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his request, and during the last months of his life, he, with much labor and effort, acquired a knowledge of his letters and syllables. Poor old Ned! After a long life of unrequited toil and slavery, he has "gone where the good negroes go;" where no slave-driver will ever follow; where he can sing "de praises ob de Lord" in freedom and safety.

While the

INCIDENT OF FREDERICKsburg. Union cavalry were on the retreat, one of the men heard the clattering of a horse's hoofs close in his rear, and supposing he was pursued by a rebel, put spurs to his horse and increased his pace, without looking behind him. After travelling at a rapid rate for some distance, our man turned his head, and discovered that the pursuing horse was riderless. The sudden shock of satisfaction was so great that he fell from his horse, and both horses went cantering over the fields without riders, and the Union cavalryman took possession of his unexpected prize.

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You must pardon me for intruding upon you an expression of my Southern sentiments. I so often think and speak of you with the rest of your friends, and I envy your living in the bosom of a home which we are denied. You cannot see as well as we how miserably our happiness, our liberty, our homes, have been sold by traitors, who would risk all this to be pampered minions of an Abe Lincoln and his party.

In the event of Maryland doing anything that would seem hostile to the South, do you, and beg your friends to, keep one sympathizing thought for those who are with you in spirit; for

""Tis home where'er the heart is."

How I would love to be able to talk to you about old and new times!

INCIDENTS OF BULL RUN. -In the thickest of the contest, a secession Colonel of cavalry was knocked out of his saddle by a ball from one of our riflemen. "There goes old Baker, of the Georgia First!" shouted one of our boys, in hearing of his chaplain. "Who?" queried the parson. "Col. Baker, of the rebel ranks, has just gone to his long home." "Ah, well," replied the chaplain, quietly, "the longer I live, the less cause I have to find fault with the inscrutable acts of Divine Providence." An unlucky private in one of the New York regiments was wounded in this fight, and his father arrived at the hospital just as the surgeon was removing the ball from the back of his shoulder. The boy lay with his face downwards on the pallet. "Ah, my poor son," said the father, mournfully, "I'm very sorry for you. But it's a bad place to be hit in thus, in the back." The sufferer turned over, bared his breast, and pointing to the opening above the armpit, exclaimed, Father, here's where the ball went in!"

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One of the Zouaves was struck by a cannon shot, which tore through his thigh, close to his body, nearly severing the limb from the trunk. As he fell, he drew his photograph from his breast, and said to his nearest comrade, "Take this to my wife. Tell her I died like a soldier, I can scarcely control myself while I am writ- faithful to my country's cause, and the good old ing you. I am boiling over with indignation. I flag. Good by!" and he died where he fell. once prayed for peace; but now, next to begging An artillery-man lay on the ground, nearly exthe blessing of God, I pray- "Hurrah for Jeff hausted from loss of blood, and too weak to get Davis and the Southern Confederacy!" and, wo-out of the way of the tramping troops and horses man as I am, if I knew the way, I would walk that flitted about him. A mounted horseman came out of Maryland, until my foot rested upon more towards him, when he raised the bleeding stumps Southern soil. You are happy indeed, and have of both his arms, and cried out, "Don't tread on nothing to contend with in comparison with us me, Cap'n! See! both hands are gone." The poor Baltimorians, or, I should have said, Mary- trooper leaped over him, a shell broke near by, landers; for here there are hearts that beat as and the crashing fragments put the sufferer quickwarm to the South, as ever throbbed at the guns ly out of his misery. of Charleston. We are not conquered, and never will be; and God grant that before long the flag of secession may wave over our city and State. Then we can run to the embraces of friends whom we love, though we know them not. It is sufficient we are all for the same cause - Southern rights.

It would amuse you exceedingly if you could hear the women talk. Some offer themselves as escorts to the gentlemen, who find it difficult to get out of the city; others are almost ready to hang old Hicks, and, but for the men, I believe they would; others, and I among the number, are ready to shoulder our muskets to defend the just and holy cause of the South, in case the men fail.

