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Service," it is enacted, that from and immediately after the enrolment of a certain deed or instrument therein mentioned (which deed or instrument has been since enrolled), all such rights and duties of jurisdiction and authority over His Majesty's subjects resorting to the ports of the Levant, for the purpose of trade or otherwise, as were lawfully exercised and performed, or which were by certain letters patent and Acts of Parliament (therein more particularly referred to), or any of them, authorized to be exercised and performed by any Consuls or other officers appointed by the said Company, or which such Consuls or other officers lawfully exercised and performed. under and by virtue of any power or authority whatever, shall, from and after the enrolment of such deed or instrument as aforesaid, be and become vested in, and shall be exercised and performed by, such Consuls and other officers respectively as His Majesty may be pleased to appoint, for the protection of the trade of His Majesty's subjects in the ports and places respectively mentioned in the said letters patent and Acts, or any or either of them.

And whereas the right of levying hospital dues on ships trading to the Levant, was one of the rights theretofore exercised by the said Company and its Consuls, and the same may now be lawfully exercised and performed by Her Majesty's Consuls in and throughout the dominions of the Sublime Ottoman Porte. And whereas it is expedient to provide for the establishment, support, and maintenance of British hospitals for sick seamen coming in British or Ionian merchant vessels within the dominions of the Sublime Ottoman Porte.

Now, therefore, under and by virtue, and in pursuance of the premises, and of the said recited Acts of Parliament, and of all or any power, jurisdiction, or authority whatsoever, thereby or otherwise vested in or belonging to Her Majesty in this behalf, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that it shall be lawful for Her Majesty's Consuls residing within the said dominions, and they are hereby authorized, to levy upon all British or Ionian merchant vessels, which may enter any of the ports within their respective jurisdictions, a tonnage duty or dues, not exceeding 1 penny per ton on each vessel; and they are hereby authorized, directed, and required to apply all the said duty or dues, and all moneys raised or received by them on account thereof, for and towards the establishment, maintenance, and support of British hospitals, for sick seamen coming in British or Ionian vessels within the said dominions. And Her Majesty is pleased by and with the like advice to order, and it is hereby ordered, that it shall be lawful for Her Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, from time to time, by any writing under his hand, to make and issue, and he is hereby authorized to make

and issue, any such rules and regulations as to him may seem fit with regard to the manner in which the moneys which may be so levied or received as aforesaid by the said Consuls, shall be applied or expended for the establishment, maintenance, or support of such hospitals as aforesaid; and Her Majesty is further pleased to order, and it is hereby further ordered, that it shall be lawful for any such Secretary of State as aforesaid, from time to time, by any rule, regulation, or order in writing under his hand, to provide for the exempting any British or Ionian merchant vessel which may within any period therein set forth have once paid the said tonnage duty or dues from all or any other or additional or subsequent payment or liability in respect thereof; and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is further pleased to order, and it is hereby further ordered, that it shall be lawful for any such Secretary of State as aforesaid, and he is hereby authorized from time to time by any such rule, regulation, or order in writing under his hand, to alter and vary the rate or amount of the tonnage duty, or dues so to be levied or paid as aforesaid, or the manner of levying or paying or receiving the same; provided always that no such alteration or variation shall extend or operate so as to increase or exceed the aforesaid rate or amount of tonnage duty or dues, that is to say, 1 penny per ton upon each vessel; and it is hereby further ordered, that it shall be lawful for Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, by any writing under his hand, from time to time to limit the extent to which any Consul-General, Consul, or Vice-Consul shall exercise jurisdiction over British subjects within the dominions of the Sublime Ottoman Porte, in the matter of or in any thing relating to the said tonnage duty or dues, anything in the present Order contained notwithstanding; and Her Majesty is, by and with the like advice and consent, pleased further to order, and it is hereby further ordered, that, for the purposes of this order, the words British merchant vessel or vessels, and British ship or ships shall be taken and deemed to include all or any merchant ship or vessel being the property of any subject of Her Majesty.

And the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon, one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, is to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.


BRITISH ORDER IN COUNCIL, relative to the Trial and Punishment of British Subjects for Crimes committed within the Dominions of Borneo.-Windsor, November 14, 1854.*

At the Court at Windsor, the 14th day of November, 1851.


WHEREAS by a certain Act of Parliament, made and passed in the Session of Parliament holden in the 6th and 7th years of Her Majesty's reign [cap. 94],† intituled "An Act to remove doubts as to the exercise of Power and Jurisdiction by Her Majesty, within divers countries and places out of Her Majesty's dominions, and to render the same more effectual," it is amongst other things enacted that it is and shall be lawful for Her Majesty to hold, exercise, and enjoy any power or jurisdiction which Her Majesty now hath, or may at any time hereafter have, within any country or place out of Her Majesty's dominions, in the same and as ample a manner as if Her Majesty had acquired such power or jurisdiction by the cession. or conquest of territory:

And whereas Her Majesty hath power and juris diction in the dominions of the Sultan of Borneo ;

And whereas it is expedient at the present time to make provision for the due exercise of the jurisdiction possessed by Her Majesty as aforesaid;

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the above recited Act of Parlia ment, Her Majesty is pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that any act coming under Her Majesty's jurisdiction as aforesaid, and which, being done in any part of Her Majesty's dominions, would be criminal, and would render the agent or his abettors amenable to punishment, shall, when done by British subjects within the dominions of the Sultan of Borneo, be considered as criminal to the same extent as if such act had been done within Her Majesty's dominions, and shall be liable to be inquired of, tried, determined, and punished in Her Majesty's colony of Labuan, or in Her Majesty's possession of Singapore, which places Her Majesty has been, and is hereby pleased, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, to appoint as those wherein crimes and offences committed by British subjects within the dominions of the Sultan of Borneo, may be inquired of, tried, determined, and punished.

