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COMPOSITION. The chief constituents are―(1) Chrysophan, CH30O11, which yields Chrysophanic Acid, C1H10O, about 3 per cent. Synonyms. Rhein. Chrysarobin (see Chrysarobinum). It is not known whether, in the living plant, Rhubarb contains any Chrysophanic Acid, for when kept the Chrysophan quickly oxidizes to Chrysophanic Acid. The purgative properties are due to Chrysophan, which also gives the yellow color. (2) Erythroretin. (3) Emodin. (4) Phcoretin. (5) Aporetin. (6) Rheotannic Acid, CH2O, to which the astringency of Rhubarb is due. (7) Lime Oxalate, 35 per cent., to which the grittiness is due.

IMPURITIES.-English Rhubarb; different taste, smell, and excess of starch. Turmeric, which is turned brown by Boric Acid. Dose, 1 gm.; 15 gr.


1. Extractum Rhei.-Extract of Rhubarb. By evaporating the Fluidextract to a pilular consistence.

Dose, 0.250 gm. (250 milligm.); 4 gr.

2. Fluidextractum Rhei.-Fluidextract of Rhubarb. By maceration and percolation with Alcohol and Water, and evaporation. Fluid Extract of Rhubarb is used to make Mistura Rhei et Soda and Syrupus Rhei.

Dose, 1 c.c.; 15 m.

3. Pilulæ Rhei Compositæ.-Compound Pills of Rhubarb. Rhubarb, 13; Purified Aloes, 10; Myrrh, 6 gm.; Oil of Peppermint, o.5 c.c., to make 100 pills. Each pill contains .13 gm.; 2 gr. of Rhubarb.

Dose, 2 pills.

4. Pulvis Rhei Compositus.-Compound Powder of Rhubarb. Synonym.-Gregory's powder. Rhubarb, 25; Magnesium Oxide, 65; Ginger, 10.

Dose, 2 gm.; 30 gr.

5. Tinctura Rhei.-Tincture of Rhubarb. Rhubarb, 200; Cardamom, 40; Glycerin, 100; Alcohol and Water to 1000; by maceration and percolation.

Dose, 4 c.c.; 1 fl. dr.

6. Tinctura Rhei Aromatica.-Aromatic Tincture of Rhubarb. Rhubarb, 200; Saigon Cinnamon, 40; Cloves, 40; Nutmeg, 20; Glycerin, 100; Alcohol and water, to 1000. By maceration and

percolation. Aromatic Tincture of Rhubarb is used to make Syrupus Rhei Aromaticus.

Dose, 2 c.c.; 30 m.

7. Mistura Rhei et Sodæ.-Mixture of Rhubarb and Soda. Sodium Bicarbonate, 35; Fluidextract of Rhubarb, 15; Fluidextract of Ipecac, 3; Spirit of Peppermint, 35; Glycerin, 350; Water to 1000. By solution.

Dose, 4 c.c.; 1 fl. dr.

8. Syrupus Rhei.-Syrup of Rhubarb. Fluidextract of Rhubarb, 100; Potassium Carbonate, 10; Spirit of Cinnamon, 4; Water, 50; Syrup to 1000. By solution.

Dose, 8 c.c.; 2 fl. dr.

9. Syrupus Rhei Aromaticus.-Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb. Aromatic Tincture of Rhubarb, 150; Potassium Carbonate, 1; Syrup, 850. By mixture.

Dose, 8 c.c.; 2 fl. dr.

Unofficial Preparations.

1. Pilulæ Rhei (U. S. P., 1890).-Pills of Rhubarb. Rhubarb, 20; Soap, 6 gm., to make 100 pills. Each pill contains 3 gr., .20 gm., of Rhubarb.

Dose, 3 to 5 pills.

2. Tinctura Rhei Dulcis (U. S. P., 1890).-Sweet Tincture of Rhubarb. Rhubarb, 100; Glycyrrhiza, 40; Anise, 40; Cardamom, 10; Glycerin, 100; Diluted Alcohol to 1000. By maceration and percolation.

Dose, 1/2 to 1 fl. oz.; 15 to 30 c.c.


Stomachic; purgative; slightly cholagogue; diuretic; astring



Indigestion; constipation; diarrhoea.

Notwithstanding its

astringent property, rhubarb is largely used as an habitual laxative, as it improves the appetite and digestion. On account of the griping which it is apt to occasion, it should rarely be prescribed alone.

Unofficial Preparations.


