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Homiletic Review.-Funk and Wagualls. November. 1s.

What the Preacher may Gain from the Study of Coleridge. Professor J. O. Murray.

The Four Gospels and the Faith of Christendom. D. S. Schaff.

A Hindu Missionary in America. F. F. Ellinwood.

Homiletic Helps from the Fine Arts Exhibition of the Columbian Fair. Rev. J. Westley Earnshaw.

Humanitarian.-Hutchinson and Co. December. 18.

The Sex Bias of the Commentators: an Interview with Mrs. Josephine Butler. With Portrait. Mrs. S. A. Tooley.

Heredity. St. George Mivart.

The Theatre and the Music Hall. Canon Lester.

A Reply to Sir William Moore on the C. D. Acts. James Stuart.
The Chinese as Fellow-Colonists. R W. Egerton Eastwick.
Community Life and the Social Problem.

Rev. the Hon. James Adderley. The Depopulation of the Highlands. D. N. Reid.

Idler.-Chatto and Windus. December. 64.

A Comic Naturalist; Mr. Potter. Illustrated. G. B. Burgin.
The Idlers' Club: Should Christmas be Abolished? Symposium.
Illustrated Carpenter and Builder.-John Dicks.
Youth of Great Inventors. Illustrated.
Hammerbeam Roofs.

December. 61.

India.-84, Palace Chambers, Westminster. December. 61.

The Tenth Indian National Congress. A. O. Hume.

A Protest Against Railway Extension in India. D. N. Reid.

Indian Church Quarterly Review.-78, New Bond Street. October.

2 rupees.

The Missionary Episcopate. Bishop of Calcutta.

Tennyson's Palace of Art. Rev. G. Congreve.

A Step toward Christian Re-union. Rev. R. Papillon.

The Civil Disabilities of Christian Converts in India. R. N. Cust.

Some Words on Prof. Caird's "Evolution of Religion." Rev. Eyre Chatterton. The Supposed Influence of the Life and Doctrines of Buddha on the Life and Doctrines of Christ. Rev. K. S. Macdonald.

Investors' Review.-29, Paternoster Row. December.

Mr. Foster; A Canadian Finance Minister's Reticences.

The Trade of India and the Indian Debt.

The Murrieta Debt to the Bank of England.

Mildura: Reply from an Agent of Chaffey Bros., Ld.

The Methods of Messrs. Jarvis and Conklin.


Irish Monthly.-M. H. Gill and Son, Dublin. December. 61.
Literary Work of Dr. Russell of Maynooth.

Journal of Education.-86, Fleet Street. December. 61.
R. Somervell.
Lessons Before School.

Women Iuspectors in Elementary Schools. E. P. Hughes.

Journal of the Royal United Service Institution.-59, Pall Mall. November 15. 2s. 6d.

Military Lessons from the Past for the Present. Lieut.-Colonel Henderson. The Differentiation of Naval Force. H. L. Swinburne.

The Campaigns of Saxe. With Maps. Colonel E. M. Lloyd.

Kindergarten Magazine.-Woman's Temple, Chicago. November.
Albert Thorwaldsen. Illustrate 1. Nico Bech-Meyer.
Nature Studies in the Primary School.

Mabel A. Wilson.

A Feeling for the Beautiful an Instinct of Childhood. Bertha Payne.

Knowledge.--326, High Holborn. December.

The Mysterious Birds of Patagonia. Illustrated.
The Rise of Organic Chemistry. Vanghan Cornish.
The Glow-worm.

Illustrated. E. A. Butler.


R. Lydekker.

Illustrated. The Central Equatorial Region to the Moon. Illustrated. T. Gwyn Elger. The Industry of Insects in Relation to Flowers.



Rev. A. S.

Ladies' Home Journal.-Curtis, Philadelphia. December. 10 cents. The Man Who Most Influenced Me. Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burn tt. With Portrait. Th. Bentzou. Madame Daudet.

Ladies' Treasury.-Bemrose. December. 74.

Wonderful Clocks. Illustrated. J. C. Haiden.

Leisure Hour.-56, Paternoster Row,

December. 6d.

Oliver Wendell Holmes. Illustrated. J. A. Noble.



Illustrated. A Bird's Eye View of Argentina. Contiune 1. Illustrated. May Crommelin. The Nerves of the World; Telegraphs. Munro.

Cats. Illustrated. Tighe Hopkins.