And it is further ordered, that Her Majesty's Consuls, and Vice-Consuls, resident within the

• Revoked by Order in Council of 13th August, 1855. † Vol. XXXI. Page 986.

Consuls-General, dominions of the

See page 1111.

Sultan of Borneo, and being subjects of Her Majesty, shall have authority to cause any British subject charged with the commission of any crime or offence within the said dominions, to be apprehended and sent for trial to the aforesaid colony of Labuan, or the aforesaid possession of Singapore.

And the Right Honourable the Earl of Clarendon, and the Right Honourable Sir George Grey, Baronet, two of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.


TRAITE de Commerce et de Navigation entre la Suède et le Norvège, et la Ville Libre et Anséatique de Lübeck.-Conclu à Lübeck, le 14 Septembre, 1852.*

[Ratifié à Stockholm, le 23 Novembre, et à Lübeck, le 24 Novembre, 1852.]

SA Majesté le Roi de Suède et de Norvège et le Haut Sénat de la ville libre et Anséatique de Lübeck, également animés du désir d'étendre et de consolider les relations commerciales qui subsistent entre la Suède et le Norvège et la République de Lübeck, et convaincus, que ce but salutaire ne saurait être mieux rempli, que par l'adoption d'un système de parfaite réciprocité, basé sur des principes équitables, sont convenus en conséquence d'entrer en négociation pour la conclusion d'un Traité de Commerce et de Navigation et ont nommé à cet effet des Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Sa Majesté le Roi du Suède et de Norvège, le Comte Antoine Renaud de Wrangel, son Chambellan, son Ministre-Résident près leurs Altesses Royales les Grand-Ducs de Mecklembourg et les Villes Libres et Anséatiques de Lübeck, de Brême et de Hambourg, Chevalier de l'Ordre de l'Etoile Polaire, Commandeur de l'Ordre du Dannebrog; et le Haut Sénat de la Ville Libre et Anséatique de Lübeck, le Syndic Pierre Louis Elder, Docteur en Droit, lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs pleins-pouvoirs respectifs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants :

ART. I. Les bâtiments Suèdois et Norvègieus, de quelle capacité ou construction que ce soit, tant bâtiments à voile que bâtiments à vapeur, qui arrivent sur leur lest ou chargés dans les ports de la République de Lübeck, de même que les bâtiments Lübeckois, de [1853-54.]

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quelle capacité ou construction que ce soit, tant bâtiments à voile que bâtiments à vapeur, qui arrivent dans les ports des Royaumes de Suède et de Norvège sur leur lest ou chargés, seront Traités tant à leur entrée que pendant leur séjour et à leur sortie sur le même pied que les bâtiments nationaux, par rapport au procédé avec eux de même qu'au montant et au mode d'acquittement des droits de port, de tonnage, de fanaux, de jaugeage, de pilotage et de sauvetage, ainsi qu'à tout autre droit ou charge de quelle espèce ou dénomination que ce soit, revenant au Gouvernement, aux villes ou à des établissements particuliers quelconques; enfin, dans tout ce qui concerne la navigation, chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes sera traitée par l'autre sur le même pied que les nationaux.

Il est convenu, que ces dispositions s'étendent aux droits de navigation par les canaux de Gothie et de Trollbätta.

II. Toutes les marchandises et objets de commerce, soit productions du sol ou de l'industrie des Etats des Hautes Parties Contractantes, soit de tout autre pays, dont l'importation ou l'esportation est légalement permise dans les bâtiments de l'un des Etats respectifs, pourront également être importés ou exportés dans les bâtiments de l'autre, sans être assujettis à des droits plus forts ou autres, de quelle espèce ou dénomination que ce soit, que si les mêmes marchandises et objets de commerce avaient été importés ou exportés dans les bâtiments nationaux. Il sera observé à cet égard une réciprocité exacte, de sorte qu'aussi les primes, remboursements de droits ou autres avantages de ce genre, accordés dans les Etats de l'une des Hautes Parties Contractantes à l'importation ou à l'exportation par bâtiments nationaux, seront accordés de même lorsque l'importation ou l'exportation se fera par bâtiments de l'autre Etat.

III. Il ne sera donné, ni directement, ni indirectement, ni par l'un des Gouvernements, ni par aucune compagnie, corporation ou agent, agissant en son nom ou sous son autorité, aucune préférence quelconque pour l'achat d'aucune production du sol ou de l'industrie, soit de l'un des Etats respectifs, soit de tout autre pays, importée dans le territoire de l'autre à cause ou en considération de la nationalité du navire, qui aurait transporté cette production légale ment permise; l'intention bien positive des Hautes Parties Contractantes étant qu'aucune différence ou distinction quelconque n'ait lieu à cet égard.

IV. Les stipulations des Articles précédents sont dans toute leur plénitude applicables aux navires Suèdois et Norvègiens, qui entreront dans les ports de la République de Lübeck, ainsi qu'aux navires Lübeckois, qui entreront dans les ports des Royaumes de Suède et de Norvège, alors même que ces navires respectifs, sans venir directement des ports des Royaumes de Suède et de Norvège,

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