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sprinkling of the blood of Christ upon the conscience, the affections, and the reason.

5. NOTE. On the history of the Sacred Fire.

SECTION 129.—p. 391.

1. TITLE. All the sacrifices of the Jewish law unite in explaining the duty and happiness of the Christian. The repetition of the law of the trespass offering. The portion of the sacrifices appointed to the priests. The acknowledgments of the corruption of our nature in the peace offering, which is not to be eaten by those who continue in sin. The fat and the blood are prohibited to be eaten. Survey of the manner in which all the sacrifices teach us both the mercy of Christ, and our own duties and happiness. 2. INTRODUCTION.

3. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE. LEVITICUS vii. 4. PRAYER. That the whole work of God so be made our study, that we learn the Gospel from the law, and the law from the Gospel.-That the sacrifices which teach us the offices, and the love, and the redemption of Christ, as the one great Atonement for man, no less teach us to sacrifice the sins of our nature, and the sins of our life, as the proof of our faith in Christthat purity, prayer, and praise, be our constant offering and that the peace which proceeds from the conviction of reconciliation with God, through the blood of Christ, be our holy and constant joy.

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SECTION 130.—p. 398.

1. TITLE. As the pleasures of the understanding,
in the love of poetry and of literature, are
greater than those of the corrupt affections of
the heart, and the appetites of the body, so do
the pleasures of religion, in the consciousness
that we are preparing to live with God for ever,
exceed the happiness we derive from literature.
That happiness is described in the emblems of
Scripture: the temple service, the Holy of
Holies, and the dress of the high priest. The
details of the consecration of Aaron are emble-
matical of the preparation of the soul for


That as the high priest was con-
secrated to his holy office by bringing to the
tabernacle the sacrifices which God appointed,
by washing with water, by putting on the sacred
clothing, by the anointing oil, by the offering of
the blood of the victim, and by continuing for
seven days in the tabernacle, we also may be
consecrated to the service of God as His spiri-
tual and royal priesthood by faith and depend-
ence upon the sacrifice of Christ, by the wash-
ing of the Holy Spirit, by putting on the robes of
light, perfection, and holiness, so that in body,
soul, and spirit, we become fit for the Sabbath
in heaven.

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reveals. This Section, which relates the commencement of the exercise of the Aaronic priesthood, the acceptance of the sacrifices, and the descent of the fire from heaven, after the blessing on the people, may prefigure both the events related, and the events predicted, in the New Testament.


4. PRAYER. That we so offer to God the sacri-
fice of holy action, and the sacrifice of undoubt-
ing faith, that we receive the blessing of the
better High Priest than Aaron, Jesus Christ,
the true Melchisedec, the King, the great High
Priest and Apostle of our profession; that the
glory of the Lord may appear to us; that the
fire of the Holy Spirit may descend upon our
hearts, to destroy the remains of unholiness
within us; and that we be found without
fear, when the fire from heaven shall descend
to destroy the world.

5. NOTE. On the fire which came forth from the
Lord, and on the origin of the worship of fire.

SECTION 132.-p. 413.

1. TITLE. Sects and schisms were not so prevalent in the Jewish as they have been in the We have no reason to beChristian Church. lieve that God accepts, even from the most religious and favoured Christian, any worship but that which He has Himself commanded. The offence and death of Nadab and Abihu (Lev. x. 1, 2); submission to God's will is the duty of the Christian, though his heart break in the effort. The silent grief of Aaron at the death of his rebellious sons (ver. 3). Communion with God is the best comfort in domestic sorrow (8-15). The sins of infirmity are pardoned, though the demands of the law continue. Aaron's omission of duty, arising from his inward though silent grief, is forgiven.



3. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE. LEVITICUS x. PRAYER. That we endeavour to please God by obeying and serving Him in the way which He has Himself commanded, and not by inventing or imagining new modes of worship;-that we follow the example of Christ in all our afflictions, and submit to God's will, even unto death-that we seek for consolation under sorrow in spiritual communion with God; and that we confess our weakness and infirmities, after our utmost efforts at obedience and submission.

5. NOTE. On the sin and punishment of Nadab and Abihu.

SECTION 133.—p. 419.

1. TITLE. Heaven itself would be polluted by the presence of sinful, though pardoned men, if it were not purified by the blood of the Saviour, who pardons. Christ entered into heaven with His own blood, as the high priest entered into the Holy of Holies upon earth, with the blood of the sacrifices for Himself, the Church, and people. The command to Aaron to go up once every year to the Holy of Holies. The object

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4. PRAYER. That as God has created the angels in heaven, and the animals on earth, and enabled us to derive instruction from contemplating their natures and their properties, we may ever be mindful of the day, when, no longer on earth among the animals, we shall be companions of angels, and "partakers of the Divine nature;" -that we obey the commandments of God, in the letter of the Christian Gospel, and in the spirit of the Mosaic law, by the union of holy lives and spiritual contemplation, and that our tempers, wills, thoughts, and motives, as well as our conduct and actions, be directed and governed by the will and command of God. 5. NOTE. On the scape-goat.