The London County Council and the Rereations of the People. W. J. Gordon. The Upper Country and Its Folk; Staffordshire. J. A. Owen.

Light on the Way.-Essex Hall, Essex Street, Strand. December. 24. Hyde Chapel, Gee Cross, Cheshire. J. Thornely.

Lippincott's Monthly Magazine.-Ward, Lock. December. 18.

Shall I Study Medicine? A. L. Benedit.

Living Pictures in the Louvre. A. J. Sanborn.

Don Jaime, of Mission San José, Alta California. C. H. Shinn.
Some Notable Women of the Past. Esmé Stuart

Little Folks.-Cassell. De ember. 61.
Tortoiseshell and Ivory Colle tors.

Longman's Magazine.-39, Paternoster Row. December. 6d.
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century. J. A. Froude.
The Idle Earth. R. Jefferies.

New Serial Story: "The Lady of the Pool," by Anthony Hope.
Lucifer.-7, Duke Street, Adelphi. November 15.
The Web of Destiny. G. R. S. Mead.
N. S. Leskoff.
A Master of Occult Arts: Petr Mogila.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Vera P. Jelibovsky.
The Mystery of Existence. F. Hartmann.
Some First-Hand Notes on Tibet.
The Heaven-World. H. Coryn.

Is. 6d.

Ludgate Illustrated Magazine.-53, Fleet Street. December. 6L E. F. Sherie. A Chat with the Circus King. Illustrate 1. W. Chas. Sargent.

Young England at School: Girton College. Illustrate 1.

McClure's Magazine.-33, Belford Street. November. 15 cents. Introduction to the Napoleon Series. Gardiner G. Hubbard.

Napoleon Bonaparte. With Portraits. Ida M. Tarbell.

Real Conversations. V. Dialogue between A. Conan Doyle and Robert Barr. Illustrated. R. Barr.

How Allan Pinkerton Thwarted the First Plot to Assassinate Lincoln. With Portraits. Cleveland Moffett.

Unknown Parts of the World. Illustrated. H. R. Mills.

The Search for the Absolute Zero. Illustratel. H. J. W. Dam.
My First Book. Rudyard Kipling.

Macmillan's Magazine.-29, Belford Street.

A Conversation with Napoleon at Elba.

Poetae Mediocres. Canon Ainger.

Madras Seen from Marseilles. J. W. Sherer.

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Lord Rosebery's Plan. Marquis of Salisbury.
Why should we Learn History? Prof. G. W. Prothero.
J. A. Froude. A. Patchett Martin.

The Next Siege of Paris. W. Laird Clowes.

London Government: Sir John Lubbock, London Municipal Society, and C. A. Whitmore.

Fox-Hunters and Farmers. Earl of Suffolk.

Political Prophecy and Sociology. Prof. H. Sidgwick.

Natural Science.-Macmillan. December. 1s.

The Homes and Migrations of the Earliest Known Forms of Animal Life, as
Dr. Henry Hicks.
Indicated by Recent Researches.
Cephalopod Beginnings. Illustrated. F. A. Bather.
W. P. Pycraft.
The Wing of Archæopteryx. Illustrated. II.
Pseudo-Biology. F. A. Bather.

Nautical Magazine.-Simpkin, Marshall. November.
The Atlantic-Pacific Route to Australia.
Twilight in Summer and Winter from the Equator to the Pole.
The Goodwin Sands..

The Great April Storms. W. B. Whall.

The Scottish Shipmasters' Association (Limite 1). Richard Beynon.
The Future of Madagascar.


New Christian Quarterly.-Christian Publishing Company, St. Louis,
Mo. October. 50 cents.

The Religion of China and its Witness to Revelation. E. T. Williams.
T. Munnell.
Jesus in the World's Parliament of Religions.

The Future of Protestantism Francis M. Brunner.
The Problem of Charitable Work. M. I. Fergusson.
Semitic Religions. P. O. Powell.

The Convictive Work of the Holy Spirit. A. C. Smither,
The Church and Organisel Labour. J. D. Forrest.

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Secrets from the Court of Spain. Continued.

Karl Blind.

The Great Underclothing Question. Lewis R. S. Tomalin.
Shetland Folk-Lore and the Old Faith of the Teutons.
Suicide among Women. William Ferrero.

"Elder Conklin" and other Stories by Frank Harris. Edward Dowden and Coventry Patmore.

