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State banks-Manhattan Bank-State Bank-Hamilton frames Merchants'
Bank-Wolcott-Restraining act-Corrupt legislation-Law as to
choice by people of Presidential electors defeated-Charter of city of
New York violated-Hamilton's speech at election-Jefferson's fears
as to Louisiana-Joint instructions to Monroe and Livingston-Their
scope-Madison to Pinckney-Approves previous mission of Jay-
Timidity of Jefferson's cabinet-Royal order of Spain-Right of de-
posit continued-Views of British cabinet-Jefferson as to friendliness
of England-Provisional treaty with her suggested-She announces
military precautions-Bonaparte avows the object of his intended ex-
pedition-Talleyrand to Livingston-England announces her inten-
tion to occupy New Orleans for benefit of United States-Her ulti-
matum communicated to France-Resolutions of Ross received in
Paris-Bonaparte's decision to sell Louisiana to United States-

Impressment of seamen-Opposition to navy-Gunboats-Increased
taxes Treaty with Great Britain suffered to expire-Convention
with Spain-Report for encouragement of domestic manufactures and
increase of duties not acted upon-Bankrupt act repealed-Hamil-
ton's amendment to Constitution designating President and Vice-
President recommended by Congress-That as to choice by people of
Presidential electors, postponed-Jefferson's contempt for popular
voice-New Orleans delivered to the United States-Proscriptive
policy of Democrats-Jefferson urges impeachment of Judge Chase
-His motives-Failure of impeachment-Burr's treasonable opera-
tions Bill to suspend Habeas Corpus passes Senate-Defeated in
House-Jefferson's foreign policy stated-British aggressions-Timi-
dity of Jefferson-Non-importation act passed-Jefferson's advances
to Great Britain-Treaty with her concluded-Jefferson refuses to
ratify it-Assault by Great Britain-Efforts to obtain the Floridas
abroad and at home-Randolph's contempt for Madison-Douceur to

Jefferson's policy as to his opponents-Weakness of central power-

Jefferson's patronage exerted in Eastern and Middle States-Burr

proscribed-Clintonians and Livingstons cultivated-Rival gazettes

of Burr and Clinton-Burr denounced-Duel between Dewitt Clin-

ten and Swartwout-Testimonials of public estimation of Hamilton-

Assailed by Democrats-Burr denies imputed intrigues with Feder-

alists-Hamilton denies any personal knowledge of them-Rising

feuds among Democrats-Persecution of Judge Addison, of Pennsyl-

vania-McKean denounced-Political violence in New York-Duels

ensued-City of New York alarmed-Aristides by Van Ness-Burr

repelled by Jefferson-Thanks to Jefferson by House of Representa

tives-Friends of Burr appeal to public sympathies-He is nominated

as governor Jefferson nominated as President, George Clinton as

Vice-President-Distrust of Burr by Federalists-His deceptive

career-Lansing nominated governor-Conference of Federalists-

Hamilton's advice to prefer Lansing-Fear of dismemberment of

Union-Severance of Union contemplated and urged in Connecticut

-Same purpose shown in Kentucky and Virginia-Hamilton states

intrigues with Burr in that view-Increasing hostility to Jefferson-

Separation of Union indicated as consequence of acquisition of Louis-

iana-Its constitutionality denied-Project opened with Burr-

Plummer-Griswold-Burr's press advocates Northern interests-

Motives to election of Burr-Lansing declining, Lewis is nominated

governor of New York-Hamilton to King-He refuses to take part

in election-Is again assailed-Projected severance of Union dis-

closed to Hamilton-His avowed abhorrence of project-Letter stat-

ing interviews with Burr, and advocating separation of Union-

Address to people of Connecticut, condemning Hamilton's amend-

ment of Constitution-Jefferson looks to its adoption as ensuring his

election-Points to disunion as in contemplation-Burr defeated in

New York,.

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Hamilton's private life-Religious culture and convictions-Reading-
Solicitude for public welfare-Fête champêtre-Parties of Clinton
and Livingston-Burr's political position-Discontents in Connecticut

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