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Arista, the President, with few troops and little or no money, can hardly be expected to oppose a very forcible resistance to the crowd of internal malcontents and foreign auxiliaries that would follow Carvajal in the days of his


Altogether, the continuance of the Mexican republic seems to be merely a matter of time. It must, sooner or later, fall to pieces. It seems to be a general belief that the Spanish race is, like the Indian, a doomed race on this

continent, and many things countenance such a conclusion.

This talk of annexation reminds us of another annexation reported as not improbable. We mean the annexation of the Sandwich Islands, or the placing of them under the protection of the United States, which would be about the same thing. It is said the matter has been discussed at Washington. However this may be, the Union promises to possess enough without these islands.


gance in book-making "could no farther go." The essays, it will be perceived by a glance at the title-page, are by the most eminent of our authors; and in descriptive writing, we question whether any other country can at present produce an equal array of talent. The pictures selected, too, are from our most eminent landscape painters, and are most beautifully executed; they are, besides, highly characteritics of our scenery. In short, it is truly an American book. No one can show a genuine taste better than by such a present at any


The Book of Home Beauty. By Mrs. KIRKLAND. | Containing 12 Portraits of American Ladies, by CHARLES MARTIN, Esq., engraved on Steel by eminent Artists. New-York: Geo. P. Putnam. The publication of this beautiful book has created no little sensation. The idea of it has been criticised by some with a good deal of severity. We do not altogether agree with these remarks; and if we did, the manner in which it has been executed is enough to disarm our criticism. Mr. Martin in his drawings has exhibited the most exquisite artistic taste and skill; and the engravers have done their part in a manner beyond any thing we thought possible to obtain in this country. Every head is a perfect study of effective and truly artistic portraiture. There has been nothing heretofore done in this country that can be compared with them. The letter-press, from the elegant pen of Mrs. Kirkland, has no especial These sketches and essays of Mrs. Kirkland will reference to the portraits, but is a sort of Decame- add much to a reputation already very high. Her ron wreath of sketches, in which these beauties style, always rich and sparkling, shines here with appear as gems gleaming among the leaves. We remarkable brilliancy. A shrewd observer of need not further particularize, as the splendor of character and manners, this lady has the rare the book, and the interest it has excited, will make faculty of combining wit and wisdom, and thus, it one of the favorites of the holiday season. whilst amusing, instructing and refining us. She is, besides, one of the most characteristically national of our writers. Her first work is unrivaled

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The Evening Book; or, Fireside Talk on Morals and Manners, with Sketches of Western Life. By Mrs. KIRKLAND. New-York: Charles Scribner. 1852.

in its delineations of Western life and character.

In this she confesses to "an ambition to make a

Peculiarly American book;"" not that I think Ametial or narrow, but because the foreign literature, rican views of manners and morals should be parwhich furnishes most of the reading of our young people, seems to me likely to inspire them with and it becomes, therefore, especially desirable to un-American ideas of society, and even of duty;

refer sometimes to ancient and universal stand

ards-those whose excellence is beyond dispute, though portions of the world have departed from their influence, led away by the incorrect notions of life which prevail in old and corrupt communities."

Mr. Scribner has presented the work in a holiday dress, illustrated by beautiful plates from the burin of Burt, on splendid paper, and in elegant

type. It will be a great favorite as a present, and will, as designed, brighten many a fireside in the coming winter evenings.

the greatest possible judgment and taste. Within a short compass, Mr. Wheeler has gracefully sketched off what may be done to reconcile and realize the highest demands of taste, comfort and elegance, even with moderate means, in that matIconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature ter which so peculiarly comes "home to our busi and Art, systematically arranged. By J. G. ness and bosoms," the constructing of the family HECK. Translated from the German, with ad- nest. It is a very gratifying evidence of the proditions, by SPENCER F. BAIRD, A. M., M. D. Il-gress of our country, not only in riches, but in lustrated by 500 Steel Plates; containing up- refinement and taste, that these works on private wards of 12,000 Engravings. New York: Ru- architecture are demanded. May this taste" "grow dolph Carrique, 2 Barclay street. by what it feeds upon," until the beautiful scenery of our land, instead of being marred as it so often is, shall be every where enriched by the beauty of the homes nestling among it. The work is beantifully illustrated and printed; and we would etrongly recommend to every one who contemplates building a house, not to do so without seeing what this author has to say on the subject.

This valuable work is now complete, by the publication of the twenty-fifth part, and the additional volume of text. In the course of the publication, we have several times taken occasion to express our opinion of the merits of the work. The publication of each number has but increased our admiration for it. Beyond all doubt, it is the most complete work of reference that has yet been published within the same compass. There is nothing of the kind, that we are acquainted with, that will compare with the plates in accuracy and beauty of execution. They seem to illustrate the whole domain of human knowledge in science and art.

"It has been designated as a library in itself,

embracing fourteen distinct text-books of those subjects of human knowledge, a familiarity with which goes far towards constituting an educated


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Philosophy of the Mechanics of Nature, and the Sources and Modes of Action of Natural Motive-power. By Z. ALLEN. New-York: D. Appleton & Co.

This is an elaborate and profound investigation into the source, and description of the operation, of natural motive-power. The author, in his investigations, discovers an inconsistency between the axiom of mechanical science, that "matter at rest cannot put itself in motion," and the chemical doctrines of "internal forces" and "imponderable agents." He discovers, from the truth of the mechanical axiom, that matter cannot move itself, "that all the movements of terrestrial matter must originate from a cause external to the mass of the earth;" and is led to the conclusion, that all "internal forces" and imponderable agencies are resolvable into" the propagation of mechanical action, through the medium of electric matter." In illustration of his principle, the author has arranged, with great skill and labor, the last results of modern scientific research, chemical, electrical, and mechanical; and the result is a work which must take its place among the standard philosophical treatises of the age.