Newbery House Magazine.-A. D. Innes. December. 63
Medieval Christmas Carols. Illustrated. Charlotte S. Burne.
London Street Toilers: Cress-Sellers. Illustrated. T. Sparrow.
Is the Church's Influence Growing? Montague Fowler.

Nineteenth Century.-Sampson Low, December. 28. 6.1.
Lord Rosebery's Enterprise against the House of Lords.

If the House of Commons were Abolished. Sidney Low.
About that Skeleton: The Drama of To-day. H. D. Traill.
Criminal and Prison Reform. Michael Davitt.

Why I am not an Agnostic. Prof. Max Müller.

The Estate Duty and the Road Round It. A. H. Hastie.

A. A. Atherley

New Sources of Electric Power: (1) Electric Energy, direct from the Coalfields. B. H. Thwaite. (2) Ele tri.ity from Peat. J. Munro.

The Decay of Bookselling. D. Stott.

Wanted-an Imperial Conference. Sir John Colomb.

How to Multiply Small Holdings. Lord Carrington and H. E. Moore.
Lord Bacon cersus Professor Huxley. Duke of Argyll.
The Cry against Home Work. Ada Heather-Bigg.
Recent Science.

(Diphtheria-Earthquakes-Flying Machines.)



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Public Dinners in London. Charles Dickens.

The Business Revival; Symposium.

Educating a Daughter. Elizabeth Bisland.

For the Suppression of City Noises. Philip G. Hubert, jun.

Prolonging Life. William Kiumear.

Our Celebrities.-Sampson Low. November.

2s. 6d.

Portraits and Biographies of Sir Henry Loch, Countess of Warwick, and Admiral Sir Edmund Commerell.

Overland Monthly.-San Francisco. November. 25 cents.

Drake's Bay Fishing. Illustrate 1. J. II. Griffes.

The Republic of Shanghai. Illustrated. M. B Dunnell.
The Vigilance Committee of 1856. Ilustrated. A. B. Paul.

Oxford University Extension Gazette.-Oxford Warehouse,
Amen Corner. Dezember. 1d.

The Opportunity of the Universities, Miss J. D. Montgomery.
What the Workman Needs in Education.

Pall Mall Magazine.-18, Charing Cross Road. December. 1s.
Street Scenes in Cairo. Illustrate 1. R. S. Hichens.
Westminster. Illustrated. Walter Besant.

Wellingtou. Illustrate 1. General Lord Roberts.

Philosophical Review.-(Quarterly.) Edward Arnold. October, 3s. The Consciousness of Moral Obligation. J. G. Schurman.

Hegel's Conception of Free lom. S. W. Dyde.

Retation of Hume's Treatise and Inquiry. W. B. Elkin.

German Kantian Bibliography. Erich Adickes.

Discussion: The Ego, Causality and Free lom. J. H. Hyslop.

Photogram.-Farringdon Avenue.

December. 31.

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Physical Review.-Macmil'an. Nov.-Dec. 3 dols. per annum. Studies of the Lim Light. With Diagramis. E. L. Nichols and Mary L. Crehore.

A Study of the Residual Charges of Condensers, and their Dependence upon
Temperature. With Diagrams. F. Bedell and Carl Kinsley.
A General Theory of the Glow-Lamp. II. H. S. Weber.
Poet Lore.-Gay and Bird. November. 25 cents.
Beowulf and Arthur as English Ideals. Sarah Jane McNary.
How may Literature Best be Taught?
Dramatic Passion in Shakespeare's

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Forster's "Life of Strafford." W. G. Kingsland.

Positivist Review.-185, Fleet Street. December. 31.

Fatherland. E. S. Beesly.

Pierre Lafitte. J. H. Bridges.

Provincial Medical Journal.-11, Adam Street, Adelphi. Nov. 6.1. Leaving it to Nature. Dr. Thomas M. Dolan.

A Criticism of the "Germ Theory of Disease," based on the Baconian Method. Lawson Tait.

The Scientific Temper. Sir James Paget.

Psychological Review.-Macmillan. November. 75 cents.

The Theory of Emotion; I.-Emotional Attitudes. J. Dewey.

The Study of a Case of Amnesia, or Double Consciousness. C. L. Dana.
Experiments in Space Perception. II. J. H. Hyslop.
An Experimental Study of Memory. E. A. Kirkpatrick.

Public Health.-4, Ave Maria Lane. November.