A rebel one of the Georgia regiments-lay with a fearful shot-wound in his side, which tore out several of his ribs. The life-blood of the poor fellow was fast oozing out, when one of our troops came dashing forward, from out of the mêlée, and fell, sharply wounded, close beside him. The Georgian recognized his uniform, though he was fatally hurt, and feebly held out his hand. "We came into this battle," he said, "enemies. Let us die friends. Farewell." He spoke no more, but his companion in disaster took the extended hand, and escaped to relate this touching fact.

One of our riflemen had his piece carried away by a ball, which struck it out of his hands just as his company was in the act of advancing to

A glorious sunbeam gilds thy sternest frown;
And while his country staggers with the cross,

He rises with the crown!

storm one of the smaller rebel batteries. Un- O, gracious Go! not gainless is the loss;
harmed, he sprang forward, and threw himself
down on his face, under the enemy's guns. A
Zouave lay there, wounded and bleeding, out of
the way of the murderous fire. "Lay close-
lay close, old boy," said the latter to the new
comer; "the boys 'll take this old furnace 'n
a minute, and then we'll git up an' give the
rebels fits agin." Three minutes afterwards
the battery was carried, and the two soldiers were
in the thickest of the fight again.

A member of the Second Connecticut regiment wrote as follows:

While at a halt it was my lot to witness a very painful scene. I captured a prisoner, (a German,) belonging to the Eighth South Carolina regiment, and took him to Major Colburn for instructions as to how to dispose of him. The prisoner requested one privilege as his last, which the Major very humanely granted. He said his brother lay a short distance off, in a dying condition, and he wished to see him. I bade him lead the way, and I followed.

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He took me to an old log hut but a few rods from where our regiment was halted. On the north side, in the shade, we found the wounded man. The prisoner spoke to him he opened his eyes the film of death had already overspread them, and the tide of life was fast ebbing. He was covered with blood, and the swarms of flies and mosquitoes, which were fattening upon his life's blood, indicated that he had lain there for some time. They clasped hands together, muttered a few words in the German language, supplicating the Throne of Grace for their families at home, kissed, and bade each other a final adieu; the prisoner remarking, as I took him by the arm to lead him away, for the column was moving, "Brother, you are dying, and I am a prisoner." The man was shot with a musket ball in the back, just over the hip; from which fact I inferred that he was on the retreat when the deadly ball overtook him.



NOT 'midst the lightning of the stormy fight,
Not in the rush upon the Vandal foe,
Did kingly Death, with his resistless might,
Lay the Great Leader low.

His warrior soul its earthly shackles broke
In the full sunshine of a peaceful town;
When all the storm was hushed, the trusty oak

That propped our cause went down.

Though his alone the blood that flecks the ground,
Recording all his grand, heroic deeds,
Freedom herself is writhing with the wound,
And all the country bleeds.

He entered not the nation's Promised Land
At the red belching of the cannon's mouth,
But broke the House of Bondage with his hand,
The Moses of the South!

INCIDENTS OF THE BATTLE OF PEA-RIDGE. One of the Ninth Missouri was so enraged, on the second day of the battle, at seeing his brother, a member of the same regiment, horribly butchered and scalped, that he swore vengeance against the Indians, and for the remainder of the day devoted his attention entirely to them, concealing himself behind trees, and fighting in their fashion. An excellent marksman, he would often creep along the ground to obtain a better range; and then woe to the savage who exposed any part of his body. When he had shot an Indian, he would shout with delicious joy: "There goes another red-skin to Hurrah for the Stars and Stripes, and all Indians!" Though ever following the wily foe, and though fired upon again and again, he received not a scratch; and on his return to camp, after nightfall, bore with him nine scalps of aboriginal warriors, slain by his own hand to avenge his brother's death.