Rural Homes; or, Sketches of Houses suited to
American Country Life. With original Plans,
Designs, &c. By GERVASE WHEELER. New

York: Charles Scribner.

This is not only an elegantly written, but an exeedingly sensible book, upon a subject requiring

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ing! It is, therefore, with great satisfaction that | He has surpassed himself, and evinced a talent for we note the issue of this beautiful and valuable embodying sentiment beyond what seems indicated edition. We say valuable, because Professor by his previous productions. The whole book is, Boyd has enriched it with copious notes, critical in fact, a perfect work of art, "beautiful exceedand illustrative, highly judicious and instructive. ingly." The volume is elegantly bound and printed, and has illustrations by Burt. It will make not only a beautiful, but a valuable present for the holidays.

The Hand-Book of Literature and Fine Arts. By
The Hand-Book of Biography. By PARKE GOD-
WIN. New-York: Geo. P. Putnam.

These two works form part of Mr. Putnam's "Home Cyclopædia," intended for educational purposes and the general reader. We know of no books of reference in so accessible a shape, that deserve to be so highly commended. They embrace a vast amount of information, arranged in the most convenient form for reference, and may be relied upon as generally accurate and full. There has been no greater want in literature than a cheap cyclopædia; and Mr. Putnam deserves great praise and abundant success for supplying the want with so much conscientious care in making a work of permanent value and authority.


The Woodbine; a Holiday Gift. Edited by CAROLINE MAY. With Illustrations. delphia: Lindsay and Blakiston. From Rohrback & Co., Broadway, New-York.

In a late "Evening with some Female Poets," we took occasion to speak of Miss May's character as regards her original writings. Her contributions in the book before us more truly, perhaps, support the favorable opinion we then gave. Her paper on "Handel" is every way acceptable. As an editor, Miss May shows exceeding taste and appreciation. Her selections from the writers “across the water" are judicious, though we do not like to encourage the appropriation of such. Our sympathies would lead us have the book entirely of home manufacture. Yet we cannot, nor will her readers, we are sure, object to such morceaux as she gives.

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We understand that editions amounting to more than ten thousand copies of this admirable book have been sold; notwithstanding which, the enterprising publisher feels sufficient confidence in its worth and consequent continued success to warrant him in issuing an edition for the holiday season, most exquisitely illustrated, and superbly printed and bound. The designs are by Darley, and certainly the work could have been intrusted to no one more competent. It was a delicate task he had to perform, to embody the tender and beautiful fancies of his author, but he has done it with a grace and skill which leave nothing to be desired.

We may here announce, for the gratification of the author's multitudinous readers, that Mr. Scribner has in press a new work from Mr. Mitchell, entitled, we believe, "Dream-Life." We may safely predict for it unbounded success.

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The title explains pretty fully the purport of this useful book. Every thing in art, science, is treated of and traced in a succinct manner, from geography, history, manufactures and mineralogy a drop of dew to a granite block, a yard of bombazine to an earthquake, from Cayenne pepper to a volcano, and from the Chinese tallow tree to misstatements in the part of the work concerning landscape painting. There are some omissions and arts and poetry, which should be corrected in an ensuing edition. Paul Veronese, one of the most imaginative and inexhaustible of the Italian painters, famous for his grouping and breadth of light and shade, is not mentioned at all among the painters of Italy. The omission of the names of Palladio and Inigo Jones-the former the founder of a new order, and the latter a most successful professor-from the chapter in which architecture is treated of, leave a blank unaccounted for in the modern progress of that art. Barry is classed amongst the English painters, while every student of painting recollects his name as synonymous with Ireland. He was no more an English painter than Fuseli (Swiss), Sir Peter Lily (German), Sir Godfrey Kneller (German),— whose names, by the way, are not mentioned at all, although the Germans were two of the most famous painters at the courts of Charles I. and II., William III., and George I.,-than Rubens and Vandyke (Flemish), Benjamin West and J. S. Copley (Americans), all of whom lived a large portion of their lifetime in England, but who have

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nky k M-kawice of Nature, and the Astu tu l'ay of Ation of Natural Mo By Ax New-York: D. Ap

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Twww an elaborate and profound investigation. As we object to ints the muzor, and deser pèse of the operation, the other. Our reasons to 12 14 of natural motive power The author, in his in- a review of a wari dan pa Pengentasis, discovers an moonsstency between present number. the axe of mechanical sonce, that "mat ter at rest catrot put itself in motion," and the chemical doctrines of internal forces" and mohrabie at He discovers, from the, trth of the mechanical axiom, that matter cannot

Sir Roger De Conerly By Tam Sams ton: Ticknor, Reed & Fa

move itseif, that the movements of terres ful publishers here give us, a trial matter must originate from a cause external sical papers. It comes in this A beautiful little volume, with te m to the mass of the earth;" and is led to the con- almost as a fresh work of genis, clusion, that all "internal forces" and imponder firesides with its genial rays. This abe ames are resolvable into " the propagation ception of character, immortal in of vical action, through the medium of elec beauty, what can we say about it that every frie mar." In illustration of his principle, the does not feel! author has arranged, with great skill and labor, the last results of modern scientific research, che macal, electrical, and mechanical; and the result is a work which must take its place among the stan iari philosophical treatises of the age.

Aural Emer: or, Sketches of Houses suited
of tornem Country Life. With original Plans,

Charles Scribner.

as not o'r an elegantly written, but an

Night Thoughts of Edward Young; wither of the Author, a Critical View of his r and Explanatory Notes By JAMES BO Born, Editor of "Paradise Lost," &c. S York: Charles Scribner.

rather a neglected book o
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"Young's Night Thoughts

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