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Birthright, our Christian, that we may never
sell it for any thing offered us by a sinful
world, i. 467.


that its blessing may be ours, i.

Blasphemy against the Name of God, that we
be preserved from it, ii. 501.
Blessing to our souls, that we seek for it in
the way which God has appointed, and not
which our reason invents, i. 564.
Blessings, that we may partake of those Christ
has promised to His people, i. 789.
Blindness, that we be not partakers of that
which happened unto Israel, when Moses
spake unto them the word of God, ii. 322.
Blood of Christ, that we be made entirely
holy by the sprinkling of the, upon the
conscience, the affections, and the reason,
ii. 390.

Bodies and souls, that we consecrate and de-
vote our, in solemn dedication to the ser-
vice of God, ii. 390.

Body, that after its death we may go on for
ever advancing in knowledge, happiness,
and holiness, under the influence of the
Eternal Spirit, ii. 313.
Bondage of a hard heart and a sinful world,

that the Lord will deliver us out of it, i. 742.
Book of life, that we be not blotted out of it,
but be daily more and more prepared for
the society of angels and the presence of
God, ii. 292.

Brethren of Joseph, that we imitate their ex-
ample, so that affliction may produce in us
conviction of sin, change of conduct, and
true repentance, i. 678.

Burial Service, that when it shall be read
over us, our friends may be enabled to re-
member us with comfort, i. 183.


Cares and troubles of life, that we may find
them the sources of our greatest praise,
and the sense of God's presence our purest
enjoyment, ii. 207.

Changes of the body at death, and of the state

of the soul between death and the resurrec-
tion, that we may be enabled to look for-
ward to them during life, i. 187.
Christ, that we be prepared to meet Him in
judgment, i. 63; and that we take Him for
our Star and Sceptre, our Prophet, Priest,
and King, ii. 6C8.

that we may follow His example of
submission in affliction, i. 144.

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Lord our Creator, Preserver, Redeemer,
and future Judge, and that we may submit
to Him and trust in Him, i. 330; that He
be to us the Way, the Truth, and the Life,
ii. 668.

Christ, that before He shall be manifested in
His glory, we may confess our unworthi-
ness, and rely for salvation only on God's
mercy, Christ's atonement, and the Holy
Spirit's aid, and not on our own strength,
i. 356.

that we may receive Him as our Pro-
phet, Priest, and King, and that He, as the
true Melchisedec, may bless us now and
for ever, i. 382.

that we may promote the knowledge
of His glory, and the extension of His
Church, i. 789.

that we may know Him as our sacri
fice, visit His courts with praise, looking
and longing for the better Church in
heaven, ii. 238.

that we follow His example in all our
afflictions, and submit to God's will even
unto death, ii. 418.

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that we depend on Him alone for sal
vation, and earnestly long for the day of
His appearing, for rest in heaven, and per-
petual improvement in the knowledge of
God, ii. 427.

that as His life was offered and His
blood shed for us, we may offer ourselves,
our souls, and bodies, as living sacrifices
unto God, ii. 466.

- that as His offered sacrifice was ac-
cepted as the one atonement for our sins,
we may be accepted, who have no hope of
pardon but that atonement, ii. 466.

that we may so spiritually eat His
flesh, and drink His blood, that, being ac-
cepted in Him, we may dwell in Him and
He in us, be one with Him and He with us,
ii. 466.

that we may dwell in Him, and He
may dwell in us, for ever, ii. 492.
Church, that we may so live to God in it on
earth, that after death we may live with
Him in a better paradise than that of Eden,
i. 50.

visible, that as we are members of it,
we may finally come to everlasting life, i.
97; ii. 668.

universal, that God would preserve it
from heresy and schism, and from Satan,
and grant to it, and to our own souls, pre-
sent peace, and the fulness of future blessed-
ness, i. 479.

of God, that we may never depart
from it, i. 601; ii. 658.

