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functions your President has the opportunity to invite guests from other clubs and so return the many courtesies extended to her during the year.

"Thanks are extended to the Society for the great pleasure your President had in being one of its reprsentativs at the meeting of the New York Federation of Woman's Clubs held at Binghamton last November. I am sure that every one of our members who attende that meeting experienced as I did, a feeling of great pride that the very able and talented President who conducted the affairs of that large body with such skill and grace was one of our members, our dear former President, Mrs. Philip Carpenter. It was during our few days sojourn in Bingham



ton at this time that our earnest and indefatigable Chairman of Colonies improved the opportunity to organize there Colony Thirteen of which we are very proud.

"To the Officers, Chairman of the Board of Managers, Mrs. Thomas H. Whitney and members, I wish to express my grateful appreciation of their cordial co-operation with me in everything pertaining to the work of the Society. Thanks are due to the Chairman of the Membership Committee, Mrs. Theodore F. Seward. for the careful manner in which she and her Committee, with their faithful Secretary, Mrs. James S. Lehmaier, have examined hundreds of membership papers connected with our Colonies, as well as those of the National Society. To the Chairman of the Purchasing Committee, Mrs. Charles

Gilmore Kerley, for her prompt response to every call for our Society stationery and Constitution. To the Chairman of the House Committe, Miss Florence L. Adams, for her faithful attendance here every Thursday morning as well as at all the public functions, fifty-six meetings in all. To the Chairman of the Literary Committee, Mrs. Homer Irvin Ostrom, who has prepared, with the greatest care, such delightful programs for our four Literary afternoons. To the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Mrs. Edward Austin Tuttle, who with her Committee so successfully conducted an entertainment at the home of one of our members for the benefit of our philanthropic work. To the Chairman of the Entertainment Committee, Mrs. John Gould Noble, who arranged for us the social hour with a cup of tea following our Business Meetings. To the Chairman of the Introduction Committee, Mrs. Theodore F. McDonald, who with her helpful Committee were of such valuable aid at all the Social Functions. To our Chairman of Investigation and Relief, Mrs. Benjamin F. Fort, who has labored so constantly in behalf of all who were in need or distress. To our Chairman of Printing Committee, Mrs. George S. Andrews, for her helpful assistance. To the Chairman of Press Committee, Miss Juanita K. Leland, who has through the newspapers allowed the public to know something of our work. To the Chairman of Records Committee, Mrs. Howard M. Nesmith, who has preserved for us in the Society Scrap book the press notices. To our Auditor, Miss Eveline T. Parker. an her Committee, who have examined with such patient care every bill of the Society. To the Chairman of Social Functions, Mrs. John E. Weeks, who with her valuable Committee made every Social affair of the year a delightful success. To the Chairman of the Glee Club Committee, Mrs. Augustus C. Dexter, to whom we are indebted for the delightful music rendered by a trio from that club at the President's reception. To the Chairman of our Trust Fund Committee, Mrs. J. Woolsey Shepard, who with her Committee have guarded so carefully and dispensed so wisely from the funds in their care. To the Chairman of Colonies. Mrs. Henry Clarke Coe, who with the Colony Secretary, Miss E. Marguerite Lindley, and their Committee have attended so faithfully to the vast amount of work connected with Colony interests. To the Chairman of Scholarship Committee, Mrs. Fitch James Swineburne, for her devotion to the cause entrusted to her and for so ably meeting the responsibilities. To the Chairamn of Whist Committee, Mrs. William J. Sageman and her Committee for


the success of the Whist afternoons. To all of these Chairmen and their Committees I wish especially to acknowledge my sincere sense of indebtedness for the faithful manner in which they have performed every duty pertaining to their offices.

"This statement of the obligations of the Society to its faithful helpers would be far from complete were I to fail to mention the arduous and efficient labors of our two Secretaries, Mrs. Thomas A. Fair and Mrs. Charles Park Logan, and of our two Treasurers, Miss Lizzie Woodbury Law and Mrs. James Armstrong Blanchard. Their duties have been urgent in their demands upon their time and their energies, but both have been given with enthusiastic willingness and devotion to duty.

"So also we are not to forget the able contributions of our member Miss Lindley, who has so satisfactorily represented the National Society and its thirteen Colonies each month in the NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE, which this year has been made our official publication.

