Page images

and Treatment by Bacterial
Vaccines, 167, 542
Opsonotherapy, Principles of, 597

Paget's Disease Treated by the
X-Rays, 652

Pancreatic Ferments in the Treat-
ment of Cancer and Their Rôle
in Prophylaxis, 108
Patterson, Franklin.-The Treat-
ment of Hemorrhoids with the
Constant Current and a
Electrode, 142


Penetrating Power of Radium.

Robert Abbey, 150
Permanent Cure of Ichthyosis by
the Light Rays, 642
Physiologic Action of the Gastric
Ferments, 437

Physiological Action and Uses of
Adrenal Extractives, 266
of Thermotherapy, 315

of High-Frequency
Currents in Disease, 423,

Method versus Alcohol and
Other Drugs as a Means of
Regulating Blood-Pressure,
Physiologic and Clinical Aspects
of Hydrotherapy, with Its Spe-
cial Reference to the Treatment
of Psychoses, 596, 639
Pitcher, Herbert F.-The Elec-
trical Treatment of Prostatitis
and Enlargement of the Pros-
tate Gland, 557

Plea for Static Electricity, 164
Postoperative Treatment of Car-
cinoma, 656

Practical Demonstrations, 654
Practical X-Ray Therapy, 200
Present Status of Electro-Ther-

apy. H. H. Roberts, 117
President's Adderss, 501
Prevention of Deformity after In-

fantile Paralysis by Recum-
bency During the Stage of Re-
cession. Adoniram B. Judson,
Protection of Operator, 657

of the Patient, 657
Psychic Effects of Inebriety. J.
Madison Taylor, 48

Treatment of Inebriety and
Its Relation to So-called
Cures, 317
Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Chil-
dren. James Burnett, 101
Radiant High-Frequency Electric
Light Bath Cabinet. H. H.
Roberts, 35

Light Bath, Action of in Ner-

Vous Diseases. T. D.
Crothers, 613

Radiography of Fractures, 658
Radiotherapy in Facial Neuralgia,

in Skin Diseases, 384
Radium and Its Medical Uses, 426
Rational Childhood Diet, 436
Rationale of Static Currents, 653
Régime of Two and One-Half
Years' Experience in the Treat-
ment of Skin Diseases by the
X-Ray, 205

Report of the Electro-Therapeutic
Section of the British Medical
Association, 607

Results in Roentgen Therapy, 203
Rhinoscleroma Treated by the
X-Ray, 538

Ring, G. Oram.-Electro-Chemi-
cal Sterilization as Applied to
Malignant Diseases of the Or-
bital and Nasal Regions, 179
Roberts, H. H.-Radiant High-
Frequency Electric Light Bath
Cabinet, 35

The Present Status of Elec-
tro-Therapy, 117
Roentgen Ray in Cancer, 654
in Leukemia, 659
Injuries in Medical Radio-
therapy, 371

Ray in Rhinoscleroma, 370
in Sarcoma, 656

in the Treatment of Lupus,

and Metabolism, 434

in Diagnosing Certain Condi-
tions, 310

in the Treatment of Lupus
Vulgaris, 150

in Unresolved Pneumonia, 370
Is Sterility at Will Possible

Under the Application of
the? J. Rudis-Jicinsky, 627
Treatment of Chronic Bron-
chitis, 538

Treatment of Exophthalmic
Goiter, 372

Routine Treatment and Compli-
cation of Typhoid Fever, 372
Rudis-Jicinsky, J.-Is Sterility at
Will Possible Under the Appli-
cation of the Roentgen Rays?

Saline Infusions in the Treatment
of Mental Diseases, 597, 640
Scarlet Fever, 261
Sciatica, Treatment of by the Vi-
brator, 378

Serum Treatment of Thyroidism,


Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the
American Electro-Therapeutic
Association, 54, 213
Skiagraphy in the Surgery of the
Nose, 309

Snow, M. L. H. Arnold.-Static
Electricity in the Treatment of
Pelvic Conditions, 236
Snow, William Benham.-The
Employment of Physical Thera-
peutics by the General Practi-
tioner, 401

Symposium on X-Ray Burns,

Some Applications of the Roent-
gen Rays in Dermatology, 307
Experience with the Simpler
Methods of Psycho-therapy
and Re-education, 157
Facts about Digestive Fer-
ments, 165

