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We Have onfidence in Our Goods.

We believe they are the BEST, and are not afraid to say so. We have had this fact in medical publications, before the eyes of Physicians, for twentyfive years, and are still at it. If our goods were poor, these advertisements would have been withdrawn years ago.

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Read before the Colorado State Medical Society. By N. WIEST, M. D., Denver, Colorado:

"When a patient comes to me with any of the following symptoms I immediately look for uric acid, and generally find it in sufficient quantities to cause the trouble. Intense headache, coming on either in the morning before rising, or after dinner. The morning headache often passes off after the patient has been up and about his work a short time; the afternoon headache generally becomes easier, or ceases altogether in the evening. There may be a pain and a tired feeling in the back; a feeling of complete 'goneness' or fullness as the case may be, in the stomach or bowels, with extreme restlessness; 'blind staggers,' as the patients often call it; dizziness, whizzing lights before the eyes; temporarily disturbed vision; buzzing in the ears, with a sense of fullness in the head. Sometimes the face is flushed, especially in the afternoon; the eyes congested. There may be aversion to mental or physical exertion; a sense of impending danger; Irritable temper; indigestion with all its accompaning evils; rheumatism and neuralgic pains. have treated cases with and without the use of mineral waters and have found the cases in which they were used improved most rapidly as a rule. I have enjoyed using the LONDONDERRY LITHIA WATER because of its decidedly beneficial action in these cases.

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From a "System of Practical Therapeutics," by HOBART AMORY HARE, B. Sc., M. D., Prof. Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia. New (second) and revised edition:

"In America the Lithia Waters are fast displacing all others. There seems to be a good reason for this, as the very low equivalent of lithia gives it a much greater neutralization power, weigh for weight, than any other of the alkalies. For this reason it is effective in smaller quantity, and It follows that less demand is made upon the kidneys, excreting the resulting salts. The principal Lithia Springs, in the order of their strength, are Londonderry,and

From J. R. KIPPAX, M. D., Prof. Principles and Practice of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, Chicago Homœopathic Medical College:

"I consider Londonderry Lithia Water an extremely valuable adjuvant in the treatment of chronic gout, lithiasis, renal calculi and other uric acid affections. It materially diminishes the amount of uric acid, and is of decided benefit in washing out the deposits."


NEW YORK, No. 76 Broad Street,



No. 1416 Chestnut Street.


No. 70 State Street.

David Nicholson, Agent for St. Louis.

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Smany physicians ask us: "Why is it that we get such favorable results when we prescribe


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while if we write a prescripon for the same ingredients the mixture disappoints us in appearance and efficacy?"

The answer is plain.

BRONCHILINE is always prepared from carefully selected drugs, and each article is properly handle 1 by a skilled chemist, and the finished product is an elegant preparation, true to formula on every bottle.

If you have never tried it, prescribe it in some severe case of Bronchial Irritation, Asthma, or other throat and lung trouble, and you will not be disappointed.

Neat-Richardson Drug Co., Louisville, Ky.:

HUNTINGTON, W. VA., August 12th, 1892.

GENTLEMEN-You have the best expectorant combination I have ever used, and I have given it thorough trial, both in this section and Virginia. Wishing you success, I am, JOHN D. MEYERS, M. D., Surgeon C. & O. R. R.


We will send a pint bottle of BRONCHILINE free to any physician who will pay charges on
Formula on every Bottle.



Louisville, Ky.

How to Get Fine Stationery.

The JOURNAL OF HOMOEOPATHY furnishes all kinds of Stationery to its subscribers. The paper and the printing are much better than can be secured from the average printing offices in small cities and towns. This Stationery is strictly first-class in every respect. The Stationery is printed for the subscriber, and does not contain any advertisement of this paper or any other business.

The following Offer is the most liberal ever made to dealers:

We will prepay charges on one lot of Stationery for each new subscriber, and one lot each year when an old subscriber renews; in other words, we will prepay all charges when the remittance for Stationery is accompanied by the yearly subscription, $1.00.

Note the Following Prices for First-class Goods:

(If Local Checks are Sent, Add 15 Cents for Exchange.)


Note Heads, largest sze, printed and blocked, per M,
Letter Heads, full size, printed and blocked, per
Envelopes, regular size, 62, printed, per M,
Statements, printed and blocked, per M,

Bill Heads, printed and blocked, size 6s, per M,
Business Cards, fine 3-ply Bristol, per M,


Shultz Publishing Co.,

105-107 N. Sixth St.,

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