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that we learn from its history to de-
pend upon the providence and mercy of
God, i. 631.

that its glory may be established over
the whole earth, and dwell within our own

spirits, i. 632; that we live all our life long
in the unity of it, ii. 501.
Church, patriarchal, that we may live in the
faith of the, i. 718.

of the first-born, that we consecrate
ourselves to God as members of the, ii. 106.

that we be found worthy to serve God
in it on earth, and received after death to
the better tabernacle in heaven, ii. 274.

that we be members of the spiritual
as well as of the visible, ii. 300; and that
we abide in the communion of it, 578.

that we abide in the rock of the, hum-
bly there to contemplate the present and
future glory of God, ii. 301.

-, for Christ's Holy Catholic, and more
especially for our own, that it be reformed
and enlarged, ii. 370.
Commandments of God, that we may ever
keep them, i. 479.

that by the union of
holy lives and spiritual contemplation, we
may obey them in the spirit of the Mosaic
law, and the letter of the Christian Gospel,
ii. 436.

Communion of those who are saved from the
destroying angel by the blood of the Lamb,
that we never be cut off from it, ii. 68.

with Christ and God, that we be
not satisfied to wait for it till after the
death of the body, but commence it in the
Church on earth, ii. 250.
Consecration to God, that ours may be com-
plete both in life, in death, and for ever,
ii. 257.

Consolation under sorrow, that we seek it in

spiritual communion with God, ii. 418.
Controversies of the day, that we rise above
them, and worship God in the Catholic
Communion of the National Church, ii.

Covenant into which we have entered with
God, that we may prove our adherence to
it by a life of holy obedience to the Divine
commandments, ii. 185.

of God, that as we are now par-
taking of it, we may finally come to ever-
lasting life, i. 97.

that we remember the mercy which
receives us into it at the beginning of our
lives, and has promised to preserve us to
the end, ii. 443.

which God has made with our souls,
that we may ever show ourselves mindful
of it by gratitude, faith, and obedience, i.

with God, that we may make it with
the blood of the great Sacrifice, and ascend
continually higher in communion with God,
till we attain that peace which passeth all
understanding, ii. 206.

Country in which we live, that we may pray

for and promote the prosperity of it, i. 685.
Creation, that the contemplation of every part

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Darkness, spiritual, which will not see the
evil of sin, the danger of destruction, nor
the truth of God's threatenings, that we
may escape from, ii. 83.

Days, that our latter may be our best days,

in abundance of spiritual blessings, i. 356.
Death, after, that God will then bestow upon
us a better blessing than any earthly in-
heritance, i. 708.

and judgment, that we may be daily
more prepared for, i. 83.

-, certainty of, that we may ever re-
member it; and that the present life is but
the beginning of a never-ending existence,
i. 450.

-, day of, that when it shall come, we
may escape the sentence of those who,
having been dedicated to God, still live in
sin, and die without hope, ii. 91.

of friends, that we may follow the ex-
ample of Job when thus tried, i. 131.

of the body, that after it we may go
on for ever advancing in knowledge, happi-
ness, and holiness, ii. 313; that we become
daily more and more prepared for death,

that by repentance and faith, and re-
pose from the anxieties of life, we may be
prepared for its approach, i. 170.

that in the hour of, we may be able to
look back upon our past lives with peace,
i. 181.

that we awake not from it to the de-
struction for which the wicked are reserved
at the day of judgment, i. 222.

that we may awake from it with joy,
and find that our Judge is our Redeemer
and the Saviour of our souls, i. 211.
that we may be always prepared for,

i. 108.

that we remember it as the departing
of an immortal soul from a mortal body,
i. 601.

Deity, ever-acting, that we reject every sys-

tem of opinions which banishes Him from
the government of His own world, ii. 491.
Descent, honourable, that if we claim it, we

may imitate the virtues of our ancestors,
i. 467.

