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tical, will be interested in a brief descrip tion of the various processes of preparation of the White House Coffee. The natural bean is imported in gunny sacks or hemp bags containing about one hundred and thirty pounds each. Thousands of these bags come from all countries where coffee is grown, Arabia, Java, East Indies, Brazil, Jamaica, etc., and the first step of the blending, an expert and delicate operation by which each variety is handled according to a special formula, is done on the lower floor of the great establishment. Then it passes through separating machines on the second floor. The coffee is separated by a system of screens and fans and the various sized beans are deposited in metal bins. From here it goes to the top floor, is transferred to other bins, and thence to an automatic weighing machine and is drawn off into hundred pound sacks. Thence it goes to the roasters, and the most extraordinary care is exercised by operatives long trained to the work, in getting it just right. The roaster cylinders, of which there are two batteries, one eight and one six, were built expressly for the Dwinell-Wright Company, and have a capacity of seventy thousand poun's a day. The coffee is automatically conveyed to these roaster cylinders, kept in continuous motion over hot fires and is watched by men with a keen eye for color, every instant. When it shows exactly the right shade, the standard which determines the flavor, it is automatically transferred from the roaster or oven into large coolers connected with immense fans, which exhaust the heat and steam from the coffee at once this is essential to retain the full aroma and flavor. It is then conveyed to special bins for further cleaning and separating according to blend and brand. the fourth floor the coffee is packed for shipment. The packing is divided into two departments-whole coffee and ground coffee. All the grinding is done on the floor above, the coffee dropping by gravity from the mills into the automatic weighing machines, without being touched by hand. All the machinery and apparatus of the establishment is of metal, so that there is no chance of the slightest impurity affecting the coffee and preserving all the delicacy of flavor and aroma for which the White House Coffee is famous.


Model factory construction in New England has placed this section on the highest plan as regards the sanitary, hygienic and other health conditions that surround the more sedentary and confining employ


In this superbly appointed structure of the Dwinell-Wright Company light and ventilation have been especially well provided; the work rooms are sunny

and airy; the rules require scrupulous cleanliness and the employes-especially the fifty or more young women-look as wholesome and as tidy as college maids. A sense of absolute cleanness pervades the whole establishment. In the products purity is rigidly maintained. The White House Coffee is never touched by han s; it is put up in sealed packages under guarantee labels so that the purchaser always gets precisely what he buys-a uniform coffee of perfect quality and gets it at first hand without being tampered with in the course of trade. This is what has made the high reputation of "Boston Coffee." The Dwinell-Wright Company have their own power, lighting and heating plants and combination of the best known devices for steam and electricity. The building is supplied with automatic fire extinguishers, time-clocks, watchman's clocks and the most approved appliances for safety, health and economic operation.

The Dwinell-Wright building is a sevenstoried structure of the most modern type, at numbers 311-319 Summer street, and is one of the industrial show places of Boston. Its length is one hundred feet and its width ninety feet. It is abundantly lighted and ventilated, having two hundred and nineteen windows. At the rear of the building are railroad tracks which enable the handling of shipments with promptness and convenience. There is a special place for handling wagon shipments expeditiously without blocking the sidewalk and street. On the first floor adjoining offices which give the visitor an impression of great business activity, is a coffee testing-room, equipped with a battery of six roasters and electrically driven mills for grinding samples. The practice of roasting green coffee before purchasing large lots has become so essential that the testing room is one of the most important departments of the business. In the olden days samples were roasted in a corn popper, but in the Dwinell-Wright plant the requirements are such that electrically equipped roasters had to be installed in order to keep pace with the business. The allotment of the work upon the various floors of the building is probably as perfect in all respects as the highest class of scientific methods and skilled workmanship can or do display anywhere in this country. A minute and technical description of the boilers, engines, dynamos and other features of the fine steam and electric plant which operates all the machinery would hardly interest the lay reader.

The third floor, as well as a portion of the second, is occupied by the spice department, for the Dwinell-Wright Company, apart from its great coffee business,

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also controls the importation, blending, grinding and packing of the Royal Spices, that have become famed in the homes of America. This is an enormous business of itself and necessitates the employment of a large number of young women and men. The same careful attention given to the many details of coffee roasting and packing is exercised here with the numerous kinds of spices, with the constant determination to obtain a fixed standard which the company boasts, viz: "Nothing but pure, always pure, and of the best quality, too." In this spice department, also, automatic sealing and weighing ma

chines have supplanted the hand labor and resulted in a large increase of output.

Standing in the shipping department of this representative establishment of its line, one can see at any hour of the day enormous quantities of cases, bags, and cans of White House Coffee, Royal Spices, and other products in course of shipment to every part of this country and to many foreign markets. A visit to the Dwinell-Wright Company's unique establishment is an experience worth while. It will make you a happy coffee drinker ever after.

The National Society of N. E. Women


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therefrom," and further and more to the point, "to instill into the hearts of the younger generation a love for the traditions of New England and a proper pride for its history."


