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Kalamazoo, Michigan.

, Importer

And Supplies of all Kinds



Roe, Chesterman & Paine's Tapes


Sole Manufacturers of Randolph's Patent Telescopic Compass, Patent Telescopic Attachment for Common Compasses, Patent Quick Leveling Tripod, Patent

Sole Leather Boxes, Patent Daisy Level

Room 31, Carlyle Building

Established 1853

Works Run by Steam

No. 51 West Fourth St

Cincinnati, Ohio


Surveying, Engineering and

Astronomical Instrument Makers

Cor. Spring Garden and Ridge Ave

Philadelphia, Pa

Messrs. HELLER & BRIGHTLY publish a book containing tables and maps, useful to Civil Engineers and Surveyors; also contains much valuable information respecting the selection, proper care and use of field instruments. A copy of this they send by mail, postpaid to any Civil Engineer or Surveyor in any part of the country on receipt of a postal card containing the name and post-office address of the applicant.

Seelig & Handler →




SURVEYING Instruments

192-194 East Madison St., Chicago, Ill

Their Instruments are Provided with all the Latest Improvements


With high power and clear definition. The only firm in the west capable of furnishing an accurate graduation. Their instruments are in general use throughout the country, and are

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MESSRS. MUNN & CO., in connection with the publication of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Continue to examine improvements, and to act as Solicitors of Patents for Inventors.

In this line of business they have had forty-five years' experience, and now have unequaled facilities for the preparation of Patent Drawings, Specifications, and the prosecution of Applications for Patents in the United States, Canada, and Foreign Countries. Messrs. Munn & Co. also attend to the preparation of Caveats, Copyrights for Books, Labels, Reissues, Assignments, and Reports on Infringements of Patents. All business intrusted to them is done with special care and promptness, on very reasonable terms.

A pamphlet sent free of charge, on application, containing full information about Patents and how to procure them; directions concerning Labels, Copyrights, Designs, Patents, Appeals, Reissues, Infringements, Assignments, Rejected Cases. Hints on the sale of Patents, etc.

We also send, free of charge, a Synopsis of Foreign Patent Laws, showing the cost and method of securing Patents in all the principal countries of the world.

MUNN & CO., Solicitors of Patents,

361 Broadway, New York. BRANCH OFFICES.-No. 622 and 624 F Street, Pacific Building near 7th Street, Washington, D. C.

The Scientific American

The Most Popular Scientific Paper in the World

Established 1845. Weekly. $3 a Year; $1.50 Six Months

This unrivalled periodical is now in its FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR, continues to maintain its high reputation for excellence, and enjoys the largest circulation ever attained by any scientific publication. Every number contains sixteen large pages, beautifully printed, elegantly illustrated; it presents, in popular style, a descriptive record of the most novel, interesting and important advances in Science, Arts and Manufactures. It shows the progress of the World in respect to New Discoveries and Improvements, embracing Machinery, Mechanical Works, Engineering in all branches, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Electricity, Light, Heat, Architecture, Domestic Economy, Agriculture. Natural History, etc. It abounds with fresh and interesting subjects for discussion, thought or experiment. It tends to improve the mind; encourages to self-exertion, activity and development; furnishes hundreds of useful suggestions for business, and for simple, light and profitable occupations. It promotes Industry, Progress, Thrift and Intelligence in every community where it circulates.

THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN should have a place in every Dwelling, Shop, Office, School or Library. Workmen, Foremen, Engineers, Superintendents, Directors, Presidents, Officials, Merchants, Farmers, Teachers, Lawyers, Physicians, Clergymen-People in every walk and profession in life-will derive satisfaction and benefit from a regular reading of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.

As an instructor for the young, it is of peculiar advantage. TRY IT.-Subscribe for yourself-it will bring you valuable ideas; subscribe for your sons-it will make them manly and self-reliant; subscribe for your workmen-it will please and assist their labor; subscribe for your friends-it will be likely to give them a practical lift in life. Terms, $3 a year; $1.50 six months. Specimen copies free. Remit by Postal Order or Check.

MUNN & CO., PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, N. Y.


All Kinds of Finished Drawings Made from Rough Sketches, etc Office with C. Holmes, C. E.



Railroad and General Contractor Correspondence Solicited on all Kinds of Engineering Work

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For Offices, Schools, Drawing Classes, Architects, and Home Uses

It can be adjusted from 28 to 46 inches in height, suitable for sitting or standing position. It is portable by the use of castors. The top is 20x30 inches, made of 3-ply veneers; it is fastened to iron work so formed as to keep it straight. Aside from the top, the table is all iron, well Japanned and nicely ornamented with gilt decorations, making it suitable for home uses. It makes a splendid Card Table, Stenographer's Table, Drawing Table, Artist's Easel, Center Table, Writing Table, Reading or Reference Table, Music Stand, Sewing Table, etc. It is the Best and Most Useful Adjustable Table on the Market for the Money.

Manufactured by

The Hetterschied Manufacturing Works

One door south of Crescent Mills

West end of Pearl street bridge


I have one and use it more than all my other tables.. F. Hodgman

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