Difficulties, that whatever they be, we may
still go forward in our spiritual journey,
strengthened by partaking of the true Pass-
over, ii. 114.

Dignity of man, that we may be enabled to
understand that it consists in becoming
changed from that which the world com-
mands to that which God requires, i. 547.
Dreams, our broken, that both they and our
waking thoughts may be pious, i. 639.
Duty, our, that we may ever discharge it
under a sense of our responsibility to God,
i. 291.

that we may ever do our, in that state
of life to which it shall please God to call
us, i. 663.

to man, that we may ever do our, in
obedience to the will and law of God, ii.


Ease, worldly, that the love of it may never
lead us to forsake the altars of God, i. 371.
Egypt of this world, that while we live in it,
we be preserved from neglect of religion
which renders adversity indispensable, i.

that we may live in it
under the influence of faith in the true
Passover, spiritually eating His flesh and
drinking His blood, ii. 91.

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that the history of the wonders in,
may lead us to honour God, to tremble at
His judgments, and to escape the second
death, i. 789.

that we proceed with joy from its cor-
ruptions and bondage to the tabernacles of
the spiritual Israel, ii. 114.

Elim, that with the spiritual Israel at, we
seek refreshment in the wilderness from
the consolations of the word of God, ii. 153.
England, that it be honoured as the instru-
ment of the accomplishment of the prophe-
cies, ii. 578.

Enoch, that, like him, we may be found walk-
ing with God, i. 82.

Evidences of the truth of Christianity, in
Scripture, history, and the present state of
the world, that we may be contented with
them, i. 571.

Evil and the evil one, that we may be deli-
vered from, and put on the whole armour
of God, i. 345.

that we be delivered from its beginning,
and repent if we have fallen, i. 429.

-, that we be so recovered from the do-
minion of, that we rejoice to hear God's
truth, to do His will, and to walk in His
ways, through life and in death, to heaven,
ii. 459.

Evil, that we rejoice in the hope of our final
deliverance from it, ii. 98.

Examples, bad, that we may hate them even
in those near and dear to us, i. 663.
Excuses, our past, false, that God will pardon
them, ii. 283.

Exodus, that we may have a better than that
of Israel from Egypt, by following Christ,
a better guide than Moses, i. 724.
Experience, that we never make our own the
criterion of the truths of revelation, ii. 650.


Faith, our, that it may be like the faith of
Abram, and that we may prove it by the
sacrifice of ourselves, our souls, and bodies,
i. 388.

that we may keep stedfast in it, and
earnestly contend for it, i. 382.

that we may so have, in the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit, that we present to God,
not only our belief in the atonement of
Christ, but ourselves also, as a reasonable
sacrifice to Him, ii. 349.

-, undoubting, that we so offer to God the
sacrifice of, that we receive the blessing of
the better High Priest than Aaron-Jesus
Christ, the true Melchisedec, ii. 410.

in Christ, as our great sin-offering and
peace-offering, that we prove it by that love
to Him which shall conquer the evil of the
heart, the temptations of society, and our
easily-besetting sins, ii. 382.

that it may produce in us good
works, so that we may have boldness before
man, repentance and humility before God,
and consolation amidst all the changes of
life, i. 296.

Fathers, our, that we may meet their souls in

the heavenly Canaan, i. 388.

Fear of God, the best portion and true wis-
dom of man, that we may never value
earthly science and knowledge above it,
i. 280.

that we may be found without, when
fire from heaven shall descend to destroy
the world, ii. 411.

Fire of the Holy Spirit, that it may descend

upon our hearts, to destroy the remains of
unholiness within us, ii. 411.
Forgiveness of sin, that we depend for it only
on the mercy of God, through Jesus Christ,
ii. 684.
Fornication, that the Lord would deliver us
from it, and all other deadly sin, i. €20.
Friends and kindred, that they may increase,
and not diminish, the influence of religion
on the soul, i. 141.

death of, that we learn from it the
lesson how to die, ii. 631.