The Parent Society functions have been a marked success the past month. most important of these was the annual breakfast, which was held on February 9th, at Delmonico's, and was in honor of the navy. The decorations were in accord. The long table at which were seated the guests of honor was trimmed to represent the flagship at full dress, the smaller tables representing the ships of the squadron. When the guests entere 1 the banquet room no lights were seen except the many fairy lights of red and green that were shown on all the tables. When the electric lights were turned on it was a surprise to everybody to find the suggestion of a fleet of war ships.

Captain Albion V. Wadhams, U. S. N. and Mrs. Wadhams, the principal speakers, came from the U. S. Navy Yard at Norfolk, Virginia, especially for this occasion.

In introducing Captain Wadhams the president, Mrs. George T. Stevens, said, "Among patriotic Americans the navy of our country is a subject of pride and the men who make up the personnel are justly regarded as belonging to the best American type. We expect them to be brave and hardy at sea and agreeable an amusing on land. If our government provides for relieving these men from care for the future they should be willing in return to dispel all care from us for the present. Captain Wadhams will now proceed to execute this his official land duty by telling us something of life on board a manof-war."

The Captain, after paying the ladies present graceful compliments, spoke of the navy in its earlier years when they felt they were not fitting representatives of the country in their old wooden ships. "The first time I knew I was on a ship that would whip anything that went out of or came into a port, I was the proudest man in the world." He added, "We want peace, but we want a navy in order to have peace." He spoke strongly on the splendid personnel of the navy and said that we must not suppose that the men


who wear gold lace look down on the Jackies in white duck. Every man is respected for his value to his country, the only question is, "are you entitled to the protection of the U. S. flag? If so, you shall have it." Throughout his address the Captain held his audience by his ready humor which interspersed the stronger sentiment. Mrs. Wadhams was quite as interesting as her husband as she spoke of the various women's interests in which she held a part.

The other speakers were Mrs. Philip Carpenter, president of the New York State Fe 'eration of Women's Clubs, who gave a humorous description of her experience on a yachting trip; Mrs. John Howard Abeel, regent of the Daughters of the Revolution, state of New York; Mrs. Charlotte B. Wilbour, president of Sorosis; Mrs. Albion V. Wadhams, vice president of the Abbott Collegiate Association; Miss Emma G. Lathrop, regent of the New York City chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution; Mrs. Edward Addison Greeley, president of the National Society of Daughters of the Empire State; and Rev. Phebe A. Hanaford, president of the Press Club. Music by Miss Reba Cornett and Mrs. Kirkham.

February 15th the annual meeting was held and the following were elected officers for the coming year: Second vice president, Miss Lizzie Woodbury Law; recording secretary, Miss Sara A. Palmer; corresponding secretary, Miss Ruth M. Holden; treasurer, Mrs. Charles E. Quimby; assistant treasurer, Miss Mary F. Bowron. The four new members of the Board of Managers elected were: Mrs. George Thomas Stevens, Mrs. Thomas Abernethy Fair, Mrs. James S. Lehmaier and Mrs. Theodore F. McDonald.

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The officers and colony committee of the National Society have set aside the 29th of March as Colony Day, to which are invited all of the officers and committees of the various colonies, the object being general social advantages. The season is a particularly prosperous and happy one in the Parent Society and Colonies, and all feel pleased that the NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE is serving as so favorable a medium of information regarding the interests of all. Through its columns, Buffalo, Colony Two, sends greetings to the various members of all the Colonies and says that their February meeting was the largest held in the history of the organization. Their president reports as follows:

"A very interesting paper was given on Lucy Larcom-several poems written by Miss Larcom were read and several of them which have been set to music were

sung. The atmosphere was of a spiritual nature and greatly enjoyed by all. The members of Colony Two are preparing for a "Loan Exhibition" of New England relics a candy and cake sale will be held in connection with the "Loan Exhibit." The affair will undoubtedly be one of the social successes of the winter and may offer a valuable suggestion to other Colonies."

Montclair, Colony Three, is still carrying on most interesting work besides their social meetings which have always been of the highest order. Their report is as follows: "The regular monthly meeting of the Montclair Colony was held Thursday. January 25th, at the residence of Mrs. Ogden Brower. Reports were given of the work of the district nurse employed by the Colony, and also a report by Mrs. James Trimble of the last meeting of the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs, at which meeting this Colony became a member of the Federation.

"It was decided to have a card party at the residence of Mrs. Frost on Washington's Birthday, to raise funds for the support of the district nurse."

