made known. Let all penalties for errors in administration be canceled, and let the yamen concerned examine and report what further mark of sympathetic consideration he should receive. When his coffin shall

be carried back to his native place, let the local officials along the route make satisfactor arrangements to care for it. Let Chang Chih-tung at once inquire and report how many sons and grandsons he left, and an edict will be issued later bestowing favors, so as to manifest our purpose to show sincere remembrance of a perfect minister.

NOTE.-Liu K'un-yi was one of a number of Hunanese who greatly distinguished themselves during the T'ai-p'ing rebellion by their loyal services in behalf of the Imperial Government. Others from the same province were the two brothers Tsêng Kuo-fan (father of Marquis Tseng) and Tseng Kuo-ch'üan, both of whom also held at different times the post of viceroy at Nanking. Liu never took any literary degree above that of licentiate (provincial A. B.), but by his military successes he won the favor of the court and was gradually raised to the high rank of a governor-general. In 1861 he was appointed provincial judge of Kuangtung, the next year treasurer of Kiangsi, in 1865 governor of Kiangsi, and ten years later viceroy at Canton. In 1879 he was transferred to the most important post of viceroy at Nanking, but two years later was ordered to Peking, denounced, and, through the intrigues of his enemies, dismissed the service. In 1890 the Yangtze Valley was in a state of unrest, and Tseng Kuo-ch'uan having died in office at Nanking, the Government looked about for a strong man to succeed him. In their extremity they turned to Liu, who, though already well advanced in years, proved fully equal to the responsibilities of the post. It has been very largely due to his influence over the Hunanese that central China has been kept in comparative peace through the past ten years. During the Japanese war, when the defeat of the Chinese forces had thrown Peking into consternation, it was again to Liu that the Government turned for advice, and he was made generalissimo of the army. Fortunately for his reputation he was not compelled to fight, as peace negotiations were almost immediately entered into, and the war came to an end. He returned to his post at Nanking, and has continued there until his death. In the year 1900, when the Boxer" madness was spreading terror into the north, he took steps to preserve the southeastern provinces from infection, and entered into the compact by which that portion of the Empire was saved from invasion by the foreign forces. His health has been failing for some years past, but he retained his mental vigor to the last. He died at the age of 74 years.

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Chang Chih-tung, who succeeds Liu at Nanking, is the well-known viceroy at Wuchang, opposite Hankow. He is between 60 and 70 years of age. Unlike his predecessor he is a man of great scholarship and has secured his advancement very largely through his literary attainments. He is a native of Chihli, the metropolitan province, and graduated with the doctor's degree in 1863, standing third in his class. He held various provincial offices and in 1884 became viceroy at Canton, from which post he was transferred to Wuchang in 1889 on account of his strong indorsement of the scheme for a railway from Peking, via Hankow, to Canton. While His Excellency Liu was in the north as generalissimo of the forces in 1894 and 1895, Chang was placed in temporary charge at Nanking, but with this exception he has remained at Wuchang, where he has distinguished himself by the introduction of various industrial and educational enterprises modeled on western patterns. Among these are the opening of mines, the purchase of a rolling mill, the equipment of a cotton mill, and the establishment of a military academy and an agricultural college. During the brief period in which the ill-fated reform party was in control of the Government he wrote a series of brilliant essays urging the adoption of the "new learning" as essential to the preservation of the State. These have since been translated into English and widely commented upon. * * *

Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger.


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, October 10, 1902.

(Mr. Hay directs Mr. Conger to convey to Chinese Government, on the occason of the death of Viceroy Liu K'un-yi, the assurance of the sincere sympathy of the Government of the United States.)

Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.

No. 1121.]

LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, Peking, October 16, 1902. SIR: I have the honor to confirm Department's telegram of October 10 concerning the death of Viceroy Liu K'un-yi, and to report that its contents have been conveyed to the Chinese Government as directed, and a reply received, copies of which communications are inclosed. I have, etc.,


[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Conger to Prince Ch'ing.

Peking, October 11, 1902.

YOUR HIGHNESS: I have the honor to inform your highness that I have just received telegraphic instructions from the Secretary of State at Washington, directing me to convey to the Imperial Government the assurance of my Government's sincere sympathy in the loss sustained by China through the death of so worthy and capable a public official as the late viceroy of the Liang Kiang, His Excellency Liu K'un-yi.

In complying with these instructions, I avail, etc.,


[Inclosure 2.]

Prince Ch'ing to Mr. Conger.

We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency's note, saying that you had had a telegram from the State Department at Washington, expressing the deep sympathy of your Government on learning of the death of his excellency the superintendent of trade for the south, the Viceroy Liu K'un-yi, which telegram your excellency, as instructed, had had translated and which you transmitted for our information, etc.

On receiving and reading your excellency's note and learning that your honorable Government had sent a special telegram to convey its regret on hearing the death of his excellency the superintendent of trade for the south, the Viceroy Liu K'un-yi, we, prince and ministers, have been filled with gratitude for such a distinguished mark of friendship. We therefore send this note to your excellency in reply, hoping that you will inform the State Department of your honorable country of its contents. In sending this reply we avail, etc.

Cards inclosed.

Ninth moon, 14th day (October 15, 1902).

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