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[blocks in formation]

labor disputes, 582

Arizona, admission, 443

Articles of Confederation, 110, 139ff.,


Ashburton, treaty, 265

Assembly, colonial, 49ff., 89ff.
Assumption, 164ff.

Atlanta, 361

Australian ballot, 540

Bacon, Nathaniel, 58
Ballot Australian, 540
short, 544

Baltimore, Lord, 6

Bank: first U. S., 167

second, 203, 257ff.

Banking system: state, 300
U. S. national, 369

services of, 407

See also Federal reserve
Barry, John, 118

Bastille, 172

Bell, John, 341
Belleau Wood, 611

Berlin decree, 194

Blockade by England and France,


Southern ports, 353

law and practice in 1914, 598ff.

Bond servants, 13ff.

Boone, Daniel, 28, 218

Boston: massacre, 91

evacuation, 116

port bill, 94

Bowdoin, Governor, 142

Boxer rebellion, 499

Brandywine, 129

Breckinridge, J. C., 340

Bright, John, 355

Brown, John, 338

Arbitration: international, 480, 514, Brown University, 45


Arkansas, admission, 272

Arnold, Benedict, 114, 120

Bryan, W. J., 468ff., 495, 502, 503, 527

Buchanan, James, 335, 368

Budget system, 529

Bull Run, 350

Bunker Hill, 102

Burgoyne, General, 116, 118, 130
Burke, Edmund, 87, 96ff., 132, 175
Burr, Aaron, 183, 231
Business. See Industry

Calhoun, J. C., 198ff., 203, 208, 281,
321, 328

California, 286ff.

Canada, 61, 114, 530

Canals, 233, 298, 508

Canning, British premier, 206
Cannon, J. G., 530
Cantigny, 611

Caribbean, 479
Carpet baggers, 373
Cattle ranger, 431ff.
Caucus, 245

Censorship. See Newspapers
Charles I, 3
Charles II, 65

Charleston, 36, 116

Charters, colonial, 2ff., 41
Chase, Justice, 187
Château-Thierry, 611
Checks and balances, 153
Chesapeake, the, 195
Chickamauga, 361
Child labor law, 591

China, 447, 499ff.

Chinese labor, 583

Churches, colonial, 39ff., 42, 43

Cities, 35, 36, 300ff., 395, 410, 544

City manager plan, 545

Civil liberty, 358ff., 561

Civil service, 419, 536, 538ff.

Clarendon, Lord, 6

Clark, G. R., 116, 218

Clay, Henry, 198, 203, 248, 261, 328

Clayton anti-trust act, 489

Clergy. See Churches

Committees of correspondence, 108
Commonsense, pamphlet, 103
Communism, colonial, 20f.
Company, trading, 2f.

Compromises: of Constitution, 148,
150, 151

Missouri, 325, 332
of 1850, 328ff.

Crittenden, 350

Conciliation, with England, 131

Concord, battle, 100

Confederacy, Southern, 346ff.

Confederation: New England, 61f.
See also Articles of
Congregation, religious, 4
Congress: stamp act, 85
continental, 99ff.

under Articles, 139f.
under Constitution, 152
powers of, 153
Connecticut founded, 4ff.
self-government, 49
See also Suffrage
constitutions, state
Conservation, 523ff.

Constitution: formation of, 143ff.

See also Amendment
Constitution, the, 200


state, 109ff., 238ff.,

Constitutional union party, 340

Contract labor law, 584
Convention: 1787, 144ff.
nominating, 405
Convicts, colonial, 15

Conway Cabal, 120

Cornwallis, General, 116, 119, 131

Corporation and labor, 571.

also Trusts

Cotton. See Planting system

Cleveland, Grover, 421, 465, 482, Cowboy, 431ff.

[blocks in formation]

congressional regulation of, 460 ff., Dartmouth College, 45


See also Trusts and Railways

Commission government, 544

Daughters of liberty, 84

Davis, Jefferson, 346ff.

Deane, Silas, 128


[blocks in formation]

Diplomacy of the Revolution, 127ff. Fleet, world tour, 515

Civil War, 354

Domestic industry, 28
Donelson, Fort, 361

Dorr Rebellion, 243

Douglas, Stephen A., 333, 337, 368

Draft: Civil War, 351

World War, 605

Draft riots, 351

Dred Scott case, 335, 338

Drug act, 523

Duquesne, Fort, 60

Dutch, 3, 12

East India Company, 93

Education, 43ff., 557, 591

Electors, popular election of, 245

Elkins law, 547

Emancipation, 357ff.

Embargo acts, 186ff.

England: Colonial policy of, 64ff.

Revolutionary War, 99ff.

Jay treaty, 177

War of 1812, 198ff.

Monroe Doctrine, 206

Ashburton treaty, 265
Civil War, 354
Alabama claims, 480
Samoa, 481

Venezuela question, 482
Spanish War, 496
World War, 596ff.
Erie Canal, 233

Esch-Cummins bill, 582
Espionage act, 607
Excess profits tax, 606

Executive, federal, plans for, 151
Expunging resolution, 260

Farm loan act, 589
Federal reserve act, 589
Federal trade commission, 590

Florida, 134, 204
Foch, General, 611
Food and fuel law, 607

Force bills, 384 ff., 375
Forests, national, 525ff.
Fourteen points, 605

Fox, C. J., 132

France: colonization, 59ff.

