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2nd. They must be sent in bands or covers open at the sides, and (with the exception of the address) must not contain any writing, figures, or manual mark whatever.

The courses of exchange and prices-current shall merely give the name and prices of goods, without any mention of the name and residence of the vendors.

3rd. The postage of such printed papers is fixed at 1d. sterling each, for conveyance on the territory of the United Kingdom, and at the same sum for conveyance on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg.

4th. The postage belonging to each Post Office, for the transmission of such papers, must be levied by each office respectively on the posting or delivery of the papers.

No accounts shall be required between the 2 Post Offices respecting the mutual transmission of newspapers, periodical works, prices-current, courses of exchange, &c., mentioned in this and in the 2 preceding Articles: each Office retaining on its own account the postage which it shall have charged according to the foregoing stipulation.

IV. The Post Office of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg shall pay to the British Post Office the sum of d. sterling for every newspaper, and of 1d. for every price-current, course of exchange, or commercial list, for transit postage through the territory of the United Kingdom, and for sea conveyance of newspapers and the printed papers above mentioned, originating in the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, and addressed to the British colonies and possessions, and to all countries beyond sea, sent by the Post Office of the Duchy of Oldenburg to the British Post Office direct, or by way of the territories of Hamburgh, Hanover, or Bremen, direct between any port in such territories and the United Kingdom.

The same sums of d. sterling for every newspaper, and 1d. sterling for every price-current, course of exchange, or commercial list, shall be paid by the Post Office of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg to the British Post Office, for transit postage through the territory of the United Kingdom, and for sea conveyance of newspapers and the printed papers above mentioned, from the British colonies and possessions, and from all countries beyond sea, addressed to the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, when sent from the United Kingdom to the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg direct, or by way of the territories of Hamburgh, Hanover, or Breman, direct between any port in such territories and the United Kingdom.

The postage due to the British Post Office upon the publications mentioned in this Article, shall be accounted for when sent via Bremen, direct between that city and the United Kingdom, in the same manner as that in which the postage upon the correspondence

between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, transmitted via Bremen, is brought to account, viz., through the medium of the Post Office of Bremen.

V. The provisions contained in the foregoing Articles shall not preclude the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg from collecting in that State from the sender or receiver of the newspapers, periodical works, prices-current, commercial lists, and courses of exchange, mentioned in these Articles, when conveyed between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg through Hamburgh, Hanover, or Bremen, the transit postage payable to those States upon such newspapers, periodical works, &c., in addition to the rates, where such are chargeable, agreed upon to be levied by the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg for its own advantage.

VI. The present Additional Agreement shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at London within one month, or sooner if possible, and it shall come into operation on the 1st day of November, 1850.

In witness whereof, the respective parties have signed the present agreement, and have affixed their seals thereto.

Done in duplicate at London, the 20th day of August, 1850. (L.S.) W. L. MABERLY. (L.S.) J. COLQUHOUN.

DECREE of the Queen of Portugal, declaring Macao a Free Port.-Belem, November 20, 1845.


THE opening of some of the ports of the Empire of China to the commerce and navigation of all nations, having put a stop to the propitious circumstances which favoured the commerce of the city of Macao, notwithstanding the restrictions imposed thereon, and it being of rigorous necessity, in consequence of the altered circumstances in which that event has placed the said city, to devise means by which the restrictive system hitherto followed may be modified, and, by making use of the advantageous geographical position of that city, its commerce may be cherished and developed; I hereby, availing myself of the authority conferred by Article I of the Law of 2nd May, 1843, and having heard the Council of Ministers and that of the State, decree the following:

ART. I. The ports of the city of Macao, both the inner of the river, and the outer of the Typa, and of the roads, are declared free ports to the commerce of all nations, and therein shall be admitted for consumption, deposit, and re-exportation, every article of merchandize and commerce of whatever nature they may be.

II. All the articles of merchandize imported into the said port, under any flag, are to become quite free of entry duties 30 days after this Decree is made public in the city of Macao.

III. The importation of cannon, projectiles, incendiary mixtures, gunpowder, tobacco of any quality, snuff, soap, and orcheil weed, are, however, absolutely prohibited.

IV. The importation of the following articles of Portuguese production and industry shall be admitted only in Portuguese vessels proceeding from Portuguese ports, for the purpose of enjoying exemption from duties, viz.: arms and fire-arms, betel-nut, towelings, muslins, hats of every description, olive oil, cocoa-nut and palm oil, bacon, ready-made clothes and shoes, linen cloth, salt, medicines, sandal wood, spirits of wine and of cocoa-nut juice, wines, liqueurs, and vinegars of wine and of cocoa-nut juice.

