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is respectfully offered to the medical profession for the systemic treatment of chronic eczema, late syphilitic and tuberculous ulcers, malignant growths, lupus, epithelioma and similar affections.

CYTONE is not a secret remedy and consists of a specially selected and modified creosote, combined with terpenes and inert soluble oils.

It is used hypodermatically and is a powerful systemic antiseptic, with marked antitoxic and reconstructive properties.

No extravagant claims are made for CYTONE, but in the hands of competent physicians it gives results in relieving pain, arresting discharge and fetor, controlling ulceration and promoting the normal processes of repair, that give it a unique place in modern therapy.

The internal antiseptic value of creosote has long been recognized, but it is only through the agency of CYTONE that doses sufficiently large to arrest ulceration and effect tissue metamorphosis can be safely administered.

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Another New Remedy

¶ Occasion is taken here to announce the general introduction of a new and effective solution for use in general practice. ¶ This solution, devised and compounded by Mr. William Bannerman of Chicago, has the property, when introduced into the circulation, of causing a decided increase in the number of the red-blood cells.

For this reason Bannerman's Solution has been used with encouraging results in the treatment of a number of conditions due to or associated with disturbed blood relations. Principal among these are anemia, tuberculosis, rheumatism and other allied diseases.

Case reports, formula and other more specific information
may be had on demand. Address:

William Bannerman & Company




AST season we placed emphasis on the curative value of citric acid as found in the ATWOOD GRAPE FRUIT.


With the first suggestion of the use of this grape fruit in rheumatic and febrile conditions came a quick endorsement from physicians and the public. We say "as found in the Atwood Grape Fruit," for Atwood Grape Fruit is so far superior to the ordinary kind that it is admittedly in a class by itself when used either as a luxury or medicinally. Its superiority is not an accident. From the beginning the Atwood Grape Fruit Company (the largest producer of grape fruit in the world) has sacrificed everything for QUALITY. An initial expense of hundreds of thousands of dollars was incurred; everything that science or experience could suggest was done to pro

duce QUALITY; even then, many trees, as they came to maturity, bore just good, ordinary grape fruit, but not good enough for the Atwood Brand. Therefore thousands of big, bearing trees were either cut back to the trunk and rebudded to SUPERIOR VARIETIES or dug out entirely.

So through the various processes of selection, cultivation and elimination has evolved the ATWOOD FLAVOR, as hard to describe as it is difficult to produce.

Atwood Grape Fruit is sold by high class dealers and always in the trademark wrapper of the Atwood Grape Fruit Company.

Buy it by the box; it will keep for weeks and improve. Price for either bright or bronze, $6 per standard box containing 54, 64 or 80 grape fruit. ATWOOD GRAPE FRUIT CO. 290 Broadway, New York City







This new compound, which is obtained by treating albumose with an ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate, is a light brown powder, readily soluble in water and containing approximately 7% of organically combined silver. Its aqueous solutions do not coagulate albumen, even on heating and are not precipitated by sodium chloride. The indications of Hegonon are the same as those of other silver proteids. So far it has only been systematically tested in gonorrhea, in which one-quarter per cent. solutions have yielded excellent results, recourse to higher concentrations appearing unnecessary. In this concentration the solutions are almost colorless and cause practically no staining.

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(posterior urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis). The author also finds that complicated cases of gonorrhea, originally treated with Hegonon, show a prompter disappearance of the organism than those in which the other preparations were used. He concludes from his experiments that Hegonon deserves first place among modern silver proteid compounds.


In these days of progress it is hard to keep up with the procession and harder still to believe all that the eager manufacturer has to say about his goods. After all, the great test is RESULTS, and nothing can be more convincing than this


One of the latest additions to the therapeutic armamentarium of the up-to-date physician is a solution perfected by William Bannerman of Chicago, after twenty years of work upon animals, Bannerman's solution has secured, does secure and will secure results that are remarkable-these results may easily be yours. Read the announcement on page 35.

Scalp Diseases

notably seborrhea and local circulatory derangements are promptly benefited by

Systematic Shampooing




The formula and special character of this high-grade soap adapt it not

only to cleansing the scalp tissues but to stimulating their physiologic activity.

Medical men have been using and recommending Packer's Tar Soap for over thirty-seven years and it is universally recognized as the standard hygienic soap.


New York, N. Y.

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ITH the advent of this important discovery for the cure of Syphilis, the employment of the Wassermann test, both before and after its use, is conceded by all scientific investigators to be of the highest importance as a control to the curative effect of "606." The Chicago Laboratory, besides doing general diagnostic work, is especially equipped for carrying out the Wassermann Sero-diagnosis of Syphilis. Upon request we will send you a sterile container and mailing case with instructions for collecting the blood from your patient.

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This Superb Physician's Car

Is thoroughly standardized. This magnificent motor car has been developed until it contains many features found only in automobiles costing up to $4000. The AbbottDetroit is the only car selling at or anywhere near $1500 that is thoroughly standardized. The quality is there, way above the price limit. The performances of this car in national speed and endurance contests, easily distinguish it as far above the cars supposed to be in its class solely because of the price classification.

Abbott Detroit

The Abbott-Detroit is kept up-todate. We mean just what we say. If on May 10th we have completed and decided on a new feature, it is embodied in the very next car that goes out of the factory. We do not

save up our improvements for next year's model. We use them as soon as we get them. When you buy an abbott-Detroit, you get the very latest and best model we can produce at that particular time. The Abbott-Detroit you buy on May 10th is the May 10th Model. We never advertised the Abbott-Detroit extensively until we knew we had a car that measured up to the high standards we had set for ourselves and were working to for two years. Now we are advertising broadcast, and are delivering a car that makes good all claims in this advertising.

Art Catalog Free Let us show you


all the fine points of the AbbottDetroit right in your own home by mailing you our very attractive catalog. Just tell us to send you the name of our nearest dealer, and then go and see him.

Take a trial spin in the Abbott-Detroit, remembering its wonderful record. Do not forget we make a limited number of cars, and that it is advisable to act promptly if you think of buying this year.

ABBOTT MOTOR CO., 144 Waterloo St., Detroit, Mich.

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