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These figures tell exactly what we are doing-selling a 820.00 watch for $5.45. We don't claim that this is a 840.00 watch or a 850.00 watch, but it is a $20.00 watch. A leading watch manufacturer, being hard pressed for ready cash, recently sold us 100,000 watches-watches actually built to retall at 820.00. There is no doubt that we could wholesale them to dealers for 812.00 or 813.00, but this would involve a great amount of labor, time and expense. In the end our profit would be little more than it is at selling the watch direct to the consumer at 85.45. The Evington Watch, which we offer at $5.45 is an im. 21 jeweled, finely balanced and perfectly adjusted movement. It has specially selected jewels, dust band, patent regulator, enameled dial, jeweled compensation balance, double hunting case, genuine goldlaid and handsomely engraved. Each watch is thoroughly timed, tested and regulated, before leaving the factory and both the case and movement are guaranteed for 25 years.

Clip out this advertisement and mail it to us to-day with your name, postoffice address and nearest express office. Tell us whether you want a lady's or gent's watch and we will send the watch to your express office at once. If it satisfies you, after a careful examination, pay the express agent 85.45 and express charges and the watch is yours, but if it doesn't please you return it to us at our expense.

A 25-Year Guarantee will be placed in the front case of the watch we send you and to the first 10,000 customers we will send a beautiful gold-laid watch chain, Free. We refer to the First National Bank of Chicago, Capital 810,000,000.



Machines Mfr's Prices. RENTED ANYWHERE, applying rent on

price. Write for Catalog T TYPEWRITER EMPORIUM, 202 LaSalle St., Chicago

Mention Technical World Magazine


color, the fibers cohering and twisted after breaking. This is a tough iron, and welds easily under the hammer, throwing out very few sparks.

The nail-holes should be spaced equal distances apart, the holes on one side being exactly opposite those on the other. In addition to this, there should be no cracks or slivers on the edges. The width of the crease should be such as to let the nails go through easily. The material should be so tough as to allow the heel

calks to be bent without breaking or showing cracks.

The shoes turned out by the mills are usually finished flat, without the heel calks being bent. The bending is done by the blacksmith when he is fitting the shoes; although there are some shoes made by the mills, with heel and toe calks on, they being ready to put on the horse. There are, however, more of the flat variety sold, as the calked shoes are more expensive.

Tempering Gold, Silver, and

By J. Mayne Baltimore

ERY recently an industry of
much importance in its
probable effect upon the
demand for copper, has
been started in Los Ange-

les, Cal., as a result of the discovery by Dr. Z. F. Vaughn, of a method of tempering gold, silver, and copper. Gold surgical instrumentssuch as knives, hypodermic needles, etc. -are now being manufactured there in quantity. The delicate gold blades are as keen as the sharpest razor Thrown point downward, they will stick into a hardwood table-top and stand there quivering. Samples of the tempered gold, silver, and copper have been submitted to Dr. Julius Koebig, of the Los Angeles Chemical and Metallurgical Metallurgical Laboratories, who finds that the claims made by Doctor Vaughn for these tempered metals are fully sustained by the results.

Doctor Vaughn began his investigations in 1888, and has steadily continued them. He does not claim to have discovered a lost art, but to have invented a method whereby gold, silver, and copper either separately, or in alloy, can be taken through the various degrees of crystallization which correspond to the

several tempers known in the arts. By the process used, these ductile metals are not only hardened, but their density and homogeneity are brought to such practical perfection that a cutting edge is effective because of its absolute and microscopic fineness and smoothness. It does not tear--it divides; and for surgical purposes, instruments of tempered gold are said to be superior to those of steel because no microscopic speck of rust can harbor dangerous germs.

Interesting and important as the tempering of gold is from a metallurgical and surgical point of view, the great commercial value of the discovery lies in its application to copper, and the widely extended use of that metal which is thereby promised. It is stated by Doctor Vaughn that tempered copper is not subject to the crystallization through vibration which limits the life of steel; that springs of tempered copper have not only as great elasticity and strength as steel springs, but, owing to the extreme slowness of the process of crystallization, will retain the spring temper for a practically indefinite period. Furthermore, he claims that, owing to this quality of tempered copper and its great tensile strength, all metal parts of machinery


TO EMPLOYERS-THE TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE offers its services in bringing employers of skilled labor into communication with trained and efficient men. Write the Employment Department full particulars as to the qualifications necessary.


GOOD SALESMAN WANTED for patented specialty selling for $50 and $75, needed in all manufacturing plants. May devote entire time, or sell a side line. Some of our representatives average $15 a day. Some more. Write at once to POWER SPECIALTY Co., Arcade Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

HELP WANTED-Large manufacturing firm located in Western city requires the services of a Sheet-Metal Pattern Draftsman. Address Technical World Magazine, No. 520.