Points in the Sanitorium
Treatment of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis. C. Mutha,


Specific Immunity and Roentgen
Ray Therapeutics, 660
Spontaneous Arterio-Sclerosis of
the Aorta (Atheroma) in a
Rabbit, 209
Static Electricity.
dict, 90

Alice B. Con-

in Therapeutics, 50
in the Treatment of Pelvic
Conditions. M. L. H.
Arnold Snow, 236
High-Frequency Current in
Pulmonary Tuberculosis,
Sterilized Horse Serum in Sur-
gery, 438

Stover, G. H.-The Treatment of
Glandular Tuberculosis by the
Roentgen Ray, 123

Strobell, Charles William.-The
Absorption of Inflammatory Ex-
udates, 138

Suggestion as an Adjunct to

Regular Therapeutics, 265
Suprarenal Extract in Urinary

Retention Due to Prostatic En-
largement, 109

Symposium on Roentgen Rays in
Skin Diseases, 439

Therapeutic Use of Alternative
Currents of Low Frequency,

Thermotherapy, 375, 595
Tousey, Sinclair.-Measurement
of the Intensity of the Roent-
gen Ray-An Element of Safe-
ty in Radiography and of Uni-

formity in Therapeutic Results,

Symposium on X-Ray Burns,

Treatment of Venereal Buboes by
X-Rays, 104

Trypsin for the Cure of Cancer,

Tuberculin T. R. as a Diagnostic
and Therapeutic Agent in
Recognition and Treatment of
Tuberculosis of the Eye, 544
Tuberculous Meningitis in Boy
Treated with Tuberculin: Re-
covery: Recurrence and Death,
Tuberculosis Treated with Serum,

Under-Oxidation of the Blood,
and What It Stands For. Wm.
D. Neel, 93

Unilateral Renal Hematuria, the
Cure of by Injection of Adren-
alin through a Ureter Catheter,

Ureteral Calculi, 651

Use of X-Rays from the Point of
View of the General Practi-
tioner, 653

Uviol Light, Action of the, on
the Skin and Its Therapeutic
Use in Dermatology, 489

Vaccine Treatment of Tuberculo-
Isis in Children, 326


Waite, H. E.-Symposium
X-Ray Burns, 349
Walker, Holford.-Light and Vi-
bration versus Operation in
Two Interesting Cases-Pros-
tatic Senile Hypertrophy and
One of Double Cataract, 279
Wallian, Samuel S.-The Dom-
inance of Rhythm in Organic
Nature and as a Therapeutic
Factor, 83

Value of the Roentgen Ray

as a Therapeutic Agent, 200
Wheatland, Marcus F.-A Cheap
and Efficient X-Ray Coil, 244
Vibrator, The, 323

Wilson, Robert.-On the Use of
the Less Radio-Active Sub-
stances in Medicine, 271

[blocks in formation]


cussion by Dr.
Tousey, Dr. A. C. Geyser,
Dr. Thomas W. Brock-
bank, Dr. George Z. Good-
ell, Dr. Henry W. Frauen-
thal, Dr. H. E. Waite, Dr.
Morris W. Brinkmann, Dr.
Wm. Benham Snow, Dr. F.
Barrett, Dr. M. K. Kassa-
bian, 349

Effects on Living Tissue. H.

E. Robertson, 45

in Diseases of the Blood and
of the Blood-forming Or-
gans, 493

in Skin Diseases, 152
Ultra-Violet Ray, and High-
Frequency Currents in Di-
agnosis and Therapy, 594
and the Genital Glands, 306
as Applied to Prostatic En-
largement, 494

in Tuberculosis, 204
The Production of Sterility
by the. F. B. Granger, 620
Treatment of Hypertrophy of
the Prostate and Its Tech-
nique, 309

Treatment of Ringworm, 545

Ziegler, S. Lewis.-Electricity in
Ocular Therapeutics, 228
Zinc-Mercury in the Cure of Piles
and Caruncle, 536


Advanced Therapeutics, 99

American Medical Association at
Atlantic City, 368

American Medical Editors' Asso-
ciation, 298

American Electro-Therapeutic As-

sociation. 40, 100, 225, 419
American Electro-Therapeutic As-
sociation. Secretary's Page, 148
Anterior-Poliomyelitis, 636
Attitude of the Profession to-
wards the Therapeutics of the
Roentgen Ray, 98

