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CHARACTERS. Of horizontal growth, subcylindrical, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter, usually cut into sections 5 to 8 mm. long; externally brownishyellow to straw-colored, nearly smooth; hollow in the centre; odor slight; taste distinctly sweet.

COMPOSITION.—(1) Triticin, about 8 per cent., a gummy substance resembling Inulin. (2) Inosit. (3) Malates.

Dose, 8 gm.; 120 gr.


Fluidextractum Tritici.-Fluidextract of Triticum. By percolation with boiling water, evaporation, addition of Alcohol and filtration.

Dose, 8 c.c.; 2 fl. dr.

Unofficial Preparation.

Infusum Tritici.-Infusion of Triticum. (5 per cent.)

Dose, freely.


Emollient and demulcent but probably not diuretic.


Dysuria, irritability of the bladder, chronic cystitis, gleet, irritable prostate, and other affections of the genito-urinary

[blocks in formation]

SABAL.-The partially dried ripe fruit of Serenoa serrulata (Roemer and Shultes) Hooker filius (Fam. Palma).

CHARACTERS.-Irregularly spherical to ovoid; 10 to 25 mm. long, 10 to 15 mm. in diameter; externally blackish-brown, shrivelled, somewhat oily; epicarp thin; sarcocarp about 1 mm. thick, greenish-yellow, softspongy; endocarp thin, friable; seed hard, chocolate-brown; odor aromatic; taste sweetish, acrid and oily.

COMPOSITION.-(1) Volatile Oil, having a green color and an oldcheese odor, 1⁄2 to 1 per cent. (2) Fixed Oil, thought to be composed of two portions, one being of a light lemon color and the other a greenish-brown, 12 to 15 per cent. (3) Alkaloid. (4) Resin. (5) Dextrin.

(6) Glucose.

Dose, 1 gm.; 15 gr.


Nutrient; tonic; diuretic; expectorant; sedative.


Catarrhal conditions in general; affections of the respiratory and genito-urinary tracts; cardiac asthma.

[blocks in formation]

CALAMUS. Synonym.-Sweet Flag. The unpeeled, dried rhizome of Acorus Calamus Linné (Fam. Aracea). Habitat.-Europe and North America, on the banks of streams and ponds.

CHARACTERS.-Rhizome 1 to 2 cm. thick, usually in longitudinally split pieces of various lengths; when entire, cylindraceous and somewhat flattened; externally, reddish-brown; somewhat annulate from remnants of leaf-sheaths; internally whitish, of a spongy texture, breaking with a short, corky fracture, showing numerous oil-cells and scattered woodbundles, the latter crowded within the subcircular endoderm. It has an aromatic odor, and a pungent, bitter taste. As found in the shops it is generally peeled.

COMPOSITION. The chief constituents are-(1) Acorin, CHO, a bitter glucoside, as a syrupy, yellow liquid. (2) Volatile oil, 1 to 2 per cent. (3) Calamine, an alkaloid. (4) Choline.

Dose, 1 gm.; 15 gr.


Fluidextractum Calami.-Fluidextract of Calamus. By mac eration and percolation with Alcohol, and evaporation.

Dose, 0.5 c.c.; 8 m.


A simple bitter and feeble aromatic.


In flatulence; as an adjuvant to purgative medicines.

Unofficial Preparations.


Tonga. The bark of Raphidophora vitiensis (Fam. Araceœ).
Habitat.-Fiji Islands.

COMPOSITION.-The chief constituents are— -(1) Tongine, a volatile alkaloid. (2) A volatile oil.

Dose, 1 to 4 gm.; 1/4 to 1 dr.

Fluidextractum Tongæ.-Fluidextract of Tonga. By maceration and percolation with Glycerin and Diluted Alcohol. Dose, 1 to 4 c.c.; 1/4 to 1 fl. dr.


But little is known of its action; in large doses purgative.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ALOE (Aloe Barbadensis, Aloe Socatrina, U. S. P., 1890). ALOES.-Aloes. The inspissated juice of the leaves of Aloe vera (Linné) Webb, Aloe Chinensis Baker, Aloe Perryi Baker, or other species of Aloe (Fam. Liliacea). Habitat.-Island of Barbadoes; Eastern Africa, and other oriental regions.

