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The prefix super means above or over.

Define: su per in tend' ent, su' per fine, su per vise'.

The suffix ry or ory, means place where, or relating to. Define: fac' to ry, mi' gra to ry, bind' er y, but' ter y, up hol' ster y, sub sid' i a ry.

The stem voc, vocat means to call, called.

Define: vo' cal, in voke', con voke', re voke', vo' calist, vo ca' tion, pro voke'.

[blocks in formation]

Write and define words with the prefixes epi, ob, per, re, sub.

Write and define words with the suffixes ice, ile, ise, ish, ist.

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.—Franklin.

Live up to the best that is in you: live noble lives, as you all may, in whatever condition you may find yourselves.-Longfellow.

A student should be as careful of what books he reads as of what company he keeps; they both leave the same tincture on the mind.-Mason.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ju' ve nile

pu' er ile

pref' er ence
en deav' or

as so' ci ates
piece' meal
shield' ing

con' science

yield' ing
judg' ing

sac' ri fice

dis' ci pline scen' er y

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

car niv' o rous

ref' er ence rec' og nize re vi' sion

res ur rec' tion

vi' sion a ry in vis' i ble

lan' guage sched' ule chap' lain

cour' te sy

cem' e ter y

per' emp to ry ve' he ment

ho ri' zon anx i' e ty tran quil' li ty vi cin' i ty pro pri' e tor

pro ject' ile
e jec' tion
strych' nine
re tro spec' tion
u nan' i mous

more o' ver

pro ces' sion
de ri' sive
nu' tri tive

in sti tu' tion

a gree' a ble

syn on'

on' y mous sym' pa thy

post' hu mous

pro hi bi' tion

def' i nite

ter' mi nate

su per fi' cial

e mer' gen cy

trace' a ble

[blocks in formation]

The prefix under means beneath.

Define un der sell', un der rate', un der bid', un der

val' ue, un der fed', un der worked'.

The suffix some means somewhat, full of.


glad' some, trou' ble some, tire' some, noi'

some, whole' some, dark' some.

The stem junct, jug, means to join, joined.

Define junc' tion, con junc' tion, junc' ture, in junc'tion, ad' junct, sub ju ga' tion, con ju ga' tion, sub junc'tive, dis junc' tive.

Study the following synonyms:

cor rect',

pre cise',

accurate with reference to some rule

or standard.

strictly conforming to some rule, as if cut down thereto.

ac knowl' edge, to own or admit a knowledge in

con fess',

one's possession for some time.

to admit one has been in the wrong.

[blocks in formation]

to gain by one's own labor and by honest means.

to get by one's own labor or another's.

not to be moved by reason.

fixed in determination; not to be persuaded.

remission of punishment for an offense.

act by which one is treated as not guilty.

[blocks in formation]

The prefix with means from, against.

Define with draw', with hold', with stand'.

The suffix ward means in the direction of.

Define: sky' ward, out' ward, down' ward, in' ward, heav' en ward, home' ward.

The stem curr, curs, means to run.

Define cur' rent, cou' ri er, oc cur', course, re cur', cur' so ry, ex cur' sion, pre cur' sor, oc cur' rence, cur'ren cy, cur ric' u lum.

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