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of the scalp can be restored, and a three or four minutes use of the Cap each day thereafter will, within a reasonable time, develop a natural and permanent growth of hair. If, however, the scalp remains white and lifeless after the Cap is removed, then the case would be a hopeless one regardless of all the infallible hair restorers advertised. The Vacuum method is what might be described as a vigorous massage without the rubbing, and there are no drugs or irritants employed.


"When I buy a thing and get my money's worth I don't hesitate to say so. I purchased from you, five months ago, an Evans Vacuum Cap, and it has given me the very best of satisfaction and has accomplisued all you claimed and more. My case was obstinate at first, but by persistent effort in the use of the Cap I am fully satisfied with results. To my mind it is the only rational manner of treating the scalp to put it into a thoroughly healthy condition and I have made quite a study of the matter. You are quite at liberty to refer any prospective customers in this section to me, either personally or by letter, but I do not wish this letter used as a published testimonial."

"I would like to report my progress
with your Cap and will say that it has
loosened up my scalp very much, but I
find that my hair still falls some and
wish to ask for further advice. The Cap
has started a new growth of hair, but I
find that the new hair comes out after
growing from one to two inches in
length. I enclose a few hairs and you
will please notice that they are a new
growth. Is it that the follicles will pro-
duce two or three growths before they
become healthy? Now I suppose that

your treatment will take some time to
get the hair in a healthy condition, as
my scalp has been so tight for some
years. Would like to hear from you on
the subject."

"After thirty days' use of your Vacuum Cap the fuzz on my head has started to grow. I had been losing my hair for over twelve years and my scalp was very tight, but now it is quite loo. and I can move it back and forth. Is there any way to keep the Cap from coming down in front? That is the only thing that bothers me. I have written to the Jefferson Bank instructing them to give you my deposit. There has been a few gentlemen here watching the trial of the Cap and I think you will now receive more orders from this place."

"I have just received the chair clamp and letter of advice, for which accept my thanks. Will state that I have now been using the Cap for a little more than a month and am convinced that it is indeed a blessing to a man who really values his bair. I paid $50.00 to a New York Specialist whose treatment failed to stop my hair from falling out, and which your apparatus has accomplished in a reasonably short time. The price you charge for the Cap is out of proportion to the benefits received and in fact I look upon it more as a gift than a purchase."

"I believe that any man whose blood is in good condition can cultivate & healthy and complete growth of hair. I had been losing my hair for about ten years and there was a bare space about three inches wide extending from front to the back part of my head. I saw the advertisement of the Evans Vacuum Cap in Munseys Magazine some time ago and the logic of the argument appealed to me. I cut the advertisement out and carried it in my pocket knowing that I would be in Saint Louis at the World's Fair in charge of my Automobile Spring Exhibit, which was recently awarded a gold medal. I have now used the Cap for a little over three months and my photograph herewith will show you the results I have obtained. I mailed this photograph home to my wife in Boston, and her surprise at noting the growth of hair on my head will perhaps be appreciated by quoting from her letter:Your picture came in this morning, but how strange it seems. Are you wearing a wig or has the Cap really made your hair grow again?' Although I appreciate the honor of getting the gold medal on my own invention, yet I am frank to say that I have derived more satisfaction from having my hair restored than receiving the medal. My success with the Cap has been so pronounced that it has led to quite a number of sales among others who were watching my progress."

"I have been using your Vacuum Cap for eight weeks, and am pleased with the results. I hereby authorize the Jeferson Bank, of St. Louis, to pay you the amount deposited with them for the Cap sent me. Although there was no bald spot, the hair on the top of my head was quite thin and has been steadily growing thinner for several years. This condition was evidently due to failing nourishment of the scalp, as the scalp was otherwise perfectly healthy. I now have a new growth of hair averaging about one inch in length over the thin area, and if the improvement continues as I expect it to, you will doubtless receive other orders from my acquaintances here in Oakland."

"The new Cap that you sent me arrived safely, and while I have only had about ten days' use of it, yet my friends already have noticed an improvement in the appearance of my hair and I am glad you exchanged the Cap as I believe it is going to give excellent satisfaction. There is one question I would like to ask-is there any part of the pump which requires oiling? Your explanation of delay is entirely satisfactory. It may be that my haste in the matter was somewhat undignified, but you doubtless know that a man who is losing his hair and losing it fast, sometimes gets nervous over the fact."

"I purchased one of your Caps a few months ago and am pleased with results I am getting. I perspire freely and this seems to have the effect of rotting the rubber band. Can you send me a new one by mail? My hair had been falling out for over fifteen years, during which time I have tried practically every supposed remedy with absolutely no result (except injurious), but thanks to your Cap, the fuzz on my head has developed into hair."

The names and addresses of the writers of the above letters are omitted, and very properly so, but we have no objections to sending copies of the originals, together with the names and addresses, to any one interested, for private use. It will be understood by every reader that many of those who have used the Evans Vacuum Cap with the very best results are persons of prominence and position and standing, who could not, under any circumstances, permit their names and photographs to appear publicly in connection with any such personal announcement. They have no objection however, to our using them by correspondence.

The Evans Vacuum Cap is furnished on trial and under guarantee issued by the Jefferson Bank, of Saint Louis, and any bank or banker will testify as to the validity of this guarantee. We have no agents, and no one is authorized to sell, offer for sale or receive money for the Evans Vacuum Cap-all orders come through the Jefferson Bank. Let us send you a book which explains the possibilities of the invention, and also evidence of the results it has achieved. This book is sent free on request and we prepay postage in full.

EVANS VACUUM CAP CO., 237 Fullerton Building, SAINT LOUIS, U. S. A.

Mention Technical World Magazine

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