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Harvard University, celebrates 250th
anniversary, 95, 96; growth of,


Harvey, William H., 453, 482
Hatch, Consul, expelled from Nica-

ragua, 409

Hendricks, Thomas A., nominated
for vice-presidency, 16; carica-
tured, 40; gains Tammany vote for
Cleveland, 46; a believer in spoils
system, 73, 74; death of, 79, 80;
characteristics of, 46, 73
Hennessy, David, 225

Hepburn Committee, 136, n.
Herald (New York), quoted, 118,
197, 563

Herald (Titusville, Penn.), quoted,

Havana Lottery. See Lottery, Havana
Havana, Spanish garrison at, 599
Havemeyer, Henry O., 357; testifies
regarding Sugar Trust, 363
Hawaii, as a monarchy, 243, 245,
246; under Kalakaua, 244, 245; 136
under Liliuokalani, 245, 246; revo- Herbert, Hilary A., in the second
lution in, 246-248, 331-333; pro-
posed annexation to United States,
247-250, 328, 331; President Cleve-
land's efforts to restore Liliuokalani,
332-335; acknowledged as Repub-
lic, 334; Republicans desire United
States to control, 487, 530; its
friendliness to United States, 607,
608; becomes Territory of United
States, 608

Hawley, General Joseph R., 219
Hay, John, becomes Secretary of
State, 650; previous career, 650,
651; services in Chinese crisis, 651;
negotiates Colombian treaty, 701;
signs Panama canal treaty, 702; as
President Roosevelt's adviser, 713,

Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, elected

President, 15, 116, 119; events
after his inauguration, 721; ad-
ministration of, 15; vetoes Bland-
Allison Bill, 81

Hayes-Tilden contest, 15, 116-119,


Haymarket Square, 129, 130
Haynau, Baron, 532

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 664, n.
Hearst, William R., buys New York
Journal, 759; his plan to block the
Suez Canal, 600; as candidate for
presidential nomination, 711, 712;
as candidate for Mayor of New
York, 737

Cleveland Cabinet, 309, 310, 721
Hewitt, Abram S., 118; elected
Mayor of New York, 131; refuses
to support Cleveland, 160; his epi-
gram on Cleveland, 255; on coin-
ing the seignorage, 399
Higgins, Eugene, 78, 79, 89, 277
Hill, Benjamin H., his reply to Mr.
Blaine, 19

Hill, David B., becomes Governor of
New York, 161, 164, 278; his opin-
ion of Civil Service Reform, 161;
opposes Cleveland, 161, 252; can-
didate for nomination to presi-
dency, 278-281, 295, 503; his love
of politics, 278, 279; master of the
party machine, 279; allied with
Tammany, 279; calls "snap" con-
vention, 280, 281; incurs enmity
of Democrats, 280, 290; his efforts
at Chicago Convention against
Cleveland, 290, 291, 293; calls
upon Cleveland, 307; his Senate
speech in defence of Cleveland,
367; opposes income tax, 369, 370;
defends the Cleveland policy at
National Convention of 1896, 492,
496, n., 497, 502; anecdote concern-
ing, 504; declines nomination for
vice-presidency, 646

Hill, General Ambrose P., defeated
at Williamsburg, 122
'His Fraudulency," 262, n.
Hiscock, Frank, quoted, 309


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Hobart, Garret A., nominated for Imperialists, 611

vice-presidency, 490

Hobson, Richmond P., sinks the Mer-
rimac, 593; as a popular favourite,

Holding companies," 633
Holland, adopts gold standard, 321
Holleben, Dr. von, 550
Holman, C. V., 496, n.

Holst, Hermann E. von, quoted, 609,

Homestead Law, 224

Inauguration, first of Cleveland, 1-3;
of Harrison, 166, 167; second of
Cleveland, 306, 307; first of Mc-
Kinley, 518, 519; second of Mc-
Kinley, 652; of Roosevelt, 715

Income tax, 358, 359, 369, 371; op-
posed by Hill, 369, 370; declared
unconstitutional, 370, 371; fa-
voured by Justice Harlan, 371, n.,

372, n.

Independent, The, quoted, 726, 727

Homestead (Penn.), martial law at, Independents. See "Mugwumps

300, 301

"Honest money," 482

Hong Kong, United States squad-
ron at, 555, 559; description of,

Honolulu. See Hawaii

Hooker, General Joseph, 106, 126
Horton, S. Dana, 321

House of Commons, memorial from
members to President Cleveland,

House of Representatives, election of
President by, 299. See Congress
Howard, General Oliver O., 102, n.,

Howe, Julia Ward, 743

Howells, William D., quoted, 442;
as a novelist, 755, 756

Hoyt, Henry E., 136

Hubbell, Jay C., 63, n.