"It is of the utmost importance to the future of this Society that every member should regard herself responsible for the work of the Society. As a matter of fact we are accomplishing a great work, but in order to make it as effective as possible each member should be not only ready but eager to assume any duty in her power which she may be called upon to do, and every one should be looking for an oportunity individually to add to the interest and to the success of the Society.

"Respectfully submitted,


In the absence of chairman of Colony Committee, the Secretary made a brief report. She stated that the Colony membership now aggregates 657; 310 having been added the past year; that she would have been glad to give a report from each of the Colonies showing their strong working power, but as such had appeared from month to month in the magazine, she considered it unnecessary. She spoke of the letters and telegrams of sympathy that had been sent to our San Francisco Colony by the Parent Society and Colony Committee on account of the disaster of the 18th.

The installation of officers closed the long but interesting afternoon. The Presi dent's address was brief but strong, dignified and graceful, as is everything that has characterized Mrs. Stevens's leadership; in fact, no president has ever left the chair carrying with her more unanimously the love and support of all.

In installing the officers she said, "Officers and Members of Board of Managers:

You have been elected by the National Society of New England Women to conduct the affairs of this great Association during the coming year. In choosing you for these important positons the Society has manifested its confidence in your ability and in your devotion to its interests, and it has placed upon you responsibilities which will demand from each of you your best endeavors to fulfill. I congratulate the Society upon the choice of so able a corps of officers and I prophesy a most successful year of work under your direction. I congratulate you also upon having the confidence which has been shown to you by your fellow members and I am sure that it has been well placed. You will enter upon your duties with the cordial best wishes of all the members and I can surely promise you their faithful and loyal support."

In passing the gavel to her successor, Mrs. Theodore Frelinghayen Seward she said, "To you, Mrs. Seward, it gives me the greatest pleasure to present this emblem of office. You have already demonstrated the skill and ability which this, the most important office among us demands, and it is because your fellow members have fully realized the great value of your guidance on a former occasion that they have committed the leadership to you once more.

"I congratulate you on this renewed token of their affection and confidence; and our Society upon an able leader whom we shall gladly follow during your term of office."

At the Board of Manager's meeting which preceded this, Mrs. LeRoy Sunderland Smith offered the following resolution:

RESOLVED:-That the National Society of New England Women, Board of Managers be and is hereby instructed to appoint a School City Committee of three, to be increased when necessary, to co-operate with Mr. Wilson L. Gill, for the introduction and efficient supervision of moral and civic training into all schools throughout the country.

It was adopted unanimously by the Board of Managers, April 26, 1906, and Mrs. Smith elected Chairman.

Readers may look for a brief account of the School City Work in a subsequent number of this magazine.

Buffalo, Colony Two, held the last regular meeting, aside from the annual, on April 12th. A very enjoyable afternoon closed a good year's program.

Sketches of the life and work of Maria Mitchel and Charlotte Cushman were charmingly given. Readings, music and

refreshments of New England character followed the program.

The meeting being dated for Holy Week, hot-cross buns were served also doughnuts and brown bread.

The year has been most successful. "New England Women" has been the subject under study. Year books have been issued, membership cards printed, two public entertainments given, one a play and the other distinctively New England-"A New England Loan Exhibition." The annual meeting will take place on Saturday, May 12th, Hotel Iroquois, Saturday being chosen by amendment to Constitution, that all the members who are teachers and employed other days of the week might attend.


Montclair, N. J., Colony Three, held a musicale at the residence of Mrs. M. Le Brun, on April 19th, in place of the usual business meeting of the Colony. Elliott Marshall, the well-known violinist gave several selections in his own inimitable manner; he was accompanied on the piano by Miss Caroline Holmes, who also played several solos which charmed her hearers; and Mrs. Joseph Van Vleck, Jr., sang a number of songs most exquisitely.

Delegates were appointed to the annual meeting of the National Society to be held April 26th at Delmonico's, New York City.

Miss Timlow called attention to the needs of the Mary Fisher Home for authors, teachers, ministers, etc. Tea was then served and a social hour followed.

This Colony is doing a grand work through sustaining their district nurse.

Washington Colony had a busy time during the D. A. R. Federation Congress which was held in their City last month. The members of the Colony were not too busy, however, to give a reception which was held at the house of the President Mrs. C. David White, and called together

a representative circle of visiting women of New England ancestry, of the D. A. R. following.

The Colony programs for the present are on the foundation of the six New England States; the first one was Massachusetts and was brought out at last month's meeting, Mrs. Bertha Robbins representing the Plymouth Colony, Miss Tullock, Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Mrs. Withee, Salem Colony. These were all written from traditional knowledge as well as history and were rendered in a most pleasing manner. It is unfortunate that lack of space prevents a complete report of the meeting.

