14 Paul complains that all the Asiatics had left him. SECT. and exactly to adhere to the form of sound words of me, in faith and love ii. that system of divine and everlasting truths which is in Christ Je 2 Tim. which thou hast heard of me; keep it, not mere- dial faith, and that sincere, fervent love, which let 14 desirest to have the same cheerful confidence, it be thy care to keep that good thing which is deposited with theeb, even the gospel of Christ lodged in thine hands: assert its honours, by the aid of the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us, and which will, I trust, enable thee to act with that integrity and zeal which so arduous and important a service requires. 15 sus. 14 That good thing which was committed unto thee, keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. 15 This thou knowest, that all they which away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. 16 The Lord give he oft refreshed me, Thou knowest this, that all those of Asia, who are at Rome, and were known to me by a pro- are in Asia be turned fession of Christianity, are turned from me, and have proved treacherous friends, after all their forward pretences; of which number are Phygellus and Hermogenes; whom it is with great concern that I am obliged particularly to point 16 out on such an occasion. But it is with proportionable pleasure that I mention another mercy unto the house person, of a very different character, whose af of Onesiphorus; for fection and zeal was illustrated by their baseness and was not ashamed and disingenuity. May the Lord grant his mercy of my chain. to his family! I mean to the household of Onesiphorus; for he hath often refreshed me, both by his visits and liberalities, and hath not been ashamed of my chain, Eph. vi. 20; but has rather esteemed it his honour to own me, while I was under disgrace and persecution in so good a cause. 17 But being here in Rome, he sought me out so much the more diligently on that very account, and when 17 But when he was in Rome, he sought me a Form of sound words.] Archbishop Tillotson explains this, of that profession of faith which was made by Christians at their baptism, (Works Vol. II. p. 38.) and the author of Miscellanea Sacra observes, that it is not said that Timothy received this form by immediate inspiration, but heard it of Paul, as according to him, the word of wisdom, was given only to the apostles. Chap. ii. 2; iii. 14; 1 Tim. ii. 15. b That good thing which is deposited.] See the note on ver. 12. c Those in Asia, &c.] The Asiatics were infamous for their cowardice and effeminacy. Paul probably alludes to their behaviour at Rome, (chapter iv. 16,) of which Timothy might have been informed by travellers. But Dr. Whitby refers this to those of Ephesus who had deserted the apostle, giving ear, as he supposes, to the seduction of Cerinthus and the Ebionites, by whom he had been represented as a despiser of the Mosaic law. Neverthe'ess, I prefer the former interpretation, as evidently more natural. d Phygellus and Hermogenes.] Probably he mentions these two persons as known to Timothy, or as baving distinguished themselves by their profession, so that there was particular reason to expect a different conduct from them. e Commit He animates Timothy to courage and resolution. 15 me out very diligently, when he had found [me] took every opportunity SECT. and found me. of expressing his unfeigned love and veneration ii. 18 The Lord grant circumstance. The Lord grant unto him that, 1.18. unto him that he may after having enjoyed all the blessings of a long find mercy of the Lord in that day. And in and useful life, he may find mercy of the Lord in how many things he that great day, to which our eyes and hopes, as ministered unto me at Christians, are continually directed. And on Ephesus, thou knowest very well. how many occasions he ministered [to me] in Ephesus, thou very well knowest, as thou wert an eye-witness to it, while we were together there. II. 1. Thou there in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, Thou therefore, my dearly beloved son Timo- II. 1 fore, my son, be strong thy, animated by such an example of fidelity and courage, be strong, in humble and continual dependence upon the grace which is in Christ Jesus, and resolve never to be ashamed of any of his faithful servants under disgrace and difficulties, while adhering to his cause. And the 2 things which thou hast heard from me, and which 2 And the things to teach others also. that thou hast heard of dure hardness, as good soldier of Jesus Christ, 3 Thou therefore en- ing them to us. And especially do thou see 3 a to it thyself, that thine own temper and conduct be such as may engage them to fidelity in bearing their testimony. Therefore, as thy lot is cast in a time when we are called to suffer so many severe things for the truth, prepare thyself steadily and resolutely to endure afflictions and hardships, as it becomes a good soldier of Jesus Christ, and one whom he hath honoured with a distin guished rank in his army, that thou mayest mar4 No man that war- shal and lead on others. And, to pursue the 4 reth entangleth himself with the affairs of this metaphor, remember, that no one who goes out life; that he may please to war entangles himself with secular affairs, but him who hath chosen relinquishes every other calling and employ him to be a soldier. ment, that he may please him under whom he is as e Commit to faithful men.) This is quoted by many, as an argument that the people were not left to chuse their own ministers. But if they did chuse them, or propose them to Timothy, it might yet be his ap- 16 ii. Reflections on the duty of ministers to maintain the gospel. 5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, ex SECT. as possible disengaged from worldly business, and from every thing which might tend to take 2 Tim. off thy thoughts from thy great work, and renII. 