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with peanuts, or by planting the peanuts first and following with fall oats.

Not only are the Spanish and Brazilian nuts valuable as oil producers, however; from them the manufacturer also obtains valuable by-products. There is a good market for the cake after the oil is pressed out. Its value is greater than cotton-seed cake and there is a wide market in Europe for it. The vine makes an excellent hay, and the tables of the agricultural department show it to be one of the most valuable of the stock foods grown in this country.

Twenty years ago the cotton-seed oil industry was in its infancy. Today cotton-seed and its products furnish a considerable portion of the value of the staple itself. Twenty years. ago the farmer saved what seeds were necessary to plant the next year and threw the rest into his fields as fertilizer. The peanut can be raised on poor, sandy soil, and many think that in a few years the cutover pine lands will be covered with great fields of Spanish and Brazilian nuts, from which will be made the cooking oils of the nation.

It is already proved that the nuts can be grown all over the South, and another bulletin issued by the department of agriculture, says:

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"The demand for peanuts as a human food is constantly increasing. There are thousands of acres of waste lands in the Southern states that would produce enough peanuts to keep the oil mills running and furnish more than enough oil for home consumption."

"The peanut vines, after the removal of all the first-class peas, have a feeding value practically equal to the cost of the

field culture of the crop. An acre of first-class peanuts, calculating the yield at a ton of vines, worth from eight to ten dollars, and sixty bushels of peas worth from forty to sixty dollars, will give an income of from forty-eight to seventy dollars. The cost of growing an acre of peanuts is variously estimated at from twelve to twenty-five dollars, including seed and fertilizers. These

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WIRELESS telephone outfit in a suit-case-or in any other convenient carrying receptacle-complete, and requiring only connection at any ordinary electric-light socket to make it capable of operating over a distance of fifty miles, is the latest product of invention in this wonderful field.

To William Dubilier, a California youth of twenty-two years, belongs credit for perfecting an instrument to such a degree of nicety that it is of readily portable bulk and yet of high efficiency. With a range of something like three hundred keys and escaping many of the problems of interference, such an instru

ment can accomplish wonders for the individual user. Wherever sufficient current is available for lights, there the little wireless set may be put readily to work for communication over areas of trackless forest, desert or sea. That it will be the means of saving lives, when nothing else will avail is at once apparent. That it will be invaluable in new country, ahead of the wires or the regular wireless installations, in military activities, and in all times and places where ordinary means of message-sending are interrupted or unestablished is easily recognizable.

Young Dubilier, inventor and electrical engineer, has made a




specialty of the wireless telephone and his success in this specialty has attracted wide attention. Most of his experiments have been carried on in Seattle. He is a product of Cooper Institute, New York, where he studied while supporting himself by hard work. So he deserves, every bit, the harvest he is reaping now. His achievement is the result of scientific method and close application through a long period of experimentation and, despite his youth he has won a veritable triumph.

The Dubilier instruments are not

noticeably different

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in principle from the wireless telephone devices of the past, but they are compact. Instead of great coils of wire and oscillators as big as a dining-room table, the Dubilier apparatus is reduced to marvelously small dimensions, while any commercial lighting circuit gives all the power that is necessary.

Mr. Dubilier is not particularly keen in exploiting his invention, his explanation being as compact as his instruments. He merely says that the electric light current passing through the new type of oscillator is rendered into electrical waves to the number of 100,000 a second. and that these affect instruments attuned to the same key within a wide radius. Simple, isn't it?

"Influential men believe in my invention as much as I do, and we plan to build a factory and manufacture my machines upon a large scale," said Mr. Dubilier in Seattle recently. "This will be, I believe, the first wireless telephone factory ever opened in America-or the world, for that matter. The machines are not costly to turn out, and we will

be able to supply them so cheaply in large lots that they may be used extensively in cities, much more cheaply in rural communities than the present wire systems, for marine and coastwise work, and for special uses such as by forest rangers on the great reservations of the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Coast.

"The machines will be of particular advantage in sparsely settled districts, as in the gold-camps of Alaska. Prospectors within a radius of thirty or forty miles of civilization, for instance, will be enabled by


the use of one of these light sets to keep in continual touch with what is going on, and undoubtedly many lives will be saved. by the practical application of the device."

Wireless, and especially the wireless telephone, has been what might almost be called an obsession with young Dubilier ever since he was old enough to know anything about the subject at all. Born in New York in 1888 he received. his early education in the public schools. His parents were not able to keep him in school through the high school course, and he left high school to secure employment. He saved his money, and later, by doing odd jobs through the course, gave himself the benefit of three years study of electrical engineering.

It was in 1904 that he began his own experimenting with the wireless telephone, and after many disappointments and discouragements he perfected one of the first pieces of apparatus of that kind. Graduating from his technical course at the age of eighteen he became an inspector for the Western Electric Com

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