Colony Eight, Brooklyn, have issued invitations for their closing function early in May a report of which will be given in the next number. Their program will be attractive as usual, one feature will be the reading of an unpublished story of Mrs. George Winthrop Knight, one of the brightest of young writers.

Lack of space will prevent publishing all of the reports that have come in from the various Colonies. We are happy to present Mrs. Charles Martin Stone's picture, president of Colony Thirteen, Binghamton; brief report of this Colony appeared in December number. They have hardly had time to more than swing into line as yet, but they are sure to be in the lead sooner or later, not alone because of their good fortune in having number Thirteen, but because they represent the best old New England stock of the country. Their list of officers is as follows: Honorary President, Mrs. James Grey Hyde; President, Mrs. Charles Martin Stone; First VicePresident, Mrs. Percy Dwight Farnham; Second Vice-President, Miss Mary Rebecca Hyde; Secretary, Mrs. Radcliff B. Lockwood; Treasurer, Miss Augusta E. Childs; Board of Managers, Chairman, Mrs. Edward F. Jones, Mrs. William G. Phelps, Mrs. William A. Moore, Mrs. Stoddard Hammond, Mrs. Alfred T. Campbell

Book Notes

THE GIRL FROM TIM'S PLACE. By Charles Clark Munn, author of "Uncle Terry," Illus"Rockhaven," "The Hermit," etc. trated by Frank T. Merrill.


No one can tell a story of New England country life better than Charles Clark Munn, and indeed it is doubtful if any one else does as well in this line, for the reason that he does not depend upon eccentric, abnormal or isolated types, nor are his books sad. He employs pathos effectively and has unique characters, but there is great enjoyment of life and the world about us in his books, and he can make genial and honest persons contribute no less of interest than their opposites. He also gives happy endings, however weird and tragic may be some of his details, and the healthy American reader, man woman, certainly likes to see his favorite characters come out well. "The Girl from Tim's Place" is an intensely dramatic story of a girl of striking beauty, nicknamed "Chip" by lumbermen, who dares sixty miles of almost pathless Maine wilderness to escape a fate worse than death. She is saved by a camping party, containing among others "Old Cy Walker," one of the finest woodsmen and country humorists in all fiction. There is also a young man who cannot help falling in love with "Chip" as she rapidly develops into an attractive companion. Meanwhile, pursuit

takes place, also a dark tragedy involving
"Chip's" father and leaving her an heiress,
although she does not know it until much
later, and then only through the devotion
of "Old Cy." Then follow complications
new life for
resulting in flight and a
"Chip" as Vera Raymond, beautiful,
commanding and admired. How the links
are discovered uniting past and present
for the heroine, and also for faithful "Old
Cy," forms Mr. Munn's masterpiece.
(Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company, Bos-
ton. 12mo, cloth. $1.50.)


In this one of his many books of adventure, Mr. Stratemeyer pictures for boys the delights and adventures of war. The story concerns itself with four characters well known to Mr. Stratemeyer's readers, Ben and Larry Russell, Gilbert Pennington and the old gunner, Luke, all Americans, all fighting on the Japanese

side of the war. Two are on sea and two with the land forces, so all the boys who follow the exciting tale learn the whole story of the greatness of the victory of the land of the Mikado. The tremendous siege before Mukden with its great outlook toward the end of the war, the remarkable naval skill of the battle of the Sea of Japan are the two great backThe grounds for the boys' adventures. thrilling experiences of the young Americans with their remarkable escapes will capture the boy's heart. No less the great Japanese officers and the silent bravery of the Japanese will hold the reader's attention. It is a lively book for the boy reader, presenting the charm of present day heroism and events and widening his horizon as he honors other flags besides his own. (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company, Boston. $1.25.)