V. The same articles mentioned in the preceding Article, whether of Portuguese or foreign production or industry, may be imported by Portuguese or foreign vessels, from foreign ports, upon paying 20 per cent. ad valorem.*

VI. The said article, though excepted from the general immunity for consumption, may, however, be received into depôt at the city of Macao, under condition of being re-exported within the term of 1 year, with those cautions and guarantees usual in such cases, by paying only 1 per cent. ad valorem of deposit and wharfage, besides the warehouse rent and coolie labour.

VII. Every other article which is admitted free for consumption or re-exportation, shall only be subject to the payment of coolie hire, according to a table of rates to be fixed by the Governor in Council, after hearing the Director of the Custom-House, and which rates are not to exceed the prices heretofore established.

VIII. The goods mentioned in Articles IV, V, and VI, shall be received into the Government warehouses, to be subject to the overseeing of the Custom-House until they are cleared. As to every other article comprised in the generality of the privilege, it will be free to the proprietors to store them in the Custom-House warehouses, or in private ones, as may be most convenient to them.

IX. For the payment of warehouse rent, there shall be also a table fixed by the Governor in Council, after hearing the Director of the Custom-House, regulating it as much as possible by what it is customary to pay for private warehouses.

X. To facilitate the landing of more bulky articles of merchandize, the Government shall cause cranes to be set up on the most convenient localities, or the most frequented wharfs; and the

All the articles received in deposit, not being re-exported within the term of one year, will be subject to payment of the consumption duty stated in Article V.

Governor in Council shall determine the rates to be paid for the use of them.

XI. The Governor in Council is also authorized, after obtaining the necessary information, to establish a table of anchorage, calculated on such a moderate scale, that the port expenses which ships will have to pay in Macao may invite both the national and foreign


XII. Every Act contrary to the tenor of the present Decree is hereby repealed.

The Councillor of State, Minister Extraordinary, and Secretary of State for the Marine and Ultramarine Commerce, are to take the roper steps for having this understood and carried into effect.

Court of Belem, 20th November, 1845. JOAQUIM JOZE FALCAM.



Promulgation by the Governor of Macao,

Government Office, Macao, February 28, 1846. THE Governor of the Province of Macao, Timor, and Solor in Council directs the following:

Whereas it is expedient, by virtue of the Act No. 362 of the Competent Ministry, dated the 20th of November last, that the Decree of the same date should be published for general information; be it known that this royal determination shall be in full vigour and operation from the 1st of April next, according to Article II of the same Decree; and that the Table, Regulations, and Instructions therein contained, for the more easy and regular performance of its enactments, shall be published in proper anticipation. The authorities to whom the knowledge thereof may relate, have it thus so understood and enacted.


NOTICES of the British and Portuguese Mixed Commission, relative to the Liquidation of the Claims of British Subjects. -1844-1849.

(1.)-Office of Mixed British and Portuguese Commission.

94, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, September 25, 1814. NOTICE is hereby given, that the payment of the titulos, issued by the Mixed British and Portuguese Commission, due on the 1st of October next, together with the interest accruing to that date upon the remainder of the series issued for each claim, will commence on the 1st of October, at the office of the said Commission,

and be continued on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 11 to 3 o'clock.

All parties holding more than one series of titulos will be required to fill up a form, which will be delivered upon application at the office, giving a list of the titulos they hold, with the interest due upon each, calculated separately, at the rate of 51. per cent. per annum, from the date of issue to the 1st of October, 1844.

(2.)-Notice. 3, Delahay Street, Westminster, March 28, 1845.

THE payment of the titulos issued by the Mixed British and Portuguese Commission, which will become due on the 1st of April next, together with the amount of interest accruing thereon to that date, will commence on the 1st of April, at the office of the said Commission, and be continued on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 11 to 3 o'clock.

All parties having more than one series of titulos are required to bring a list of the titulos they hold, with the interest due upon each titulo, calculated separately, at the rate of 51. per cent. per annum, from the date of issue.

Forms may be procured on application at the office.


(3.)-Notice. 3, Delahay Street, Westminster, September 26, 1845.

THE payment of the titulos issued by the Mixed British and Portuguese Commission, together with the amount of interest due the 1st of October next, will commence on that day, at the office of the said Commission, and be continued on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 11 to 3 o'clock, until the 31st of December


All parties having more than one series of titulos are required to bring a list of the titulos they hold, with the interest due upon each, calculated separately, at the rate of 51. per cent. per annum, from the date of issue.

Forms may be procured on application at this office.


(4.)-Notice. 12, Fludyer Street, Westminster, March 24, 1846.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the payment of the titulos, issued by the Mixed British and Portuguese Commission, due on the 1st of April next, together with the interest accruing upon the remainder of the series issued for each claim, will commence on that day, at the office of the said Commission, and be continued on

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