Broader Conception of Radiant
Light and Heat as a Therapeu-
tic Agent, 296

Coming Meetings Devoted to the
Subject of Physical Therapeu-
tics, 471
Comments, 196

Congrès International de Physi-
othérapie, 418

Congress of Physiotherapy at
Rome, 368

Elements of Physical Therapeu-
tics, 638

First Annual Meeting of the
American Section of the Inter-
national Medical Association
for the Prevention of War, 254
Herdman, W. J.-Obituary, 40
How Does the X-Ray Affect Liv-
ing Tissues? 251
Importance of a Current Control-
ler on the Large-Sized Static
Machine, 297

Importance of the Early Recogni-
tion and Treatment of High-
Arterial Tension, 592
International Congress of Physi-
otherapy, 533

Meeting of the American Roent-
gen Ray Society, 477

Meeting of the American Electro-
Therapeutic Association, 472

New Association

Therapeutics, 147



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The Journal of

Advanced Therapeutics


JANUARY, 1907.

No. I.


BY HENRY W. FRAUENTHAL, A. C., M. D., NEW YORK. Physician and Surgeon-in-Chief of the Jewish Hospital for Deformities and Joint Diseases.

In the vast fields of science as in the development of a new country, it is the work of the pioneer whose efforts and energies direct the vast army that follow-what districts and fields are most fruitful in return for labor and time expended.

So, too, do those whose labor in special lines of medicine and surgery select the best from their scientific investigation to give to the vast army of general practitioners to use in their multitudinous labor in their daily work.

It is especially true in the increased field of usefulness that has been found for electricity with the X-ray and radio-active bodies in the past ten years.

I am restricting the scope of this paper to the use of our electrical armament in the diagnosis and therapeutical treatment of affections in and about the joints of the human body.

I merely wish to present my own clinical experience together with the work of other observers that pertains to this restricted branch of electrical therapeutics, and by these results and findings to excite the interest of still other workers, knowing that they will secure quicker and better results in acute and chronic inflammation of joints, save suffering and expedite cures.

1. The X-ray has been of the greatest value in the determination of fractures that extend into the joint.

2. Subluxations of the joint.

3. Malformation.

4. Hypertrophic and atrophic bones at the point of articulation that change the normal function of the joint.

5. The various acute and chronic inflammations of the joint.

* Read at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the American Electro-therapeutic Association at Philadelphia, September 19, 1906.

6. The appearance of the synovial sac.

7. The presence of foreign bodies, loose pieces of cartilage. 8. The sesamoid bones that develop in the tendons or ligaments of the joints and are sometimes taken for foreign bodies or fractures.

Thus the X-ray gives us an ocular evidence that could not have been previously determined as accurately and in many cases not at all.

The X-ray photo of a joint should always be taken in two directions, the one at right angles to the other, and the distance of the tube specified.

In the present paper I will merely take up the most common forms of arthritis, i. e., tubercular, gouty, syphilitic, gonorrheal, atrophic and hypertrophic arthritis; the latter being generally classified under the meaningless term of rheumatoid arthritis.

It is the intention of the author to make each of the forms of arthritis the subject of a separate paper in the future.

Among the first observers to use electricity in the treatment of joints is R. Remak, 1856-later Danion (in his "Traitement des Affections Articulaires par l'Électricité," Paris, 1887, page 238) describes his success with this therapeutical measure.

Leduc, in the Arch. d'Électricité Médicale, 1894, page 478, and in subsequent writing describes in scientific detail his personal success in the treatment of arthritis with electricity.

C. Leo V. Marano, M. D., Australasian Medical Gazette, July, 1890, reports several cases of arthritis treated by electricity and says: "In subacute and chronic cases, however (mono- or poly-articular chronic rheumatism, arthritis deformans, stiffness of the joints following sprains, dislocations, or fractures near the joints, periarthritic swellings and the like)."

Electricity stands unrivaled, and if you consider for a moment the modus operandi of each remedy ordinarily employed and that of electricity, you cannot help seeing the latter's superiority.

Dr. F. W. Gwyer in an article on the treatment of fibrous anchylosis in the Annals of Surgery, August, 1893, gives an account of the use of the galvanic current in the treatment of several cases of anchylosis. The pain was immediately relieved, the range of motion increased, and part of the fibrous tissue absorbed.

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