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Caisson disease, 108

disease, newly discovered
factors in, 108
California, compulsory vacci-

nation of public school
pupils is declared uncon-
stitutional, 292
Campaign of the German Hos-

pital of New York City
against pulmonary tuber-
culosis-Breitenfeld, 34
Camphor in pneumonia, 230
Camphoric acid in night
sweats, 437

Canada and the United States,

medical education in. 495
Cancer, denials of any modern
increase of, 498

Cancer of the prostate, 660
uterine, early diagnosis of,

uterine, early recognition
of, 490

fish, governmental study of,

the x-ray treatment of, 602
Carnegie Foundation report
on the status of American
medical schools, 441
Case of acromegaly-Packard,

of Friedreich's ataxia in a
child five and a half years
of age-Neustaedter, 477

Casoid foods, 234
Catgut sterilization, 96
Catsup, new pure food, 338

Cause of tuberculosis, fear as,


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gonorrhea, treatment of, 333
typhoid carrier, problem of,

Cigar, pipe and cigarette, 547
Cigarette and cigar, pipe, 547
City water, the waste of, 343
Classes, survival of the lower,

Clean, honest, capable phar-
macist, 449

Climacteric, the male, 59
Clinical and social, aspects of

trachoma-Brav, 406

and dispensary treatment,
abuse of, 395
Clothing, opaque, is becoming
popularized, 289

Cocaine poisoning, ether in,

Colleague, our extinguished,

Collectanea Jacobi, 233

Colleges, board should keep
tab on, 498

Colles' deformity, the re-place-
ment in adjusted-West,

Colored underclothing in sum-
mer, use of, 289
Commercial sale of marine
quarantine, 4

Commercialism of optometry,

[blocks in formation]

simulating appendicitis, 98
Conduct, the main lesson from
San Francisco's, 107
Confectionery and the various
forms of pastry, the vend-
ing of fruit, 560
Consanguineous marriages are
not harmful, 394
Constant increase of crime,

Constipation in childhood, 434
the treatment of, 148
Consumption of sugar, in-
creasing, 162

Consumptive, psychology of,
Consumptives, a sanatorium
school for-Sohn, 591
suggestibility of, 549
unreliability of, 550
Contagion, attacks upon the
fomites theory, 3
Continuance of high infant
mortality, 291
Contingent fee, the, 100
Contribution to the study of
hay fever-Leitner, 266
a notable, to the surgery of
glycosuria, 242

Control, Federal, of stream
pollution, 64

Convulsions, treatment of, 491
Cooling of hospital wards in
hot weather, 101
Cord, extensive degeneration

in, myxo-sarcoma of the
right frontal lobe-Price,

Cost of maintaining a tuber-
culosis sanatorium, 494
of meat, increasing, 159
Cough, whooping, etiology of,

Cramps, heat, 607

Crime, the constant increase
of, 345

the passing of the insanity
excuse for, 236

Criminal unfit, sterilization
for-Robertson, 349
Criminals, responsibility of,

sterilization of, 6

Criminality has been called a

medical problem, 345
Culture and remuneration,
medical library and its in-
on medical-
Holmes, 480

Cure for obesity, a novel, 439
Current interest, items of, 154

Common sense at the bedside Cystoscope in practice-Pink-

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of overwork, 551

from the unvaccinated, 292
Dangers of biting or sucking
insects, 550

Dangerous dogmas, 56
Data concerning Ehrlich's
new arsenic preparation,

Death of Florence Nightin-
gale, 440

of Dr. Goelet, 282

of Henri Dumont, the, 563
of Dr. Howard T. Ricketts,

of Robert Koch, 294

of William James, 506
Decay of medical sectarian-
ism, 496

Deciduoma malignum-Judd,

Deep breathing, the effects of

rapid and prolonged, 237
Defence, the American Medi-
cal Association needs no,



school children, 499
Definition of the practice of
medicine, need of, 497
Deformity, Colles', the re-
displacement in adjusted
-West, 415
Degrading abuse of scholar-
ships, 392

Degeneration in cord, exten-

sive; myxo sarcoma of
the right frontal lobe-
Price, 586

Denials of any modern in-
crease of cancer, 498
Department of health, opposi-
tion to a national, 339
of health, proposed national,

