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Electricity Is The Connecting Link

Electricity unites the hemispheres. The wireless telegraph and the transatlantic cable
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Are you keeping abreast of the times? Every new discovery or invention means greater
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profit you thing simply to use new devices; that is only putting money into another man's pocket. You
must understand the application and make it your own if you would get any real benefit from it. Franklin
has the honor of discovering electricity, but the man who applied it made the money.


Five Volumes -2,500 pages; page size, 7 x 10 inches; 2,000 illustrations;
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This work is the connecting link between the man who knows and the man who wants to know. It
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Special 30 day price, $14.80-less than half

This Cyclopedia is compiled from the regular instruction papers by which the American School of Correspondence has taught hundreds of electricians their whole trade or some higher branch of it. To introduce these courses to you we offer you the books, for thirty days only, at the special price of $14.80. The regular price is $30.00.


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If the Technical World Magazine is mentioned we guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.

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Grand Rapids, Mich.
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If the Technical World Magazine is mentioned we guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.

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If the Technical World Magazine is mentioned we guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.

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