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help, redress, alleviation. Relinquish, give up, forsake, resign, surrender, quit, leave, forego. (Retain.) Remedy, help, relief, redress, cure, specific, reparation. Remorseless pitiless, relentless, cruel, ruthless, merciless, barbarous. (Merciful, humane.) Remote, distant, far, secluded, indirect. (Near.) Reproduce, propagate, imitate, represent, copy. Repudiate, disown, discord, disavow, renounce, disclaim. (Acknowledge.) Repugnant, antagonistic, distasteful. (Agreeable.) Repulsive, forbidding, odious, ugly, disagreeable, revolting. (Attractive.) Respite, reprieve, interval, stop, pause. Revenge, vengeance, retaliation, requital, retribution. (Forgiveness.) Revenue, produce, income, fruits, proceeds, wealth. Reverence, n., honor, respect, awe, veneration, deference, worship, homage. (Execration.) Revise, review, reconsider. Revive, refresh, renew, renovate, animate, resuscitate, vivify, cheer, comfort. Rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent, copious, ample, abundant, exuberant, plentiful, fertile, fruitful, superb, gorgeous. (Poor) Rival. n., antagonist, opponent, competitor. Road, way, highway, route, course, path, pathway, anchorage. Roam, ramble, rove, wander, stray, stroll. Robust, strong, lusty, vigorous, sinewy, stout, sturdy, stalwart, able-bodied. (Puny.) Rout, v., discomfit, beat, defeat, overthrow, scatter. Route, road, course, march, way, journey, path, direction. Rude rugged, rough, uncouth, unpolished, harsh, gruff, impertinent, saucy, flippant, impudent, insolent, churlish. (Polished, polite.) Rule, sway, method, system, law, maxim, precept, guide, formula, regulation, government, standard, test. Rumor, hearsay, talk, fame, report, bruit. Ruthless, cruel, savage, barbarous, inhuman, merciless, remorseless, relentless, unrelenting. (Considerate.)


SACRED, holy, hallowed, divine, consecrated, dedicated, devoted Safe, secure, harmless, trustworthy, reliable. (Perilous, dangerous.) Sanction, confirm, countenance, encourage, support, ratify, authorize. (Disapprove) Sare, sober, lucid, sound, rational. (Crazy) Saucy, impertinent, rude, impudent, insolent, flippant, forward. (Modest.) Scandalize, shock, disgust, offend, calumniate, vilify, revile, malign, traduce, defame, slander. Scanty, bare, pinched, insufficient, slender, meager. (Ample) Scatter, strew, spread, disseminate, disperse, dissipate, dispel. (Collect.) Secret, clandestine, concealed, hidden, sly, underhand, latent, private. (Open.) Seduce, allure, attract, decoy, entice, abduct, inveigle, deprave. Sense, discernment, appreciation, view, opinion, feeling, perception, sensibility, susceptibility, thought, judgment, signification, import, significance, meaning, purport, wisdom. Sensible, wise, intelligent, reasonable, sober, sound, conscious, aware. (Foolish.) Settle, arrange, adjust, regulate, conclude determine. Several. sundry, divers, various, many. Severe, harsh, stern, stringent, unmitigated, rough, unyielding. (Lenient.) Shake, tremble, shudder, shiver, quake, quiver Shallow, superficial, flimsy, slight (Deep, thorough) Shame, disgrace, dishonor. (Honor.) Shameful degrading, scandalous, disgraceful, outrageous (Honorable.) Shameless, immodest, impudent, indecent, indelicate, brazen. Shape, form, fashion, mold, model. Share por

