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Bacterium coli (Escherich). L. and N.

I. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. × 60. Cultivated from pus. Deep colonies of abnormal form.

II. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°.

III. Gelatin plate, one day at 22°.

Natural size.

X 90. Superficial colony. Compare also Plate 14, VIII; Plate 16, VIII. IV. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. X 60. Superficial colony. Compare also Plate 16, Ix; Plate 17, I, II. V. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°.


VI. Gelatin plate, ten days at 22°.


VII. Gelatin plate, ten days at 22o.


X 60. Deep colo

X 90. Superficial

× 90. Superficial

VIII. Microscopic preparation. Pure culture from agar plate. X 500.

IX. Different varieties of coli bacteria. X 1000. Variable sizes.


[blocks in formation]

I. Agar streak culture, seven days at 22°.

II. Gelatin stab culture, fourteen days at 22°.

III. Gelatin plate, seven days at 22°. X 60. To the right deep, to the left superficial colonies.

IV. Potato culture, thirty days at 22°. Natural size. V. Agar plate, seven days at 22°. X 60. To the right a superficial, to the left a deep colony.

VI. Microscopic preparation. Pure culture on agar, twenty-four hours old. X about 800.

Bacterium hæmorrhagicum (Kolb). L. and N.
(Morbus Werlhofii.)

VII. Microscopic preparation. Pure culture from bouillon, three days old. (Copied after Kolb, A. G., Bd. vII, Plate II, Figs. 1 and 2.)

VIII. Smear preparation from the liver of a dog. (Copied after Kolb, l. c., Bd. vII, Plate III, Fig. 8.)

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