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Occupation as a factor in the
etiology of tuberculosis,

Occurrence and statistical
data, history of pneu-
monia-Lewis, 165
Ocular diseases, the therapeu-
tic value of diaphoresis in
the treatment of-Brav,

Old age pensions, 237

age pensions, the medical
side of, 237

Opaque clothing is becoming
popularized, 289
Operations and heart failure,

later notes on physical
exploration and treatment
of heart disease with a
final word about-Robin-
son, 299

abdominal, the diet after,

Operators, Roentgen ray, spe-
cial licenses for, 345
Ophthalmic surgery, remark
on the need of sedative
treatment in-Ohly, 40
Opposition, but now comes,

to a national department
of health, 339

Optic nerve affections due to

[blocks in formation]

Overcrowding of the medical
profession, 163
Overweights, excessive mor-
tality of, 5

Overwork, dangers of, 551
Oxidation, and ionization-
Dickson, 45

Oxygen baths, 49
Paralysis, infantile, 494
Partisan expert, the proposed

laws exclude, 399
Passing of the insanity ex-
cuse for crime, 236

Pastry, the various forms of,
of confectionery and fruit,
the vending of, 560
Pathology of mummies, 337
of suicide, 446
Pawlow dogs-Rose, 330
Pellagra in America, long

failure to recognize, 444
Pensions, old age, 237

old age, the medical side of,

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some remarks on the treat-
ment of Kahrs, 309

the treatment of-Ayls-
worth, 431
treatment of, 158

treatment of Robinson, 191
treatment of-Butler, 200
treatment of, 229

use of vaccines in the treat-
ment of Stewart, 208
Points of importance in the
performance of vaginal
fixation (illustrated)-
Bandler, 121

Point, an interesting, in com-
parative racial psycholo-
gy, 561

Poisoning, ether in cocaine,

Poliomyelitis, the mode of in-
fection in, 103

Politics must be kept out of
a national department of
health, 156

Politician, medical, 157
Pollution, Federal control of

stream, 64

Poor school children, free

meals for, 499
Post-partum hemorrhage, 97
Post office fight against
quacks, 161

Postage stamps, infection
from laundries, and
money, 552

Post-dysenteric conditions, 102
Potts' disease, 661

Poverty, large family the
cause of, 615

Practice, the cystoscope in-
Pinkham, 565

Practice, medical, licenses for,

of medicine, need of a defi-
nition of, 497
Practitioner, general, the der-

matologist as seen by-
Rostenberg, 87

general, toward the ven-
ereal diseases, the proper
attitude of-Wolbarst, 257
Pregnancy, twin, the diag-
nosis of, 600

and heart disease, 389

and labor of one of the
Siamese twins, 438
President, address of--Ditt-
rich, 597


President Taft's attitude on
public health questions,

Press, the profession and the
public, 612
Pressure, blood, some observa-
tions on-Cowie, 632
Prevention of all forms of
heat and light stroke, 290
Preventive vaccinations, 443
vaccinations for cholera,

bacillary dysentery and
plague, 443

Prize for a "cure" for tuber-
culosis, 9

Pride, professional, 555
Problem of the chronic ty-
phoid carrier, 444
Professional pride, 555
Proper function of the medi-

cal society, the, why we
are what we are-Wilcox,
Prostatic massage, effects of
on blood pressure-Cowie,
Protective power of re-vacci-
nation, 152

Problem, white slave, 500
Profession, better organiza-
tion of, 157

third, 495

public and medical, 508
Professor Irving Fisher's dan-

gerous advice, 56
Professorships of dietetics, the

demand for, 55
Prognosis of pneumonia in
children, symptomatology,
complications and-Hei-
man, 174

Proposed laws exclude the

partisan expert,
national department of
health, 240
Prudery, false, 501
Psychology of the consump-
tive, 549

of getting old, 400

racial, an interesting point
in, 561

Public health-a forecast-ad-
ministration of -Hoag,

health questions, President
Taft's attitude on, 156
and medical profession, 508
Public, the press, the profes-
sion and, 612
education, purpose of, 611
Puerperal eclampsia, success-
ful cases of Coughlin,
Pulmonary tuberculosis, cam-
paign of the German Hos-
pital of N. Y. City against
-Breitenfeld, 34
Pulmonary tuberculosis, treat-
ment of, 333

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Right to dispense, 447
Ringworm, treatment of, 436
Roentgen ray operators, spe-
cial licenses for, 345
Room at the top, there is
always, 163

Sanitarium and sanatorium,
difference between-Rose,
Sanatorium, tuberculosis, cost
of maintaining, 494
and, difference between a
sanitarium, 547

school for consumptives-
Sohn, 591

San Francisco's conduct, the
main lesson from, 107
Sanitarium and a sanatorium,
difference between, 547
Sanitariums, danger of nurs-
ing tuberculous in, 161
Sanitary conditions of New
York harbor, 52

problem, pneumonia as-
Woodruff, 191

Sanitation, the appalling re-

sults of contempt for, 106
Sarcoma, round-celled, suc-

cessful use of trypsin and
amylopsin in, 162

Saving the least desirable may
be misdirecting our ener-
gies, 291

Scholarships must be awarded
for ability, 392

should also be honors, 393
the degrading abuse of, 392
School children, defective de-
velopment of, 499

children, free meals for
poor, 499

for consumptives, a sana-
torium-Sohn, 591
proper age to begin, 610
children who quit, 610
children, lunches for, 608
Schools, the Carnegie Founda-
tion report on the status
of American medical, 441
Science, Christian, 554
Scientific study of the drunk-
ard, 10