tion, lot, division, quantity, quota, contingent. Sharp, acute, keen. (Dull.) Shine, glare, glitter, radiate, sparkle. Short, brief, concise, succinct, summary. (Long.) Show, v., indicate, mark, point out, exhibit, display. Show, n, exhibition, representation, sight, spectacle Sick, diseased, sickly, unhealthy, morbid. (Healthy.) Sickness, n., illness, indisposition, disease, disorder (Health) Significant, a., expressive, material, important. (Insignificant.) Signification, import, meaning, sense. Silence, speechlessness dumbness. (Noise.) Silent, dumb, mute, speechless. (Talkative.) Simile, comparison, similitude. Simple, single, uncompounded, artless, plain. (Complex, compound.) Simulate, dissimulate, dissemble, pretend. Sincere candid, hearty, honest, pure, genuine, real. (Insincere.) Situation, condition, plight, predicament, state, position. Size, bulk, greatness, magnitude, dimension. Slavery, servitude, enthrallment, thralldom. (Freedom.) Sleep, doze, drowse, nap, slumber. Sleepy, somnolent. (Wakeful.) Slow, dilatory, tardy. (Fast.) Smell, fragrance, odor, perfume, scent. Smooth, even, level, mild. (Rough.) Soak, drench, imbrue, steep. Social, sociable, friendly, communicative. (Unsocial.) Soft. gentle, meek, mild. (Hard.) Solicit, importune, urge. Solitary, sole, only, single. Sorry, grieved, poor, paltry, insignificant. (Glad, respectable.) Soul, mind, spirit. (Soul is opposed to body, mind to matter.) Sound, v., healthy, sane. (Unsound.)

Sound, n., tone, noise, silence. Space, room. Sparse, scanty, thin. (Luxuriant.) Speak, converse, talk, confer, say, tell. Special, particular, specific. (General.) Spend, expend, exhaust, consume, waste, squander, dissipate. (Save.) Sporadic, isolated, rare. (General, prevalent.) Spread, disperse, diffuse, expand, disseminate, scatter. Spring, fountain, source. Staff, prop, support, stay. Stagger, reel, totter. Stain, soil, discolor, spot, sully, tarnish. State, commonwealth, realm. Sterile, barren, unfruitful. (Fertile.) Stifle, choke, suffocate, smother. Stormy, rough, boisterous, tempestuous. (Calm.) Straight, direct, right. (Crooked.) Strait, a., narrow, confined. Stranger, alien, foreigner. (Friend.) Strengthen, fortify, invigorate. (Weaken.) Strong, robust, sturdy, powerful. (Weak.) Stupid, dull, foolish, obtuse, witless. (Clever.) Subject, exposed to, liable, obnoxious. (Exempt) Subject, inferior, subordinate. (Superior to, above.) Subsequent, succeeding, following. (Previous.) Substantial, solid, durable. (Unsubstantial.) Suit, accord, agree. (Disagree.) Superficial, flimsy, shallow, untrustworthy. (Thorough.) Superfluous, unnecessary, excessive. (Necessary) Surround, encircle, encompass, environ. Sustain, maintain, support. Symmetry, proportion. Sympathy, commiseration, compassion, condolence. System, method, plan, order. Systematic, orderly, regular, methodical. (Chaotic.)

TAKE, accept, receive. (Give) Talkative, garrulous, loquacious, communicative. (Silent.) Taste, flavor, relish, savor. (Tastlessness.) Tax, custom, duty, impost, excise, toll. Tax, assessment, rate. Tease, taunt, tantalize, torment, vex. Temporary, a., fleeting, transient, transitory. (Permanent. Tenacious, pertinacious, retentive. Tendency aim, drift, scope. Tenet, position, view, conviction, belief. Term, boundary, limit. period, time. Territory, dominion. Thankful, grateful, obliged. (Thankless.) Thankless, ungracious, profitless, ungrateful, unthankful. Thaw, melt, dissolve, liquefy. (Freeze.) Theatrical, dramatic, showy, ceremonious, meretricious. Theft, robbery, depredation, spoliation. Theme, subject, topic, text, essay. Theory, speculation, scheme, plea, hypothesis, conjecture. Therefore, accordingly, consequently, hence. Thick, dense, close, compact, solid, coagulated, muddy, turbid, misty, foggy, vaporous. (Thin.) Thin, slim, slender, slight, flimsy, lean, attenuated, scraggy. Think, cogitate, consider, reflect, ponder, contemplate, meditate, muse, conceive, fancy, imagine, apprehend, hold, esteem, reckon, consider, regard, deem, believe, opine. Thorough, accurate, correct, trustworthy, reliable, complete. (Superficial.) Thought, idea, conception, imagination, fancy, conceit, notion, supposition, care, provision, consideration, opinion, view, sentiment, reflection, deliberation. Thoughtful, considerate, careful, cautious, heedful, contemplative, reflective, provident, pensive, dreamy. (Thoughtless.) Thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash, precipitate, improvident, heedless. Tie. v., bind, restrain, restrict, oblige, secure, unite, join. (Loose.) Tie, n., band, ligament, ligature. Time, duration, season, period, era, age, date, span, spell. Tolerate, allow, admit, receive, suffer, permit, let, endure, abide. (Oppose.) Top, summit, apex, head, crown, surface. (Bottom, base.) Torrid, burning, hot, parching, scorching, sultry. Tortuous, twisted, winding, crooked, indirect. Torture, torment, anguish, agony. Touching, tender, affecting, moving, pathetic. Tractable, docile, manageable, amenable. Trade, traffic, commerce, dealing, occupation, employment, office. Traditional, oral uncertain, transmitted Traffic, trade, exchange, commerce, intercourse. Trammel, ., fetter, shackle, clog, bond, chain, impediment, hindrance. Tranquil, stil unruffled, peaceful, quiet, hushed. (Noisy, boisterous.) Transaction, negotiation, occurrence, proceeding, affair. Trash, nonsense, twaddle, trifles, dross. Travel, trip, ramble, peregrination, excursion, journey, tour, voyage. Treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, treasonable, faithless, falsehearted, perfidious, sly, false. (Trustworthy, faithful) Trite, stale, old, ordinary, commonplace, hackneyed. (Novel) Triumph, achievement, ovation, victory, conquest, jubilation. (Failure, defeat.) Trivial, trifling, petty, small, frivolous, unimportant, insignificant. (Important.) True. genuine, actual, sincere, unaffected, true-hearted, honest, upright, veritable, real, veracious, authentic, exact, accurate, correct. Tumultuous, turbulent, riotous, disorderly, disturbed, confused, unruly. (Orderly.) Tune, tone, air, melody, strain. Turbid, foul, thick,