SECTION 134.-p. 430.

1. TITLE. Though the peculiar precepts of the Mosaic law are abolished in the letter, because every nation, and not one only, is now invited to become a part of the Church of God; yet the spiritual reasons for their enactment, whenever they can be discovered, are still binding on the conscience. The laws, and the possible, or probable reasons of their enactment, concerning the beasts, the fishes, and the fowls, which might be eaten, or not eaten by the Israelites. As industry was taught by the ant, the properties of other animals pointed out the views to be shunned, and the virtues to be practised. 2. INTRODUCTION.



4. PRAYER. That having boldness to enter into the Holy of Holies, by the blood of Christ, we may draw near to our reconciled God, with a true heart, in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and the service of our bodies directed by the ordinances of His Church; that our sins be expiated, and our souls pardoned; that we depend on Christ alone for salvation, and earnestly long for the day of His appearing, for rest in heaven, and perpetual improvement in the knowledge of God.

SECTION 135.-p. 436.

1. TITLE. As the stars in the heavens are the works of God, unaffected by the changes in astronomical theories, while new discoveries are perpetually being made of their beauties and their wonders; so it is that the Holy Scriptures, as the word of God, are unaffected by the changes in theological theories; while new discoveries are perpetually made of the wisdom and the goodness of God in the sacred pages. The probable cause of the enactments respecting uncleanness from the contact of insects; and the reasons for blending the laws respecting the

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4. PRAYER. That as we have the treasure of the

Gospel, and grace of God, in the "earthen vessels" of frail, perishing, dying bodies, we be preserved by His Holy Spirit from the temptations, the power, and the influence of the evil one; that we remember the mercy which receives us into covenant at the beginning of our mortal lives, and which has promised to preserve us to the end; and that the Christian mothers of children be ever mindful that they are the first divinely-appointed guardians of the souls of His children.

SECTION 136.—p. 444.

1. TITLE. "By the law is the knowledge of sin." As the discases and infirmities of mankind are the consequences of sin alone, therefore the Scriptural account of the symptoms and proofs, the cures and continuance of leprosy, the worst disease of man, together with the Scriptural commands relating to the bodily infirmities both of men and women, explain to us the depth of the sinfulness of man, and therefore enforce the necessity of the constant remembrance of the causes and the cure of moral evil. 2. INTRODUCTION.

3. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE. LEVITICUS xiii., xiv. 1-32, 33, to the end, and xv.

4. PRAYER. That as Christ, when He came down from the mountain, healed the leper who prayed to Him, we also may be healed by the Holy Spirit of the leprosy of habitual and wilful sin, from the indulgence of sin in the heart, from the extension of inward evil to the conduct of life, and from the backsliding which ends in presumption or despair; that we never be confirmed in the leprosy of sin, till we be unfit for the society of the people of God, and be banished from the Church of God, either on earth or in heaven; but that we be so recovered from the dominion of evil, that we rejoice to hear God's truth, to do God's will, and to walk in God's ways, through life and in death, to heaven.

SECTION 137.-p. 460.

1. TITLE. All the religion which the revelation from heaven has taught to mankind, may be said to be summed up in the doctrines relating to the sacrifices which propitiate God's justice, and to the holiness which is acceptable to God's mercy. Three reasons are assigned for the prohibition to eat blood. The pious Israelite looked through the shadows of the law to Christ their substance. The spiritually drinking of Christ's blood is commanded us, that we may remember His atonement, and partake of His grace. 2. INTRODUCTION.


4. PRAYER. That as the life of Christ was offered, and the blood of Christ was shed for us, we may offer ourselves, our souls and bodies, as

living sacrifices unto God; that as the offered sacrifice of Christ was accepted as the one Atonement for our sins, we also may be accepted, who have no other hope of pardon but that Atonement; and that, being accepted, we may so spiritually eat the flesh of Christ, and drink His blood, that we may dwell in Him, and He in us, that we may be one with Him, and He with us.

SECTION 138.-p. 467.

1. TITLE. Revelation has not been given to mankind merely to instruct them in true and sublime thoughts of God, nor to enforce only their religious duties, nor to elevate their thoughts with Tofty contemplations, nor to impart to them merely the knowledge of their own state beyond the grave; it is given to instruct them also in those virtues which the world esteems to be the character of the true gentleman, generosity, integrity, disinterestedness, highmindedness, courtesy, justice, and honour, founded upon love to God and regard to His revealed religion. 2. INTRODUCTION.