The Hygiene of Merchant Ships. Dr. H. E. Armstrong.
The Importation of Smallpox over Sea into South Africa. Dr. A. J. Gregory.
Quarterly Journal of Economics.-Macmillan and Co. October.
2 dols. per ann.
The Wages-Fund Doctrine at the Hands of the German Economists. F. W.

The New Income Tax in the United States. C. E. Dunbar.
Mortgage Banking in Germany, D. M. Frederiksen.

Recent Discussions on Railway Management in Prussia. F. W. Taussig.
Early Experiments with the Unemployed. Alice Rollins Brewster.

Quest.-Cornish Bros., Birmingham. November. 2s. 6d.


The Grange at Broadway, Pershore. Illustrate i. J. R. Halliday..
Quiver.-Cassell. De ember.
Great Centres of Religious Activity: Edinburgh. Illustrated. J. Cuthbert

Hospital Nursing as a Vocation. Illustrated. Mabel E. Wotton.
The Children of Hunger. Illustrated. F. M. Holmes.

Religious Review of Reviews.-34, Victoria Street, Westminster.
November 15. 6.1.

Bible Instruction in the London Board Schools. J. R. Diggle.

The Question of Welsh Disestablishment: Interviews with Canon Williams and the Bishop of Swansea.

Anarchy and Atheism. F. Winnington Ingram.

Review of Reviews.-(America.) 13. Astor Place, New York.
November. 25 cents.

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Legal Education in the United States. With Portraits. Lynn R. Meekins.
A Tragic Sequel to Mrs. Helen Hunt Jackson's "Ramona." Illustrated.
E. B. Howell.

St. Nicholas.-Fisher Unwin. December. 18.

Fighting a Fire. Illustrated. C. T. Hill.

Science Gossip.-Simpkin, Marshall. Desember. 4d.

The Leaf-Nature of Bud-Scales. Illustrated. Rudolf Beer.

The Bite of the Gila Monster. C. A. Mitchell.

Rust in Wheat and Barberry Bushes. Illustrated. George H. Pethy brilge. Some Canadian Museums. J. T. Carrington.

Science Progress.-428, Strand. December. 28. 61.

On the Artificial Hatching of Marine Food-Fishes. W. E. M'Intosh.

The Molecular Weight of Liquids. Dr. John Shields.

The Origin of the Vascular Plants. Prof. D. H. Campbell.

Recent Researches in Thermal Metamorphism. Alfred Harker.
Continuous-Current Dynamos. C. C. Hawkins.

On the Morphological Value of the Attraction-Sphere. J. E. S. Moore.
Kew Thermometers-A Correction. E. H. Griffiths.

Scottish Geographical Magazine.-Edw. Stanford. November. 1s. 6d.
Two Months in Korea. With Map. Capt. A. E. J. Cavendish.

On the Determination of Sea-water Densities by Hydrometers and Sprengel
Tubes. W. S. Anderson.

The Campaigns of Alexander the Great in Turkestan. J. W. M'Crindle.
Scribner's Magazine.-Sampson Low. December. 1s.

The History of the Scribner Publishing House, 1846-1894. Illustrated.
Strand Magazine.-Southampton Street. November. 61.
II. Illustrated. A. T. Story.


The Biggest Tobacco-Box in the World, in Westminster Town Hall. trated. H. How.

Muzzles for Ladies. Illustrate 1.

Thieves v. Locks and Safes. Illustrate 1.

Girton and Newnham Colleges. Illustrated. E. A. Brayley-Hodgetts. Lord and Lady Brassey. Illustrate 1. M. Griffith.

Chicken Manufacture. Illustrate i. E. C. Clifford,


Sunday at Home.-56, Paternoster Row, December. 6d. An Outdoor Service in the Highlands. Illustrated. 1. F. Mayo. Sunday in East London; Spitalfields. Illustratel.

The Last Earthquake in London. Illustrate. J. Telford.

Sunday Magazine.-Isbister. December. 6.1.

Miracles of Nature and Providence amongst Cannibals; J. G. Paton in the South Sea Islands. Illustratel. S. F. Rids lale.

An Old Flemish City; Antwerp. Illustrated. Mrs. Meade.

Folk-Prayers. Rev. S. Baring-Goul 1.

A Naturalist in the Jungle.

Sylvia's Journal.-Ward, Lock. December.