STUDIES IN MODERN GERMAN LITERATURE, By Otto Heller, Professor of the German Language and Literature in Washington University, St. Louis, and Director of German in the Chautauqua Institution. An excellent analysis of the present tendencies of German literary art is presented to us by Professor Otto Heller, himself a German yet speaking from his present nation as an American citizen. His aim in writing the book he says is that of many other writers-to bring the German and the American into more genuine sympathy. The book deals with Sudermann and Hauptmann as the exponents of their times and the greatest literary lights of Germany to-day. The detailed and interesting synopses of the novels and the dramas of the two mightiest masculine geniuses is followed by a list of the woman writers of present day Germany"one cannot name the foremost living writers of Germany without naming several women," says the author. As to the two great men, Hauptmann and Sudermann, the discussion of their art is the discussion of naturalism. Professor Heller believes this tendency is on the decline and regards its rise and decline as a service by which dramatic art is brought into closer touch with the social forces of modern life. The form of German literature most treated in the book is that of the drama, Hauptmann and Sudermann being ponents: Sudermann, with his p

theme of the everlasting struggle between the old and the new; Hauptmann, with the wonderful music of his verse. Indeed, the author mourns that Hauptmann has not devoted his genius more exclusively to the purely lyric art. Professor Heller's open standpoint, his frank criticism of German art, his thorough understanding of English and American literature and its values and faults shown by occasional comparisons, make the book significant. The great charm of the book is that it is by an American citizen, who has the advantage of German birth, and is written from the American, not the continental viewpoint. (Ginn & Company, Publishers, New York and Boston. List price, $1.25; mailing price, $1.35.)


As the color implies, a book of daring, the Scarlet Empire turns out to be one of those ghoulish kingdoms, deep under the sea, where all laws are the contrary of the world's laws, because in their ages of history they have grown beyond the world's foolish institutions. The hero, a young New Yorker, tries to take his own life and arrives instead at this sea kingdom and meets there a beautiful girl, Astraea. There are most beautiful descriptions of the soft and radiant light in the sea caverns and their sweeping distances. Yet in spite of the beauty and the rare wealth of the Scarlet Empire it was a hideous kingdom, because all things human and individual had been excluded and in everything the majority ruled. The State governed labor, ,the State apportioned the food, the State decreed the marriages. In this plight, the adventures of the hero and Astraea, their few friends, and the plots of the ghouls, who have become individual enough to be evil, are most thrilling. The story has the spice of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," with the addition of a love plot, and also of a pretty strongly marked purpose to portray the follies and human impossibilities of Socialism. (Bobbs-Mer

rill Company, publishers, Indianapolis.)


In this attractively gotten up book, we have avowedly the philosophy of the four gospels, free from partiality, prejudice and emotion, by the searchlight of intellect only. It is significant to note, however, that the philosopher many a time interprets passages and sets passages aside by nothing more nor less than the personal note, not giving us that full weight of argument which staid philosophy demands. But the personal opinion is none the less


The wide outlook on the stages of the world's lore-Egypt, Buddha, the Hebrews and Paul, the Cartesian school, the German rationalists down to Spencer, and the circle completed by comparing Spencer to Buddha-is certainly a philosophic field. The style has a strong sweep of diction in concluding paragraphs. The Twentieth Century Christ is defined in the concluding chapter as the God-man who dared to put into practice his beliefs; both teacher and pupil, doctor and patient and at-onement with the Law of Rhythm. The book's criticism of the intolerance of cults and their sneers, in places makes us realize here only another cult; in the depth and daring of its finest passages fulfills its own words: "Cant, phraseology, sectarianism, all fade and vanish before the glare of the Sun of Truth eternal." (Published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Company, Boston. Price, $1.00 net, $1.10 postpaid.)



Those who love the folk lore of old Massachusetts will treasure this beautiful little volume and pore over its pages with unfailing interest. Mr. Kinnicut says in his introduction: "My object in writing this paper is the collecting together of Worcester county Indian names, which in many cases have been known only to the vey few, who, having occasion to search the original deeds, have unexpectedly found them. It is, I think, to be regretted that the Nipmunk names are not more generally used. They belong to Worcester County, and remind us that we have a past history dating far back of 1620." He touches briefly on the history and extent of the tribes that gave the places their names and refers to the differences of dialect and circumstance which moulded them. The names are alphabetically arranged and accompanied by brief paragraphs of explanation and comment. The book is of sixty pages beautifully printed on deckle-edged paper and is a valuable addition to the folk lore of central Massachusetts. The author is treasurer of the Worcester Art Museum and the book may be obtained from him.

HEARTS AND CREEDS. By Anna Chapin Ray.

This story, laid in the old gray city of Quebec, deals with the marriage of Arline Lord, a Protestant girl, and Amedee Leleu, a French Catholic, and its beginning is gray enough with the shadow of separation which hangs between the young couple. In the end, however, but not till the end, after numerous difficulties, the coldness and narrowness of the beautiful bride dis

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