A German soldier, in the Thirty-fifth Illinois, met with two very narrow escapes in fifteen minutes, while Gen. Carr's division was contending so vigorously against the enemy in Cross-Timber Hollow. He wore earrings for the benefit of his eyes, and a musket-ball cut one of them in two, (the broken segments still remaining,) and passed into the shoulder of the Second Lieutenant of the company. Ten minutes after, during a temporary lull in the strife, while the German was relating the story of his escape, a bullet whistled by, carrying the other ring with it, and abrading the skin of his ear, without doing further harm. Such are the vagaries of fate, and the mysterious shiftings on the battle-field between life and death.

One of the Texas soldiers was advancing with his bayonet upon a Lieutenant of the Ninth Iowa, whose sword had been broken. The officer saw his intention, avoided the thrust, fell down at his foeman's feet, caught hold of his legs, threw him heavily to the ground, and before he could rise, drew a long knife from his adversary's belt, and buried it in his bosom. The Texan, with dying grasp, seized the Lieutenant by the hair, and sank down lifeless, bathing the brown leaves with his blood. So firm was the hold of the nerveless hand, that it was necessary to cut the hair from the head of the officer before he could be freed from the corpse of the foe.

Presentiments on the battle-field often prove prophetic. Here is an instance: While Col. Osterhaus was gallantly attacking the centre of the enemy, on the second day, a Sergeant of the Twelfth Missouri requested the Captain of his company to send his wife's portrait, which he had taken from his bosom, to her address in St. Louis, with his dying declaration that he thought of her in his last moments. "What is that for? asked the Captain. "You are not wounded




you?" No," answered the Sergeant; "but I The Indians either did not see, or did not care know I shall be killed to-day. I have been in for, the flag of truce, but poured two volleys into battle before, but I never felt as I do now. A mo- the Arkansans, killing, among others, the Major ment ago I became convinced my time had come; himself. The presumption then was, that the but how, I cannot tell. Will you gratify my re- Cherokees had turned traitors; and the secession quest? Remember, I speak to you as a dying soldiers were immediately ordered to charge upon man." 66 Certainly, my brave fellow; but you will them. They did so, and for an hour a terrible live to a good old age with your wife. Do not fight ensued among the oaks between them and grow melancholy over a fancy or a dream." "You their late savage allies, in which it is stated some will see," was the response. The picture changed two hundred and fifty were killed and wounded hands. The Sergeant stepped forward to the on both sides. The Indians suffered severely, as front of the column, and the Captain perceived they were driven from their hiding-places, and him no more. At the camp-fire that evening the shot and butchered without mercy. A person officer inquired for the Sergeant. He was not who witnessed this part of the fight says it was present. He had been killed three hours before the most bloody and desperate that occurred on by a grape-shot from one of the enemy's batte- the field, being conducted with the most reckless and brutal energy by the two parties, of whom it would be difficult to say which was the most barbarous. On the dead savages were found, in some instances, two or three scalps fastened to their belts by thongs of leather.


While the fight was raging about Miser's farmhouse, on the ridge, on Friday morning, a soldier, belonging to the Twenty-fifth Missouri, and a member of a Mississippi company, became separated from their commands, and found each other climbing the same fence. The rebel had one of those long knives made of a file, which the South has so extensively paraded, but so rarely used, and the Missourian had one also, having picked it up on the field. The rebel challenged his enemy to a fair, open combat with the knife, intending to bully him, no doubt; and the challenge was promptly accepted. The two removed their coats, rolled up their sleeves, and began. The Mississippian had more skill, but his opponent more strength, and consequently the latter could not strike his enemy, while he received several cuts on the head and breast.

The blood began trickling down the Unionist's face, and, running into his eyes, almost blinded him. The Union man became desperate, for he saw the secessionist was unhurt. He made a feint; the rebel leaned forward to arrest the blow, but employing too much energy, he could not recover himself at once. The Missourian perceived his advantage, and knew he could not lose it. In five seconds more it would be too late. His enemy, glaring at him like a wild beast, was on the eve of striking again. Another feint; another dodge on the rebel's part; and then the blade of the Missourian, hurled through the air, fell with tremendous force upon the Mississippian's neck. The blood spirted from the throat, and the head fell over, almost entirely severed from the body. Ghastly sight! too ghastly even for the doer of the deed! He fainted at the spectacle, weakened by the loss of his own blood, and was soon after butchered by a Seminole, who saw him sink to the earth.