Dermatologist as seen by the

general practitioner-
Rostenberg, 87
Dermoids-Long, 530
Detecting bile pigment in
urine, rapid method of,
Development of school chil-

dren, defective, 499
Diabetes mellitus, effect of
febrile diseases in, 229
mellitus, the surgical treat-
ment of, 242
Diagnosis of acute intestinal
obstruction, 598

of duodenal ulcer, 47

fool's paradise, snap-Kerr,

differential, of pneumonia-
Stern, 169

[blocks in formation]

of trichinosis, 433

of twin pregnancy, 600
of typhoid perforation, 286
early, of uterine cancer, 542
Diagnostic importance of the

pulse rate in appendicitis,
Diaphoresis in the treatment
of ocular diseases, the
therapeutic value of-
Brav, 83

Diarrheas, infantile, the in-
fectious nature of, 96
Diet after abdominal opera-
tions, 150

low sugar, for infants, 397
non-meat, results of, 160
in pneumonia-Porter, 210
in typhoid fever-Hall, 245
in typhoid fever in chil-
dren, 49

Dietetic fallacies, 57

knowledge, more, is impera-
tive, 55

Dietetics, the demand for pro-
fessorships of, 55
Difference between a sani-

tarium and a sanatorium,

Differential diagnosis of pneu-

monia-Stern, 169
Difficulties, obstetrics under,

letter from Philippines,

Digestion, relation of the nose
to, 50

Digitalis, the physiological ac-
tion and the standardiza-
tion of Hensel, 594
Diphtheria, the death rate
from, 605

Disease, caisson, 108

nasal, relation of, to hay
fever and asthma-Crane,

newly discovered factors in
caisson, 108
phlyctenular-Brown, 313
success in the treatment of
-Harrower, 75

the treatment of the hook
worm, 602


Diseases, nourishment
acute, 336
ocular, the therapeutic value
of diaphoresis in the
treatment of-Brav, 83
Dishonesty innate or ac-
quired? is, 61
Discussion of the venereal
peril in lay literature, 101
Disinfection, accuracy of, 4
the ineffectiveness of much, │

Dispensary treatment, abuse |
of clinical and, 395
Dispense, right to, 447

Dispensing, question of drug,

Doctor's bills, the dilatory
payment of, 557

life, personal or business
side of MacDonald, Jr.,
Dogmas, dangerous, 56
Dogs, Pawlow-Rose, 330
Double sewer system, a, 64
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 562
Drinking cup, the public, 615
Dr. Goelet, the death of, 282

Howard T. Ricketts, the
death of, 235

Drug dispensing, question of,

Drugs, adulterated, 619
Drugs are absolutely essen-
tial, pure, 2

Dunant, Henri, the death
of, 563

Duodenal ulcer, diagnosis of,


Outbreak of smallpox, the re-
cent, on our ships of war,
Dysentery and plague, pre-
ventive vaccinations for
cholera, bacillary, 443
Dyspepsia, senile, 48
Ear, the musical external, (il-
lustrated)-O'Malley, 262
Early case, 8

symptoms of tetanus, 599
Eastern Medical Society, 53,
94, 152, 234, 283, 604, 662
Eclampsia, puerperal, success-
ful cases of-Coughlin,

Eczema, 660

Education, medical, 442
honesty is largely a matter
of, 62

in the United States and
Canada, medical, 495
industrial, the demand for,

the purpose of public, 611
the new, will be of slow de-
velopment, 616

Effect of febrile diseases in
diabetes mellitus, 229
Effects of rapid and prolonged
deep breathing, 237
Ehrlich-Hata's "606," 601
Ehrlich's "606" interests in,

new arsenic preparation,
some further data con-
cerning, 548

therapeutic researches, 399
Elbow, tuberculosis of, 434
Elimination of nursing

women, 397
Eloquence of infancy-Kerr,
Emigrants,the exclusion of
degenerate, 609

Enema in the treatment of

certain intestinal dis-
eases, the place of, 388
Epilepsy, surgical treatment
of-Carr, 65

Essential factor, fear is an,

Establishment of milk labora-
tories in the smaller
cities, 396

Ether in cocaine poisoning,

Ethmoiditis, optic nerve affec-

tions due to Schirmer,

Etiology of tuberculosis, oc-
cupation as a factor in,

of whooping cough, 287
Eugenics, 394

Examining boards, medical,

Expansion of races, 53

Excessive light, the dangers
of, 57

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symptoms of, 599

Expectorants, 151

Experience, ten years, in ab-
dominal surgery, 489
Experimental typhoid, 442
Expert, the proposed laws

exclude the partisan, 399
testimony, to reform, 399
Eyestrain, a life of intense

suffering and unrealized
aims due to Gould, 569
Facial neuralgia, treatment
of, 335

