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Napoleon in command of troops of
the Convention, 123; commands
army of Italy, 125; expedition to
Egypt, 127; returns to Paris, 128;
first consul, 131; frames new con-
stitution, 132; reforms, 133;
emperor, 134; relations with for-
eign nations, 136; marries Maria
Louisa of Austria, 138; Russian
campaign, 138; abdication, 139;
Waterloo, 141; character, 141.
National Assembly, early meeting
in France, 105; proceedings, 105;
moves to Paris, 106.
National Convention, origin, 107;
meets in the Tuileries, 109; parties
in, 109; proclaims republic, 110;
condemns Louis XVI. to death,
110; under Robespierre and Dan-
ton, 111; proclaims the existence
of a Supreme Being, 116; con-
demns Robespierre, 118, 119; ac-
quires supreme power, 120; meas-
ures, 121; forms constitution, 121;
organizes troops, 123.
National Intelligencer, establish-
ment of, 365.

Natural phenomena, influence on
civilization, 23.
Navigation Act, 300.

New England, settlement of, 293.
New Orleans, founded, 284.
New polity, 47; summary, 395.
New York, founded, 284.
Nice, Council of, 38.
Nobility, titles of, abolished in
France, 106.

Nobles, feudal, in the crusades, 79;
overthrown by Richelieu, 85.
Non-intercourse Law, 370, 371.
Norman Conquest, 155.
Norman lords in England, 160.
Nullification, origin, 360.
Nuremberg, treaty of, 269.

Oath of supremacy, 185.
Odoacer overthrows Empire of the
West, 29.

Orleans, Duke of, guillotined, 113.
Ostrogoths become masters of Italy,


Oxford, Provisions of, 165.

Paganism, end of, 38.

Paine, Tom, pamphlet on Common
Sense," 312.

Papacy, 259; extent of power
during the Middle Ages, 263;
denounced by Luther, 267; edict
of Nantes, 271; opposition of
Descartes, 272; of Richelieu,
275; treaty of Westphalia, 277.
Papal power, decline, 178; statutes
against, 183.

Pariahs, 3.

Paris improved by Philip Augustus,
78; government, 108; under Na-
poleon, 124.

Parliament summoned by barons,
167; legislative functions recog-
nized, 173; privileges, 203;
struggle with James, 204; oppo-
sition to Charles, 208; Long
Parliament, 212; remonstrance
against the crown, 214; victory
over Charles I., 216; turned into
the street by Cromwell, 226;
Barebones Parliament, 227; con-
stitution under Cromwell, 229;
Rump Parliament, 235; under
Charles II., 246; supreme power,

Pastoureaux, devastations by, 78.
Patriots' struggle for power in
France, 125.

Peasants in France, 75.

Penn, William, 284; character, 298.
Peru, early civilization, 9.
Peter the Hermit, 261.
Petition of Right, 208.
Philip Augustus continues struggle
against feudality, 78; improves
Paris, 78.

Philip, Duke of Orleans, character,

Philip, King of Macedonia, anec-
dote concerning, 19.

Philip IV. of France, 79; said to
have raised first standing army,

Physical science, culture of, in
France, 100.

Pisistratus founds the first hospital
for wounded soldiers, 15.
Plato, philosophy of, 17.

Plymouth, landing of Puritans, 284.
Plymouth colony resists mother
country, 299.


Polybius, opinion of government, | Religion of India, 3; of Egypt, 7;

[blocks in formation]

of Europe, 12; of Greece, 21.
Revolution in France, 104; victims,
112; influence, 120; in England,
212; in America, 308; views of
leading men, 311; war, 314.
Revolutionary tribunal formed, 111;
suppressed, 121.

usurps English

Richard I. of England, 161.
Richard II. succeeds to English
throne, 171.
Richard III.
throne, 175.
Richelieu invested with supreme
power, 85; opposition to papacy,

Richmond, Earl of, defeats Richard
III., 175.

Robespierre, character, 109; rules
National Convention, 111; com-
pared with Danton, 113; sacri-
fices Danton, 114; at the head
of France, 115; harangue con-
cerning Supreme Being, 116; in-
fluence, 117; denounced by the
National Convention, 118; ex-
ecuted, 119; comments on, 119,
Roger of Normandy, exploits of, 62.
Rohan, House of, 64.
Roman bishops, 260.
Roman Church separated from
Greek Church, 41.