AN ENERGETIC WOMAN.-A correspondent writing from Jasper county, Mississippi, gave the following:

Mrs. Simmons, a widow lady of Jasper county, Mississippi, made, during one year of the war, (1863), 300 bushels of corn, 100 bushels of potatoes, with peas and pinders enough to fatten her hogs. She did the ploughing herself, and did it with an old wind-broken pony. Her two little daughters, aged twelve and fourteen years, did the hoeing. She also made 100 pounds of tobacco. After her crop was finished, she did weaving enough to buy her salt, and a pair of cards, and had some money left.

INCIDENTS OF BULL RUN.-A Southern writer, in recounting the incidents of the battle of Bull Run, says:

Our regiment by this time had come in reach of the enemy's cannon. The balls fell before and behind us, but no damage was done. We now threw our knapsacks away to engage in a handto-hand fight. We ran to the point at which the fire seemed to be most severe. Advancing in front of the cannon, we got within musket-shot of our enemy, and fell to the ground, having a slight mound to protect us. Had we been standing, scarcely one would have been left. Twice did the cannon-balls throw dirt upon me, and musket-balls whistled by the hundred within a few inches of my head. Several of our regiment (18th Virginia) were killed, but the exact number On Saturday morning, a body of three or four I know not. Young Hatchett was wounded, but hundred Indians was discovered on the north side not seriously, the ball entering his leg. Men of Sugar Creek, below the curve of a hill, firing would raise their heads a few inches from the from thick clusters of post-oaks into three or four ground to peep, and several times were shot in companies of Arkansas soldiers, marching in that position. Men fell on my right and left. McCulloch's division towards the upper part of We remained about ten minutes receiving the the ridge. The Major of the battalion, seeing enemy's fire, and were not allowed to return fire. this, hallooed out to them that they were firing The command to fire came at last. We rose and upon their own friends, and placed his white hand-fired with deadly effect upon our foes. We rushed kerchief on his sword, and waved it in the air. forward to the top of the hill, and fired again;

In October following, he was in another battle, at Perryville, where he received his first wound, a ball passing through the leg above the knee. In this engagement Col. Jacob, with a part of his command, was temporarily separated from the greater part of the regiment, and while thus cut off was attacked by a largely superior force of the enemy, led by a Major. Col. Jacob was deliberating for a moment on the demand to surrender, when the little hero drew his pistol and shot the Major in the mouth, killing him instantly. A few moments of confusion and delay followed in the rebel regiment, during which Col. Jacob and his men escaped.

also a third time. Now, for the first time, the foe as much coolness and skill as any of his company, began to retire in a run, and in great disorder. I handling his sabre, revolver, and revolving rifle think that a great majority of the regiment upon with the address of a veteran. which we fired were killed. No boasting, — Ĝod forbid to him all praise is due. At our approach the enemy left an excellent rifled battery, manned by regulars, in our hands. They fought until all their horses were killed, and nearly every man. We were now left victors of the field, and started in pursuit of the foe. We followed them a mile or so, and were then brought back within a mile of Manassas, marching at night a distance of six or seven miles. The fight lasted eight hoursfrom nine to five. I cannot describe the horrors of the fight. Noise and confusion of many kinds prevailed the firing of cannon, the discharge of musketry, the whizzing of balls, the bursting of bombs, the roar of artillery, the tramp of horses, the advance of infantry, the shouts of the conquering, the groans of the dying, the shrieks of the wounded, large numbers of the dead lying upon the ground, the carrying of the wounded by scores, and all enveloped in a dark cloud of smoke, — all go to make one vast spectacle of horrors such as I never wish to see again, or hear. Many were the dead and wounded over which I was forced to pass, both of our men and of our foes. O, how I wanted to aid them, but could not! The fight was desperate. The enemy succeeded in carrying off hundreds of their dead, but left many behind. Our cavalry, who pursued them in the direction of Centreville, report the road strewn with dead and wounded.