Factors in caisson disease,

newly discovered, 108
Failure to recognize pellagra
in America-Long, 444
Fallacies, dietetic, 57
False Prudery, 501

reasoning of the anti-vivi-
sectionists, 162
Family, large, the basic cause

of poverty, 615

Fate of the students who fail
to get diplomas, 297
Fear as the cause of tubercu-
losis, 243

is an essential factor, 243
phthisiophobia and normal,

Febrile diseases in diabetes
mellitus, the effect of,

Federal control of stream pol-
lution, 64

Feeding of infants, artificial,

Fee question, the, 99

the contingent, 100
Female, gonorrheal infection
of the urethra and blad-
der in the-Goelet, 316
students, superiority of, 297
Fever, hay, a contribution to

the study of-Leitner, 266

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Fistulae, tuberculous, the suc-
cessful treatment of, 433
Flat foot, observations on the
treatment of-Soule, 451
Florence Nightingale, the
death of, 440

Food, the cost of for one per-
son, 608

Foods, casoid, 234
Fool's paradise-snap diagno-
sis-Kerr, 512

Foot and ankle, importance of
the after treatment of in-
juries to Cilley, 323
flat, observations on the
treatment of Soule, 451
Football, dangers of modern, 5
Forceps, obstetrics, 231
Forms of heat and light
stroke, prevention of all,

three, of sunstroke, 290
Fomites theory of contagion,
attacks upon, 3

Free meals for poor school
children, 499

Freight, who pays the, 619
French metric tyranny, 8
Friedreich's ataxia in a child

five and a half years of
age-Neustaedter, 477
Fruit, confectionery and the
various forms of pastry,
the vending of, 560
unwashed, 348
Future American-Woodruff,

Gastric juice from the living
pig and its therapeutic
application-Hepp, 522
ulcer, treatment of, 231
Gastroptosis and its causa-
tion, 147

General practitioner, the der-
matologist as seen by-
Rostenberg, 87
practitioner toward the
venereal diseases, the
proper attitude of-Wal-
barst, 257

Genito-urinary organs, tuber-
culosis of Isaacs, 250

Getting old, the psychology of,

Glandular extracts upon the
secretion of urine, action
of-Ott & Scott, 79
Glycosuria, a notable contri-
bution to the surgery of,

Goelet, the death of Dr., 282

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conservation, 155

opposition to a national de-
partment of, 339
politics, must be kept out of
a national department of,

questions, public, President
Taft's attitude on, 156
the proposed national de-
partment of, 240
Heart disease and pregnancy,

disease with a final word

about operations and
heart failure, later notes
on physical exploration
and treatment of-Robin-
son, 299
failure, later notes on phy-
sical exploration and
treatment of heart disease
with a final word about
operations-Robinson, 299
Heat and light stroke, preven-
tion of all forms of, 290

Heat cramps, 607

He fed fevers, 56

Hemoptysis, treatment of, 149
treatment of, 332

Hemorrhage, post partum, 97

Hemorrhoids, injection treat-

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Hepatic sclerosis in non-alco-
holics, the frequency of.

Hereditary hypoplasia, 398
Heredity, 394

Herpes, the treatment of, 387
Hip, treatment of the tuber-
culous, 97

Hirsutis or hypertrichosis—
Geyser, 384

Historian, the physician as,

History, making, and learning
it, 297

of pneumonia, its occur-
rence and statistical data
-Lewis, 165

Hoag, D. E. 471

Honest, capable and clean
pharmacist, 449

Honesty is largely a matter of

education, 62

Honors, scholarships should
also be, 393

Hookworm disease, the treat-
ment of, 602

Hospital wards in hot weather,
the cooling of, 101
Hot weather, arterial relaxa-
tion of, 445

weather, the cooling of hos-
pital wards in, 101
House disinfection, attacks
on, 104

Human ills, to stamp out
leprosy from-Ashmead,

Hyoscine in therapeutics, 603
Hypertrichosis or hirsutis-
Geyser, 384

Hypoplasia, hereditary, 398
Hysterical amaurosis-Fleck-
enstein, 410

mutism-Neustaedter, 426
Ignoring the alienist, 164
Illustration, an atrocious, 606
Immigration, movement
stop all, 160

restriction of, 609





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Infancy, the eloquence of Investigation, white slave, 450

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Injuries to the foot and ankle,

importance of the after
treatment of Cilley, 323
Innocently acquired syphilis,

Inquiry-Vinnedge, 487
Insane, amebiasis in, 444
Insanity excuse for crime, the
passing of, 236

