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TUESDAY, May 3, 1881.

THE Chairman called the Section to order at 3.30 P. M., 21 members registering their names as participants.

The Chairman appointed Drs. X. C. SCOTT, F. H. IIYATT, and J. A. WHITE the Committee of Publication.

Dr. G. T. STEVENS, of New York, read a paper describing a Registering Perimeter.

Dr. W. C. JARVIS, of New York, read the next paper on The Radical Cure of Nasal Catarrh.

Dr. J. A. WHITE, of Virginia, had used Dr. Jarvis's instrument with success. In one case he had found great improvement in hearing after relief to the nasal trouble, though no treatment had been directed to the ear.

Dr. W. H. DALY, of Pennsylvania, too, often found hearing improved after relief to the nasal symptoms. In the treatment of these hypertrophic growths of the nose he had found good results from passing an electrode heated to a cherry brightness over the surface. Glacial acetic acid applied to their base had also been beneficial.

In reply to a question, Dr. JARVIS said he thought the trouble in the vault and pharynx in such cases secondary to the nasal trouble, and that recurrent catarrhs were the most frequent causes of these hypertrophies.

Dr. J. J. CHISHOLM, of Maryland, read a paper on the Treatment of Keratocornus by the Actual Cautery.

WEDNESDAY, May 4, 1881..

Section called to order by the Chairman, and minutes read and approved.

Dr. C. SEILER, of Pennsylvania, read a paper on Syphilitic Laryngitis.

Dr. D. S. REYNOLDS, of Kentucky, thought constitutional treatment of more importance than the local.

Dr. J. A. STEVEN, of Connecticut, used both local and constitutional treatment.

Dr. R. L. S. WALSH, of District of Columbia, laid much stress on local applications to the ulcers and on the enlargement of the cervical glands in the matter of diagnosis. Uses supporting treatment and mercury by inunction.

Dr. CHISHOLM, of Maryland, showed a Needle Holder to be used in the destruction of the eyelashes by electrolysis.

Dr. CHISHOLM also read a paper on Twitching of the Tensor Tympani as a Cause of Tinnitus Aurium.

Dr. S. M. BURNETT, of District of Columbia, called attention to some sounds which occurred simultaneously with a vigorous contraction of the orbicularis muscle. At times, especially on first awaking in the morning, he could produce a roaring sound in the ears by contraction of the orbicularis. After two or three repetitions, however, the sounds did not accompany the contraction. Goetstein had recently reported a case of subjective noises associated with spasm of the orbicularis. He referred it to a concomitant contraction of the stapedius. Dr. Burnett was undecided in his own case whether the sounds were due to contraction of the aural muscles or to the vibration of the muscular contraction transmitted by the cranial bones to the auditory


Dr. EUGENE SMITH, of Michigan, read a paper on Blepharoplasty without a Pedicle.

Dr. H. A. WILSON, of Pennsylvania, showed some pellets composed of sulphate of sodium and sulphate of atropine, which he had found superior to the solutions of atropine in the treatment of eye affections.

Dr. L. TURNBULL'S paper on Otitis Intermittens was read by title and referred to the Committee of Publication.

THURSDAY, May 5, 1881.

The Chairman called the Section to order.

The question of dividing up the Section was discussed, and it was finally, on motion of Dr. SCOTT,

Resolved, That the Committee of Arrangement of the next meeting be requested to arrange the papers to be read as follows:

First day, Otology; Second day, Ophthalmology; Third day, Laryngology.

Dr. REYNOLDS, of Kentucky, read a paper on Astigmatism, and it was discussed by Drs. RISLEY, SCOTT, and BURNETT.

Dr. REYNOLDS also read, by title, a paper on the Radical Cure of Nasal Polypi, and it was referred to the Committee of Publication.

SWAN M. BURNETT, Secretary.

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