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The Apostle begins his epistle, after proper salutations, with expressions of his affection to Timothy, and general acknowledgments of his joy in, and dependence upon, the grace of that gospel which he was employed to preach. 2 Tim. I. 1-12.

2 ΤΙΜ. 1. 1.

PAUL an apostle of
Jesus Christ by the


SECT. i.

I PAUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will will of God, according of God (whose eternal counsels, with refer- 2 Tim. to the promise of life, ence to me, were manifested in that wonderful I. 1. which is in Christ Je


manner in which I was set apart for the service
of the gospel, agreeably to the promise of eternal
life, which is given us in Christ Jesus, and by
which I am animated in all my labours and suf-

2 To Timothy my ferings), Send this second epistle to Timothy, 2 dearly beloved son: and my beloved son; whose humble and faithful sergrace, mercy, peace vices in the gospel I have so long proved, and whom I love with the affection of a father. Nor can I express this affection better than by wish


10 Paul thanks God for the faith of Timothy and his ancestors,

SECT. ing, as I most sincerely do, that grace, mercy, peace from God the i. and peace, may attend thee, from God, the gra- sand. Father, and Christ Je

2 Tim.

cious and merciful Father of all true believers,

1. 2. and from Christ Jesus, his Son and our Lord,

who is also our Peace.

prayers night and day;

3 I give thanks unto this blessed God, whom I 3 I thank God whom
I serve from my forefa-
serve, after the example of [my] pious progeni- thers with pure con-
tors, with a pure conscience, that through his science, that without
goodness, laying the case upon my heart, I am ceasing I have remem.
incessantly mindful of thee in my prayers night brance of thee in my
and day, so that I scarce ever rise up in the morn-
ing, or lie down in the evening, without allow-
ing thee a share in my devout remembrance;
4 Desiring earnestly to see thee, as I am mindful of
thy tears, which flowed so plentifully at our last
separation, that I might be filled with joy, in an may be filled with joy:
interview with so dear and amiable a friend.

4 Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I

remembrance the un

Eunice; and I am per

5 And indeed thou hast, as it were, an heredi- 5 When I call to
tary title to my regard, as I also keep in remет- feigned faith that is in
brance the undissembled faith which is in thee, thee, which dwelt first
and which first dwelt in thy grandmother Lois, in thy grandmother
and thy mother Eunice, who believed in Christ Lois, and thy mother
before thee, and have been happily instrumental suaded that in thee also.
in communicating to thy heart those good im-
pressions which they felt on their own; and I
am persuaded that it is in thee too, and that
thou still retainest it in the midst of all opposi-
6 tion: For which cause I am the more encou-
raged to remind thee of stirring up the gift of thee in remembrance,
that thou stir up the
God, which is in thee by the imposition of my gift of God, which is
hands; whereby those miraculous communica- in thee, by the putting
tions of the Spirit were imparted to thee, which on of my hands.
it will be thy duty to cherish, by frequently en-

6 Wherefore I put

gaging in those devotional exercises and active
services for which they are intended to qualify

7 thee. Exert thyself therefore with cheerful-
ness and boldness, without dreading any opposi- given us the spirit of
tion that may arise; for God hath not given us the fear; but of power, and
spirit of cowardice and fear, but of courage, and mind.

7 For God hath not

of love, and of wisdom; and if we conduct our

a Stirring up the gift.] Αναζωπυρείν. The metaphor is plainly borrowed from stirring up fire when it is almost extinct; and some have imagined it might refer to that part of the priest's office which con. sisted in trimming the lamps in the temple, and supplying them with oil in order to keep them continually burning (see Raphel. Polyb. in loc); while others have thought it alludes to the form of flames


of love, and of a sound

in which the Spirit descended. Acts ii. 3. See 1 Thess. v. 19, and note there. Compare Gen. xlv. 27. Septuag.

b Imposition of my hands.) See the note on 1 Tim. iv. 14.

c God hath not given us, &c.] Perhaps Paul added this under an apprehension, that the tender spirit of Timothy might have been something terrified by the prospect of persecution.

d Given

And recommends to him courage in defence of the gospel.

testimony of our Lord,



selves prudently, under the influences of a spi- SzcT.
rit of universal love, we may hope that his Spi-
rit will work mightily in us, to fit us for those 2 Tim.
services which his Providence may point out. I. 7.

