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In the same

Two Men

Both Fishing and Both Satisfied

Mr. Business Man Reader is fishing for opportunities for ad-
vancement in business, through up-to-date knowledge and compre-
hension of new things and new methods. Mr. Wise Advertiser is
fishing for opportunities to enlarge his business, increase his sales
and increase his profits. Results please them-results satisfy them
-and they continue to fish.

There are more boats at the wharf, plenty of "good catches" in
the sea.
If you are like Mr. Business Man Reader, desiring to
keep in touch with the latest advancement in Commerce, Industry,
Science, Invention and Discovery for self-advancement and pleas-
ure, follow his example-read the Technical World Magazine
during the coming year. It will fill a long felt need. It will enable
you to feel the pulse of the world.

If you are like Mr. Wise Advertiser and desire to enlarge your
business, increase your sales and increase your profits, follow his
example-employ the greatest business propelling power on earth
-profitable advertising in the

Technical World Magazine

58th & Drexel Blvd.

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If the Technical World Magazine is mentioned we guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.


If the Technical World Magazine is mentioned we guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.


If the Technical World Magazine is mentioned we guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.

One of our 15 months old trees

$1,500 a Year For Life

Any one who can spare $2.50 or more a month can purchase an undivided interest in our 15,000-acre rubber plantation in Tropical Mexico. $25 a month paid through the development period of our plantation, should bring you an average revenue of $1,500 a year net profit as long as you live and leave an annuity for your heirs. If you wish to save for old age or provide for the days when you feel entitled to retire from constant work, this is a most excellent opportunity. It is more profitable than life insurance, and not so long to wait-safe as city real estate, yet not so costly; better than a savings bank for the profit is greater.

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