French and Indian War, 60ff.

American Revolution, 116, 123, 128ff.

French Revolution, 165ff.

Quarrel with, 180

Napoleonic wars, 193ff.

Louisiana purchase, 190

French Revolution of 1830, 266

Civil War, 354

Mexican affair, 478

World War, 596ff.

Franchises, utility, 548

Franklin, Benjamin, 45, 62, 82, 86,

128, 134

Freedmen. See Negro

Freehold. See Land

Freesoil party, 319

Frémont, J. C., 288, 334

French. See France

Friends, the,

Frontier. See Land
Fugitive slave act, 329

Fulton, Robert, 231, 234
Fundamental articles, 5
Fundamental orders, 5

Gage, General, 95, 100
Garfield, President, 416

Garrison, William Lloyd, 318
Gaspee, the, 92

Gates, General, 116, 120, 131
Genêt, 177

George I, 66

George II, 4, 66, 82

[blocks in formation]

Grenville, 79ff.

Guilford, battle, 117

Habeas corpus, 358

Hague conferences, 514

Haiti, 593

Hughes, Charles E., 602
Huguenots, 10
Hume, David, 132
Hutchinson, Anne, 5

Idaho, admission, 442

Income tax, 459, 466, 528, 588, 606
Inheritance tax, 606

Illinois, admission, 226

Illiteracy, 585

Immigration: colonial, 1-17

before Civil War, 302, 367
after Civil War, 410ff.
problems of, 582ff.

Imperialism, 494ff., 498f., 502ff.
Implied powers, 212

Impressment of seamen, 194

Indentured servants, 13f.

Independence, Declaration of, 107

Indiana, admission, 226

Indians, 57ff., 81, 431

Industry: colonial, 28ff.

growth of, 296ff.

during Civil War, 366

after 1865, 390ff., 401ff., 436ff.,


See also Trusts

Initiative, the, 543

Injunction, 465, 580

Internal improvements, 260, 368

Interstate commerce act, 461, 529
Intolerable acts, 93

Hamilton, Alexander, 95, 143, 158, Invisible government, 537

[blocks in formation]

Joliet, 59

Jones, John Paul, 118
Judiciary: British system, 67
federal, 152

Kansas, admission, 441
Kansas-Nebraska bill, 333
Kentucky admission, 224
Resolutions, 182
King George's War, 59
King Philip's War, 57
King William's War, 59
King's College (Columbia), 45
Knights of Labor, 575ff.
Kosciusko, 121

Ku Klux Klan, 382

Labor: rise of organized, 304
parties, 462ff.
question, 521

American Federation, 573ff.
legislation, 590

World War, 608ff.
Lafayette, 121

La Follette, Senator, 531
Land: tenure 20ff.

sales restricted, 80
Western survey, 219
federal sales policy, 220
Western tenure, 228
disappearance of free, 445
new problems, 449
See also Homestead act

La Salle, 59

Lawrence, Captain, 200
League of Nations, 616ff.

Le Boeuf, Fort, 59

Lee, General Charles, 131
Lee, R. E., 357

Lewis and Clark expedition, 193
Lexington, battle, 100

Liberal Republicans, 420
Liberty loan, 606

Lincoln: Mexican War, 282

Douglas debates, 336f.
election, 341

Civil War, 344ff.

reconstruction, 371
Literacy test, 585
Livingston, R. R., 191
Locke, John, 95
London Company, 3
Long Island, battle, 114
Lords of trade, 67ff.

Louis XVI, 171ff.
Louisiana ceded to Spain, 61
purchase, 190ff.
admission, 227
Loyalists. See Tories
Lusitania, the, 601ff.

McClellan, General, 362, 365
McCulloch vs. Maryland, 211
McKinley, William, 422, 467ff., 489ff.
Macaulay, Catherine, 132
Madison, James, 158, 197ff.

Maine, 325

Maine, the, 490

Manila Bay, battle, 492
Manors, colonial, 22

See Industry

Marbury vs. Madison, 209
Marietta, 220

Marion, Francis, 117, 120
Marquette, 59

Marshall, John, 208ff.
Martineau, Harriet, 267

Maryland, founded, 6, 49, 109, 239, 242
Massachusetts: founded, 3ff.

See also Immigration, Royal prov-
ince, Industry, Revolutionary War,
Constitutions, state, Suffrage, Com-
merce, and Industry

Massachusetts Bay Company, 3
founded, 3ff.

See also Immigration, Royal province

Mayflower compact, 4

Mercantile theory, 69

Merchants. See Commerce

Merrimac, the, 353

Meuse-Argonne, battle, 612
Mexico and Texas, 278ff.
later relations, 594f.
Michigan, admission, 273
Midnight appointees, 187
Milan Decree, 194

Militia, Revolutionary War, 122

Minimum wages, 551

Minnesota, admission, 275

Mississippi River, and West, 189f.

Missouri Compromise, 207, 227, 271,

325, 332

Molasses act, 71

Money, paper, 80, 126, 155, 369

Monitor, the, 353

Monroe, James, 204ff., 191

Monroe Doctrine, 205, 512

Montana, admission, 442

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