8 Be not thou there- Be not therefore ashamed of that sacred truth, 8 fore ashamed of the which is the testimony of our Lord, taught by his nor of me his prisoner: mouth, confirmed by his death and resurrection, but be thou partaker of and the descent of his Spirit; nor of me, whoam the afflictions of the now his prisoner; but resolutely own thy re

gospel, according to he power of God;

9 Who hath saved

gard to me, and take thy share in the afflictions
which may lie in thy way, while bearing a cou-
rageous testimony to the truth of the gospel, ac-
cording to the evidence derived to it from the
miraculous power of God; Who hath saved 9

us and called us with
us from that ruin into which the world hath
an holy calling, not ac-
cording to our works, fallen by its fatal apostacy, and hath called [us]
but according to his out from the rest of mankind by an holy calling,
own purpose and grace not according to any distinguished merit of our
Christ Jesus before the own works, but according to his own purpose,

which was given us in

world began,

10 But is now made

and those rich overflowings of grace given to us in Christ Jesus from eternal ages d, as he was appointed, in the everlasting and immutable counsels of God, to be a Redeemer and a Saviour unto us. But this long concealed grace 10 manifest by the ap- is now made manifest by the illustrious appearpearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath ance of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who by what abolished death, and he has done and suffered in human flesh for the hath brought life and salvation of his faithful servants, hath in effect immortalty to light, through the gospel: abolished death, has deposed it from its tyrannical empire, and thrown a light on the important doctrine of life and immortality by the gospel; which

d Given to us in Christ Jesus from eter. nal ages.] I see no reason for rendering it, as Dr. Whitby would do, according to his purpose before all ages, and the grace given us in Christ Jesus. The grace might be said to be given us in Christ, as the Father stipulated with him, through his hand, as well as for his sake, to give us that grace which we do actually receive.

e Thrown a light upon life and immortality.] Life and immortality is put by a usual Hebraism for immortal life, as Archbishop Tillotson well observes, Vol. III. p. 112.) in his discourse on these words; in which he has shewn, how uncertain the heathens were as to the doctrines of a future state of retribution, and the comparative obscurity of that light in which it was placed under the Old Testament, The former article is much illustrated by Dr. Whitby's learned and excellent note. But what Mr. Warburton has written up

[blocks in formation]

on this subject, in his Divine Legation,
Vol. I. and what is said upon it, in the last
edition of the critical enquiry into the opi-
nions of the ancient philosophers, has done
abundantly more than any thing else to
vindicate the propriety of this expression;
and I must refer to these learned and in-
genious writers for the most satisfactory
commentary on these words of the apos-
tle. But the learned and pious Dr. Hodges
(who, so far as I can judge, has given us
a greater variety of new and plausible in-
terpretations of scripture than any other
divine in the Hutchinsonian scheme) con-
tends, that the word αφθαρσίαν ought to be
rendered incorruption, and that Christ him-
self is to be understood both by life and incor-
ruption; so that the text must refer to his
throwing light on Psal. xvi. 10, 11, and
on other scriptures, where it was foretold
that the Messiah should be the light of the
world, and bestow incorruptible life upon



Reflections on the discovery

SECT. which gives us a more express assurance and more lively view of it than any former dispensation had ever done, or could possibly do. 1. 11. This is that important message of God to men,

2 Tim.

11 Whereunto I am

and a

for the proclamation and confirmation of which appointed a preacher,
I was appointed an herald and apostle, and pared an apostle, and
ticularly had it in my charge, while others were tiles.
more immediately sent to the circumcision, to

12 For the which

12be myself a teacher of the Gentiles:
which cause I also suffer these hard things, which cause I also suffer these
press me in this state of confinement; but, things

though my condition may seem infamous, I am
not ashamed of these bonds, or any of the re-
proaches and insults with which they are at.
tended: for I know to whom I have trusted all
my most important concerns, and am fully per
suaded that he is well able to keep that precious
immortal soul which I have deposited with him,
even unto that great and important day when
the promised salvation shall be completedf.

nevertheless I am not ashamed; for

I know whom I have believed, and am per

suaded that he is able to keep that which [ have committed unto him against that day.



