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ator is at hand or not. If no one is at hand at the receiving station, the message is printed on the paper ribbon and may be read later.

By the use of this apparatus, as can readily be seen, both the receiving and transmitting instruments make copies of the telegram, and these copies can be kept as records. Printing telegraph systems, where a large number of receiving instruments have been controlled by one transmitting instrument, have been in use a long time in both Europe and America, supplying reports from stock exchanges, etc. A storage battery of twelve cells is used as a working battery, only twelve volts being employed on the line circuit, thus necessitating the use of only half the battery at one time.

The Siemens & Halske printing telegraph, here shown, is somewhat similar to the Baudot and Hughes machines. When the key of a certain letter or figure is pressed, the circuit of the transmitting apparatus is closed, and a switching roller is rotated. In this way electric currents are sent into, the printing circuit and the relays of the instruments, and both receiving and sending instruments. are energized by local currents. The

type wheel is then rotated by relay magnets through the same distance in all the receiving instruments. receiving instruments. When a figure key is moved, for example, a projection on one end of the lever strikes against the switching inking roller which is rotating, and stops it as well as the type wheel. The type levers of both machines are attracted at the same time, and the proper figure is thus printed. The depressed key must be allowed to return before the type wheel can move again, and the speed of operation is as fast as with an ordinary typewriter. There is installed in the Berlin central station a switchboard which is similar to telephone central stations, with indicators for a large number of subscribers. An indicator drop falls and a bell rings, as soon as any subscriber presses his calling key. The operator in charge then places the subscriber in communication with the party desired, obtaining this information. by inquiring apparatus reserved for the purpose. The same message can be sent simultaneously to all subscribers by proper arrangement of the apparatus, which is used for the purpose of supplying news items to all the large news


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Instructor in Naval Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

N order to study the movements of valves, the effect of lap, lead, eccentricity, etc., diagrams of various sorts have been devised. By the use of diagrams we may acquire a knowledge of valve motion without the complex

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mathematical expressions that such a dis-
cussion would entail. The most useful
of these various diagrams is that devised
by Zeuner, and, to avoid complexity, we
shall confine ourselves to a dis-
cussion of this diagram alone.
The eccentric rod is assumed to
be of infinite length, and the posi-
tions of the crank are shown on
the diagrams. The displacement
of the piston can easily be found
if the ratio of crank to connecting
rod is known.



to the eccentricity, and the circle MPO is
known as the valve circle. If OR, the
center line of the crank, cuts this valve
circle at P, then OP is equal to the dis-
placement of the valve from mid-posi-

To prove this, draw rS perpendicular
to XY. Since Or is the position of the
eccentric, OS will represent the valve
displacement from mid-position. Draw
MP. Then, by geometry, OPM is a
right angle, because it is inscribed in a
semicircle. OSr is also a right angle;
the two right-angled triangles OSr and
OMP are equal, because they are similar
and have two corresponding sides equal.
Or OM, being radii of the same circle.
But we have seen that OS is equal to the
valve displacement; therefore OP is also
equal to the valve displacement, for it is
equal to OS.

Now that the truth of our proposition


In Fig. 1, let OY be the eccentricity; then XOY will represent the valve travel, and the center of the eccentric will move in the circle XWY. Let OR represent the position of the crank, and Or the corresponding position of the eccentric, which is 90° + angle of advance ahead of the crank. Draw OW perpendicular to XY, and lay off from it the angle WOM (= angle of advance e towards the crank). With OM as a diameter, construct a circle. OM is equal

*From the author's Instruction Paper on Valve Gears, written for the American School of Correspondence at Armour Institute of Technology.

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has been proved, let us see how we may study the valve motion from such a diagram. See Fig. 2. As before, let XY represent the valve travel; then the circle



XEYF will represent the path of the cen-
ter of the eccentric. Let be the
lar advance, and lay off EO toward the
crank, making an angle with the ver-


FIG. 3.

tical. Produce EO to F; and on OE and OF as diameters, draw the valve circles as shown. Let the outside lap be amount equal to OV; then, with O as a center and OV as a radius, draw an arc intersecting the upper valve circle at V and K. Lay off OP equal to the inside lap; and with O as center and OP as radius, draw an arc intersecting the valve circle at P and Q. Draw the crank-line 40 passing through V. Then, when the crank is in this position, the displacement of the valve is equal to OV (the outside lap), and the steam is ready to enter the cylinder. This is the position of the crank at admission, and the crank-angle XOA is called the lead angle. The valve has lead; therefore the admission takes place before the end of the stroke. When the crank reaches the position OE, the displacement of the valve is equal to OE, the eccentricity, and is the maximum displacement. . Further motion of the piston the causes valve to move toward position, until, at the crank position OC, midthe displacement OK is again equal to



the outside lap, and the valve has reached the point of cut-off. When the position. OH is reached, the crank-line is tangent to both valve circles, and there is no displacement of the valve. At this point the valve is in mid-position.