Our enemies are not cowards. Many men were found with bayonets in them, some side by side, each with his bayonet in the other. Our enemy is said to have run generally when we advanced with the bayonet. Certainly this was the worst of the fight. Gen. Beauregard, who commanded in person, told us that he would depend principally upon the bayonet. Gen. B. cheered us as we advanced, and our loud cheers in return were said to have frightened the enemy.

THE BOY SOLDIER. - When the Tenth Indiana was recruited in the fall of 1861, they took for their drummer a little fellow, named Johnny McLaughlin, whose parents reside at Lafayette, Indiana. He was then a little over ten years of age, and beat his tattoo at the head of the regiment for several months of active service.

A few weeks after, he was engaged in a skirmish with some of John Morgan's men, who were raiding through Kentucky, and the fighting was severe.

Johnny was set upon by a strapping fellow, who gave him a pretty severe cut on the leg with his sabre, and knocked him off his horse. A moment after, another rebel seized him by the collar, and exclaimed: "We've got one d-d little Yankee, anyhow." The little Yankee did not see it in that light, however, and quickly drawing his pistol, shot his captor dead, and a moment after the rebels were routed, and he escaped capture.

As he was going back to Indiana on furlough to give his wound time to heal, he was stopped at one point by a provost guard, and his pass demanded.

"O," said he," the Colonel didn't give me one, but just told me to go along with the rest. But," added the little soldier, showing his wound, "here's a pass the rebs gave me; ain't that good enough for a little fellow like me?" The guard thought it was.

His wound proved quite serious, and, much to his surprise, and against his wishes, he received his discharge in consequence of this and his extreme youthfulness. Not relishing civil life as long as the hostilities lasted, he applied at a recruiting office, but the condition of his leg excluded him.

Nothing daunted, however, he sought anl obtained an interview with the President, who on hearing the story of the boyish veteran, gave a special order for his enlistment.

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He had now made up his mind to follow the At Donelson and at Shiloh, when the drum-life of a soldier, and joined the regular army of beats were drowned in the deeper roar of battle, the United States as a bugler in the cavalry serJonnny laid down his sticks, and taking the mus-vice, and makes as fine-looking, neat, and obediket and cartridge box from a dead soldier, went ent a little dragoon as there is in the army. out to the front, and fought as bravely as the stoutest soldier in the regiment. Escaping unhurt in each of these engagements, he was enamoured of soldier life, and sought a transfer from the infantry to Col. Jacob's Kentucky cavalry. Being favorably impressed with the spirit and zeal of the young warrior, Col. Jacob put him into his best company, and mounted him on a good horse. At the engagement at Richmond, which soon followed, in the summer of 1862, he fought with

JOAN OF ARC IN THE WEST. At a flagraising at North Plato, Kane County, Illinois, after the Stars and Stripes had been duly hoisted, the assembly adjourned to the village church, where some speeches were made by patriotic gentlemen, and an opportunity was offered for young men to come forward and enlist, the company st Plato not being quite full. Not a

man went up! This aroused the patriotism as Gillmore, who commanded the United States well as the "dander" of the village schoolmistress, who, with many other ladies, was present, and she walked boldly forward to the secretary's desk, and headed the muster-roll with a name rendered illustrious as having been affixed to the Declaration of Independence, with the prenomen Mary. She was followed by another lady, and lo, and behold! the Plato company was not long in filling its ranks! The muster-roll, bearing the names of the spirited young vivandieres, has been sent to headquarters, and the company accepted by the "powers that be." After that day four flag-raisings came off in that portion of Kane May". county, and "Mary" and " the soldier girls in uniforms of white, red, and blue, attended all of them, at the request of the officers, marching, as pioneers, at the head of their company. The Captain said he could not get along without them; and after the flag had been sent up, he allowed them to fire each three guns in honor of the Union, the Stars and Stripes. Much of the success of the recruiting service, and the patriotic fire in old Kane, was attributed to the gallant conduct and bright eyes of these young ladies.