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that we so live with them, that we

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that we may walk with Him in the
common pursuits of life, i. 82.

that we may never forget His presence,
His threatenings, or His mercies, i. 162.


that we may never banish the remem-
brance of Him from our conscience, so that
we sin without fear, i. 222.

that whether in prosperity or adversity,
we may be at peace with Him, and ever
delight in communion with Him, i. 274.

that we may be more anxious to under-
stand His revelation, and obey His will,
than to speculate on His existence and na-
ture, i. 316.

that when we behold His power in
creation, we may regard Him also as the
God of providence and revelation, as our
Ruler and future Judge, i. 322.

that we see Him in all things, and ever
remember that He sees us, i. 393.

that we may acknowledge Him in all
our ways, and that He may direct our
paths, i. 460.

that His kingdom may be established
in the world, and in our hearts; and that
His power may both rule the heathen
world and govern the wills of His people,
i. 631; ii. 641.

that He may be with us in all time,
both of prosperity and adversity, i. 640.

that we prepare for His presence by
laying aside every weight and the sin that
doth so easily beset us, i. 742.

that we serve Him, and not the world,
daily more and more, i. 757.

that we may know the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, as our Deliverer, i. 765.

that we may fear and love Him, and
know no other God than the Lord, ii. 187.

that as we are now dedicated to Him in
baptism, we may become in all things His
faithful sons and servants, by holy obedi-
and especially by faith in Christ, ii.




God, that He be our Guide through the wil-
derness of this world, ii. 300.

that we never know the misery of be-
lieving Him to be our Father, while we
dare not worship Him as His loving and
beloved children, ii. 301.

that we study His glory by our actions
and in His revealed will, ii. 301.

that we give to Him the homage which
He has commanded, and not that which
man has invented, ii. 312.

that we worship Him in spirit and in
truth, and serve Him with all our heart, in
communion with His Church, ii. 329.

that we commune with Him at His
altar and table, till our souls be admitted
to the true Holy of holies in heaven, ii.

that we study His will in the types and
shadows of His law, ii. 349.

that we contemplate Him in the past
with gratitude, in the present with the con-
viction of His love and our own unworthi-
ness, and in the future with faith and hope,
ii. 355.

, that we endeavour to please Him by
serving Him in the way He has commanded,
and not by inventing or imagining new
modes of worship, ii. 417. 631.

that our duty to Him be our happiness,
and our happiness be our duty, ii. 492.

that we ever retain a sense of His pre-
sence, and keep the charge that He has
committed to us, ii. 545.

, that we ever be able to implore His
blessing upon the friendships, affections,
and marriages we form in life, ii. 554.

, that we pray that He would scatter the
enemies of the soul, and make the soul His
dwelling-place, ii. 563; that we never mur-
mur at His dispensations, nor set our hearts
on such things as His wisdom sees fit to
deny us, ib.

that we pray to be permitted to live a
peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty,
ii. 571.

that we seek to please Him in the way
which He has Himself commanded in His
Holy Word, ii. 586.

that we give our whole heart to Him,
ii. 677.

that we put on the whole armour of
God, and never put it off till we exchange
it for a robe of glory, ii. 677.

Good, that we may study to do it both to the

Church and to the world, with prudence,
diligence, and zeal, i. 671.

Gospel, that as we have its treasure in the
earthen vessels of our frail, dying bodies,
we be preserved by God's Holy Spirit from
the power and influence of the evil one,
ii. 442; that we read it in the Law, and the
Law in it, 510.

Government, that it increase the happiness,
3 G

prosperity, influence, and union of the peo-
ple, ii. 370.

Grace, that we seek for it by using the means
of grace, ii. 563.

of God, that we never separate it from
the means of grace, ii. 68.
Great Britain, that we pray for God's bless-
ing upon her, and that we make her the
spiritual leaven of the world in these latter
days, ii. 692; that she be zealous, through
all degrees and classes of her people, for
the glory of God, ib.