Insomnia, the treatment of,

Inspections are highly effi-
cient, 607

Instruction of the public along
medical lines, method for
-Baketel, 14
Intense suffering, a life of, and
unrealized aims due to
eyestrain-Gould, 569
Interest in Ehrlich's "606,"
Interesting point in racial
psychology, 561

Interest, items of current, 154
Intestinal diseases, certain,

the place of the enema in
the treatment of, 388
obstruction, acute, the diag-
nosis of, 598

obstruction, three points of
importance in, 433
Intra-venous medication, some
results of Somes, 656

Iodides, syphilis and the, 335
Iodine, Burnham's soluble, 153
in surgery, 604

in the sterilization of the
skin-Stone, 33

Ionization and oxidation-
Dickson, 45

Irresponsibility of suicides,

Is it the man or his alma
mater? 503

Issuance of statements of ac-
count, a legal obligation
to the prompt, 558
Items of current interest, 154
It is possible to keep a ward
at any temperature, 102
Jacobia, collectanea, 233
James, death of William, 506
Judicial asininity, 99
"Keep off the grass," 295
Koch had his trials, 295
Robert, death of, 294
Laboratories, new methods ap-

plied in research-Klein,

Lactation in the Blazek united
twins, 438

Laundries, money and postage
stamps, infection from,


Laws, new marriage, 395
Lay literature, the discussion
of the venereal peril in,

Legal obligation to the prompt
issuance of statements of
account, a, 558
Leprosy from human ills, to
stamp out-Ashmead, 89
problem, 9

the mode of infection in,

the non-contagiousness of,

Lesson, the main, from San
Francisco's conduct, 107
Letter from the Philippines,
"obstetrics under difficul-
ties," 147

Library, medical, and its in-
fluence on medical cul-
ture and remuneration-
Holmes, 480

Licenses for medical practice,

special for Roentgen ray
operators, 345

Lice, body, transmission of ty-
phus by, 550

Life of intense suffering and

of unrealized aims, due to
eyestrain-Gould, 569
doctors' personal or busi-
ness side of-MacDonald,
Jr., 509

the change of, 60
Light stroke, and heat, pre-
vention of all forms of,

red, the damage done by,

the dangers of excessive, 57
Liquid soap, 151

Living pig and its therapeutic

application, gastric juice
from the Hepp, 522
Long failure to recognize pel-
lagra in America, 444
Loss to American pharmacy
and medicine, 559
Lower classes, survival of, 291
Low sugar diet for infants,

Loyalty to the physician in
charge, 58

Lunches for school children,

Maintaining a tuberculosis
sanatorium, cost of, 494
Making history and learning
it, 297

Male climacteric, 59
Malignum, deciduoma-Judd,

Manoeuvres in Massachusetts

from a medical officer's
point of view, the recent
war-Colles, 373

Man or his alma mater? is it,

Many physicians, 557
Marine quarantine, commer-
cial side of, 4

Marriage laws, new, 395
restrictions on, 500

[blocks in formation]

schools, the Carnegie Foun-
dation report on the
status of American, 441
sectarianism, decay of, 496
side of old age pensions, 237
society, the proper function
of the, why we are what
we are Wilcox, 109
students in the United
States, 338

students, unsatisfactory, 298
Medication, intra-venous some
results of Somes, 656
Medicine, and a loss to Ameri-

can pharmacy, 559
how to study, 506

need of a definition of the

practice of, 497
stains, removing, 336
Medicines, when to take, 335
I Meningitis and its anticipa-
tion, 491


Hymanson, 226
Menorrhagia in young women,

treatment of-Mallett, 516
Method of detecting bile pig-
ment in urine, rapid, 545
Metric advocates, tyranny of,

Method for the instruction of

the public along medical
lines-Baketel, 14
Methods applied in research
laboratories-Klein, 326
Middle turbinate, indications
for the removal of, 489
Migraine, treatment of, 491
Milk, sterilization of, by ultra-
violet rays, 450

laboratories in the smaller
cities, the establishment
of, 396
Misnomer, allopathy is, 342
Mode of infection in leprosy,

of infection in poliomyelitis,

Modern increase of cancer,
denials of any, 498
Money, and postage stamps,
and infections from laun-
dries, 552

Mortality statistics, the signi-
ficance of, the valley of
the shadow of death-
Gould, 362

Mouse theory of pneumonia-
Palier, 281

Movement to stop all immigra-

tion, 160

Mummies, pathology of, 337
Musical external ear, (illus-
trated)-O'Malley, 262

Mutism, hysterical-Neustaed-
ter, 426

Myocarditis, tubercular peri-
carditis and-Manning,

Myxo-sarcoma of the right
frontal lobe, extensive de-

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