muddy, impure, unsettled. (Placid.) Type, emblem, symbol, figure, sign, kind sort, letter. Tyro, novice, beginner, learner.



UGLY, unsightly, plain, homely, ill-favored, hideous. (Beautiful.) Umbrage, offence, dissatisfaction, displeasure, resentment. Umpire, referee, arbitrator, judge, arbiter. Unanimity, accord, agreement, unity, concord. (Discord.) Unanimous, agreeing, like-minded. Unbridled, wanton, licentious, dissolute, loose, lax. Uncertain, doubtful, dubious, questionable, fitful, equivocal, ambiguous, indistinct, variable, fluctuating. Uncivil. rude, discourteous, disrespectful, disobliging. (Civil.) Unclean, dirty, foul, filthy, sullied. (Clean) Uncom mon, rare, strange, scarce, singular, choice (Common, ordinary.) cerned, careless, indifferent, apathetic (Anxious.) Uncouth, strange, odd, clumsy, ungainly. (Graceful.) Uncover, reveal, strip, expose, lay bare, divest. (Hide.) Under, below, underneath, beneath, subordinate, lower, inferior. (Above.) Understanding, knowledge, intellect, intelligence, faculty, comprehension, mind, reason, brains. Undertake, engage in, embark in, agree, promise. Undo, annul, frustrate, untie, unfasten, destroy. Uneasy, restless, disturbed, unquiet, stiff, awkward. (Quiet.) Unequal, uneven, not alike, irregular, insufficient. (Even.) Unequaled, matchless, unique, novel, new, unheard of. fair, wrongful, dishonest, unjust. (Fair.) Unfit, a., improper, unsuitable, inconsistent, untimely, incompetent. (Fit) Unfit, v., disable, incapacitate, disqualify. (Fit.) Unfortunate, calamitous, ill-fated, unlucky, wretched, unhappy, miserable. (Fortunate.) Ungainly, clumsy, awkward, lumbering, uncouth. (Pretty.) Unhappy, miserable, wretched, distressed, afflicted, painful, disastrous, drear, dismal. (Happy.) Uniform, regular, symmetrical, equal, even, alike, unvaried. (Irregular.) Uninterrupted, continuous, perpetual, unceasing, incessant, endless. (Intermittent.) Union, junction, combination, alliance, confederacy, league, coalition, agreement, concert. (Disunion, separation) Unique, unequal, uncommon, rare, choice, matchless. (Common, ordinary.) Unite, join, conjoin, combine, concert, add, attach, incorporate, embody, clench, merge. (Separate, disrupt, sunder.) Universal, general, all, entire, total, catholic. (Sectional.) Unlimited, absolute, undefined, boundless, infinite. (Limited.) Unreasonable, foolish, silly, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous. Unrivaled, unequaled, unique, unexampled, incomparable, matchless. (Mediocre.) Unroll, unfold, open, discover. Unruly, ungovernable, unmanageable, refractory. (Tractable, docile.) Unusual, rare, unwonted, singular, uncommon, remarkable, strange, extraordinary. (Common.) Uphold, maintain, defend, sustain, support, vindicate. (Desert, abandon.) Upright, vertical, perpendicular, erect, just, equitable, fair, pure, honorable. (Prone, horizontal) Uprightness, honesty, integrity, fairness, goodness, probity, virtue, honor. (Dishonesty.) Urge, incite, impel, push, drive, instigate, stimulate, press, induce, solicit. Úrgent, pressing, important, imperative, immediate, serious, wanted. (Unimportant.) Usage, custom, fashion, practice, prescription. Use, n., usage, practice, habit, custom, avail, advantage, utility, benefit, application. (Disuse, desuetude.) Use, v., employ, exercise, occupy, practise, accustom, inure. (Abuse.) Useful, advantageous, serviceable, available, helpful, beneficial, good. (Useless.) Useless, unserviceable, fruitless, idle, profitless (Useful.) Usual, ordinary, common, accustomed; habitual wonted, customary, general. (Unusual.) Usurp, arrogate, seize, appropriate assume. Utmost, farthest, remotest, uttermost, greatest Utter, a., extreme, excessive, sheer, mere, pure. Utter, v.. speak, articulate, pronounce, express, issue. Utterly, totally, completely, wholly, quite, altogether, entirely.