4. PRAYER. That holiness be united with knowledge; that as we have the knowledge of God and His attributes, as well as of our religious duties to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and as we enjoy also the power of contemplating the greatness and goodness of God, and the blessedness of the state beyond the grave, we may be so careful to walk worthy of our inestimable privileges, that we commend the holy religion we profess to the favour of all men, by kindness and by courtesy, by gentleness and patience, by justice and highmindedness, by blessing those who curse us, and doing good to those who hate us.

SECTION 139.-p. 476.

1. TITLE. The perfection required of a Christian is well illustrated by a right understanding of the Levitical law. Every Christian must consider himself as a sacrificer, and as a sacrifice; and in both respects, he must be blameless. But Christ alone is the sinless Priest, and the spotless Victim; and the Christian, therefore, must be saved by faith in Christ, leading to the love which longs and prays to be enabled to imitate His perfections-both as the Sacrificer and the Sacrifice. The law of blamelessness in priests and sacrifices.



4. PRAYER. That we learn from the perfection and spirituality of the law of God, the purity and the holiness which God demands of His people, as the priests who offer themselves, their souls and bodies, as living sacrifices unto God; that the knowledge of our own unworthiness lead us to Christ, the great High Priest without sin, and to Christ the true Sacrifice, without spot or blemish; that we so believe, and hope, and love the Saviour and Redeemer of man, that we become more and more perfect in thought, motive, will, and affection, as the sacrificers of ourselves; and more and more perfect also in action and conduct, as the living sacrifices to God.

SECTION 140.—p. 485.

1. TITLE. The Scriptures can only be rightly understood, when they are received as written with reference to the happiness of an immortality anticipated and illustrated by events, forming one progressive system of Providence, and by institutions directing the mind to the same immortality. In Christianity, privileges are duties, and duties privileges. The seven great objects of all the Jewish and all the Christian revelation are illustrated and described by the seven great festivals and chief institutions commanded in this Section.


3. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE. LEVITICUS xxiii. 4. PRAYER. That we ever delight in the contemplation of the plans of Providence, which begin with the past eternity, embrace the present time, and extend to an infinite future; that we reject every system of opinion which banishes an ever-acting Deity from the government of His own world; that our duty to God be our happiness; and our happiness be our duty; that while we set God always before us, we more especially commemorate the seven principal acts of His mercy, which relate personally to us allour creation on the Sabbath, the redemption on Good-Friday; our resurrection at Easter, our sanctification at Whitsuntide; the flight of time on the New Year's-day, our future judgment on our birthdays; and the hope of resting with Christ on the return of the festival of the Nativity of our Lord; that we may dwell in Christ, and Christ may dwell in us, for ever.

5. NOTE. On the sacrifices of the Patriarchs and Jews.


TITLE.-The reasonings and imaginations of the heart, however plausible they may appear, must be deemed false, when they oppose the written Revelation of God. The reasonings which probably induced Aaron to make the golden calf. The idolatry of the people. The anger of Jehovah. The intercession of Moses. Religious duties are only the religious privileges of the people of God, which may be forfeited by evil. The tables of the Law broken.

INTRODUCTION. When a Christian is tempted to commit any wilful sin, and complies with the temptation, he generally invents excuses and apologies for his crime. He seldom offends through ignorance. Though the expressed written law of God is remembered by him, it is broken because the momentary thought, or reasoning, or imagination, will, he thinks, be accepted as a sufficient palliation of his offence. If the experience of the hearts of us all did not demonstrate this truth, we should be unable to believe the most strange and singular narrative recorded in this Section,-the apostasy of many of the people from the worship of Jehovah to the worship of the golden calf. An express and positive law had been lately delivered to them, "Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven "image." They had seen the lightnings, and heard the thunders, which attended the delivery of the Law. Forty days had not elapsed since they had heard them: Moses was still in the mount from whence the Law had been spoken; yet, because he did not come down from the mountain, and continue to lead them on to the Holy Land, they assembled seditiously against Aaron, and said, “Make "us some visible images, or representations, of the God who shall go on to lead us into Canaan; for as to Moses, our former leader, he has left us, and cannot "or will not perform his promise." Aaron, to prevent their folly, demanded the self-denial of sacrificing the jewels of gold which they had exacted of the Egyptians. The people gave them up (ver. 2, 3). He received them, and melted them by casting them into a mould to form the image of a calf, such as the mixed multitude among the people were accustomed to worship in Egypt as the god Apis, and such as the Jews themselves were accustomed to venerate as one of the cherubic emblems. After the figure of the calf had been roughly formed in the mould, we are told that Aaron "fashioned it with a graving tool." The words are rightly rendered (for our Translators were the best scholars of their age), but they are difficult to be understood. They may mean, that, after the figure of the calf had been produced in a rough state from the mould, Aaron polished and adorned it with some peculiar marks, by which the Israelites should hail it as the cherubic emblem; and possibly with some of those marks also,—such as the wing, the globe, and the serpent, by which the mixed multitude and the Egyptians might welcome it as the emblem of their own god Apis.




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