Colony Four. It is a matter of regret to all that Mrs. Bertha M. Robbins, president of the year just ending, has finished her administration. She was not only a popular leader, but strong and capable, building the Colony up to nearly twice its former membership. The Colony are fortunate, however, in having as her successor Mrs. C. David White. Among the other unique features of Colony Four's methods, is the selection of a board of counsellors from the various New England states as will be noticed in their report as follows:


"At the regular meeting which was also the annual meeting, held February 19, 1906, at the residence of Mrs. Ellis Logan, 1253 Irving street, the annual reports were read and accepted, the election of officers for the ensuing year followed. dent, Mrs. C. David White, 1443 Girard street; Ist vice president, Mrs. G. W. Benjamin; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Charlotte E. Main; recording secretary, Mrs. Paul Burkett; corresponding secretary, Miss J. C. Webster; treasurer, Mrs. Richard Rathbun and historian, Mrs. Bertha M. Robbins. Council: Maine, Mrs. J. S. P. Ham; New Hampshire, Mrs. W. H. Seaman; Vermont, Mrs. C. G. Gould; Massachusetts, Mrs. Charles Lyman; Connecticut, Mrs. H. H. Barroll; Rhode Island, Mrs. H. T. Guss. After the business meeting adjourned, a short program was given of patriotic music, reading of the article in the NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE; also the

reading by Mrs. Robbins of a letter written in September, 1748, at Nantucket Plantation, by a young lady, Ruth Starbuck Wentworth, to her parents who were pioneers seeking a new home in the interminable forests of central New York. The letter goes on to relate the home coming of her cousin Nathaniel Starbuck from a long voyage to China and the making of some of the tea which he had brought, the first of this beverage known on the island of Nantucket. The original letter is in the possession of an old lady residing in New York. The copy of the letter was read before the 'Society of Mayflower Descendants' in Illinois eight years ago, and recently before the 'Society of Mayflower Descendants' in Washington and now before our own Colony."

Rutherford, Colony Six, is also in a flourishing condition. At their annual meeting which was held recently, an original poem was read by Mrs. Sarah L. Flowers, in which she set forth not only the pride they have in the example established by our Plymouth Rock and other early ancestors, but the aim of their colony and the articles of their constitution and by-laws. I regret that lack of space will not permit its being published in this issue.

Pittsburgh, Colony Seven, is also progressing most satisfactorily in the increase of its numbers and the character of the social meetings they are holding. Their report is as follows: "The Pittsburgh Colony of the National Society of New England Women held its regular meeting on the second Tuesday in February at the residence of its president, Mrs. David Kirk. After a brief business meeting the distinguished writer, Miss Nella Sebert Cathee, who had lived at one time in Pittsburgh, read one of her unpublished stories and then at the request of many members consented to read some of her best known poems. After the reading the President invited those present to the dining room where tea was served and red and white carnations showed forth the club colors.

"The Pittsburgh Colony now numbers forty-one members and a club baby, representing every New England state.


the March meeting. Mrs. John Shelley Detwicke, one of its number who has lately returned from a long residence in Russia. will talk to the Colony on the home life of that country."

Brooklyn, Colony Eight, asks to withhold her report until next month, as their meetings of the last month have been largely executive with little that would interest the Colony readers generally.

Although Colony Nine, Utica, was

crippled in its early start by the death of their honorary president, whose picture appears in this issue, still they have completed their charter membership and are prepared to take their place as a representative Colony.

In the death of Mrs. William D. Wolcott who died at her home in New York Mills, Oneida County, New York, on December 8th, the Utica Colony of New England Women lost one of its prominent members and organizers. She was the mother of William Stuart Wolcott, presiIdent of the New York Mills Co., whose death in September came to her as a crushing blow. Mrs. Wolcott was one of a long line to reflect honor upon a Connecticut ancestry. Her mai en name was Hannah Coe Hubbard. She was born at Middletown, Connecticut, July 3, 1817, and was the daughter of Captain Charles Hubbard and Lucretia Miller. Captain Charles Hubbard was one of the ten children of Lieutenant Hezekiah Hubbard and Esther Foster both of Middletown, Connecticut. In "One Thousand Years of Hubbard History, from 866 to 1895," it is stated that "Hezekiah Hubbard was a Revolutionary war patriot, was engaged in the siege of Boston, and that he served until the end of the war, and was one of the original members of the society of the Cincinnati." Mrs. Wolcott's ancestry, in the Hubbard line, included many distinguished New England families, among whom were the Fosters. and Porters, (Noah Porter a president of Yale College being of this family) and many other families of note. Among the maternal ancestors, the Millers, the Coes. descendants of the martyr Coe, mentioned in "Fox Book of Martyrs," Curtisses, Robinsons, Mosses, and Joseph Hawley, who was born in England in 1603 and resided in Wethersfield and Stratford. In 1837 she married William Dexter Wolcott, an Oneida County manufacturer, and since that time her home has been in New York Mills, which she efficiently helped to make a "model village." Mrs. Wolcott had ever entertained deepest interest in the village and soon after she made her home in New York Mills she was known to every family in the community. Her interest in the affairs of those employed in the factories conducted by her husband and Mr. Campbell was not of the obtrusive sort, the many visits she made being always welcome. The good old families who gained their livelihood at the loom were dear to her an she made many suggestions that added to their comfort. Mrs. Wolcott was a woman of fine appearance and dignified bearing, a person of deep sympathy and warm affections, and un

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