Further crank movement draws the inside lap toward the edge of the exhaust port, until, at the crank position OB, the displacement is equal to OP (the inside lap), and release begins. At OF the maximum valve displacement is again reached; and the valve moves in the opposite direction until, at OD, its displacement from mid-position is again equal to OQ = OP = the inside lap, and compression takes place. At OH the valve is again in mid-position. At OX the displacement of the valve is OI; but since the valve has to move the distance OJ before the port begins to open, IJ must represent the port opening when the crank is on dead center, and by definition we know opening at that lead is the amount of port at this position. Therefore IJ represents the lead.


At the position R, the port is open an

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amount equal to TG; at E the opening is a maximum equal to EN. At C the opening is nothing. If LIV represents the total width of the steam port, the

exhaust port will be open wide when the displacement of the valve is equal to OIV, and it will remain wide open while the crank swings from OIV to OK.

If the width of steam port in addition to the outside lap were laid off on the other valve circle, it would fall at E'. For the admission port to be wide open, the displacement of the valve would have to be equal to OE', which is more than the maximum displacement. This shows that in this case the steam port is never fully open, and that the left-hand edge of the valve overlaps the right-hand edge of the port by an amount equal to EE' when the valve has reached its maximum displacement.

Fig. 2, with its two valve circles, shows the diagram for the head end of the cylinder only. The crank-end diagram would be similar, except that the laps might not be equal to those of the head end.



We are now in a position to consider more in detail the effect of changing in any way either the valve or the setting. Let us consider Fig. 3, which is in every way like Fig. 2, except that all unnecessary letters and lines are omitted to avoid confusion. If the outside lap is increased an amount equal to NM, the admission will take place later, at crank position O.'; the lead will be reduced to IG, and cut-off will take place earlier at OC'. If the outside lap is reduced a like amount, the contrary effect will be observed. If the inside lap is increased an amount equal to LS, the release will take place later at the crank position OB', and compression will take place earlier at OD'. The contrary effect will be observed by decreasing the inside lap.

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equal to II', and cut-off will take place later at OC'. Release will be earlier at OB', and compression will be later at OD. The upper valve circle will now cut the arc drawn from O as a center, with a radius equal to the outside lap plus the width of steam port, in the points W' and H', and the admission port will be open wide while the crank is moving from OI' to OH'; the exhaust port will open sooner at IV and will remain open longer to H.

Life Stories of Successful Men

Richard Teller Crane


HE career of Richard Teller Crane, of Chicago, Ill., whose portrait forms the frontispiece in this number, is but one of those characteristically American life stories. that show the possibilities of attainment when enterprise goes hand in hand with energy. Mr. Crane was born in Paterson, New Jersey, May 15, 1832. From his father, who was a man possessed of unusual mechanical ability and ingenuity, he inherited a pronounced aptitude in the same direction. His mother's one desire was that her boys should learn trades. His father died in 1845; and his mother, seven years later. The family being too poor to give the children much of a school education, they went to work at an early age. But Mr. Crane's practical education-taking education to mean that which prepares a person for his life work-was peculiarly adapted to that end. In 1847, after having for six years done other work, he began work in John Benson's brass shop in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he spent two years in the foundry and a like period in the finishing department. Then, feeling that the brass business was not exactly to his liking, he went to New York City, where he obtained employment in the machine shops of the Taylor Printing Press Works; and later in the shops of Hoe & Company. His natural mechanical ability soon enabled him to earn the wages of a journeyman machinist.

As a result of the business depression of 1854, Mr. Crane was thrown out of employment. Being unable to secure a new position, he decided to go to Chicago, where his uncle, the late Martin Ryerson, was engaged in the lumber business. Arriving in Chicago in the spring of 1855, he consulted with his uncle, and considered the possibilities of going into business for himself. Although he had no business acquaintances,

except his uncle, and no knowledge of business methods, nevertheless, he opened a small brass shop, in the loft of which he lived; and from this has grown the Crane Company of to-day.

As the business of the company grew, Mr. Crane grew. Gradually he acquired a valuable business acquaintance; and a thorough understanding of business methods was added to his thorough mechanical knowledge. His policy from the first was to put his earnings back into the business, and he had sufficient courage to extend the enterprise as rapidly as his means permitted. The panics of 1857 and 1865 both found the company in a greatly expanded condition, and an exceedingly severe struggle was necessary in each case to weather the storm. By 1873 the company had gained such financial strength that the panic of that year, as well as the later panic of 1893, was passed without the business being seriously threatened. Although the company started without resources, and the business has been extended and many financial difficulties encountered, never, during the fifty years, has the company's paper gone to protest.

Mr. Crane early saw that in a highly specialized industry like the valve and fitting business, the manufacturer must be constantly designing and building laborsaving machinery, must be always improving the quality and design of the goods produced, and must bring out new lines of goods as rapidly as the growth of business demands. With these facts ever in mind, he devoted himself assiduously to the study of the mechanical features of the business. He early recognized the importance of system in business, and was one of the pioneers in that line of industrial effort.

Mr. Crane has always taken a lively interest in the welfare of his employees.

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