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Attempt to divert a vote from Jefferson in New York College-Con-
templated diversion in South Carolina-Parity of votes between Jef-
ferson and Burr-Jefferson to Livingston, cajoling letter-Jefferson
attempts to cajole Burr, and venom toward Hamilton-Burr's reply
-Explanatory letter of Jefferson to Burr-Jefferson to Madison, as
to his prospects-Madison's extraordinary suggestion-Proposal to
organize militia of Virginia-Of a convention of the United States-
A Federal executive council-Violent suspicions of Hamilton, .

Hamilton decides the choice of President-His letters to Wolcott, urging
preference of Jefferson to Burr-Jefferson to pledge himself as to cer-
tain national measures-Otis to Hamilton-Letter of Sedgewick, pre-
ferring Jefferson-Hamilton's reply-Reply to Otis-Hamilton to
Gouverneur Morris, deprecating project of preventing an election-
Reply of Marshall, utter distrust of Jefferson-Hamilton to Bayard,
the character of Burr, his relations with Jefferson-Interview of
Jefferson and Adams-Adams not averse to an usurpation-Des-
perate projects of the Democrats-Hamilton to Rutledge, and reply;
preference of Burr-Overtures of certain Federalists to Burr-Hamil-
ton to Ross, character of Burr-Urges preference of Jefferson, requir-
ing pledges as to his policy,

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Meeting of Congress-Democratic majority in each branch-Macon
Speaker of House-Jefferson sends a message-Its topics-Hamilton
writes an "Examination" of it-Call for accounts of Pickering-
Hamilton as to specific appropriations-Jefferson concurs-State of
finances-Gallatin yields to Jefferson, and reports in favor of aboli-
tion of internal revenue-Injurious consequences-Gallatin ultimate-
ly approves Hamilton's financial system—Virginia leader in House,
John Randolph-Virginia leader in Senate, Wilson Cary Nicholas—
Randolph's resolutions-Reduction of duties-Compensation for
French spoliations rejected-Internal revenue Act repealed-Hamil.
ton's comment-Naturalization Act altered-Hamilton's view-Army
reduced-Proposal to abolish navy department laid on table-Giles
in favor of navy-Completion of seventy-fours defeated-Jefferson
rejoices at reduction of army and navy, abolition of internal revenue,

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Jefferson's elation-Light opinions-Proposes Joel Barlow to write a
history of United States-Calumny on Marshall-Frames a travestie
of the Gospels-Vituperates New England-His altered air-Ca-
lumniates the Federalists and adopts their policy, and applauds his
own-Adams to Jefferson, their respective policies-Maligns Wash-
ington-Comments on Jefferson's speech-Impolicy of Gallatin-
Hamilton's amendments to Constitution postponed-Ohio becomes a
State-Its democratic constitution-Gunboats authorized-England
repeals her discriminating tonnage duties at instance of United
States-The repeal abandoned from alarm of its unpopularity-Ces-
sion of Louisiana by Spain to France-Hamilton's solicitude-Rufus
King to Madison; aversion of England to the cession-Madison's
timid instructions to Livingston-Bonaparte captures Guadaloupe
and attacks St. Domingo-Jefferson acknowledges unfriendliness of
France-Points to union with England as consequence-Proposes
cession of New Orleans by France to United States-Employs Du-
pont as sub-negotiator-Attempts false propitiation of Talleyrand—
Madison as to conduct of France-Proposes to barter restitutions and
debts due American merchants in purchase of Louisiana-Livingston
depicts French estimate of American statesmen-Madison to Pinck-
ney-Overtures to Spain-Expedition to New Orleans under Berna-

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