Happiness, that we may seek it only in that
inward religion which produces obedience
and speaks peace, i. 217.

of man, that God would enable us
to understand that it consists in communion
with Him, i. 547.

Heart, that we may give it, as well as the
life, to the God and Saviour of the soul,
i. 429; ii. 501. 700.

Hearts and lives, our, that they may be de-
voted to God as His baptized people, ii. 269.

, our, that they may rest in heaven
adorned with the crowns of gold and the
graces of the Spirit, and rejoice in com-
munion with God in His mercy-seat, ii. 215.

that they may be sprinkled from an
evil conscience, ii. 91. 613; that we dedicate
them wholly to God, 537.

Heave-offering and wave-offering, that our
souls be lifted up and devoted to God as a,
ii. 262.

Heaven, that we begin the happiness of, on
earth, by delighting in the law of God, and
in the grace and liberty of the Gospel, ii.


High-priest, that as he was consecrated to his
holy office by washing, clothing, anointing,
offering of blood, and continuing seven days
in the tabernacle, so we may be consecrated
as God's spiritual and royal priesthood by
faith in the antitypes of these things, and
fitted for the Sabbath in heaven, ii. 404.
History, that we may study it as believers in
the God of prophecy, assured that His pro-
mises and threatenings will be fulfilled to
individuals as well as to nations, i. 377.
Holiness, that it be united with our know-
ledge, ii. 475.

Holy of holies, that having boldness to enter
it by the blood of Christ, we may draw
near to our reconciled God in full assur-
ance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled
from an evil conscience, and the service of
our bodies directed by the ordinances of
His Church, ii. 425.

Holy Spirit, that He would be our guide from
the Egypt of this world to the heavenly
Canaan, i. 757.

that He would preserve us from

all evil, and enable us to endure, as seeing
Him who is invisible, i. 571.

Holy Spirit, that we never grieve Him till
He strive with us no longer, i.90; that He
would put into our minds good desires, and
enable us to bring the same to good effect,
i. 564.

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that we take warning by Pha-
raoh, not to resist or grieve Him, lest He
leave us to die in despair, i. 772; that we
distinguish between His gifts and His
graces, ii. 677.

Hypocrisy of devoting the heart to the world
while we give only the service of the lips
to God, that we may be kept from the, i. 164.
that we may abhor that, which
gives the heart to the world, misery to the
conscience, and profession to God, i. 217;
ii. 700.


Ideas, that those which arise in our minds
may be such as the Holy Spirit will im-
prove and bless, i. 639.

Idolatries of the world, that we depart from,

and live in communion with God, ii. 350.
Idols of earthly love, that we never so set
them up in our hearts, as to forget to ac-
knowledge God in all our ways, i. 594.

of the heart, that we may put them
away, i. 601.

Image of God, that we pray for the restoration
of it to our souls, i. 44.

Immortality, our, that its happiness may
begin in the present life, i. 233.
Infidelity, that we be preserved from, and
from resisting the power and grace of God
within us, i. 781.

Infirmities and weakness, that we confess
our, after our utmost efforts at obedience
and submission, ii. 418.

Influence, our, that we may use it aright on
all around us, i. 422.

Ingratitude, that the certainty of it may not
destroy our benevolence, i. 291.
Inheritance, that we go on to possess our,
building our altar to God, and rejoicing in
Him, i. 362.

that God will bestow upon us at
death a better blessing than any earthly,
i. 708.
Instinct of animals, that we may learn useful
lessons from observing the, as Christ de-
rived instruction from the birds of the air,
i. 339.

Isaac, that we may imitate him in his obe-
dience, i. 443.

Israelites, that we may imitate them in keep-
ing our passover, ii. 106.

that we follow the example of the
spiritual and wise-hearted, who devoted
their wealth to the service of the taber
nacle, ii. 329.

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