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At Nashville's fall
We sinned all.

At Number Ten
We sinned again.

Thy purse to mend,
Old Floyd attend.

Abe Lincoln bold
Our ports doth hold.

Jeff Davis tells a lie,
And so must you and I.
Isham did mourn
His case forlorn.

Brave Pillow's flight
Is out of sight.

Buell doth play
And after slay.

Yon oak will be the gallows-tree
Of Richmond's fallen majesty.

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A LITERARY SOLDIER. - Adam Badeau, a literary man and journalist of New York, volunteered, at Port Royal, to act in any capacity which might prove useful, when Gen. Sherman contemplated an advance upon Savannah, in January, 1862. He was immediately appointed volunteer Aid on Gen. Sherman's staff, and served in this capacity, without either rank or pay, till Gen. Sherman was relieved. The preparations for the siege of Fort Pulaski having then been completed, he volunteered and served as Aid to Gen.

forces during the bombardment of that work. He, with Gen. Gillmore, was the first to enter Fort Pulaski, being sent forward to meet the rebel officer who approached on Gen. Gillmore's landing, after the flag of the fort was struck. The rebel was Capt. Simms, late editor of the Savannah Republican. Capt. Simms' first words were civil: "I trust, sir, you will pardon the delay that has occurred in receiving you; we thought you would land at the other wharf." After this, Capt. Simms wished to conduct Mr. Badeau to the commandant of the fort, but Badeau requested Simms rather to go to Gen. Gillmore. This was acceded to, and after a few words of parley, the three, accompanied also by Col. Rust of a Maine regiment, entered the fort; they were received at the portcullis by Col. Olmstead, the commandant, who conducted them first to his quarters, and afterwards to inspect the works, pointing out the havoc which had been made by the National batteries. In an interview of an hour's duration between the two commanders, the terms of the capitulation were arranged. Gen. Gillmore and Col. Rust returned to Tybee Island, and Mr. Badeau was left to introduce a second party of National officers sent to receive the swords of the rebels. The ceremony of surrender took place in one of the casemates (used by Col. Olmstead for his own quarters) at about dark. Five National officers, besides Badeau, were present: Maj. Halpine, Adj.-Gen. for Gen. Hunter, Capt. S. H. Pelouze, Capt. Ely, Lieut. O'Rorke, and Lieut. Irwin of the Wabash. Each rebel, as he laid his sword on the table, announced his name and rank. The Colonel said, "I yield my sword, but I trust I have not disgraced it ;” others made remarks less felicitous. After the ceremony, the National officers were invited to supper by these prisoners, and then returned to Tybee Island. Badeau, however, remained all night in Fort Pulaski, sleeping in the room with three rebel officers, and even sharing the bed of one of the hospitable prisoners. No Union troops arrived in the fort until about midnight, so that his sojourn among those who had so lately been his enemies, had a dash of romance about it. He was treated, however, with the greatest courtesy, the rebels apologizing for the fare he was offered by saying: You see to what you have reduced us." Hominy, molasses, hard bread, and pork were served for supper and breakfast; and for variety, sweet oil was used instead of molasses. The conversation was animated, and often touched on politics.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Badeau was recommended to the President, by Gen. Hunter, for a captaincy, and made bearer of despatches to the Government, announcing the fall of Pulaski. He had also the honor of being mentioned in Gen. Gillmore's formal report of the operations. The President accordingly at once appointed him an additional Aid to Maj.-Gen. Halleck, with the rank of Captain in the regular army.

Capt. Badeau was assigned to duty with his old chief. Brig.-Gen. Sherman, served under him

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