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only entirely raw, but if uncommon pains be not taken, entirely unfit; and I see such a distrust and jealousy of military power, that the Commander in Chief has not an opportunity, even by recommendation, to give the least assurances of reward for the most essential services.

"In a word, such a cloud of perplexing circumstances appears before me, without one flattering hope. that I am thoroughly convinced, unless the most vigorous and decisive exertions be immediately adopted to remedy these evils, that the certain and absolute loss of our liberties will be the inevitable consequence; as one unhappy stroke will throw a powerful weight into the scale against us, and enable General Howe to recruit his army as fast as we shall ours; numbers being disposed, and many actually doing so already. Some of the most probable remedies, and such as experience has brought to my more intimate knowledge, I have taken the liberty to point out; the rest I beg leave to submit to the consideration of Congress.

"I ask pardon for taking up so much of their time with my opinions, but I should betray that trust, which they and my country have reposed in me, were I to be silent upon matters so extremely interesting."

General Howe too well understood the duty of a commander to attempt to storm the strong camp of his opponent. He adopted the plan of transporting his army above King's bridge and forming an encampment from the North river along the rear of General Washington's lines. This man

œuvre, he expected, would either occassion the American Commander hastily to abandon his encampment, or oblige him to hazard a general engagement under circumstances which would render a defeat absolute ruin. To facilitate this design, he fortified M'Gowan's hill for the defence of the city. Three frigates passed up the North river without injury from the fire of forts Washington and Lee, and without impediment from the chevaux-defrise, that had been sunk in the river. [Ocr. 12.] The troops were conveyed in flat bottomed boats through Hell gate into the Sound, and landed at Frog's neck, near West Chester.

General Washington fully comprehended the plan of the British commander, and immediately adopted measures to defeat it. The bridges were removed from the only road, in which the British columns could march from Frog's neck to the American encampment, the ground being rough and in many places intersected by stone walls. The road itself was broken up, guns were mounted upon heights the most favourable to annoy approaching troops, and detachments were sent out to act in front of the enemy, and to check their progress. As Gen. Howe prosecuted his scheme, it became evident to the American general officers' that a change of position was necessary to save their army from destruction. General Lee about this time joined this army, and urged the immediate execution of the measure. The advice of his officers according with his own judgment, the Commander in Chief moved the army from York Island, and stretched it along the North river to


wards the White Plains, until its left was extended above the enemy's right. It was, however, determined to maintain forts Washington and Lee. The resolution of Congress of the 11th of October, requesting General Washington in every possible way to obstruct the navigation of the river, had great influence on this decision. The removal of the stores was a heavy task to the men from the want of teams.

OCT. 18.] General Howe moved his whole army to New Rochelle. Several sharp skirmishes ensued, in which the American troops behaved well. Both armies manœuvred for several days to obtain possession of the high grounds of the White Plains. General Washington narrowly watched the movements of his enemy, and to secure a communication with the country, and to cover the removal of his heavy baggage, he disposed his army upon the different heights from Voluntine's Hill, near King's-bridge, to the White Plains, forming a chain of fortified posts twelve or thirteen miles in extent. He now

fronted the British line of march, the river Brunx running between the two armies. During these operations, severe skirmishes took place between advanced corps, and a bold attempt was made to cut off a British regiment, which partially succeeded. The enterprise of the American commander rendered General Howe extremely cautious; his movements were made in close order, and in his encampments every corps was strongly secured.

OCT. 25.] The sick and the stores having been

removed to places of safety, General Washington drew in his out posts, and took possession of the hills on the east side of the Brunx, in front of the British army. A detachment was posted on a hill a mile from the main body, on the west side of the river, to cover the right wing; and entrenchments were flung up, as time permitted, to render the lines more defensible.

OCT. 28.] The manoeuvres of General Howe indicated the intention to attack the American camp; he reconnoitred the position, and with little effect opened a heavy cannonade upon it. He detached a large corps over the Brunx to drive the Americans from the hill on their right, and thereby open the way for an assault upon the right and centre of the main body. The charge was sustained with spirit; but finally the Americans were overpowered by numbers, and driven from their position. The loss of the Americans in this gallant conflict, in killed, wounded, and taken, was between three and four hundred; that of the British was not less. The day was so far spent in the struggle, that General Howe deferred the attack upon the lines until next morning, and the whole British army lay through the night upon their arms, in face of the American encampment. General Washington spent the time in making preparation for the expected assault; he drew his right wing back into stronger ground, and strengthened his left in its former position. The next morning the cautious Howe again reconnoitred the American camp, and determined to suspend the attack until the arrival of a reinforce

ment from the city. This additional force reached him on the afternoon of the 30th, and preparations were made for the attack next morning; but a violent rain prevented the execution of the design.

Nov. 1. The movements of the enemy manifesting the design to turn the right flank of the Americans, and gain possession of the high ground in their rear, General Washington, having secured his heavy baggage and stores, at night withdrew his army from its present position, and formed it upon the heights of Newcastle, about five miles from the White Plains, and secured the bridge over Croton river..

General Howe deemed the new encampment too strong to be forced, and marched off his army to other operations.

Nov. 5.] The immediate object of General Howe in leaving the White Plains, was to invest Forts Washington and Lee. The possession of these fortresses would secure the free navigation of the North river, and facilitate the invasion of New Jersey. The American commander conformed his movements to those of his enemy. He ordered all the troops raised on the west side of the Hudson to cross that river under the command of General Green, intending himself to cross, as soon as the plans of General Howe should be more fully disclosed. General Lee remained with the troops raised east of the Hudson, who was ordered to join Green's di ision, whenever the enemy should enter New Jersey. General Washington informing Congress of his new arrangements,

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