Hülsemann, Chevalier, 226

Humbert I., King of Italy, 227

"Hungry horde," 77

224; methods of, 317

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Huntington, Collis P., 224; quoted, Irish Land League, 232

"Irish vote," 303

Irons, Martin, in St. Louis railway Jones, C. H., 149

[blocks in formation]

Isla de Luzon, The, 568; destroyed, Journal (Providence), 542, n.

Isla de Mindanao, The, 568, n.; de-

stroyed, 571

Isla Grande, Philippine insurgents
threaten, 584; German interfer-
ence at, 584, 585

Ismaïl, Khédive of Egypt, 244
Italy, allied with Germany, 179;
strained relations with United
States, 225-227; adopts gold stand-
ard, 321; sends naval expedition
to Venezuela, 698

Itata, The, carries off United States
officers, 230, 231; surrendered to
Admiral McCann, 231


Jackson, Andrew, nominated by ac-
clamation, 156; first inauguration
of, 657; his hold upon his party,
119; denounced by the Whigs, 50;
his contest with United States
Bank, 316, 739

Jackson, Howell E., 370, 371
James, William, 757

Judge, cartoons in, 40


Kaimiloa, affair of the, 245, n.
Kaiser, The, 576, 581
Kaiserin Augusta, The, 576, 578, 583,

Kaiulani, Princess, proposed renunci-
ation of her right to throne of Ha-
waii, 247, 248; education of, 327;
visits United States, 327-329; her
appeal to American people, 328;
her personality, 329; President
Cleveland espouses her cause, 329;
loses throne and indemnity, 334,

Kalakaua I., king of Hawaii, his voy-
age around the world, 244; his
misgovernment, 244; attempts in-
terference with Samoa, 244, n.,
245, n., tries to evade constitution,
245; his death, 245
Kamehamehas, the, 246
Kangaroo ticket," 40
Karl Ferdinand, Archduke, 546

Japan, decides to adopt gold stand- Kasson, John A., 188

ard, 321

Jefferson, Thomas, intentional boor-
ishness of, 9; denounced by Fed-
eralists, 50; compared with Tilden,
119; Blaine compared with, 289;
his purchase of Louisiana, 739
Jenckes, Thomas A., 67, n.
Jevons, William S., 455
"Jig-saw Renaissance," 728
Johnson, Andrew, his conflict with
Congress, 84, 348, 739, 741; quoted,

Johnson, Samuel, 255; quoted, 298

Kelley, Abby, 742

Kelly, John, controls Tammany vote,
46; suggested for Cleveland's Cab-
inet, 49; calls Cleveland a traitor,
76; death of, 302
Kelly, O. H., 269

Kelly's "Army," 373, 452

Kenesaw Mountain, battle of, 168
Kennedy, Robert P., charges Senator
Quay with theft, 283

Kentucky Lottery. See Lottery, Ken-

Keppler, Joseph, 149

Kernan, John D., 388, n.

Law, Fugitive Slave, 5

Key West, naval force at, 554, 594; Lea, Henry C., his exposure of Sena-

army at, 557
Kiau-Chau, 575

Kiel, despatch from, 186; opening of
ship canal at, 432
Kilgore, C. Buckley, 200, n.
Kimberly, Admiral, 185; takes pos-
session of Apia, 187

Klein, John, leads Samoans against
Germans, 184; takes refuge on
Nipsic, 185, n.

Klondike, The, 630, 631

Knights of Labour, origin and evolu-
tion of, 131, 132; platform of, 269,
743; nominate Congressmen, 271;
take part in Pullman strike, 383
Knott, Proctor, 26

Knox, Philander C., attacks Trusts,
685, 686; at the White House
strike conference, 693; suit against
Northern Securities Company, 705
Kölnische Zeitung, quoted, 435, 574
Kohlsaat, H. H., 487, n.
Kormoran, The, 576
Krout, Mary, quoted, 330
Ku Klux Klan, 386


tor Quay, 283

Leary, Commander Richard, opposes
the Germans in Apia, 182, 183;
threatens Captain Fritze, 184
Lease, Mary Elizabeth, compared to
Anna Dickinson, 452; practises

law, 453; joins Farmers' Alliance,
453; her campaign against Senator
Ingalls, 453

Lecky, William E. H., quoted, 630
Ledger (Philadelphia), quoted, 72, n.
Lee, General Fitz Hugh, at Cleve-
land's first inauguration, 2; ap-
peals for naval force in Cuba, 539;
his recall demanded by Spain, 545;
commissioned by McKinley, 723

Lee, General Robert E., his opinion
of McClellan, 99; defeated at An-
tietam, 100; his campaigns against
Grant, 103, 106, 107; contrasted
with Pemberton, 106; his invasion
of Pennsylvania, 112; his fatal de-
lay at Gettysburg, 124, n.; eludes
Grant, 102

Lemmon Case, 5, n.

