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THE TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE is a monthly magazine, published the fifteenth of each month, preceding date, devoted to the problems of the technical and industrial world, and a treatment of all matters of interest in Applied Science.

PRICE: The subscription price is $1.00 per year, payable in advance; single copies, 10 cents. HOW TO REMIT: Subscriptions should be sent by draft on Chicago, express order, or Post Office money order.

THE EDITORS invite the submission of photographs and articles on subjects of modern engineering, scientific, and popular interest. All contributions will be carefully considered, and prompt decision rendered. Payment will be made on acceptance. Unaccepted material will be returned if accompanied with stamps for return postage.

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It is the aim of Collier's to present, in text and picture, the panorama of the week; to reflect impartially the best contemporary thought, and on its own behalf to speak fearlessly without partisanship on all questions affecting the nation's welfare. It aims furthermore to print the representative work of present-day writers and artists, and to keep always before its readers a high, sane, and cheerful ideal of American citizenship.


Try It At My Expense

--Not Yours

If you are not a reader of MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE I want you to become one. I want you to know what it is like and to know at my expense if the magazine does not suit you. If it does suit you, and the price is right, you will naturally wish to pay for it. There isn't much in the theory of getting something for nothing.

MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE is worth your knowing. It was MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE that led of a dozen years ago in the low price for magazines-ten cents a copy and one dollar by the year. It was the fight we had with a giant News-Company monopolythat made MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE possible, and that blazed the way for all other publishers whose magazines are issued at the price of MUNSEY'S. But this is too big and too graphic a story to be told in this advertisement.

Munsey's Magazine

Has the biggest circulation of any standard magazine in the world-much the biggest. And it has made it and held it solely on its merits. In a dozen years we have not spent a dozen cents in advertising. We have no agents in the field-not an agent anywhere-we have given no premiums, have clubbed with no other publications, and have offered no inducements of any kind whatsoever. We have made a magazine for the people, giving them what they want, and giving it to them at a right price-that's all. And the people have bought it because they like it and because they could buy it at a right price. Our object in advertising now is to reach a few hundred thousand new readers-people who are not now taking MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE.

A Ten Thousand Dollar Magazine for Ten Cents

Though there are a good many three dollar and four dollar magazines in America,there is none better than MUNSEY'S, whatever the price-not one. There is no higher grade magazine, there is none better printed or printed on better paper, and there is none better or more carefully edited-none better written, and few, if any, so interesting. It costs in round numbers about ten thousand dollars a number to go to press on MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE. That is to say, if only one copy were printed it would cost ten thousand dollars, but spreading this cost over an entire edition of 750,000 copies, the amount gets down very thin on each individual copy.

When I first made this price, a dozen years ago, everybody said it was impossible-said we couldn't live-said we were bound to fail. We did live, however, and today are publishing a thousand tons of magazines a month, which is fifty carloads. This is more than three times as many magazines as were issued by all the publishers combined of the entire country when I came into the business.

It is because I am so sure of the merits of MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE, and so sure it will please you, that I am now offering to send it to you without any money in advance, and without any money at all if it does not please you. I can afford to take this chance, which, as I see it, is a very small chance, because I believe thoroughly in the rugged honesty of the people. The percentage of dishonesty among the citizens of America is far too small for consideration in a business proposition of this kind.

There is no trick in this offer-no hidden scheme of any kind whatever. It is a simple, straightforward, business proposition which will cost you nothing unless you wish it to.

The All-Story Magazine Also Free

I will not only send you MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE,as stated above, but will send you three months free, in addition, THE ALL STORY MAGAZINE, which is another of our publications. I add this other magazine for two reasons. First, that you may have the choice of two magazines, and second, with the thought that you may want both.

If this proposition interests you, and I hardly see how it could be made more to your interest, kindly fill out the coupon in this advertisement and mail it to me, and you will get the magazines as stated herein.

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You may enter my name for one year's subscription to Munsey's Magazine, for which I agree to pay you one dollar $1.00 at the end of three months, providing I find the magazine to be what I want.

In the event that I do not care for the magazine, I will so notify you at the end of the three months, in which case I shall owe you nothing.

It is further agreed that in connection with this subscription you are to send me The All-Story Magazine free for three months, and that I am to have the option of changing my subseri tion, if I so desire, from Munsey's Magazine to The All-Story Magazine for the balance of the year.

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Frank A. Munsey, 175 Fifth Ave., New York

Mention Technical World Magazine



in cash will be divided among 97 special representatives of The Technical World Magazine sending the largest lists of new subscribers between Feb. 1st and June 1st, 1906, as follows:

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1. Cash prizes will be awarded only to special representatives.

2. Wholesale subscription agencies soliciting subscriptions by means of clubbing offers, etc., cannot compete.

3. All contestants must work individually and not combine with any other representative.

4. Orders will be credited to the person sending them in, and cannot be transferred.

5. Yearly subscriptions only count in this contest.

Subscriptions for

two or more years will be counted as two or more annual subscriptions. 6. Cutting prices is not permissible, and subscriptions so taken will be cancelled at once.

7. Straight subscriptions taken at the regular price ($1.00) alone will be credited, with the exception of such combination offers as may be made between February 1st and June 1st, regarding which all representatives will be instructed.

8. All subscriptions received in envelopes bearing the post-mark of any date within the alloted time, will be counted in the contest.

9. Any agent violating any of the above rules will be disqualified.

Write to-day for full particulars.

The Technical World Magazine.

Mention Technical World Magazine

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