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ard Oil Company. 2 vols. (New York, 1904).

TARBELL. History of the Stand- WENDELL. A Literary History of America (New York, 1902). WHEELER. The Santiago Campaign (Boston, 1898). WHITE, A. D. Autobiography. 2 vols. (New York, 1905).

TAUSSIG. The Tariff History of
the United States (New York,

China and the WHITE, W. A. Stratagems and

Powers (London, 1902).
THWING. The American Col-
leges and American Life (New
York, 1897).
American War of 1898 (New
York, 1900).

VEBLEN. The Theory of the Leisure Classes (New York, 1899).


Spoils (New York, 1901). WHITTLE. President Cleveland (London, 1896).

WILCOX. A Short History of the
War with Spain (New York,

1898). WILKESON.

Recollections of a Private Soldier (New York, 1887).

WILLOUGHBY. Territories and
Dependencies of the United
States (New York, 1905).
WILSON. General Grant (New
York, 1897).

General Hancock WINSOR. Record of the Celebra

(New York, 1895). -International Bimetallism (New York, 1896). WASHINGTON. The Future of the American Negro (Boston, 1899).

tion of the 250th Anniversary

of the Founding of Harvard College (Boston, 1887). WOODBURN. Political Parties and Party Problems in the United States (New York, 1903).


[blocks in formation]

Adams, The, 182; at Apia, 184
Adee, Alvey A., 603, n.
"Adlai and his Axe," 147
Adler, The, 182; ordered to bom-
bard Apia, 183; prevented by the
Adams, 184; wrecked in typhoon,

Ad valorem duties, 204

"Advance agent of prosperity," 481,

Aguadores, skirmish at, 595

Aguinaldo, Emilio, leads revolt in
Philippines, 587; treachery of, 587;
dislikes Americans, 588; chosen
I resident of Filipino Republic,
88; distrusted by Americans, 606;
an obstacle to Filipino independ-
ence, 612, 613; attacks Ameri-
can furces, 612, 613
Alaska, gold discovered in, 631
Alger, Gen. Russell A., 155, 156; in
the first McKinley Cabinet, 521;
during Cuban War, 591
"Aliunde Joe," 262, n.
Allen, William V., his fourteen-hour

speech in Senate, 346
Allgemeine Zeitung, quoted, 699
Alliança, Affair of the, 533

Allison, William B., 485
Almirante Oquendo, The, 591
Altgeld, John P., pardons Anarch
ists, 130; sympathises with strik-
ers, 384; asks withdrawal of Fed-
eral troops, 384, 385; at National
Convention of 1896, 492, 494; eu-
logises Bryan, 645



Amalgamated Steel and Iron Work-

ers, 300

Ambassador, rank of created by
Congress, 530

American Federation of Labour, 269
American Railway Union, 376,
377, 388; refuses to run Pullman
cars, 378, 379

American Tin Plate Company, 634
American Woman's Suffrage Asso-
ciation, 742, 743
Amphitrite, The, 430

Amy, Affair of the, 411, 412
Anarchists, 129, 130; attack Chi-
cago police, 130; punishment and
pardon of, 130

Anderson, E. Ellery, 243, n.
Anderson, Gen. T. M., in Philippine
expedition, 571, 572, 583, 588
Andersonville, horrors of, described
by Blaine, 18, 19

Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, 321
Andrews, Samuel, 134

Anthony, Susan B., 742, 743
Antietam, battle of, 100, 101, 123,

Anti-Expansionists, 611
Anti-Imperialist League, 610
Anti-Imperialists, The, 610-612
Anti-Monopoly party, 268

Anti-Polygamy Bill, The Edmunds,

54, 55

66 Antis," 610

"Anti-Snappers," 281


Babcock, Orville E., 317
"Bachelor Girls," 747

Anti-Trust Law. See Sherman Anti- " Back-pay," 90, 198

Trust Act

Apia. See Samoa
Arbeiter Zeitung, 129

Arbitration, in Bering Sea dispute,
192, 193; in Venezuelan crisis,

434, 434, n., 427
Aristocracy, growth of in United
States, 729, 731

Armenia, Turkish massacres in, 410
"Armies of the Unemployed," 373
Armour and Company, 221
Armour, Philip D., 44, 637
Armstrong investigating committee,
683, n.

Army canteen, 659

[blocks in formation]

Balfour, Arthur J., 321
Balmaceda, José Manuel, President
of Chile, 229; at war with the
Congressionalists, 229-232; de-

feated, 232; commits suicide, 232
Baltimore, Lord, 742

Baltimore, The, 94, 234, 237, 242,
555, 559, 561, 566, 579

Bank of France, practice of regard-
ing silver payments, 404
Bank-parlour negotiations,” 404
Barnard, George, 115

[ocr errors]

'Army of
the Commonweal of Barrett, John, secures provisions for
Christ," 373

Army of the Potomac, 100, 106
Arrears of Pension Act, 90
Arthur, Chester Alan, as a lawyer,
4, 5; as a politician, 4, 5, 29; re-
lations with Conkling, 4-7; elected
Vice-President, 5; as President, 7;
administration of, 6-8; desires sec-
ond term, 7, 16; death of, 97;
social and domestic life of, 4, 6-11
Aspinwall, captured by Prestan, 54
"Assassination of Silver," 456
Associated Press, 218
Atlanta Exposition, 459
Augusta Victoria, The, 432
Augustin, Gen. Basilio, proclama-

tion of, 562, 563; refuses to neu-
tralise Manila cable, 570; escapes
from Manila, 589
Australian ballot, 299, 441
Austria, allied with Germany, 179;
humbled by Bismarck, 179; ar-
ranges to adopt gold standard,
321; seeks to prevent war between
Spain and United States,


Dewey, 586

Bates, George H., 188

Bayard, Thomas F., as president of
Senate, 51; suggested for presi-
dency, 16; in Cleveland's first
Cabinet, 51; action in Samoan
crisis, 181; negotiations with Bis-
marck, 188; attacked by North
American Review, 194; in Vene-
zuelan dispute, 416, 417, 433
Beauregard, Pierre G. T., 216
Beck, Jaines B., 147

Becker, Carl, succeeds Herr Stübel
in Samoa, 181; declares war upon
Malietoa, 181; orders bombard-
ment at Apia, 183
Beecher, Henry Ward,

Hayes's administration, 15; sup-
ports Cleveland, 32

Beef Trust, 221, 319, 622, 637, 683,
738; injunction against, 686
Belgium, adopts gold standard, 321
Belknap, William W., proposed im-

peachment of, 14, n., 316, n., 317
Bellamy, Edward, 735, 737
Belmont, August, 637

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