[blocks in formation]

Sedative treatment in oph-
thalmic surgery, remarks
on need of-Ohly, 40
Segregation of all infections,

Senile dyspepsia, 48

Septum, deflected bony, a new
operation for-Glogau,

Serum treatment of gonor-
rheal arthritis-Herbst,

Sewer system, a double, 64
Shave or not to shave, 447
Ships of war, the recent out-
break of smallpox on our,
Siamese twins, pregnancy and
labor of one of the, 438
Significance of mortality
statistics, the the valley
of the shadow of death-
Gould, 362

Simple continued fever, 298
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 562
Slave investigation, white,

problem, white, 500
Sleepiness should not be over-

come, 238

Smaller cities the establish-
ment of milk laboratories
in, 396

Smallpox on our ships of war,
the recent outbreak of,

Snap diagnoses-Fool's para-
dise-Kerr, 512
Soap, liquid, 151

Social and clinical aspects of

trachoma-Brav, 406
Society, Eastern Medical, 53

must protect its strong and
healthy, 346

Soldiers, alcohol for, 556
Socialism in America, 614
demand for free medical
care, 613

large birth rate and, 614
Soluble iodine, Burnham's,

Something to be said, there
is, 557

Source of typhoid infection,

Sports, athletic, for health, 6
Spread of tuberculosis in the
best climates, 160

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Survival of the lower classes,

Sweats, night, camphoric acid
in, 437

Symptomatology, complica.
tions and prognosis of
pneumonia in children--
Heiman, 174

Symptoms and differential,
diagnosis, rheumatism-
its-Haas, 483

of exophthalmic goiter, 599
early, of tetanus. 599
Syphilis and the iodides, 335
innocently acquired, 488
System, a double sewer, 64
Take medicine, when to, 335
Temperature? Is it possible

to keep a ward at any, 102
Testimony, to reform expert,
Tetanus, early symptoms of,

the Damoclean sword of
surgery, 94

Theory, mouse, of pneumonia
-Palier, 281

Therapeutic application,


gastric juice from the liv-
ing pig-Hepp, 522
researches, Ehrlich's, 399
Therapeutics, hyoscine in, 603
Therapeutic value of diapho-

resis in the treatment of
ocular diseases-Brav, 83
There is another side to the
question, 555

is something to be said, 557
Third profession, 495
Three forms of sunstroke, 290
points of importance in in-
testinal obstruction, 433
Thyroid medication, untoward
effects of, and how to
forego them-Stern, 11
Tonsil infection, results of,

Trachoma, the social and
clinical aspects of-Brav,

Trained nurse without judg-
ment, 58

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Transmission of typhus by

body lice, 550

Travellers, indigestion of, 164
Treatment of abortion, 49

of burns, 435

of cancer, the x-ray, 602
of certain intestinal dis-
eases, the place of the
enema in, 388

of chronic disease, success
in-Harrower, 75

of chronic gonorrhea, 333
of constipation, 148
of convulsions, 491
surgical, of diabetes melli-
tus, 242

surgical, of epilepsy-Carr,

of facial neuralgia, 335
of flat foot, observations on
-Soule, 451

of gastric ulcer, 231

of heart disease with a final
word about operations and
heart failure, later notes
on physical exploration

and-Robinson, 299

of hemoptysis, 332

of hemoptysis, 149

injection, of hemorrhoids,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

carrier, problem of the
chronic, 444
experimental, 442

fever, diet in-Hall, 245
fever in children, diet in,

fever, treatment of-Strong,

infection, source of, 443
Typhoid perforation, the diag-
nosis of, 286

Typhus, transmission of, by
body lice, 550

Tyranny, French metric, 8
of authority, 7

of the metric advocates, 7
Ulcer, duodenal, diagnosis of,

varicose, treatment of, 546
Underclothing, colored, in

summer, use of, 289
United States and Canada,

medical education in, 495
medical students in, 338


Unreliability of consumptives,

Unsatisfactory medical stu-
dents, 298

Untoward effects of thyroid
medication and how to
forego them-Stern, 11
Unvaccinated, danger from
the, 292

Unwashed fruit, 348

Urethra and bladder in the
female, gonorrheal infec-
tion of Goelet, 316
Urine, action of glandular ex-
tracts upon the secretion
of-Ott & Scott, 79
rapid method of detecting
bile pigment in, 545
Urticaria of infancy-Wile,

cancer, early diag
nosis of, 542

cancer, early recognition of,

Uterus and adnexa, and tuber-

culosis of the peritoneum
-Shoop, 70

Vacation season,

work of, 291


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