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reason for this is that there is always danger at home of relatives or friends neglecting or causing neglect of regulations that are important and that are enforced in a hospital.

As to the feeling among the poorer classes, Dr. Keatinge is probably quite within the bounds of truth when she says: "In regard to the poorer clases, many of these would rather work, eat and sleep in a close room where one of the family is sick with typhoid or scarlet fever, than send the patient to a hospital. They look upon these institutions as great, yawning horrors, waiting to gobble them up, and upon surgeons as human butchers with their instruments ready, and only to anxious to cut up some poor being. If a woman with a temperature of 103 is not given a dinner fit for a ploughman, she, may not hesitate to tell her friends she is being starved, and if the nurse is ordered to give her a bath, she will very likely tell some one 'the nurse did it for fun."-Nat. Hospital Record.

Color Photography at Chicago University. The McDonough process of color photography has been adopted by the University of Chicago as a part of its course of study. This has been after a careful investigation by the President and Faculty. A large factory is being erected in Chicago, in which color photography and the letterpress work following are to be carried out, and in this factory the students of the University will have their place of work and rooms for experimenting on the process. No attempt has been made as yet to put the process into commercial use.

Great Improvement.-The National Hospital and Sanitarium Record appears in a new form this month, and one we consider a great improvement over the original one. It is full of good things as usual and deserves the high place it is taking among Journals of this class. We congratulate Mr. Sutton, and wish him continued success.

The Southern Surgical and Gynæcological Association.— The eleventh annual meeting of this association which was announced to be held in Memphis, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 8th, 9th, and 10th, has been postponed till Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Decem

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ber 6, 7, and 8, 1898, on account of the quarantine regulations in some parts of the south.

Guarding Against Leprosy.-The California State board of health has commissioned Dr. C. A. Ruggles, president of the board, to visit the Sandwich Islands, to learn the extent of the presence of leprosy, and to report measures to prevent its introduction into California. Unless Congress passes a special measure to prevent it, the inhabitants of Hawaii will be free to come to San Francisco and other Pacific ports and it is the intention of the board of health to prepare a report for submission to the coming legislature which will suggest safeguards against the spread of the disease.Med. Record.

Spider Living In the Human Ear.-Sarah Louva, a woman 70 years of age, living in Philadelphia, was troubled with distressing noises in ears. She consulted physicians connected with St. Mary's Hospital in regard to the trouble, and on examination a living spider was found and successfully removed from the ear.-Medical Times.

A New Sign of Death.-Bourgade (Comptes rend. de la soc. de biologie, IV, 23, 1898) recommends the employment of the Rontgen ray apparatus in order to determine the actuality of death in difficult cases. Skiagraphs being taken of the chest show in the event of death a clear, sharp and destinct outline of the heart, but if the heart moves at all, as if beating, the outline is blurred and indistinct. This same phenomenon is to be noted with reference to the contour of the ribs and of the diaphragmatic insertions.

Condurango in Gastric Pain and Vomiting.—Dr. Gouvenel (Jour. de Med. de Paris, June 19, 1898) says that condurango produces an excellent effect in gastric pain and vomiting. It is also effective in checking hematemesis. The drug is given in daily doses of 30 to 60 grn., in divided doses in cachets, or in the form of a 20 per cent. tincture, 24 to 5fl. dr. being administered daily.

By the will of the late Mrs. Annie S. Paton of New York, the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital will receive $50,000.

The Triumphs of Modern Surgery.

They sawed off his arms and his legs,
They took out his jugular vein;
They put fancy frills on his lungs,

And they deftly extracted his brain.
"Twas a triumph of surgical skill

Such as never was heard of till then;
'Twas the subject of lectures before
Conventions of medical men.

The news of this wonderful thing
Was heralded far and wide;

But as for the patient, there's nothing to say,
Excepting, of course, that he died.

-N. Y. Medical Journal.

Could It Have Been Boston.-"Pretty Polly" said the the visitor approaching the cage. "Want a-"

"My name," interrupted the parrot, speaking slowly and distinctly, "is Ibsen, and I want nothing. I am meditating."

"He is a queer bird," explained the hostess

"He won't

eat anythig but beans. I think my husband got him somewhere in the East."

"Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave. It is painful, continual and difficult work to be done by kindness, by watching, by warning, by precept, and by praise; but above all, by example".-Ruskin.

Write to Them.-Do not fail to send to the Resinol Company for samples and literature. Their preparation is a most excellent one and is advertised solely to the profession. Write them mentioning this Journal.

Schering & Glatz will be pleased to send literature regarding their preparations upon application. They are a most satisfactory and reliable house. It will pay you to communicate with them, mentioning this Journal.

Holiday Excursions-The Clover Leaf will issue usual low rate excursion tickets, between all stations and to points on connecting lines, during the Holidays. For rates, limits and full particulars see any Agent Clover Leaf Route, or address, C. C. JENKINS, Genl. Pass. Agt. Toledo, Ohio.


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