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Westminster Review.-Frederick Warne. December. 2s. 6d. Financial Facilities. Robert Ewen.

Religion and Popular Literature. Thomas Hannan.
The Art of Governing. Lewis H. Bereus.

The Enthusiast. E. H. Lacon Watson.

The London School Board. Chas. W. A. Brooke.

An Eirenikon to Socialists and Individualists.

Ethical Tendency of Matthew Arnold's Poetry. Thos, Bradfield.
The Truth about Female Suffrage in New Zealand. Norwood Young.
Cultured Colonisation. M Mactie.

The Sexual Problem: A Reply to Beswicke Ancrum. B. Claydon.
Ought Private Lunatic Asylums to be Abolished? J. F. G. Pietersen.
Wilson's Photographic Magazine.-853, Broadway. New York.
November. 30 cents.

Some Thoughts about Toning. F. Schmidt.

Expression in Outdoor Work. Illustrated. E. L. Wilson.

Woman at Home.-Hodder and Stoughton. December. 15.

The Queen of Italy. Illustrated. Arthur Warren.

A Woman's Life in the Bush. Illustrated.

Interview with Sarah Grand. Illustrated. Jaue T, Stoddart.

Work.-Cassell. December. 61.
Why Circulating Boilers Explode During the Frost Illustrated.
Gleanings from Patent Laws of all Countries. W. Lloyd Wise.
Writer.-Boston, Mass. November. 10 cents.

Personal Tributes to Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Yale Review.-(Quarterly.) Edward Arnold. November.
The Railroad Strike in California. T. R. Bacon.
Recent Tendencies in Economic Literature. A. T. Halley.
The Connecticut Intestacy Law C M. Andrews.

The Manchester Ship Canal. E Porritt
Currency and State Banks. A. L. Ripley.

75 cents.

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The New Professor of Music in Dublin University. C. W. Pearce.
Studies in Modern Opera. Franklin Peterson.

Duet for two Pianos: "Abmarsch-The Start," by Cornelius Gurlitt.
Music.-1402, The Auditorium, Chicago. November. 25 cents.

Harmonic Nature of Musical Scales. Jean Mods.

Singing and Elocution. H. Gaines Hawn.

The Practice Clavier. C. Sternberg.

The Elocutionary Element in Vocal Music. W. H. Neidlinger.
Personal Rights in Piano Performance. J. S. Vane Cleve.
Bayreuth. W. Morton Payne.

Music Review.-Clayton F. Summy, Chicago. November.
Music Study. Gertrude Hogan Murdough.

10 cents.

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Musical Visitor.-Johu

Church Cincinnati. November.

15 cents.

Johannes Brahms.

Authem: "Grateful Notes Proloug." J. R. Murray.'

Musical World.-145, Wabash Avenue, Chicago. November. Famous Oll Songs.

15 cents.

Song: "I Dream of Thee, Love." Anita Owen.

National Review.-December.

Over-Production in the Musical World. J. A. Fuller-Maitland.

Newbery House Magazine.-December. 61.

Sketches of the Great Church Composers. H. C. Shuttleworth.
New Quarterly Musical Review.-6, New Burlington Street.
November. 18.

The Difficulties of Musical Criticism. E. Newman.
Two Views of Brahms. F. S. Corvie.
Chabrier's Opera: "Gwendoline."

Concerning the Madrigal. S. Adair Fitz-Gerald. *
The Historical Basis of Tannhäuser.
The Musical Notation of Ancient Greece. Cecil Torr.

A. Oldham.

[blocks in formation]

Organist and Choirmaster-139, Oxford Street. November. 21.

Hand-Bell Classes; How to Organise and Conduct Them.

Carol: "Tis the Birth day of our Saviour." Charles Vincent.
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. G. Douglas Harris.

School Music Review.-Novello. December. 1d.

Voice Training in Schools. James Gallie.

Tests for the Queen's Scholarship Examination.

Two Part Choruses: In Both Notatious: Christmas Day," by F. H. Cowen; and "Christmas Comes but Once a Year. R. L. de Pearsal

Scottish Musical Monthly.-Weekes and Co.
How to Pecome a Musical Critic. Bernard Shaw.
The Registration of Bach's Organ Works.

December. 21.

Strad.-156, Fleet Street. December. 24.

Joseph Hollman. With Portrait.

Sunday Magazine. -December.

Hymn: "Of Old Once Came," by Walter Spinney.

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