"And practices begun by the frontier were continued under the influence of markets and government, and the pressure which they added made the continuance of early practices almost compulsory." THE SYDNEY-SMITH-CLAGGETT-PRICE and ALLIED FAMILIES by Lucy Montgomery Smith Price. Printed by Shenandoah Publishing House, Strasburg, Virginia, 1927. This work shows that Mrs. Price, the author, has spared no pains or expense in getting all the facts relative to the persons who form the subject of her enquiry. She is very frank in saying that the early statements are more or less traditional, but perhaps in them lie largely the interest of the book. They have induced the investigations of the ancestry and surroundings of leading men in England connected with the settlement of Virginia, such as Sir Thomas Smythe, the first President of the Virginia Company of London, Sir Robert Sidney, and others. Ten years of extensive research and a small fortune have been given to the work and among the persons and families which have received more or less notice, have been Governor William Smith, of Virginia, Governor Samuel Price of West Virginia, Governor Morehead of Kentucky, Governor Morehead of Missouri, General Sterling Price, Col. Andrew Price, Hon. George Price, Bishop Claggett, Surgeon-General Riply, General A. W. Doniphan, Col. Rowley Smith, Col. Austin Smith, Col. George Mason, the "Mt. Eccentric" Smiths, Judge Anderson Smith, William Waugh Smith, Capt. Anderson Smith, Boutwell Smith, Mrs. Martha Boyle, Col. Thomas Lewis, the Lewis family of "Mt. Pleasant", the Lewis family of "Cedar Hill", the Lewis family of "Rosedale", and the Montgomery family of "Rosemont". The arms, we are told, have been traced from old wax seals, tankards, rings, etc., and painted by John Carter, armorial artist and professional searcher for the Colonial Dames and Daughters of the American Revolution. The proceeds of the sale of this book will be used for the compilation and publication of a second volume. There is no doubt that a close investigation of the county records of the Northern Neck would throw much further light upon the Smiths, Doniphans, Motts. and other families mentioned by Mrs. Price. The book is attractively bound in dark blue cloth, stamped in gold and contains 324 pages. The price is $10, payable to Mrs. S. W. Price, Scarbro, W. Va. Mrs. Price's book should be an inspiration to others interested in family history. Her enthusiasm and industry has known no bounds. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF LUNENBURG COUNTY AND SOUTHSIDE VIRGINIA BY LANDON C. BELL, PH. B., M. A., LL. B., Life Member Virginia Historical Society, and Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society NOW READY FOR DELIVERY Two VOLUMES-1,267 PAGES Complete Index-The Index alone comprises 142 Pages Indispensable to the student of the history and the genealogy of the people of Lunenburg County and Southside Virginia. Chapters on The Colonial Era, The Indians, The Pioneers, The Creation and Sub-division of the County, The Early Churches, The French and Indian Wars, The Revolution, The War of 1812, The County Courts, Slavery, Secession and the Civil War, Slavery and the Slave Trade, The Rise of the Abolition Fanatics, Nullification at the North, The Doctrine of Secession, The Coercion of the States, The War for Southern Independence, Carpet-Baggery, Dr. Boswell's Airplane, Lawmakers of Lunenburg, Genealogies-Five Chapters, Thirty Sketches, Twelve Thousand NamesAbstracts of Marriage Bonds, Ministers Returns. Ten maps and illustrations. PRICE PER SET (2 VOLS.), $10.00 LANDON C. BELL 115 EAST RICH STREET, COLUMBUS, OHIO Tyler's Quarterly Historical and BARAH CONSTANT DISCOVERY GOODSPEED THE SARAH CONSTANT, GOODSPEED AND DISCOVERY Genealogical Magazine Editor: LYON G. TYLER, M. A., LL. D. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office in Richmond, Va., according to act of Congress. Genealogical Magazine Vol. IX. JANUARY, 1928. No. 3. NOTICE Annual subscription, $4.00. Single numbers, $1.25. As back numbers of the old William and Mary Quarterly, of which I was proprietor, have become very scarce, single copies, as far as had, may be obtained from me at $2.00 apiece. Holdcroft P. O., LYON G. TYLER, Editor Charles City Co., Va. CONTENTS The Washington Society of Alexandria.......... Virginia Principles... Formation of the Union.... Pioneers and Makers of Arkansas... Continental Recruits in King George County, Va........ 203 The Will of Captain John Hooe, Deceased.. Bible Record of William F. Thompson.. Tombstone of Mrs. Annabella Powell. Will of Richard Albridgton.. Page 147 167 184 197 204 208 209 209 |