SALESMAN-Man thoroughly conversant with power plants is wanted for New England territory; should be clean-cut and a hustler; salary $2,400 and expenses. Write us to-day. HAPGOODS, 305 Broadway, N. Y.


job almost completed, desires similar position where heavy framing is used. Ten years' experience. References. Salary desired, $90 a month. Address Technical World Magazine, No. 524.

WANTED-American School student, married, now employed in clerical position with a Gaslight Company, desires position opening up better future prospects. Address Technical World Magazine, No. 525.

WANTED-Position wanted as Boiler-Maker. Three years' experience. Applicant is an American School student, at present employed as boiler-maker's advanced apprentice or handy man. Address Technical World Magazine, No. 526.

TRIGONOMETRY SIMPLIFIED, 50c. Cement Workers' Hand Book, 50c. Journal Dictionary & Bookkeepers' Proof Book, $2.00. Bright Ideas for Entertainments, 50c. NATIONAL

Want an Eight-Hour Job? Book Co., 408 Park Bldg., Cleveland, O.

you Work for the Government. My book tells you how to prepare for examinations. How to obtain positions, etc. Price $1.00 Geo. A. Thompson, Box No. 185, Oil City, Pa.



WANTED-A student of the American School of Correspondence desires a position as Assistant or Engineer. Has had four years' experience with Marine Engines. Western Pennsylvania preferred. Address Technical World Magazine, No. 521.

WANTED Student of American School, almost through course, and experienced in electrical work, desires position as Draftsman. References. Address Technical World Magazine, No. 522.

WANTED-Any Electric Light Station having an opening, with opportunity for advancement, available for a graduate of the American School, will please communicate with Technical World Magazine, No. 523.

WANTED-American School undergraduate now employed as Foreman of Construction on

$10 to $27

with Coaster-Brakes and Puncture-Proof tires. 1904 & 1905 Models

all of best makes $7 to $12

500 Second-Hand Wheels All Makes and

Models, good as new $3 to $8

Great Factory Clearing Sale. We Ship on Approval without a cent deposit, pay the freight and allow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. Tires, coaster-brakes, sundries, etc, half usual prices. Do not buy till you get our catalogs. Write at once. MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. N187 Chicago

Mention Technical World Magazine

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which are subject to vibration may be more profitably-and, as in the case of propeller shafts, more safely-made of copper than of steel.

It is thought that the most immediate and possibly the most extensive use of tempered copper will be for journal bearings. It is stated that owing to the great density of the metal it takes a perfect polish with use and makes an almost frictionless bearing free from danger of overheating, and long outlasting either babbitt metal or brass for the purpose.

It is also thought by scientists that

tempered copper, owing to its hardness and great density, will solve several important problems of electrical engineering, with the result that the usefulness of electrical machinery will be materially extended, and the consumption of copper correspondingly increased.

A company has very recently been organized in Los Angeles, known as the "Tempered Ductile Metals Company," a factory established, and a force of skilled workmen employed in the manufacture. of tempered gold surgical and dental in


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The most irksome task about stable or garage becomes a pleasure wherever the ARDREY VEH1CLE WASHER is in use. Its owner is never obliged to give an order for a thorough cleaning twice because a change of clothes is never necessary. Just think. no splashing, no scratching of varnish or finish, not even a drop of water reaches either expensive cushions or clothing. The



removes every particle of mud, grime and dir as slick and clean as a whistle, because it is operated just as easily as a paint brush. Water constantly percolates through the sponge, forcing the dirt out of it and away from your carriage or auto on to the ground, leaving a perfectly clean, unscratched and polished surface. See those tongs, either a single sponge or pieces of sponges, are automatically gripped firmly as they are pulled tight up to a perforated squirting surface, on being securely screwed into a socket, on the same principle as the WASHER itself is screwed on to the hose, just like an ordinary hose nozzle is attached. Made solidly and substantially of brass, the price is but $3.00 and charges prepaid to all points in U. S., or Canada. A hundred and one uses for this most wonderful labor saving device, and you run no risk for the reason that we refund the price paid us if it fails to do all we represent. You may have our booklet free which tells why the ARDREY VEHCLE WASHER lasts a life time.

Ardrey Vehicle Washer Company

130 Main St., E., Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A.






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We Want Every

Owner of Machinery who desires to obtain the greatest efficiency therefrom, as well as engineers, machinists, millwrights, etc., to write for this valuable book. We are the largest manufacturers of


They are more durable and more satisfactory than equipment of other material. They will improve your facilities and save you money at the same time. Let us prove it.

The Text Book on Friction Transmission contains tables, facts and formulas found in no other book. We send it free to those who need it. State occupation and firm with which you are connected, and address

The Rockwood Mfg. Co.
1903 English Ave.

Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A.


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GINES, 2 to 8 H. P

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That will kill all the weeds in your lawns. If you keep the weeds cut so they do not go to seed, and cut your grass without breaking the small feeders of roots, the grass will become thick and the weeds will disappear. The CLIPPER will do it.

Please send Draft or Money Order or Registered Letter

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