VACANT, empty, unfilled, unoccupied, thoughtless, unthinking. (Occupied.) Vagrant, n., wanderer, beggar, tramp, vagabond, rogue. Vague, unsettled, undetermined, uncertain, pointless, indefinite. (Definite) Vain, useless, fruitless, empty, worthless, inflated, proud, conceited, unreal, unavailing. (Effectual, humble, real.) Valiant, brave, bold, valorous, courageous, gallant. (Cowardly.) Valid, weighty, strong, powerful, sound, binding, efficient. (Invalid.) Valor, courage, gallantry, boldness, bravery, heroism. (Cowardice.) Value, v., appraise, assess, reckon, appreciate, estimate, prize, esteem, treasure. (Despise, condemn.) Vanish, disappear, fade. inelt, dissolve. Vanity, emptiness, conceit, self-conceit, affectedness. Vapid, dull, flat, insipid, stale, tame. (Sparkling.) Vapor, fume,

smoke, mist, fog, steam. Variable, changeable, unsteady, inconstant, shifting, wavering, fickle, restless, fitful. (Constant.) Variety, difference, diversity, change, diversification, mixture, medley, miscellany. (Sameness, monotony Vast, spacious, boundless, mighty, enormous, immense, colossal, gigantic, huge, prodigious. (Confined.) Vaunt, boast, brag, puff, hawk, advertise, flourish, parade. Venerable, grave, sage, wise, old, reverend. Venial, pardonable, excusable, justifiable. (Grave, serious.) Venom, poison, virus, spite, malice, malignity. Venture, n., speculation, chance, peril stake. Venture, v., dare, adventure, risk, hazard, jeopardize. Veracity, truth, truthfulness, credibility, accuracy (Falsehood) Verbal, oral, spoken, literal, parole, unwritten. Verdict, judgment, finding, decision, answer. Vexation, chagrin, mortification (Pleasure) Vibrate, oscillate, swing, sway, wave, undulate, thrill. Vice, vilenes, corruption, depravity, pollution, immorality, wickedness, guilt, iniquity, crime. (Virtue.) Vicious, corrupt, depraved, debased, bad, contrary, unruly, demoralized, profligate, faulty. (Virtuous, gentle.) Victim, sacrifice, food, prey, sufferer, dupe, gull. Victuals, viands, bread, meat, provisions, fare, food, repast. View, prospect, survey. Violent, boisterous, furious, impetuous, vehement. (Gent) Virtuous, upright, honest, moral. (Profligate.) Vision, apparition, ghost phantom, spectre. Voluptuary, epicure, sensualist. Vote, suffrage, voice. Vouch,

affirm, asseverate, assure, aver.