Leslie's Weekly, quoted, 160, n.
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 701
Leupp, Francis E., quoted, 669
Lezo, The, 568, n.; destroyed, 571

Ladrones, The, ceded to Germany by Liberal Republican Party, 13

[blocks in formation]

Libre Parole (Paris), quoted, 552
Liliuokalani, queen of Hawaii, per-
sonality of, 245; her opposition to
constitutionalism, 246, 248, 249; de-
posed, 246, 247; Cleveland's ef-
forts to restore, 332-335; slandered,
334; her obstinacy, 333, 334; loses
throne and revenue, 334, 335, 608
Lincoln, Abraham, his hold upon the
masses, 10, 11; his first meeting
with Sumner, 11, n.; unconven-
tional manners of, 10, 11, 266; his
first election to presidency, 13; his
first presidential campaign, 517;
underestimated by Republicans in

[ocr errors]

Congress, 462; his use of war
powers," 739; hampers McClellan,
98, 99; his reasons for retiring Mc-
Clellan, 101, 102; his treatment of
Meade and Grant, 102; his "fath-
erly letter" to Meade, 102; for-
bids Stanton to interfere with
Grant, 104, n., 105, n.; opposition
to first administration of, 110, 111,
113, 114; causes of his re-election,
462; his appreciation of Governor
Seymour, 114, n.; Cleveland com-
pared with, 461-463; his merciful-
ness, 109, 110; his eloquence, 256;
his simplicity, 266; his use of pat-
ronage, 348, n.; as a statesman,
461, 660, 720; McKinley compared
with, 660, 661; quoted, 761
"Lincoln Republicans," 308
Lipton, Sir Thomas, 671, 672
Literature, American, 752-760
Littauer, Eugene, 676

Little Rock scandal, 21, 22, 27, 28
Lloyd, Henry D., quoted, 318, 735
Lodge, Henry C., 346; favours nom-
ination of Reed for presidency, 485,
489; favours gold plank, 486, n.,
487, n.

Logan, John A., nominated for vice-
presidency, 16; at variance with
Blaine, 42, 43; doggerel verses on,

London, Jack, 755

London Stock Exchange, 426
Long, John D., 94; in McKinley's

first Cabinet, 521
Longfellow, Henry W., misquoted
by Miss Cleveland, 61, n.
"Long Haul," 141
Longstreet, James, 125
Lorraine, Sir Lambton, 535, 535, n.
Lottery, Hamburg, 216
Lottery, Havana, 216
Lottery, Kentucky, 216

Lottery, Louisiana Company, first
charter of, 215; methods of, 216;
its charter renewed, 217; its pros-

perity, 216, 217; sues A. K. Mc-
Clure for libel, 218; popular in-
dignation against, 218-220; sup-
pression of, 220

Lottery, Royal Saxon, 216
Louisiana, disputed election returns
of, 116

Louisiana Lottery Company. See Lot-
tery, Louisiana
Louisiana Territory, The, secured
from France, 609, 739
Low, A. Maurice, 551, n.
Low, Seth, 692

Lowell, James Russell, eulogises Pres-
ident Cleveland, 95, 96; his letter
to Lord Granville on Venezuela,

Luzon, 605, n., 612, 613


Maartens, Theodore, 434
Macaulay, Lord, 753
McCall, John A., 512, n.
McCalla, Commander B. N., 649
McCann, Admiral, 231
McClellan, General George Brinton,
politics of, 12; defeated for presi-
dency by Lincoln, 13; becomes
commander of army, 98; drills
raw recruits, 98; blamed for
delay, 98, 100; his political am-
bition, 98, 99, 101; hampered by
Lincoln, 99-101; loved by his sol-
diers, 99, 100; superseded by Pope,
100; resumes command, 100; fights
battle of Antietam, 100; retired,
100, 102, 125; death of, 97; con-
trasted with Grant, 97, 100; public
opinion regarding, 101-103; his let-
ters to his wife, 102, 103; his ability
as a general, 99-105
McClure, Alexander K., 37, n.;
brings suit to test lottery law, 217;
visits New Orleans, 217; sued for

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