5. der thee less active in thy sacred warfare. And thou also knowest, that if any one wrestles, or contends in any other of those games for which cept he strive lawfully. Greece is so celebrated, if he do gain an advantage over his antagonist, he is not crowned, unless he wrestle, or perform any other athletic exercise, according to the law of the respective contention. So let us take care to learn the rules which Christ has laid down to direct us in our attempts, and act according to them. 6 And be not impatient, though the expected and promised reward should be long delayed; for that laboureth, must be first partaker of the thou well knowest that the husbandman must fruits. first labour, and wait while the harvest is growing, through succeeding weeks and months, [and then] partake of the fruits produced by his toils f. 6 The husbandman 7 Consider what I and the Lord give 7 Consider the things which I say as matters of hast received. IMPROVEMENT. LET us all be exhorted to be strong in the grace that is in Christ ii. 1. Jesus, and, in humble dependence upon it, let us go forth cheerfully to our work and warfare as Christians. This is a strength so great, and communicated with so rich a freedom, that the Christian minister, under his peculiar difficulties, will find it adequate to them all. Let such particularly apply to themselves the exhortations and consolations which are here given or 13 suggested Let them strenuously retain the form of sound words, which the inspired apostles have delivered, with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. To this orthodoxy of principle, which a due regard to this great and only standard will teach them, let 14 them add orthodoxy of temper. And, as they desire that Christ may keep what they profess to have deposited with him, let them faithfully keep what he has lodged in their hands. And may the Holy Timothy is exhorted to remember Christ. Chap. f Must first labour.] It was entirely to the apostie's purpose to remind Timothy that the labour of the husbandman must precede the harvest; but whether he was to receive these fruits first was not the point in question. We must therefore acquiesce in this transposition, and the like is necessary in several other places. See Heb. viii. 4, in the original. a Remember ii. 17 Holy Spirit dwell in them, to make them faithful in all, and di- SECT. rect them in their efforts to defend the gospel, to spread its influence on the hearts of men, and transmit it from one genera- Chap. tion to another; lodging it with faithful men, who may teach ii. 2. others, when their teachers and fathers in Christ shall rest from their labours. Such a succession may God continue in his churches; and may he prosper the work of those who are employed in humble and faithful attempts to promote so good a cause, by forming for this important charge those who, like Timothy, have early known the scripture, and felt its power on their hearts. Let such as are setting out in this holy warfare remember the caution which the apostle gives. May they not unnecessarily encumber themselves with secular cares, which would render them 4 less fit to please the great General under whose banner they are inlisted. Let them strive lawfully, if they hope for the crown and cultivating the ground with diligence, let them wait with patience, if they desire at length to reap that blessed harvest. Nor let that general apostacy from the power of religion, which is the shame of the present day, deter them; but rather let it whet their pious zeal to own, with more strenuous attachment, the cause of Christ and of his faithful servants. And when they have done all, may they ever retain an humble sense of their dependence on the Divine mercy: and the Lord grant to us all, ministers and people, that we may find it in that great day! SECT. III. Paul further animates Timothy to fidelity, by laying open the motives and hopes which supported him under the difficulties he bore in the defence of the gospel; interspersing several addresses relating to that purity, prudence, and meekness, with which he should endeavour to conduct himself in the ministry. 2 Tim. II. 8-18. 2 ΤΙΜ. 11. 8. REMEMBER that Jcsus Christ, of the seed of David, was 2 TIMOTHY II. S. TO animate thee, O Timothy, to all the labours and all the sufferings of the Christian raised from the dead and ministerial life, remember Jesus Christ, the SECT. 111. 2 Tim. accord- promised Messiah of the seed of David, the great 11. 8. a Remember Christ who was raised from the dead.] Our translators render it, Re hand member that he was raised: as if he bad said, Adhere to this as the great founda tion 18 Those who suffer with Christ shall reign with him. SECT. hand of God, there to receive the reward of all according to my gosiii. his labours and sufferings, according to the tenor pel. 9 Wherein I suffer trouble as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but 2 Tim. of my gospel, which, as thou well knowest, I 11.9. every where preach and attest. In the service of which I suffer evil, [even] to bonds; the chief magistrates of my country sentencing the word of God is not me to confinement, after the many insults which bound. have been offered me by the dregs of the people, as if I were a malefactor worthy of some heavy punishment: but my great comfort is, that the word of God is not bound. I rejoice, that many of my brethren are at liberty to preach it publicly, and am thankful for every opportunity of bearing my testimony to so good a cause, in such a private manner as my present circumstances may admit; well knowing, that God can bless even these limited attempts, to what degree he shall in his infinite wisdom see fit. (Compare 10 Phil. i. 12.) On this account, I cheerfully endure all these things, and whatever else Providence may appoint, for the sake of the elect; that may also obtain the salthe gracious purposes of God for their happiness vation which is in Christ may be effected, and they may obtain that com. Jesus, with eternal plete salvation which is in Christ Jesus, and glory. which shall be attended with eternal, as well as illustrious and exalted, glory. 10 Therefore I en dure all things for the elect's sake, that they 11 [It is a faithful word which I have often 11 It is a faithful insisted upon, and it shall undoubtedly be veri- saying, For if we be also live with him: dead with him, we shall 12 which he hath prepared for all his people. If 12 If we suffer, we we patiently endure our part in his afflictions, shall also reign with we shall also share his triumph, and reign with him: tion of the gospel. But though this be undoubtedly true, the apostle's thought seems rather more lively: remember Him who was thus raised from the dead, and that will be instead of a thousand arguments to bear thee through all thy difficulties. b In the service of which.] Dr. Whitby has shewo, in his note on this clause, that εν w sometimes signities in which cause, or for the sake of which. c It is a faithful word.] Some refer this to the concluding clause of the former before verse; but it seems much more reasonable to connect it with what follows, as, generally speaking, this phrase is introductory to the weighty sentence it is intended to confirm. See 1 Tim. i. 15; iv. 8, 9. Though Tit. iii. 8. seems an exception. Dr. Tillotson thinks this was a celebrated saying among Christians, which was either derived by tradition from Christ or some of the apostles, and it had so powerful a tendency to keep them steady to their religion, that it is no wonder it was in frequent use. Tillot. Vol. 11. p. 175, 176. d If |