Rumex (U. S. P., 1890). Synonym.-Yellow Dock. The root of Rumex crispus Linné, and of some other species of Rumex (Fam. Polygonacea). Habitat.-Europe; naturalized in North America, in grassy places and along roadsides.

CHARACTERS. From 20 to 30 cm. long, about 10 to 15 mm. thick, somewhat fusiform, fleshy, nearly simple, annulate above, deeply wrinkled below; externally rusty brown, internally whitish, with fine, straight, interrupted, reddish, medullary rays, and a rather thick bark; fracture short; odor slight, peculiar; taste bitter and astringent.

COMPOSITION.-(1) Tannic Acid. (2) Rumicin, identical with Chrysophanic Acid. (3) Calcium Oxalate, and other salts.

Dose, 1 to 4 gm.; 1/4 to 1 dr.

Extractum Rumicis Fluidum (U. S. P., 1890).-Fluidextract of Rumex. By maceration and percolation with Diluted Alcohol, and evaporation.

Dose, 1 to 4 c.c.; 1/4 to 1 fl. dr.

Decoctum Rumicis.-Decoction of Rumex (60 gm.-2 oz.of the fresh root bruised, or 30 gm.-1 oz.-of the dried root, to 500 c.c.-1 pint-of water).

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Unofficial Preparation.


Chenopodium (U. S. P., 1890). Synonym.-American Wormseed. The fruit of Chenopodium ambrosioides Linné, and variety anthelminticum Gray (Fam. Chenopodiacea). Habitat.-West India and Central America; naturalized in the United States. CHARACTERS.-Nearly 2 mm. in diameter, depressed-globular, glandular, dull greenish or brownish, the integuments friable, and containing a lenticular, obtusely-edged, glossy, black seed. It has a peculiar, somewhat terebinthinate odor, and a bitterish, pungent taste.

COMPOSITION.-It is composed chiefly of volatile oil, consisting of (1) a hydrocarbon, C10H1, and (2) a liquid, oxygenated oil C10H10O.


Dose, 1 to 2 gm.; 15 to 13 gr.

OLEUM CHENOPODII.-Oil of Chenopodium. Synonym.-Oil of American Wormseed. A volatile oil distilled from Chenopodium.

CHARACTERS.-A thin, colorless or yellowish liquid, having a peculiar, penetrating, somewhat camphoraceous odor, and a pungent and bitter taste. Sp. gr., about 0.965 to 0.985.

Dose, 0.2 c.c.; 3 m.


Stimulant to the circulation and nervous system; anthelmintic.


One of the most efficient anthelmintics, particularly against ascarides, but it should be followed by a cathartic.

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PHYTOLACCA (Phytolacca Radix, U. S. P., 1890).—Phytolacca. Synonym.-Poke Root. The dried root of Phytolacca decandra Linné

(Fam. Phytolaccacea).

CHARACTERS.-Large, conical, branched and fleshy; 3 to 7 cm. thick; mostly in transverse or longitudinal slices; externally yellowish brown; finely longitudinally or spirally wrinkled and thickly annulate with lighter colored, low ridges; fracture fibrous, characterized by alternating layers of fibrovascular tissue and parenchyma, the layers of the latter being much retracted; odor slight; taste sweetish, afterwards highly acrid.

CONSTITUENTS.-(1) Resin. (2) Probably a Glucoside. (3) A vola

tile acid.

Dose (emetic), 1 gm.; 15 gr.; (alterative) 0.125 gm. (125 milligm.); 2 gr.


Fluidextractum Phytolaccæ.-Fluidextract of Phytolacca. By maceration and percolation with Diluted Alcohol, and evaporation.

Dose (emetic), 1 c.c.; 15 m; (alterative) 0.1 c.c.; 11⁄2 m.

Unofficial Preparation.

Phytolacca Fructus (U. S. P., 1890).

Phytolacca Fruit. Synonym.-Poke Berry. The fruit of Phytolacca decandra Linné (Fam. Phytolaccacea). Habitat.-North America; naturalized in Europe.

CHARACTERS.-A depressed globular, dark purple compound berry, about 8 mm. in diameter, composed of ten carpels, each containing one lenticular, black seed; juice purplish red; inodorous; taste sweet, slightly acrid.

CONSTITUENTS. (1) Phytolaccin. (2) Phytolaccic Acid. (3) Sugar. (4) Gum.

Dose, .30 to 2.00 gm.; 5 to 30 gr.


Emeto-cathartic; in large doses somewhat narcotic.


As a laxative; to reduce adipose tissue.

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