WAIT, await, expect, look for, wait for. Wakeful, vigilant, watchful. Sleepy.) Wander, range, ramble, roam, rove, stroll. Want, lack, need. (Abundance.) Wary, circumspect, cautious. (Foolhardy.) Wash, clean, rinse, wet, moisten, stain, tint. Waste, v., squander, dissipate, lavish, destroy, decay, dwind, wither. Wasteful, extravagant, profligate. (Economical) Way, method, plan, system, means, manner, mode, form, fashion, course, process, road, route, track, path, habit, practice Wave, breaker, billow, surge. Weak, feeble, infirm. (Strong.) Weaken, debilitate, enfeeble, enervate, invalidate. (Strengthen.) Wearisome, tedious, tiresome. (Interesting, enter aining) Weary, harass, jade, tire, fatigue. (Refresh) Weight, gravity, heaviness. (Lightness) Weight, burden, load. Well-being, happiness, prosperity, welfare. Whole, entire, complete, total, integral. (Part.) Wicked, iniquitous, nefarious. (Virtuous) Will wish, desire. willingly, spontaneously, voluntarily. (Unwillingly.) Win, get, obtain, gain, procure, effect, realize, accomplish, achieve. (Lose.) Winning, attractive, charming, fascinating, bewitching, enchanting, dazzling, brilliant. (Repulsive.) Wisdom, prudence, foresight, far-sightedness, sagacity. (Foolishness.) Wit, humor, satire, fun, raillery. Wonder, v., admire, amaze, astonish, surprise. Wonder, n., marvel, miracle, prodigy. Word, n., expression, term. Work, labor, task, toil. (Play) Worthless, valueless. (Valuable.) Writer, author, penman. Wrong, injustice, injury. (Right)

YAWN, gape, open wide. Yearn, hanker after, long for, desire, crave. Yell, bellow, cry out, scream. Yellow, golden, saffron-like. Yelp, bark, sharp cry, howl. Yet, besides, nevertheless, notwithstanding, however, still, ultimately, at last, so far, thus far. Yield, bear, give, afford, impart, communicate, confer, bestow, abdicate, resign, cede, surrender, relinquish, relax, quit, forego, give up, let go, waive, comply, accede, assent, acquiesce, succumb, submit. Yielding, supple, pliant, bending, compliant, submissive, unresisting. (Obstinate.) Yoke, v, couple, link, connect. Yore, long ago, long since. Young, juvenile, inexperienced, ignorant, youthful. Youth, boy, lad, minority, adolescence, juvenility. Youthful, young, juvenile, boyish, girlish, puerile. (Old)

ZEAL, energy, fervor, ardor, earnestness, enthusiasm, eagerness. (Indifference.) Zealous, warm, ardent, fervent, enthusiastic, anxious. (Indifferent, careless.) Zest, relish, gusto, flavor. (Disgust.)

LEAD in the form of filings, under a pressure of 2,000 atmospheres, or thirteen tons to the square inch, becomes compressed into a solid block, in which it is impossible to detect the slightest vestige of the original grains. Under a pressure of 5,000 atmospheres it liquifies.

Facts Astronomical, Geographical, Historical and Statistical.


CCORDING to the System of Copernicus (b. 1473), the

Sun was regarded as the center of the universe. The planets, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, revolved round it in circular orbits; the Moon was a satellite of the Earth, spun round it as a center, and accompanied it on its annual rotation round the Sun. Since then this view has been firmly established in its main principles, but it is now known that the Sun itself moves steadily toward the constellation Hercules, and that it is by no means the largest body in the universe. The Solar System is known to consist of a central Sun, round which all the other members revolve. These consist of eight primary planets, viz.: Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; twenty secondary planets, satellites, or attendants upon the planets, of which the Earth has one, Mars two, Jupiter four, Saturn eight, Uranus four, and Neptune one; a number of minor planets or asteroids situated between Mars and Jupiter, of which 271 are known; sev eral comets, and a great number of small meteoric bodies.

In their broad general features the planets are all alike. The ball or globe-like form is peculiar to all of them, they are all dark bodies, deriving light and heat from the sun, and consequently they all reflect the same borrowed light. In common, they all perform two motions, the one a spinning or rotatory motion on an axis, the other a motion of translation, which whirls them round the sun. Both these motions are from west to east, and the orbits which they describe round the sun are not circular, as represented by the Copernican System, but assume more the form of an oval or ellipse.


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Moon.. 2,180 Dist. from Earth, 238,000 miles.
Sun 887,000 1,400,000 times larger than Earth






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2,280 Unknown.


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