Roman empire, fall of, 38; assailants
of, 42.

Roman jurisprudence, 27;


ries, 28; consuls, 28; power, 29;
empire, 29.

Romans in Britain, 151.

Rome borrows civilization from
Greece, 26; jurisprudence, 27;
forms of government, 28; height
of power, 29; frontiers, 29.
Root and Branch Men, 216; Inde-
pendents, 216.
Rousseau, works, 98.
Royal government, 296.
Royal power conflicts with nobility,

Royal society, 256.

Royalists' struggle for power in
France, 125.

Rump Parliament, 235.
Russell, Lord, executed, 243.

Russia, alliance against Napoleon, | Tinville, Fouquier, 117; beheaded,

[blocks in formation]

Ship Money created, 210; declared
illegal, 213.

Sieyès, Abbé, 107; created consul,
Siva, 3.

Slavery, 383.

Smith, Adam, 100.

Smith, John, founds Jamestown,

Socrates, character, 17.
Solon, constitution of, 15.
Spain, war with France, 137.
Stafford, Viscount, executed, 241.
Stamp Act, 301; repealed, 303.
Star Chamber abolished, 213.
States General, convoked by Louis
XVI., 105.

Stephen, King of England, 161.
Stock-gambling, origin of, 95.
Stoics, philosophy of, 20.
Strafford, Earl of, executed, 213.

Stuarts, beginning of the reign of,
Sudras, 2.
Summary, 393.

Suzerain, definition of, 56.
Sydney, Algernon, conspires against
Charles II., 241; executed, 243.

Tacitus, opinion of government, 27,

Taxation vested in commonalty,

167; declared tyrannical without
representation, 299.

Tea thrown overboard in Boston
harbor, 304.

Test Act, 245; annulled, 250.
Thanes, 152.

Thiers's comments on the French
Revolution, 114, 115.


Tory party, origin, 243.
Tournaments, origin, 59.

Treaty of Westphalia, 277.
Tropical climates, character of, 22;
influence on civilization, 23, 25.
Tuileries sacked by the mob, 108.
Tyndal, 270.

[ocr errors]

United States colonial epoch, 283;
mother country renounced, 299;
Declaration of Independence, 308;
Revolutionary War, 314; con-
dition of the states in 1776, 316;
confederation, 318; peace, 323
failure of the confederation, 325;
Constitutional Convention, 328;
new constitution, 330; presidency
of Washington, 338; of John
Adams, 356; of Jefferson, 363;
commercial treaty with Eng-
land, 367; Embargo law, 369;
presidency of Madison, 371; war
with England, 372; presidency of
Monroe, Missouri Compromise,
385; presidency of John Quincy
Adams, 387; summary, 400.
Universal suffrage, 133.

Vandals accept Christianity, 41.
Vedas, 1.

Virginia, landing of English, 284.
Vishnu, 3.

Vitry burned, 78.

Voltaire, character, 99.

Waldenses, 264.

Wales annexed to England, 168.
War of the Two Roses, 175.
Warwick, Earl of, 174.
Washington, George, commands
American forces, 308; letter to
Captain Mackenzie, 311; vic-
tories at Trenton and Princeton,
317; letter to Congress, 319; char-
aoter, 321; views of the confed-
eracy, 326; letter to Lafayette,
327; president of the Constitu-
tional Convention, 328; presi-
dency of, 338; relations with
Jefferson, 350; farewell address,

Wat, leader of insurgents, 171.

Waterloo, 141.

Wentworth, Peter, sent to the Tower,

Whig party, origin, 243.
Wickliffe, 264.

William, Marquis of Montferrat, 66.
William of Normandy, deeds of,
61; lands at Hastings, 155; in-
troduces feudal system into Eng-
land, 155; character, 158; death,
William, Prince of Orange, 251;
accepts English crown, 252.

William Rufus, succeeds to English
throne, 160.

Williams, Roger, 293.
Windsor Castle, built, 171.
Winthrop, Governor, views of lib-
erty and order, 292.
Wolsey, Cardinal, 180; disgraced,

Woolsack, origin, 205.
Worcester, battle of, 225.

Yorktown, capitulation, 323.








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