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indeed. Probably, before six months have passed, I may be there. But why do

you ask, Isabel ? Have you any commissions?" he

added, laughingly.

"Yes," she said in a low voice.

think my father is still there?"

"Do you

Captain Shepherd was surprised. Rachel

had told him that she never mentioned her father. "He was there three years ago," he answered. "I happened to see his name in the newspapers; but, even if he should be there now, India is a large place, dear Isabel, and I am not likely to see him-nor to wish to see him," he added, with a frown, "unless, indeed, you desire it."

Isabel sighed." It is quite natural, Uncle James," she said, "that you should not think of him, except-except almost to hate him ; but I am his child, and I feel, in spite of all, as if I loved him; and I wish he could know this. You don't think me wrong to love him?" she asked, anxiously, seeing his brows still contracted.

"No, Isabel. I had not thought of it in



that light; but I suppose it may be natural. If I should chance to find him, for your sake, I will do as you wish. But what would you do, should he return and claim you?"

She looked up at him with some surprise. "Go to him," she said simply.

"And leave us all? been like a mother to

some asperity.

Rachel, too, who has

you?" said he, with

Isabel fixed her dark, expressive eyes on his face, as if they would speak all the feelings of her heart; and he seemed to understand her, for he kindly pressed her hand, and they walked on again in silence. It was again Isabel that broke it.

"Do you remember my mother, Uncle James ?"

"Remember her!" he said, hastily. The one bitter feeling that brooded within him had been aroused by her manner of speaking of her father, and he was still somewhat under its influence. "Remember Amy, who was more to me than all the world besides! No, Isabel," he continued, with some bitterness, "it was not 1

who forgot her; it was one nearer to her than even I am."

"You have not forgiven my father," she said, sadly.

"Yes," he answered, after a pause, " I have forgiven him. It has been a long, long struggle -it has darkened my whole life; but I have forgiven him. There was a time when I thought my hand should avenge her; but it is past....yes, I have forgiven him; yes, Isabel, for your sake, I have forgiven him now."

In silence they went on, till suddenly he took from his pocket a small case, and put it into her hand.

"Perhaps you have never seen this; it is, I think, our only picture of Amy."

It was a hasty water-coloured sketch; but it gave an idea of great beauty.

Isabel gazed upon the soft, lovely, melancholy face till her eyes swam with tears; it was the first time she had seen the features of either of her parents.

"You shall keep it for me till I come again, dear Isabel. I see you will value it. Forgive

me, if I have seemed harsh. I dreaded that you thought only of your father; but I see it is not so. Let this be the token of forgiveness; and if ever you are rich," he added, with a kind smile, "you shall have it copied for me. And now let us be quick, for it is growing late."


Forgive me, if I cannot trust
Those eyes of heavenly blue;

For she was to my hopes unjust,
Who looked as sweetly true.


Three years more passed quietly away. Isabel sate, one bright May morning, working with her aunt in their cheerful little drawingroom, when Mrs. Shepherd came in with a face full of importance.

"Rachel, do you know that Mr. Price has got a new curate?"

"I heard he was to have one very soon," said Rachel, quietly.

"Oh, but he is actually come! I went this morning to call on Mrs. Chapman, and she says that she saw him arrive yesterday. And, do you know, he is going to live with Mr. Price-quite a new thing!"

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