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In all Latin titles of more than one syllable, the accented syllable is distin-
guished by the sign' placed after the corresponding vowel.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

warm, 61, 62

Battley's solution, 338

Bay oil, 448

rum, 448
Bearberry, 462
Beer, 186

Be'la fruc'tus, 407
Belladonna, 504
Bellado'nnæ fo'lia, 504

ra'dix, 505
Belladonna leaves, 504

root, 505
Belladonine, 504
Benne oil, 524
Benzaconine, 312
Benzaldehyde, 359
Benzaldehy'dum, 359
Benzin, petroleum, 85
purified, 86

Benzi'num, 85

purifica'tum, 86
Benzoic acid, 464
Benzoin, 464

Benzoinated Lard, 464

Benzoi'num, 464

Benzosol, 295

Benzoyl-guaiacol, 295
Benzosulphinide, 374
Benzosulphini'dum, 374

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Calcii su'lphas exsicca'-

tus, 131

Calcined magnesia, 135
Ca'lcium, 127

beta-naphthol alpha-


bromide, 52

carbonate, precipi-

tated, 128
chloride, 130

glycerophosphate, 75
hydroxide, 129

solution of, 157

syrup of, 129
hypophosphite, 71

lacto-phosphate, syr-
up of, 130

oxide, 128

chlorinated, 48

phosphate, precipi-

tated, 129

sulphate, dried, 131

sulphide, crude, 66

CACAO butter, 435

Cacodylic acid, 78 Cale'ndula, 561

Cacta'ceæ, 436

Cactine, 436

Ca'ctus, 436

Calendulin, 561

Calloxylin, 428

Boracic acid, 95

Bone-black, 83

Borax, 95

Boric acid, 95

Borneo camphor, 327

Borneol, 327, 539


of, 95

of, 95
Bougies, 37

Cachets, 37

Cade, oil of, 253

Caffei'na, 431

citra'ta, 432
efferve'scens, 432

[blocks in formation]

Brain extract, 580

Brandy, 184

Braye'ra, 355

Brazilian coca, 423

ipecac, 535
krameria, 412

British Pharmacopoeia, 1

Bromides, 53

[blocks in formation]

effervescent, 432

sodium benzoate, 432

salicylate, 432

Cajuput, oil of, 446
Cajuputene, 446

Cajuputol, 446

Calabar bean, 377

Calabarine, 377
Calamine, 260

Ca'lamus, 260

Ca'lcii bro'midum, 52

car'bonas præcipita'.

tus, 128
chlo'ridum, 130
hypopho'sphis, 71

pho'sphas præcipita'-

tus, 129

Calomel, 143
Calu'mba, 323
Calumbic acid, 323

Calumbin, 323

Calx, 128

chlorina'ta, 48

sulphura'ta, 66

Cambo'gia, 434

Camphor, 326

Barus, 327
Borneo, 327
laurel, 327

liniment, 327
monobromated, 328

salol, 287

spirit of, 327
Sumatra, 327

water, 327

Ca'mphora, 326

monobro'mata, 328

Camphorated naphthol,


oil, 327

Camphoric acid, 328
Canada balsam, 250

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