WHO, that attentively considers the holy calling with which 8,9 we are called, according to the grace given us in Christ Jesus, can endure the thought of being ashamed of Christ's gospel, or any of his servants, to whatever difficulties they may be exposed, with whatever infamy they may be loaded? For ever adored be 10 that Prince of life, who hath deposed death, from his throne; who hath enlightened, by rays reflected from his own beautiful and resplendent countenance, the regions of the invisible world, over 12 which so dark a veil had before been spread? Let our eyes be fixed more and more on this illustrious Object, and confiding in


others, by raising himself from the grave before he was corrupted there. But if any should still think this expression refers to the future state, to which Dr. Hodges apprehends it has no regard, he would have him consider it as applicable to the Gentiles only; on which account he supposes the apostle presently after speaks of his being appointed as their teacher, ver. 11. This violent interpretation (for such on the whole it appears to me,) is intended to obviate the objection which arises from this text, against several new criticisms, by which this ingenious writer would find references to a future state and the resurrection, in passages of the Old Testament, in which they were never before thought of. See Dr. Hodges's Elihu, p. 251, 252.

f That which I have deposited with him.] Philo and Josephus have many passages (several of them collected by Dr. Whitby in his note on this text,) in which both the soul and the law are in different views called παραθηκη, the depositum of God. The soul, as it is said, is to be returned into the hands of God, and committed to his care at death, and this they tell us, may be done more cheerfully, in proportion to the degree in which care has been taken to maintain the honour of his law with due fidelity. There is to be sure a similarity of sentiment with regard to the gospel, but Paul might have used this expresson, without borrowing the hint from any Jewish writer whatever.

Of immortality by the gospel.


the power and grace of Christ, let us all immediately and daily SECT. commit to him that invaluable jewel of an immortal soul, which God hath given us. We may surely survey it with a mixture of delight and terror, till we have thus provided for its safety; and then may that terror be allowed to disappear, and give place to a rational delight, and we may justly congratulate ourselves while we adore our Saviour.

Let the proclamation of this gospel be most welcome to us, and let us call up all the strength and vigour of our souls to assert and advance it; for God hath given us the Spirit, not of fear, 7 but of courage, sobriety, and charity. Whatever gifts we have received, let us stir them up to their proper use, and let one generation of Christians deliver down to another, a sense 6 of the excellency of their holy religion. Pious women may take encouragement from the success of Lois and Eunice on Timothy, who proved so excellent and useful a minister; as per- 5 haps some of the worthiest and most valuable ministers the church of Christ has ever been able to boast of, have had reason to bless God for those early impressions which were made upon their mind by the religious instructions of persons in the same relations.

To conclude, let us learn, by the repeated example of the apostle, to be earnest in prayer for our Christian friends; and 3 if we find our hearts excited to remember them in our prayers day and night, let us with him, return our thanks to God, that he puts such benevolent affections into our hearts; for every good disposition that springs up there is implanted and cherished by him.



The Apostle exhorts Timothy strenuously to retain the gospel in the midst of all discouragements and oppositions, and go through the duties of his ministerial office, in dependence upon the grace of God; mentioning the treachery of several Asiatics, and the extraordinary fidelity and zeal of Onesiphorus. 2 Tim. I. 13Chap. II. 7.

2 ΤΙΜ. 1. 13. HOLD fast the form

2 TIMOTHY I. 13.

of sound words which thou hast heard

SECT. ii.

ENCOURAGED by that confidence which I have been expressing in the power and fideof lity of my Lord, to whom I have entrusted the 2 Tim. care of my immortal interests and concerns, be 1. 13. thou, O Timothy, engaged resolutely to retain,

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