CHARACTERS.-In yellowish-brown or orange-brown to blackishbrown opaque masses; translucent in thin fragments; fracture uneven, dull and waxy, somewhat resinous, or smooth and glassy, somewhat conchoidal; occasionally exhibiting microscopic crystals of Aloin; odor characteristic; taste nauseous, bitter. It gives a reddish color with Nitric Acid or with solutions of the alkalies.

COMPOSITION. (1) Aloin, see below. (2) A Resin.

(3) A trace of

Gallic Acid. (4) A trace of a volatile oil giving the odor. Resembling Aloes.-Resins of Jalap, Guaiacum and Gambir.

IMPURITIES. Gum, dextrin and inorganic matters.

Dose, 0.250 gm. (250 milligm.); 4 gr.


1. Aloe Purificata.-Purified Aloes. Aloes, 1000; Alcohol, 200. Heat, strain, and evaporate.

CHARACTERS.-In irregular, brittle pieces, of a dull brown or reddish-brown color, and having the peculiar odor of Aloes. It is almost entirely soluble in Alcohol.

Purified Aloes is contained in Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum, Pilula Rhei Compositæ and Tinctura Benzoini Composita.

Dose, 0.250 gm. (250 milligm.); 4 gr.

2. Extractum Aloes.-Extract of Aloes.

Aloes; by disin

tegration by boiling in distilled water, filtration and evaporation. Dose, 0.125 gm. (125 milligm.); 2 gr.

3. Pilulæ Aloes.-Pills of Aloes. Purified Aloes, 13; Soap, 13 gm.; to make 100 pills. Each pill contains .13 gm.; 2 gr., of Aloes.

Dose, 2 pills.

4. Pilulæ Aloes et Ferri.-Pills of Aloes and Iron. Purified Aloes, 7; Exsiccated Ferrous Sulphate, 7; Aromatic Powder, 7 gm.; Confection of Rose, a sufficient quantity to make 100 pills. Each pill contains .07 gm. (about 1 gr.) of Aloes.

Dose, 2 pills.

5. Pilulæ Aloes et Mastiches.-Pills of Aloes and Mastic. Synonym.-Lady Webster's pill. Purified Aloes, 13; Mastic, 4; Red Rose, 3 gm.; to make 100 pills. Each pill contains .13 gm.; 2 gr., of Aloes.

Dose, 2 pills.

6. Pilulæ Aloes et Myrrhæ.-Pills of Aloes and Myrrh. Purified Aloes, 13; Myrrh, 6; Aromatic Powder, 4 gm.; Syrup, a sufficient quantity to make 100 pills. Each pill contains .13 gm.; 2 gr., of Aloes.

Dose, 2 pills.

7. Tinctura Aloes.-Tincture of Aloes. Purified Aloes, 100; Liquorice Root, 200. Macerate with Diluted Alcohol and perco

late to 1000.

Dose, 4 c.c.; 1 fl. dr.

9. Tinctura Aloes et Myrrhæ.-Tincture of Aloes and Myrrh. Synonym.-Elixir Proprietatis Paracelsi. Purified Aloes, 100; Myrrh, 100; Liquorice Root, 100. Macerate with Alcohol and Water, and percolate to 1000.

Dose, 4 c.c.; 1 fl. dr.

Unofficial Preparation.

Pilulæ Aloes et Asafœtidæ (U. S. P., 1890).-Pills of Aloes and Asafetida. Purified Aloes, 9; Asafetida, 9; Soap, 9 gm.; to make 100 pills. Each pill contains .09 gm.; 1% gr., of Aloes. Dose, 1 to 5 pills.

ALOINUM.-Aloin. A neutral principle obtained from Aloes, varying more or less in chemical composition and physical properties according to the source from which it is derived. Chiefly prepared from Curaçao Aloes.

CHARACTERS.—Minute, acicular crystals, or a microcrystalline powder,

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